// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \previouspage design-viewer-single-page-navigation.html \page studio-exporting-and-importing.html \nextpage qtbridge-overview.html \title Asset Creation with Other Tools Typically, you as a designer would like to use specialized UI design tools, such as Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, Blender, or Maya, and then send the design to a developer for functionality implementation. Here you can use the \QB export tool to convert 2D or 3D assets for \QDS. You can import the assets into \QDS. There you can also edit them more if needed. You can then submit the UI to the developer for adding further functionality to the application. The following image describes the workflow in a basic way using \QBPS and \QDS: \image studio-workflow.png The workflow consists of the following steps: \list 1 \li Export your design from a design tool into a metadata format supported by \QDS. \li \l{Creating Projects}{Create a project} in \QDS and import the metadata file to it. \li Edit the imported components and create more components in the \l {2D} and \l {3D} view. \li Animate your design in \l {Transitions} or \l Timeline and \l {Curves}. \li Create interactions in \l States and \l {Connections}. \li \l{Validating with Target Hardware}{Preview} your design in real time, on the desktop or on a mobile or an embedded device. \endlist For more information, watch a video that shows how to perform the tasks above: \youtube pEETxSxYazg \list \li \l {Exporting from Design Tools} Export designs containing 2D and 3D assets into a metadata format that you can import to projects in \QDS. \li \l{Importing Designs} Import assets that you exported from design tools to a \QDS project and edit them in the \uicontrol Design mode to create a UI. \endlist */