// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \previouspage external-tool-spec.html \page qtcreator-documentation.html \nextpage coding-style.html \title Writing Documentation When you add plugins or contribute new features to \QC, you probably want other people to know about them and to be able to use them. Therefore, you should also contribute documentation for them. Follow the guidelines in this section to make sure that your documentation fits in well with the rest of the \QC documentation. When you contribute a plugin, you should write documentation both for the developers who use \QC and for the ones who develop it. Write the following user documentation for addition to the \QC Manual or as a separate Plugin Manual if your plugin is located in a repository of its own: \list \li Overview topic, which describes the purpose of your plugin from the viewpoint of \QC users \li Procedure topics, which describe how to use your plugin as part of \QC \li Reference topics, which contain information that developers occasionally need to look up (optional) \endlist Write the following developer documentation for addition to the Extending \QC Manual: \list \li Overview topic, which describes the architecture and use cases for your plugin from the viewpoint of \QC developers \li API documentation, which is generated from code comments \endlist \section1 Configuring Documentation Projects \QC documentation is written by using QDoc. For more information about using QDoc, see the \l{https://doc.qt.io/qt/qdoc-index.html}{QDoc Manual}. QDoc finds the new topics automatically, when you place them as \c {.qdoc} files in a doc source folder. However, to make the topics accessible to readers, you must also add them to the table of contents and fix the next page and previous page links to them from other topics. \section1 Creating Folders and Files The \c qtcreator repository contains the sources for building the following documents: \list \li \QC Manual \li Extending \QC Manual \li \QDS Manual \endlist The sources for each project are stored in the following subfolders of the \QC project folder: \list \li \c \doc\qtcreator\src \li \c \doc\qtcreatordev\src \li \c \doc\qtdesignstudio\src \endlist The \QDS Manual is based on the \QC Manual, with additional topics. The Extending \QC Manual has its own sources. In addition, it pulls in API reference documentation from the \QC source files. Add code documentation directly to the code source files. However, you can write an API overview also as a separate \c {.qdoc} file. Create a subfolder for your documentation in the appropriate \c src folder. Create a separate file for each topic. The easiest way is probably to copy an existing file, save it as a new file, and modify it. This way, you already have samples of the necessary bits and pieces in place, such as topic start and end commands, copyright statement, links to next and previous topics, and topic title. \section1 Integrating Topics to Documentation You must integrate your new topics to the manuals by adding links to them to the table of contents and to other relevant topics. To link to the topic, you can use the topic title. For example: \badcode \l{Integrating Topics to Documentation} \endcode This does not work if topic titles are not unique. Also, if you change the title, the link breaks. You can avoid this risk by adding the \c {\target} command to your topic and then linking to the target. \section2 Showing and Hiding Information \QDS uses only a subset of \QC plugins and it has its own special plugins. This means that their manuals have somewhat different structures. Which, in turn breaks the navigation links to previous and next pages. This also means that some of the \QC Manual source files are not needed at all and some contain information that does not apply to the \QDS Manual. If QDoc parsed all the \QC Manual sources, it would generate HTML files for each topic and include those files and all the images that they refer to in the \QDS help compilation files. This would unnecessarily increase the size of the \QDS help database and pollute the help index with references to files that are not actually listed in the table of contents of the \QDS Manual. To avoid this, some files are excluded from the \QDS Manual builds. \section3 Excluding Source Files from \QDS Manual Builds The directories to exclude from \QDS Manual builds are listed as values of the \c excludedirs option in \c {\doc\qtdesignstudio\config\qtdesignstudio.qdocconf}. You only need to edit the values of the option if you want to show or hide all the contents of a directory. For example, if you add support for a \QC plugin that was previously not supported by \QDS, you should remove the directory that contains the documentation for the plugin from the values. To hide or show individual topics within individual \c {.qdoc} files, you need to move the files in the \QC Manual source (\c \doc\qtcreator\src) to or from the excluded directories. For example, if support for iOS were added, you would need to check whether the information about iOS support is applicable to \QDS Manual. If yes, you would need to remove the following line from the \c excludedirs value: \badcode ../../src/ios \ \endcode You would then use defines to hide any \QC specific information from the source file in the directory. If a directory contains some files that are needed in both manuals and some that are only needed in the \QC Manual, the latter are located in a subdirectory called \c {creator-only}, which is excluded from the \QDS Manual builds. \section3 Hiding Text in \QC Manual Sources The \c qtcreator define is specified as a value of the \c defines option in the \QC QDoc configuration file, \c {\doc\qtcreator\config\qtcreator-project.qdocconf}. It is mostly used in the \QC Manual sources to hide \QC specific information when the \QDS Manual is built. The \c {\else} command is sometimes used to replace some \QC specific text with text that applies to \QDS. For example, the following \c if-else statement is needed in the \QC Manual sources because the project wizards in \QDS are different from those in \QC, and are therefore described in a new topic that is located in the \QDS Manual sources: \badcode For more information, see \if defined(qtcreator) \l{Creating Qt Quick Projects}. \else \l{Creating UI Prototype Projects}. \endif \endcode \note Section titles in the two manuals can be identical only if the page is excluded from the \QDS Manual. In this case, QDoc can correctly determine the link target. If you add a link to a section title that appears twice in the doc source files, QDoc uses the first reference to that title in the \c {.index} file. \section3 Writing About \QDS Specific Features \QDS specific plugins and features are described in a set of doc source files located in the \c {\doc\qtdesignstudio\src} directory. Some files are used to include subsections in topics in the \QC Manual sources. Screenshots and other illustrations are stored in the \c {\qtdesignstudio\images} directory. If you add new topics to the \QDS Manual, add links to them to the table of contents in \c {qtdesignstudio-toc.qdoc} and check the values of the navigation links around them. \section3 Including Sections in \QC Manual Sources \QMLD is an integral part of both \QC and \QDS. Therefore, most topics that describe it are needed in the manuals of both tools. You can use the \c {\include} command in the \QC Manual sources to include \c {.qdocinc} files from the \QDS Manual sources when building the \QDS Manual. For example, the following lines in the \c {\doc\qtcreator\src\qtquick\qtquick-components.qdoc} file add information about creating and using \QDS Components to the \e {Creating Components} topic that is pulled from the \QC Manual sources: \badcode \if defined(qtdesignstudio) \include qtdesignstudio-components.qdocinc creating studio components \include qtdesignstudio-components.qdocinc studio components \endif \endcode Similarly, you can use include files to include subsections in different main level topics in the two manuals. \section2 Updating Next and Previous Links When you add new topics to a document, you must also change the navigation links of the topics around them. The navigation order of the topics in the \QC Manual is specified in \c {\doc\qtcreator\src\qtcreator-toc.qdoc} and that of the topics in the \QDS Manual in \c {\doc\qtdesignstudio\src\qtdesignstudio-toc.qdoc}. If you add topics to or move them around in a TOC file, you must adjust the navigation links accordingly. The \c qtdesignstudio define is specified as a value of the \c defines option in the \QDS Manual configuration file, \c {qtcreator\doc\qtdesignstudio\config\qtdesignstudio.qdocconf}. It is mostly used in the \QC Manual sources to specify values for the \c {\previouspage} and \c {\nextpage} commands depending on whether the \QDS Manual or \QC Manual is being built. For example, the following \c if-else statement is needed because only the Git version control system is integrated to \QDS, and information about the other systems integrated to \QC is hidden: \badcode \page creator-vcs-git.html \if defined(qtdesignstudio) \previouspage studio-projects.html \nextpage studio-importing-designs.html \else \previouspage creator-vcs-cvs.html \nextpage creator-vcs-mercurial.html \endif \endcode \section1 Adding Documentation for Independent Plugins You can develop \QC plugins in separate repositories. Such plugins should have their own help files (.qch) that are installed and registered only if the plugin is installed. The easiest way to set up the documentation project for an independent plugin is to copy it from an existing repository, such as the \l{https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt-creator/plugin-fossil-scm.git/} {Fossil plugin}, and then make the necessary changes. Use the following naming scheme for \QC plugin manuals: \e {\QC Plugin Manual}. For example, \e{\QC Fossil Plugin Manual}. \section1 Writing Text Follow the guidelines for \l{http://wiki.qt.io/Writing_Qt_Documentation}{writing Qt documentation}. The documentation must be grammatically correct English and use the standard form of written language. Do not use dialect or slang words. Use idiomatic language, that is, expressions that are characteristic for English. If possible, ask a native English speaker for a review. \section2 Capitalizing Headings Use the book title capitalization style for all titles and section headings (\c {\title}, \c {\section1}, \c {\section2}, and so on). For more information, see \l{Using Book Style Capitalization}. \section1 Using Images You can illustrate your documentation by using screen shots, diagrams, and other images. Use the \c {\image} and \c {\inlineimage} QDoc commands to refer to images from the text. You do not need to add paths to image names. For example: \badcode \image riot.png \endcode \section2 Taking Screen Shots \QC has the native look and feel on Windows, Linux, and \macos, and therefore, screen shots can end up looking very different, depending on who takes them and which system they use. To try to preserve a consistent look and feel in the \QC Manual, observe the guidelines listed in this section when taking screen shots. \note Do not rely on screen shots present reasonable example values to users, but always place example values also in the text. \list \li Use the screen resolution of 1920x1080 (available on the most commonly used screens, as of this writing). \note Use display scaling 100%. \li Use your favorite tool to take the screen shot. \li Include only the part of the screen that you need (you can crop the image also in the screen capture tool). In \QDS, close all unnecessary views to avoid clutter. \li Do not scale or resize the images in the tool because it causes reduced visual quality and bigger file size. Also, the CSS we use online scales down images if needed (their width is larger than 800 pixels). \li To highlight parts of the screen shot, use the images of numbers that are stored in \c{qtcreator/doc/qtcreator/images/numbers} in the \QC repository. \li Before you submit PNG images to the repository, optimize them to save space. \endlist \section2 Hightlighting Parts of the Screen You can use number icons in screenshots to highlight parts of the screenshot (instead of using red arrows or borders, or something similar). You can then refer to the numbers in text. For an example, see the \l{https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-quick-tour.html}{User Interface} topic in the \QC Manual. This improves the consistency of the look and feel of Qt documentation, and eliminates the need to describe parts of the UI in the text because you can just insert the number of the element you are referring to in brackets. You can find a set of images that show the numbers from 1 to 10 in the \c qtcreator/doc/qtcreator/images/numbers directory (or in the \c qtdoc module sources in \c doc/images/numbers). To use the numbers, copy-paste the number images on the screenshot to the places that you want to refer to from text. \section2 Icons The \l{https://doc.qt.io/}{Qt Documentation} published online can be viewed in dark and light modes. To make the icons used in the docs visible in both modes, save icon files as gray-scale images with a transparent background in the following locations, depending on whether they are used in both manuals or just the \QDS Manual: \list \li \c qtcreator/doc/qtcreator/images/icons - used in the \QC Manual \li \c qtcreator/doc/qtdesignstudio/images/icons - used only in the \QDS Manual \endlist If you receive a large number of icons that are not visible in either light or dark mode or have a solid background, run the \c recolordocsicons.py Python script from the \c src/tools/icons/ directory. By default, the script recolors icons in \c qtcreator/doc/qtcreator/images/icons. Use the \c -docspath option to specify the path to another icon source directory. For example, if you saved the new icons in \c {C:\iconconversions}, switch to the \c {qtcreator\src\tools\icons} folder and enter: \badcode recolordocsicons.py -docspath C:\iconconversions \endcode To run the script, you will need to install the following tools and add them to the PATH: \list \li Python 3.x (the script has been tested to work with 3.10) \li ImageMagick \li optipng \endlist \section2 Saving Images Save images in PNG or WebP format in the \QC project folder in the \c doc/qtcreator/images or \c doc/qtdesignstudio/images folder. Binary images can easily add megabytes to the Git history. To keep the history as small as possible, the Git post-commit hooks remind you to try to keep image file size below 50 kilobytes. To achieve this goal, crop images so that only relevant information is visible in them. If your screenshot contains lots of colorful content or a photo, for example, consider saving it in WebP format for a smaller image file size. \section2 Optimizing Images Before committing PNG images, optimize them by using an image optimization tool. Optimization should not visibly reduce image quality. If it does, try saving the image as WebP instead. You can use a web service, such as \l{https://tinypng.com}, or an image optimization tool to shrink PNG images. For example, you can use the Radical Image Optimization Tool (RIOT) or OptiPNG on Windows, ImageOptim on \macos, or some other tool available on Linux. With ImageOptim, you simply drag and drop the image files to the application. The following section describes the settings to use for RIOT. \section3 Using RIOT Download and install \l{http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/}{RIOT}. \image riot.png Open your images in RIOT and use the following settings for them: \list \li Color reduction: Optimal 256 colors palette \li Reduce colors to: 256 \li Best compression (slow) \li Color quantization algorithm: NeuQuant neural-net (slow) \li External optimizers: OptiPNG o3 \endlist Compare the initial and optimized images to check that image quality is preserved. If the image quality deteriorates, do not use color reduction (select the \uicontrol {True Color} option, instead). You can also see the sizes of the initial and optimized image. \section3 Using OptiPNG Download and install \l{https://sourceforge.net/projects/optipng/}{OptiPNG}. OptiPNG is a command-line tool that you can invoke from the \QC project folder (or any folder that contains your project). To optimize a screenshot, enter the following command (here, from the \QC project folder): \badcode optipng -o 7 -strip all doc/images/ \endcode \section2 Creating GIF Videos Sometimes it is easier to explain how something works by recording a short GIF video. You can use any tool you like, for example \l {https://www.screentogif.com/}{ScreenToGif}. GIF videos are typically bigger than screenshots, so try to make them as short and to the point as you can. Use the \c {\image} command to add GIF files to the documentation. \section2 Linking to Youtube Videos You can use the \c {\youtube} macro to link to a video on Youtube. The HTML docs show a thumbnail of the video with a play button. The support for the macro is defined in the \c {qtcreator\doc\config\macros.qdocconf} and \c {qtcreator\doc\config\macros-online.qdocconf} files. To use the macro, you need to save a thumbnail of the video in \c {qtcreator\doc\qtcreator\images\extraimages\images}. You can use the following URL to open the thumbnail image in a browser: \c {https://img.youtube.com/vi//0.jpg}. The \e {} is the ID of the video on Youtube. For example, if the URL to the video is \c {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ihYeC0YJ0M&feature=youtu.be}, the ID is \c 9ihYeC0YJ0M. Save the image file as \c {9ihYeC0YJ0M.jpg}. You must add the filename of the thumbnail file to \c {qtcreator-extraimages.qdocconf} and \c {qtdesignstudio-extraimages.qdocconf} files in the \c {\qtcreator\doc\qtcreator\images\extraimages} folder. If you'll only link to the video from the \QC Manual or the \QDS Manual, you'll only need to add the thumbnail filename to the \c extraimages.qdocconf file for that project. For example, to enable linking to a video with the thumbnail filename \c 9ihYeC0YJ0M.jpg in the \QDS Manual, the \c {qtdesignstudio-extraimages.qdocconf} file should contain the filename: \code {HTML.extraimages,qhp.qtdesignstudio.extraFiles} += \ images/commercial.png \ images/9ihYeC0YJ0M.jpg \endcode To add a link to the video in text, you would write: \code \youtube 9ihYeC0YJ0M \endcode \note Leave out the filename extension when referring to the thumbnail. \section1 Building Documentation You use QDoc to build the documentation. Build the documentation before submitting any documentation patches, to check its structure, contents, and the validity of the QDoc commands. The error messages that QDoc issues are generally very useful for troubleshooting. \section2 Setting Up Documentation Builds You can use an installed Qt version to build the documentation. The content and formatting of documentation are separated in QDoc. The documentation configuration, style sheets, and templates have changed over time, so they differ between Qt and \QC versions. The templates to use are defined by the \c {qt5/qtbase/doc/global/qt-html-templates-offline.qdocconf} and \c {qt5/qtbase/doc/global/qt-html-templates-online.qdocconf} configuration file. They are fetched from Qt sources by adding the following lines to the qdocconf file: \list \li \c {include ($QT_INSTALL_DOCS/global/qt-html-templates-offline.qdocconf)} for help files \li \c {include ($QT_INSTALL_DOCS/global/qt-html-templates-online.qdocconf)} for publishing on the web \endlist \note If the styles look wrong to you when reading help files in \QC or \QA, you might be using the QTextBrowser as the help engine backend instead of litehtml. For more information, see \l {https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-help.html#selecting-the-help-viewer-backend} {Selecting the Help Viewer Backend}. To build documentation for the sources from the \c qtcreator master branch, use build scripts defined in the doc.pri file. You can build the docs using either the offline or online style. The offline style is used for generating HTML files included in help files (.qch), whereas the online style is used at \l{https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/index.html}{doc.qt.io}. \section3 Using CMake When using CMake, the docs are built in the \QC \e {build folder} or a separate doc build folder, not in the project folder. To get the correct product name and version when building \QDS Manual, you must run CMake with the branding option. The branding data is located in the \QDS (private) repository, \c tqtc-plugin-qtquickdesigner. To build docs with CMake in a separate doc build folder: \list 1 \li Create a folder for the built docs and switch to it. For example, \c {C:\dev\qtc-doc-build}. \li In the doc build folder, enter the following command: \badcode cmake -DWITH_DOCS=ON "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=" \endcode For example (all on one line): \badcode C:\dev\qtc-doc-build>cmake -DWITH_DOCS=ON "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\6.4.0\msvc2019_64" C:\dev\qtc-super\qtcreator \endcode \li To also build Extending \QC Manual, add the following option: \c {-DBUILD_DEVELOPER_DOCS=ON} \li To also build the \QDS Manual, add the following option: \c {"-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/studiodata/branding/"} For example: \badcode C:\dev\qtc-doc-build>cmake -DWITH_DOCS=ON -DBUILD_DEVELOPER_DOCS=ON "-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=C:\dev\tqtc-plugin-qtquickdesigner\studiodata\branding" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\6.4.0\msvc2019_64" C:\dev\qtc-super\qtcreator \endcode \li To build the docs using the online style, use the following option instead of \c {-DWITH_DOCS=ON}: \c {-DWITH_ONLINE_DOCS=ON} For example: \badcode C:\dev\qtc-doc-build>cmake -DWITH_ONLINE_DOCS=ON -DBUILD_DEVELOPER_DOCS=ON "-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=C:\dev\tqtc-plugin-qtquickdesigner\studiodata\branding" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\Qt\6.4.0\msvc2019_64" C:\dev\qtc-super\qtcreator \endcode \note If you already ran CMake \c {-DWITH_DOCS=ON} in a folder and want to switch to only online docs in that folder, you need to turn the offline docs off again: \badcode cmake -DWITH_DOCS=OFF -DWITH_ONLINE_DOCS=ON \endcode \li Enter the following doc build command to build both HTML docs and the help files (.qch): \badcode cmake --build . --target docs \endcode \li Alternatively, to build only the HTML docs, enter: \badcode cmake --build . --target html_docs \endcode \endlist \note You can enter \c cmake-gui to open the graphical CMake configuration tool, where you can select build options. The HTML files for the documentation are generated in the following folders: \list \li \c doc/html/qtcreator \li \c doc/html/qtcreator-dev \li \c doc/html/qtdesignstudio \li \c doc/html/qtcreator-online \li \c doc/html/qtcreator-dev-online \li \c doc/html/qtdesignstudio-online \endlist The help files (\c {.qch}) are generated in the \c {share/doc/qtcreator} folder or in the \c {.app/Contents/Resources/doc\} folder on \macos. You can view the HTML files in a browser and the help files in the \QC \uicontrol Help mode. For more information about adding the help files to \QC, see \l{http://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-help.html#adding-external-documentation} {Adding External Documentation}. \section2 Additional Build Commands Besides \c docs and \c html_docs, you can use the following build targets: \list \li \c html_docs_ - build the document (qtcreator/ qtcreator-dev/qtdesignstudio) in help format, but do not generate a help file (.qch) \li \c html_docs_-online - build the document (qtcreator/qtcreator-dev/qtdesignstudio) in online format \li \c qch_docs_ - build the document (qtcreator/ qtcreator-dev/qtdesignstudio) in help format and generate a help file \endlist */