/**************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (info@qt.nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Free Documentation License ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Free ** Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file included in the packaging of this ** file. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at info@qt.nokia.com. ** ****************************************************************************/ // ********************************************************************** // NOTE: the sections are not ordered by their logical order to avoid // reshuffling the file each time the index order changes (i.e., often). // Run the fixnavi.pl script to adjust the links to the index order. // ********************************************************************** /*! \contentspage{index.html}{Qt Creator} \page index.html \nextpage creator-overview.html \title Qt Creator Manual \section1 Version \qtcversion Qt Creator provides a cross-platform, complete integrated development environment (IDE) for application developers to create applications for multiple desktop and mobile device platforms. It is available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. For more information, see \l{Operating Systems and Supported Platforms}. \note Please report bugs and suggestions to the \l{http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com}{Qt Bug Tracker}. You can also join the Qt Creator mailing list at: \l{http://lists.qt.nokia.com}{http://lists.qt.nokia.com}. \raw HTML \endraw \list \o \l{Introducing Qt Creator} \o \l{Qt Creator User Interface} \o \l{Getting Started} \list \o \l{Building and Running an Example Application} \o \l{Creating a Qt Widget Based Application} \o \l{Creating a Mobile Application with Qt SDK} \o \l{Creating a Qt Quick Application} \endlist \o \l{Managing Projects} \list \o \l{Creating a Project} \o \l{Opening a Project} \o \l{Adding Libraries to Projects} \o \l{Connecting Maemo and MeeGo Harmattan Devices} \o \l{Connecting Generic Linux Devices} \o \l{Connecting Symbian Devices} \o \l{Managing Sessions} \endlist \o \l{Coding} \list \o \l{Using the Editor} \o \l{Semantic Highlighting} \o \l{Checking Code Syntax} \o \l{Completing Code} \o \l{Indenting Code} \o \l{Finding and Replacing} \o \l{Refactoring} \o \l{Using Qt Quick Toolbars} \o \l{Searching With the Locator} \o \l{Pasting and Fetching Code Snippets} \o \l{Using Text Editing Macros} \o \l{Configuring the Editor} \o \l{Using FakeVim Mode} \endlist \o \l{Developing Application UI} \list \o \l{Developing Qt Quick Applications} \list \o \l {Creating Qt Quick Projects} \o \l {Using Qt Quick Designer} \o \l {Creating Components} \o \l {Creating Buttons} \o \l {Creating Scalable Buttons and Borders} \o \l {Creating Screens} \o \l {Animating Screens} \o \l {Adding User Interaction Methods} \o \l {Exporting Designs from Graphics Software} \o \l {Implementing Application Logic} \o \l {Using QML Modules with Plugins} \endlist \o \l{Developing Widget Based Applications} \o \l{Optimizing Applications for Mobile Devices} \endlist \o \l{Building and Running Applications} \list \o \l{Building Applications for Multiple Targets} \o \l{Running Applications on Multiple Targets} \o \l{Specifying Build Settings} \list \o \l{Adding Qt Versions} \o \l{Adding Tool Chains} \endlist \o \l{Specifying Run Settings} \o \l{Specifying Editor Settings} \o \l{Specifying Code Style Settings} \o \l{Specifying Dependencies} \endlist \o \l{Debugging} \list \o \l{Debugging the Example Application} \o \l{Launching the Debugger} \o \l{Interacting with the Debugger} \o \l{Setting Up Debugger} \o \l{Using Debugging Helpers} \o \l{Debugging Qt Quick Projects} \o \l{Troubleshooting Debugger} \endlist \o \l{Analyzing Code} \list \o \l{Profiling QML Applications} \o \l{Detecting Memory Leaks} \o \l{Profiling Function Execution} \o \l{Running Valgrind Tools Remotely} \endlist \o \l{Deploying Applications to Mobile Devices} \list \o \l{Deploying Applications to Symbian Devices} \o \l{Deploying Applications to Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Devices} \o \l{Publishing Maemo Applications to Extras-devel} \o \l{Publishing Applications to Ovi Store} \o \l{Building with Remote Compiler} \endlist \o \l{Getting Help} \o \l{Advanced Use} \list \o \l{Operating Systems and Supported Platforms} \o \l{Adding New Custom Wizards} \o \l{Setting Up a CMake Project} \o \l{Setting Up a Generic Project} \o \l{Using Version Control Systems} \o \l{Adding Qt Designer Plugins} \o \l{Using External Tools} \o \l{Using Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Emulator} \o \l{Editing MIME Types} \o \l{Showing Task List Files in the Build Issues Pane} \o \l{Using Command Line Options} \o \l{Keyboard Shortcuts} \endlist \o \l{FAQ} \o \l{Tips and Tricks} \o \l{Known Issues} \o \l{Technical Support} \o \l{Glossary} \o \l{Acknowledgements} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage index.html \page creator-overview.html \nextpage creator-quick-tour.html \title Introducing Qt Creator Qt Creator is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides you with tools to design and develop applications with the Qt application framework. Qt is designed for developing applications and user interfaces once and deploying them across several desktop and mobile operating systems. Qt Creator provides you with tools for accomplishing your tasks throughout the whole application development life-cycle, from creating a project to deploying the application on the target platforms. \image qtcreator-overview.png "Qt Creator overview" \section1 Cross-platform Development One of the major advantages of Qt Creator is that it allows a team of developers to share a project across different development platforms with a common tool for development and debugging. The recommended way to build a project is to use a version control system. Store and edit only project source files and the .pro and .pri files (for qmake) or CMakeLists.txt and *.cmake files (for CMake). Do not store files generated by the build system or Qt Creator, such as makefiles, .pro.user, and object files. Other approaches are possible, but we recommend that you do not use network resources, for example. Qt Creator allows you to specify separate build settings for each development platform. By default, \l{glossary-shadow-build}{shadow builds} are used to keep the build specific files separate from the source. You can create separate versions of project files to keep platform-dependent code separate. You can use qmake \l{http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.7/qmake-tutorial.html#adding-platform-specific-source-files}{scopes} to select the file to process depending on which platform qmake is run on. Items such as open files, breakpoints, and evaluated expressions are stored in sessions. They are not considered to be part of the information shared across platforms. \section1 Creating Projects But why do you need projects? To be able to build and run applications, Qt Creator needs the same information as a compiler would need. This information is specified in the project build and run settings. Creating a project allows you to: \list \o Group files together \o Add custom build steps \o Include forms and resource files \o Specify settings for running applications \endlist Setting up a new project in Qt Creator is aided by a wizard that guides you step-by-step through the project creation process. In the first step, you select the type of the project from the categories: Qt Quick project, Qt widget project, or other project. Next, you select a location for the project and specify settings for it. \image qtcreator-new-qt-quick-project-wizard.png When you have completed the steps, Qt Creator automatically generates the project with required headers, source files, user interface descriptions and project files, as defined by the wizard. For example, if you choose to create a Qt Quick application, Qt Creator generates a QML file that you can modify with the integrated \QMLD. \section2 Adding Libraries In addition to Qt libraries, you can link your application to other libraries, such as system libraries or your own libraries. Further, your own libraries might link to other libraries. To be able to compile your project, you must add the libraries to your project. This also enables code completion and syntax highlighting for the libraries. The procedure of adding a library to a project depends on the build system that you use. \section2 Version Control Systems Qt Creator uses the version control system's command line clients to access your repositories. The following version control systems are supported: \list \o Git \o Subversion \o Perforce \o CVS \o Mercurial \o Bazaar \endlist The functions available to you in Qt Creator depend on the version control system. Basic functions are available for all the supported systems. They include comparing files with the latest versions stored in the repository and displaying the differences, viewing versioning history and change details, annotating files, and committing and reverting changes. \section1 Designing User Interfaces Qt Creator provides two integrated visual editors, \QMLD and \QD. \image qtcreator-ui-designers.png "Qt Quick Designer and Qt Designer" Large high-resolution screens, touch input, and significant graphics power are becoming common in portable consumer devices, such as mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes, and netbooks. To fully benefit from these features and to create intuitive, modern-looking, fluid user interfaces, you can use \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtquick.html}{Qt Quick}. Qt Quick consists of a rich set of user interface elements, a declarative language for describing user interfaces, and a language runtime. A collection of C++ APIs is used to integrate these high level features with classic Qt applications. You can edit QML code in the code editor or in the integrated \QMLD. The integration includes project management and code completion. If you need a traditional user interface that is clearly structured and enforces a platform look and feel, you can use the integrated \QD. You can compose and customize your widgets or dialogs and test them using different styles and resolutions. \section1 Code Editor As an IDE, Qt Creator differs from a text editor in that it knows how to build and run applications. It understands the C++ and QML languages as code, not just as plain text. This allows it to: \list \o Enable you to write well formatted code \o Anticipate what you are going to write and complete the code \o Display inline error and warning messages \o Enable you to semantically navigate to classes, functions, and symbols \o Provide you with context-sensitive help on classes, functions, and symbols \o Rename symbols in an intelligent way, so that other symbols with the same name that belong to other scopes are not renamed \o Show you the locations in code where a function is declared or called \endlist You can use the code editor to write code in Qt C++ or in the QML declarative programming language. QML is an extension to JavaScript, that provides a mechanism to declaratively build an object tree of QML elements. QML improves the integration between JavaScript and Qt's existing QObject based type system, adds support for automatic property bindings and provides network transparency at the language level. \section1 Building Qt Creator is integrated with cross-platform systems for build automation: qmake and CMake. In addition, you can import generic projects that do not use qmake or CMake, and specify that Qt Creator ignores your build system. Qt Creator provides support for building and running Qt applications for desktop environment (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS) and mobile devices (Symbian, Maemo, and MeeGo Harmattan). Build settings allow you to quickly switch between build targets. When you install the \QSDK, the build and run settings for the Harmattan, Maemo, and Symbian targets are set up automatically. However, you need to install and configure some additional software on the devices to be able to connect to them from the development PC. \note The only supported build system for mobile applications in Qt Creator is qmake. \section1 Testing If you install Qt Creator as part of \QSDK, the GNU Symbolic Debugger is installed automatically and you should be ready to start debugging after you create a new project. However, you can change the setup to use debugging tools for Windows, for example. You can connect mobile devices to your development PC and debug processes running on the devices. You can use code analysis tools to detect memory leaks, profile cache usage, and profile Qt Quick applications. You can test applications that are intended for mobile devices in the Qt Simulator and Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan emulator, but you also need to test the applications on real devices. \section2 Debuggers Qt Creator is integrated to several external native debuggers: \list \o GNU Symbolic Debugger (GDB) \o Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB) \o internal JavaScript debugger \endlist You can use the Qt Creator \gui Debug mode to inspect the state of your application while debugging. You can interact with the debugger in several ways, including the following: \list \o Go through a program line-by-line or instruction-by-instruction. \o Interrupt running programs. \o Set breakpoints. \o Examine the contents of the call stack. \o Examine and modify registers and memory contents of the debugged program. \o Examine and modify registers and memory contents of local and global variables. \o Examine the list of loaded shared libraries. \o Create snapshots of the current state of the debugged program and re-examine them later. \endlist Qt Creator displays the raw information provided by the native debuggers in a clear and concise manner with the goal to simplify the debugging process as much as possible without losing the power of the native debuggers. In addition to the generic IDE functionality provided by stack view, views for locals and expressions, registers, and so on, Qt Creator includes features to make debugging Qt-based applications easy. The debugger plugin understands the internal layout of several Qt classes, for example, QString, the Qt containers, and most importantly QObject (and classes derived from it), as well as most containers of the C++ Standard Library and some GCC and Symbian extensions. This deeper understanding is used to present objects of such classes in a useful way. \section3 QML Script Console You can use the Qt Creator \gui Debug mode to inspect the state of the application while debugging JavaScript functions. You can set breakpoints, view call stack trace, and examine locals and expressions. When the application is interrupted by a breakpoint, you can use the \gui {QML Script Console} to execute JavaScript expressions in the current context. You can type JavaScript expressions and use them to get information about the state of the application, such as property values. If you change property values or add properties in the code editor, the changes are updated in the running application when they are saved. \section3 QML Inspector While the application is running, you can use the \gui {QML Inspector} view to explore the object structure, debug animations, and inspect colors. When debugging complex applications, you can use the inspection mode to jump to the position in code where an element is defined. \section2 Code Analysis Tools The memory available on devices is limited and you should use it carefully. Qt Creator integrates Valgrind code analysis tools for detecting memory leaks and profiling function execution. These tools are only supported on Linux and Mac OS, but you can run them remotely from Windows. You must download and install them separately to use them from Qt Creator. The QML Profiler is installed as part of Qt Creator. It allows you to profile your Qt Quick applications and is available on all supported development platforms. \section2 Qt Simulator You can use the Qt Simulator to test Qt applications that are intended for mobile devices in an environment similar to that of the device. You can change the information that the device has about its configuration and environment. The Qt Simulator is installed as part of the \QSDK. After it is installed, you can select it as a build target in Qt Creator. \section2 Maemo and MeeGo Harmattan Emulator The Maemo 5 (Fremantle) and MeeGo Harmattan emulator are installed as part of the \QSDK. After they are installed, you can start them from Qt Creator. The Maemo 5 emulator emulates the Nokia N900 device environment. You can test applications in conditions practically identical to running the application on a Nokia N900 device with the software update release 1.3 (V20.2010.36-2). The Harmattan emulator emulates the Nokia N9 device environment. With the emulators, you can test how your application reacts to hardware controls, such as the power button, and to the touch screen. Usually, it is faster to test on a real device connected to the development PC than to use the emulators. \section1 Deploying Qt Creator deploy configurations handle the packaging of the application as an executable and copying it to a location developers want to run the executable at. The files can be copied to a location in the file system of the development PC or to a mobile device. Qt Creator allows you to create installation packages for Symbian, Maemo, and MeeGo Harmattan devices that are suitable for publishing on Ovi Store and other channels. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-advanced.html \page creator-os-supported-platforms.html \nextpage creator-project-wizards.html \title Operating Systems and Supported Platforms \section1 Operating Systems Qt Creator is available in binary packages for the following operating systems: \list \o Windows 7 \o Windows XP Service Pack 2 \o Windows Vista \o (K)Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (32-bit and 64-bit) or later, with the following: \list \o g++ \o make \o libglib2.0-dev \o libSM-dev \o libxrender-dev \o libfontconfig1-dev \o libxext-dev \o libfreetype6-dev \o libx11-dev \o libxcursor-dev \o libxfixes-dev \o libxft-dev \o libxi-dev \o libxrandr-dev \o If you are using QtOpenGL, libgl-dev and libglu-dev \endlist \o Mac OS 10.5 or later with the following: \list \o Xcode tools for your Mac OS X version available from your Mac OS X installation DVDs or at \l http://developer.apple.com. \endlist \endlist \omit ## Are the Xcode tools still needed separately? \endomit \section1 Compiling Qt Creator from Source To build Qt Creator itself from the source, see the requirements and instructions in the readme file that is located in the source repository. \section1 Supported Platforms You can develop applications for the following platforms: \list \o Desktop \o Qt Simulator \o Maemo 5 \o MeeGo Harmattan \o Generic remote Linux \o Symbian \endlist The following table summarizes operating system support for developing applications for mobile device platforms. \table \header \o {1,6} Operating system \o {6,1} Platform \header \o Desktop \o Qt Simulator \o Maemo 5 \o MeeGo Harmattan \o Generic Remote Linux \o Symbian \row \o Windows \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \row \o Linux \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes (by using Remote Compiler for building) \row \o Mac OS X \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes \o Yes (by using Remote Compiler for building) \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-overview.html \page creator-quick-tour.html \nextpage creator-getting-started.html \title Qt Creator User Interface \image qtcreator-breakdown.png When you start Qt Creator, it opens to the \gui Welcome mode, where you can: \list \o Read news from the Qt labs \o Open tutorials and example projects \o Create and open projects \o Send feedback to the development team \o Open recent sessions and projects \endlist You can use the mode selector to change to another Qt Creator mode. The following image displays an example application in \gui Edit mode and \gui Design mode. \image qtcreator-qt-quick-editors.png "Edit mode and Design mode" Qt Creator has been localized into several languages. If the system language is one of the supported languages, it is automatically selected. To change the language, select \gui {Tools > Options > Environment} and select a language in the \gui Language field. The change takes effect after you restart Qt Creator. \section1 Qt Creator Modes The mode selector allows you to quickly switch between tasks such as editing project and source files, designing application UIs, configuring how projects are built and executed, and debugging your applications. To change modes, click the icons, or use the \l{keyboard-shortcuts}{corresponding keyboard shortcut}. You can use Qt Creator in the following modes: \list \o \gui Welcome mode for opening projects. \o \gui{\l{Using the Editor}{Edit}} mode for editing project and source files. \o \gui{\l{Developing Application UI}{Design}} mode for designing and developing application user interfaces. This mode is available for UI files (.ui or .qml). \o \gui{\l{Debugging}{Debug}} mode for inspecting the state of your program while debugging. \o \gui{\l{Specifying Build Settings}{Projects}} mode for configuring project building and execution. This mode is available when a project is open. \o \gui{\l{Analyzing Code}{Analyze}} mode for using code analysis tools to detect memory leaks and profile C++ or QML code. \o \gui{\l{Getting Help}{Help}} mode for viewing Qt documentation. \endlist Certain actions in Qt Creator trigger a mode change. Clicking on \gui {Debug} > \gui {Start Debugging} > \gui {Start Debugging} automatically switches to \gui {Debug} mode. \section1 Browsing Project Contents The sidebar is available in the \gui Edit and \gui Debug modes. Use the sidebar to browse projects, files, and bookmarks, and to view the class hierarchy. \image qtcreator-sidebar.png You can select the content of the sidebar in the sidebar menu: \list \o \gui Projects shows a list of projects open in the current session. \o \gui{Open Documents} shows currently open files. \o \gui Bookmarks shows all bookmarks for the current session. \o \gui{File System} shows all files in the currently selected directory. \o \gui {Class View} shows the class hierarchy of the currently open projects. \o \gui Outline shows the symbol hierachy of a C++ file and the element hierarchy of a QML file. \o \gui {Type Hierarchy} shows the base classes of a class. \endlist You can change the view of the sidebar in the following ways: \list \o To toggle the sidebar, click \inlineimage qtcreator-togglebutton.png or press \key Alt+0 (\key Cmd+0 on Mac OS X). \o To split the sidebar, click \inlineimage qtcreator-splitbar.png . Select new content to view in the split view. \o To close a sidebar view, click \inlineimage qtcreator-closesidebar.png . \endlist The additional options in each view are described in the following sections. \section2 Viewing Project Files The sidebar displays projects in a project tree. The project tree contains a list of all projects open in the current session. The files for each project are grouped according to their file type. You can use the project tree in the following ways: \list \o To bring up a context menu containing the actions most commonly needed right-click an item in the project tree. For example, through the menu of the project root directory you can, among other actions, build, re-build, clean and run the project. \o To hide the categories and sort project files alphabetically, click \inlineimage qtcreator-filter.png and select \gui{Simplify Tree}. \o To hide source files which are automatically generated by the build system, during a build, click \inlineimage qtcreator-filter.png and select \gui{Hide Generated Files}. \o To keep the position in the project tree synchronized with the file currently opened in the editor, click \inlineimage qtcreator-synchronizefocus.png . \o To see the absolute path of a file, move the mouse pointer over the file name. \endlist \section2 Viewing the File System If you cannot see a file in the \gui Projects view, switch to the \gui {File System} view, which shows all the files in the file system. To keep the position in the tree synchronized with the file opened in the editor, click \inlineimage qtcreator-synchronizefocus.png . \section2 Viewing the Class Hierarchy The \gui {Class View} shows the class hierarchy of the currently open projects. To organize the view by subprojects, click \inlineimage qtcreator-show-subprojects.png . \section2 Viewing QML Elements The \gui Outline view shows the element hierarchy in a QML file. \list \o To see a complete list of all bindings, click \inlineimage qtcreator-filter.png and select \gui{Show All Bindings}. \o To keep the position in the view synchronized with the element selected in the editor, click \inlineimage qtcreator-synchronizefocus.png . \endlist \section2 Viewing Type Hierarchy To view the base classes of a class, right-click the class and select \gui {Open Type Hierarchy} or press \key {Ctrl+Shift+T}. \section1 Viewing Output The task pane in Qt Creator can display one of the following panes: \list \o \gui{Build Issues} \o \gui{Search Results} \o \gui{Application Output} \o \gui{Compile Output} \o \gui{General Messages} \o \gui{Version Control} \endlist Output panes are available in all \l{Qt Creator modes}{modes}. Click the name of an output pane to open the pane. To maximize an open output pane, click the \gui {Maximize Output Pane} button or press \key {Alt+9}. To search within the \gui{Application Output} and \gui{Compile Output} panes, press \key {Ctrl+F} when the pane is active. Enter search criteria in the \gui Find field and click the left and right arrows to search down and up in the pane. To open the \gui{General Messages} and \gui{Version Control} panes, select \gui {Window > Output Panes}. \section2 Build Issues The \gui{Build Issues} pane provides a list of errors and warnings encountered during a build. The pane filters out irrelevant output from the build tools and presents the issues in an organized way. Right-clicking on a line brings up a context menu with options to copy the contents and to show a version control annotation view of the line that causes the error message. \image qtcreator-build-issues.png To view task lists in the \gui{Build Issues} pane, click \inlineimage qtcreator-filter.png and select \gui{My Tasks}. Entries from a task list file (.tasks) are imported to the pane. Press \key F6 and \key Shift+F6 to jump from one issue to the next. For more information about creating task files, see \l{Showing Task List Files in the Build Issues Pane}. \section2 Search Results The \gui{Search Results} pane displays the results for global searches, for example, searching within a current document, files on disk, or all projects. The figure below shows an example search result for all occurrences of \c textfinder within the \c "/TextFinder" directory. \image qtcreator-search-pane.png \section2 Application Output The \gui{Application Output} pane displays the status of a program when it is executed, and the debug output. The figure below shows an example output from qDebug(). \image qtcreator-application-output.png \section2 Compile Output The \gui{Compile Output} pane provides all output from the compiler. The \gui{Compile Output} is a more detailed version of information displayed in the \gui{Build Issues} pane. \image qtcreator-compile-pane.png \section1 Navigating with Keyboard Qt Creator caters not only to developers who are used to using the mouse, but also to developers who are more comfortable with the keyboard. A wide range of \l{keyboard-shortcuts}{keyboard} and \l{Searching With the Locator}{navigation} shortcuts are available to help speed up the process of developing your application. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-remote-compiler.html \page creator-help.html \nextpage creator-advanced.html \title Getting Help Qt Creator comes fully integrated with Qt documentation and examples using the Qt Help plugin. \list \o To view documentation, switch to \gui Help mode. \o To obtain context sensitive help, move the text cursor to a Qt class or function and press \key F1. The documentation is displayed in a pane next to the code editor, or, if there is not enough vertical space, in the fullscreen \gui Help mode. \o To select and configure how the documentation is displayed in the \gui Help mode, select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Help. \endlist The following image displays the \gui Search pane in the \gui Help mode. \image qtcreator-help-search.png The following image displays the context sensitive help in the \gui Edit mode. \image qtcreator-context-sensitive-help.png \section1 Finding Information in Qt Documentation Qt Creator, \QSDK and other Qt deliverables contain documentation as .qch files. All the documentation is accessible in the \gui Help mode. To find information in the documentation, select: \list \o \gui Bookmarks to view a list of pages on which you have added bookmarks. \o \gui Contents to see all the documentation installed on the development PC and to browse the documentation contents. \o \gui Index to find information based on a list of keywords in all the installed documents. \o \gui {Open Pages} to view a list of currently open documentation pages. \o \gui Search to search from all the installed documents. \endlist \section2 Adding Bookmarks to Help Pages You can add bookmarks to useful help pages to easily find them later in the \gui Bookmarks view. You can either use the page title as the bookmark or change it to any text. You can organize the bookmarks in folders in the view. \image qtcreator-help-add-bookmark-dlg.png "Add Bookmark dialog" To add a bookmark to an open help page: \list 1 \o Click the \inlineimage qtcreator-help-add-bookmark.png (\gui {Add Bookmark}) button on the toolbar. \o In the \gui {Add Bookmark} dialog, click \gui OK to save the page title as a bookmark in the \gui Bookmarks folder. \endlist To import and export bookmarks, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Help > General Settings > Import} or \gui Export. \section1 Adding External Documentation You can display external documentation in the \gui Help mode. To augment or replace the documentation that ships with Qt Creator and Qt: \list 1 \o Create a .qch file from your documentation. For information on how to prepare your documentation and create a .qch file, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qthelp-framework.html}{The Qt Help Framework}. \o To add the .qch file to Qt Creator, select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Help > \gui Documentation > \gui Add. \endlist \section1 Detaching the Help Window By default, context-sensitive help is opened in a window next to the code editor when you press \key F1. If there is not enough vertical space, the help opens in the full-screen help mode. You can specify that the help always opens in full-screen mode or is detached to an external window. Select \gui {Tools > Options... > Help > General Settings} and specify settings for displaying context-sensitive help in the \gui {On context help} field. To detach the help window, select \gui {Always Show Help in External Window}. You can select the help page to open upon startup in the \gui {Home Page} field. \section1 Using Documentation Filters You can filter the documents displayed in the \gui Help mode to find relevant information faster. Select from a list of filters in the \gui {Filtered by} field. The contents of the \gui Index and \gui Contents pane in the sidebar change accordingly. \image qtcreator-help-filters.png "Help filters" You can modify the filters to include external documentation, for example, or you can define your own filters. To construct filters, you can use the filter attributes that are specified in the documentation. Each document contains at least one filter attribute. If several documents contain the same filter attribute, such as \c tools, you can use that attribute to include all those documents. To add filters: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Tools > Options... > Help > Filters > Add}. \o Enter a name for the filter and press \gui {OK}. \o In \gui Attributes, select the documents that you want to include in the filter. \image qtcreator-help-filter-attributes.png "Help filter attributes" \o Click \gui OK. \o In the \gui Help mode, select the filter in the \gui {Filtered by} field to see the filtered documentation in the sidebar. \endlist To modify filters, select a filter in \gui Filters, select the attributes, and then click \gui Apply. To remove filters, select them in \gui Filters, and click \gui Remove. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-fakevim.html \page creator-design-mode.html \nextpage creator-visual-editor.html \title Developing Application UI Large high-resolution screens, touch input, and significant graphics power are becoming common in portable consumer devices, such as mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes, and netbooks. To fully benefit from these features and to create intuitive, modern-looking, fluid user interfaces, you can use \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtquick.html}{Qt Quick}. Qt Quick consists of a rich set of user interface elements, a declarative language for describing user interfaces, and a language runtime. A collection of C++ APIs is used to integrate these high level features with classic Qt applications. You can edit QML code in the code editor or in the integrated \QMLD. \image qtcreator-design-mode.png "Design mode" The integration includes project management and code completion. If you need a traditional user interface that is clearly structured and enforces a platform look and feel, you can use the integrated \QD. You can compose and customize your widgets or dialogs and test them using different styles and resolutions. The following sections describe how to develop application UI: \list \o \l{Developing Qt Quick Applications} \o \l{Developing Widget Based Applications} \o \l{Optimizing Applications for Mobile Devices} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-qml-modules-with-plugins.html \page creator-using-qt-designer.html \nextpage creator-usability.html \title Developing Widget Based Applications Widgets and forms created with \QD are integrated seamlessly with programmed code by using the Qt signals and slots mechanism that allows you to easily assign behavior to graphical elements. All properties set in \QD can be changed dynamically within the code. Furthermore, features such as widget promotion and custom plugins allow you to use your own widgets with \QD. For more information, see \l{Adding Qt Designer Plugins}. Qt Creator automatically opens all .ui files in the integrated \QD, in \gui Design mode. \image qtcreator-formedit.png For more information about \QD, see the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/designer-manual.html}{Qt Designer Manual}. Generally, the integrated \QD contains the same functions as the standalone \QD. The following sections describe the differences. \section1 Code Editor Integration To switch between forms (\gui Design mode) and code (\gui Edit mode), press \key Shift+F4. You can use Qt Creator to create stub implementations of slot functions. In the \gui Design mode, right-click a widget to open a context menu, and then select \gui {Go to Slot...}. Select a signal in the list to go to an existing slot function or to create a new slot function. \section1 Managing Image Resources In standalone \QD, image resources are created using the built-in \gui {Resource Editor}. In Qt Creator, .ui files are usually part of a project, which may contain several resource files (.qrc). They are created and maintained by using the Qt Creator Resource Editor. The \QD \gui {Resource Editor} is de-activated and the image resources are displayed in the \QD \gui {Resource Browser}. \section1 Specifying Settings for Qt Designer To change the layout of \QD user interface elements: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui{Form Editor} > \gui Views > \gui Locked. When this option is unchecked, you can change the layout. \o Click the header of an element and drag the element to a new position. \endlist To specify settings for \QD: \list \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Designer. \o Specify settins for generating classes and code in \gui {Class Generation}. \o Specify embedded device profiles, that determine style, font, and screen resolution, for example, in \gui{Embedded Design}. \o Specify settings for the grid and previewing forms in \gui Forms. \o Specify an additional folder for saving templates in \gui{Template Paths}. \endlist To preview the settings, select \gui Tools > \gui{Form Editor} > \gui Preview, or press \key Alt+Shift+R. \section1 Previewing Forms Using Device Skins A \e {device skin} is a set of configuration files that describe a mobile device. It includes a border image that surrounds the form and depicts a mobile device with its buttons. To preview your form using device skins: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Designer. \o Select the \gui{Print/Preview Configuration} check box. \o In the \gui {Device skin} field, select a device skin. \o When the form is open in \gui Design mode, press \key Alt+Shift+R. \o To end the preview, right-click the skin and select \gui Close in the context menu. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-projects.html \page creator-using-qt-quick-designer.html \nextpage quick-components.html \title Using Qt Quick Designer You can edit .qml files in the \QMLD visual editor or in the code editor. In \gui Projects, double-click a .qml file to open it in the code editor. Then select the \gui {Design} mode to edit the file in the visual editor. \image qmldesigner-visual-editor.png "Visual editor" Use the visual editor panes to manage your project: \list \o \gui {Navigator} pane displays the QML elements in the current QML file as tree structure. \o \gui {Library} pane displays the building blocks that you can use to design applications: predefined QML elements, your own QML components, Qt Quick components for Symbian or MeeGo that you import to the project, and other resources. \o \gui Canvas is the working area where you create QML components and design applications. \o \gui {Properties} pane organizes the properties of the selected QML element or QML component. You can change the properties also in the code editor. \o \gui {State} pane displays the different states of the component. QML states typically describe user interface configurations, such as the UI elements, their properties and behavior and the available actions. \endlist \section1 Managing Element Hierarchy The \gui Navigator pane displays the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativeelements.html}{QML elements} in the current QML file and their relationships. Elements are listed in a tree structure, below their parent. \image qmldesigner-navigator.png "Navigator pane" You can select elements in the \gui Navigator to edit their properties in the \gui Properties pane. Elements can access the properties of their parent element. To select elements on the canvas, right-click an element, and select another element in the context menu. Typically, child elements are located within the parent element on the canvas. However, they do not necessarily have to fit inside the parent element. For example, you might want to make a mouse area larger than the rectangle or image beneath it. \image qmldesigner-element-size.png "Mouse area for a button" When you copy an element, all its child elements are also copied. When you remove an element, the child elements are also removed. You can show and hide items to focus on specific parts of the application. Click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-show-hide-icon.png icon to change the visibility of an element on the canvas. To change the visibility of an element in the application, use the \gui Visibility check box or the \gui Opacity field in the \gui Properties pane. If you set \gui Opacity to 0, elements are hidden, but you can still apply animation to them. As all properties, visibility and opacity are inherited from the parent element. To hide or show child elements, edit the properties of the parent element. To view lists of files or projects, instead, select \gui {File System}, \gui {Open Documents}, or \gui Projects in the menu. To view several types of content at a time, split the sidebar by clicking \inlineimage qtcreator-splitbar.png . \section2 Setting the Stacking Order The \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-item.html#z-prop}{z property} of an element determines its position in relation to its sibling elements in the element hierarchy. By default, elements with a higher stacking value are drawn on top of siblings with a lower stacking value. Elements with the same stacking value are drawn in the order they are listed, from the last item up. To change the stacking order of an item, right-click it on the canvas and select \gui {Stack (z)}. You can raise or lower the stack value of an item or move the item to the front or back of all its siblings. To remove the \c z property, select \gui Reset. \section2 Switching Parent Elements When you drag and drop QML elements to the canvas, Qt Quick Designer adds the new element as a child of the element beneath it. When you move elements on the canvas, Qt Quick Designer cannot determine whether you want to adjust their position or attach them to a new parent element. Therefore, the parent element is not automatically changed. To change the parent of the element, press down the \key Shift key before you drag and drop the element into a new position. The topmost element under the cursor becomes the new parent of the element. You can change the parent of an element also in the \gui Navigator pane. Drag and drop the element to another position in the tree or use the arrow buttons to move the element in the tree. \image qmldesigner-navigator-arrows.png "Navigator arrow buttons" \section1 Element Library The \gui {Library} pane contains two tabs: \gui {Items} and \gui {Resources}. The \gui Items pane displays the QML elements grouped by type: your own QML components, basic elements, positioner elements, and views. Sets of UI components with the MeeGo and Symbian look and feel have been defined for Qt Quick. They are based on standard QML elements. To view the UI components in the \gui {Library} pane, add import statements to the .pro file of your project: \list \o \c {import com.nokia.symbian 1.0} for Symbian \o \c {import com.meego 1.0} for MeeGo \endlist The Qt Quick Application wizard adds the import statements automatically when you select the component set to use for your project. \image qmldesigner-qml-components.png "QML Components pane" The \gui {Resources} pane displays the images and other files that you copy to the project folder (to the same subfolder as the QML files). \section1 Specifying Element Properties The \gui Properties pane displays all the properties of the selected QML element. The properties are grouped by type. The top part of the pane displays properties that are common to all elements, such as element type, position, size, and visibility. The bottom part of the pane displays properties that are specific to each element type. For example, the following image displays the properties you can set for \gui Rectangle and \gui Text elements. \image qmldesigner-element-properties.png The default values of properties are displayed in white color, while the values that you specify explicitly are highlighted with blue color. In addition, property changes in states are highlighted with blue. You can use a context-menu to reset some element properties. To reset the position or size property of an element, right-click the element and select \gui {Edit > Reset Position} or \gui {Reset Size} in the context menu. To set the visibility of the component, select \gui {Edit > Visibility}. For more information on the properties available for an element, press \key {F1}. \section2 Setting Expressions \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/propertybinding.html}{Property binding} is a declarative way of specifying the value of a property. Binding allows a property value to be expressed as an JavaScript expression that defines the value relative to other property values or data accessible in the application. The property value is automatically kept up to date if the other properties or data values change. Property bindings are created implicitly in QML whenever a property is assigned an JavaScript expression. To set JavaScript expressions as values of properties in Qt Quick Designer, click the circle icon next to a property to open a context menu, and select \gui {Set Expression}. \image qmldesigner-set-expression.png "Element properties context menu" To remove expressions, select \gui Reset in the context menu. For more information on the JavaScript environment provided by QML, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativejavascript.html}{Integrating JavaScript}. \section2 Marking Text Elements for Translation To support translators, mark each text element that should be translated. In the \gui Properties pane, \gui Text field, select \gui tr. \image qmldesigner-text-property-tr.png "Text properties" The text string is enclosed in a \c qsTr call. \image qml-translate.png "Text marked for translation" \section2 Loading Placeholder Data Often, QML applications are prototyped with fake data that is later replaced by real data sources from C++ plugins. QML Viewer loads fake data into the application context: it looks for a directory named \e dummydata in the same directory as the target QML file, loads any .qml files in that directory as QML objects, and binds them to the root context as properties. For more information, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qmlviewer.html}{QML Viewer}. You can use dummydata files also to specify fake properties for QML components that you open for editing in \QMLD. A QML component provides a way of defining a new UI element that you can re-use in other QML files. A component is generally defined in its own QML file. You can use property binding to specify the properties of a component to make it easily reusable. For example, you can create a button bar component (buttonbar.qml) that inherits its width from the screen that is its parent: \code import QtQuick 1.0 Item { width: parent.width } \endcode However, when you open the QML file for editing in \QMLD, the button bar component does not have a width, because it is specified outside the QML file (in the QML file that specifies the screen). To specify a fake width for the component, create a \c _dummydata.qml file (here, buttonbar_dummydata.qml) that specifies the component width and copy it to the \c dummydata directory. For example: \code import QtQuick 1.0 import QmlDesigner 1.0 DummyContextObject { parent: QtObject { property real width: 1000 } } \endcode The file is reloaded if you change it. \section2 Setting Anchors and Margins In addition to arranging elements in a grid, row, or column, you can use \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-anchor-layout.html}{anchors} to lay out screens. In an anchor-based layout, each item can be thought of as having a set of invisible \e anchor lines: top, bottom, left, right, fill, horizontal center, vertical center, and baseline. In the \gui Layout pane you can set anchors and margins for elements. To set the anchors of an item, click the anchor buttons. You can combine the top/bottom, left/right, and horizontal/vertical anchors to anchor objects in the corners of the parent element or center them horizontally or vertically within the parent element. \image qmldesigner-anchor-buttons.png "Anchor buttons" In version 2.1, specifying the baseline anchor in Qt Quick Designer is not supported. You can specify it using the code editor. For performance reasons, you can only anchor an element to its siblings and direct parent. By default, an element is anchored to its parent when you use the anchor buttons. Select a sibling of the element in the \gui Target field to anchor to it, instead. Arbitrary anchoring is not supported. For example, you cannot specify: \c {anchor.left: parent.right}. You have to specify: \c {anchor.left: parent.left}. When you use the anchor buttons, anchors to the parent element are always specified to the same side. However, anchors to sibling elements are specified to the opposite side: \c {anchor.left: sibling.right}. This allows you to keep sibling elements together. In the following image, \gui{Rectangle 2} is anchored to its siblings on its right and left and to the bottom of its parent. \image qmldesigner-anchors.png "Anchoring sibling elements" The anchors for \gui{Rectangle 2} are specified as follows in code: \qml Rectangle { id: rectangle2 anchors.right: rectangle3.left anchors.rightMargin: 15 anchors.left: rectangle1.right anchors.leftMargin: 15 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: 15 // ... } \endqml Margins specify the amount of empty space to leave to the outside of an item. Margins only have meaning for anchors. They do not take any effect when using other layouts or absolute positioning. \section2 Building Transformations on Items The \gui Advanced pane allows you to configure advanced transformations, such as rotation, scale, and translation. You can assign any number of transformations to an item. Each transformation is applied in order, one at a time. For more information on Transform elements, see \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-transform.html}{QML Transform Element}. \section1 Adding States User interfaces are designed to present different interface configurations in different scenarios, or to modify their appearances in response to user interaction. Often, there are a set of changes that are made concurrently, such that the interface could be seen to be internally changing from one \e state to another. This applies generally to interface elements regardless of their complexity. A photo viewer may initially present images in a grid, and when an image is clicked, change to a detailed state where the individual image is expanded and the interface is changed to present new options for image editing. On the other end of the scale, when a simple button is pressed, it may change to a \e pressed state in which its color and position is modified to give a pressed appearance. In QML, any object can change between different states to apply sets of changes that modify the properties of relevant items. Each state can present a different configuration that can, for example: \list \o Show some UI elements and hide others. \o Present different available actions to the user. \o Start, stop or pause animations. \o Execute some script required in the new state. \o Change a property value for a particular item. \o Show a different view or screen. \endlist The \gui State pane displays the different \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativestates.html}{states} of the component in the Qt Quick Designer. \image qmldesigner-transitions.png "State pane" To add states, click the empty slot. Then modify the new state in the editor. For example, to change the appearance of a button, you can hide the button image and show another image in its place. Or, to add movement to the screen, you can change the position of an object on the canvas and then add animation to the change between the states. You can preview the states in the \gui State pane and click them to switch between states on the canvas. For more information on using states, see \l{Creating Screens}. If you add animation to the states, you can run the application to test the animation. For more information on adding animation, see \l{Animating Screens}. \section1 Aligning and Positioning Elements The position of an element on the canvas can be either absolute or relative to other elements. In the element properties, you can set the x and y coordinates of an element, or \l{Setting Anchors and Margins}{anchor} it to its parent and sibling elements. \section2 Snap to Margins When you are working on a design, you can use snap and guides to align elements on the canvas. Click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-snap-to-guides-button.png button to have the elements snap to the guides. Choose \gui {Tools > Options... > Qt Quick} to specify settings for snap to margins. In the \gui {Snap margin} field, specify the position of the guides as pixels from the edge of the canvas. In the \gui {Item spacing} field, specify the space in pixels to leave between elements on the screen. The following image shows the position of the guides when \gui {Snap margin} is set to 5 pixels. \image qmldesigner-snap-margins.png "Snap margins on canvas" \section2 Hiding Element Boundaries Qt Quick Designer displays the boundaries of elements on the canvas. To hide the element boundaries, click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-show-bounding-rectangles-button.png button. \section2 Selecting Elements When you point the mouse to overlapping elements, the frontmost element is selected by default. However, elements that do not have any content, such as the mouse area, are typically located in front of elements that do have content, such as rectangles or border images. To select elements with content by default, click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-only-select-items-with-content.png button. \section2 Previewing Element Size The width and height of the root item in a QML file determine the size of the QML element. You can reuse elements, such as buttons, in different sizes in other QML files and design screens for use with different device profiles, screen resolution, or screen orientation. The component size might also be zero (0,0) if its final size is determined by property bindings. To experiment with different element sizes, enter values in the \gui Height and \gui Width fields on the canvas toolbar. The changes are displayed in the \gui States pane and on the canvas, but the property values are not changed permanently in the QML file. You can permanently change the property values in the \gui Properties pane. \image qmldesigner-preview-size.png "Canvas width and height" \section1 Specifying Canvas Size To change the canvas size, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Qt Quick} and specify the canvas width and height in the \gui Canvas group. \section1 Refreshing the Canvas When you open QML files in \QMLD, the QML elements in the file are drawn on the canvas. When you edit the element properties in \QMLD, the QML file and the image on the canvas might get out of sync. For example, when you change the position of an item within a column or a row, the new position might not be displayed correctly on the canvas. To refresh the image on the canvas, press \key R or select the \gui {Reset View} button on the canvas toolbar. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-managing-sessions.html \page creator-coding.html \nextpage creator-editor-using.html \title Coding Writing, editing, and navigating in source code are core tasks in application development. Therefore, the code editor is one of the key components of Qt Creator. You can use the code editor in the \gui Edit mode. The following sections describe coding with Qt Creator: \list \o \l{Using the Editor} describes how to work in the code editor, use the editor toolbar, split the view, add bookmarks, and move between symbol definitions and declarations. \o \l{Semantic Highlighting} describes highlighting code elements and blocks, as well as using syntax highlighting also for other types of files than C++ or QML. \o \l{Checking Code Syntax} describes how errors are visualized while you write code. \o \l{Completing Code} describes how code and code snippets are completed for elements, properties, an IDs. \o \l{Indenting Code} describes how to specify indentation either globally for all files or separately for: text, C++, or QML files. \o \l{Finding and Replacing} describes the incremental search that highlights the matching strings in the window while typing and the advanced search that allows you to search from currently open projects or files on the file system. In addition, you can search for symbols when you want to refactor code. \o \l{Refactoring} describes the features that help you improve the internal quality or your application, its performance and extendibility, and code readability and maintainability, as well as to simplify code structure. \o \l{Using Qt Quick Toolbars} describes how to use the Qt Quick Toolbars to edit the properties of QML elements in the code editor. \o \l{Searching With the Locator} describes how to browse through projects, files, classes, methods, documentation and file systems. \o \l{Pasting and Fetching Code Snippets} describes how to cooperate with other developers by pasting and fetching snippets of code from a server. \o \l{Using Text Editing Macros} describes how to record and play text editing macros. \o \l{Configuring the Editor} describes how to change the text editor options to suit your specific needs. \o \l{Using FakeVim Mode} describes how to run the main editor in a manner similar to the Vim editor. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-coding.html \page creator-editor-using.html \nextpage creator-highlighting.html \title Using the Editor Qt Creator's code editor is designed to aid you in creating, editing and navigating code. Qt Creator's code editor is fully equipped with syntax checking, code completion, context sensitive help and in-line error indicators while you are typing. \image qtcreator-edit-mode.png "Edit mode" \section1 Using the Editor Toolbar The editor toolbar is located at the top of the editor view. The editor toolbar is context sensitive and shows items relevant to the file currently open in the editor. \image qtcreator-editortoolbar-symbols.png Use the toolbar to navigate between open files and symbols in use. To browse forward or backward through your location history, click \inlineimage qtcreator-back.png and \inlineimage qtcreator-forward.png . To go to any open file, select it from the \gui{Open files} drop-down menu. Right-click the menu title and select \gui {Copy Full Path to Clipboard} to copy the path and name of the current file to the clipboard. To jump to any symbol used in the current file, select it from the \gui Symbols drop-down menu. By default, the symbols are displayed in the order in which they appear in the file. Right-click the menu title and select \gui {Sort Alphabetically} to arrange the symbols in alphabetic order. \section1 Splitting the Editor View Split the editor view when you want to work on and view multiple files on the same screen. \image qtcreator-spliteditorview.png You can split the editor view in the following ways: \list \o To split the editor view into a top and bottom view, select \gui Window > \gui Split or press \key{Ctrl+E, 2}. Split command creates views below the currently active editor view. \o To split the editor view into adjacent views, select \gui Window > \gui{Split Side by Side} or press \key{Ctrl+E, 3}. Side by side split command creates views to the right of the currently active editor view. \endlist To move between split views, select \gui Window > \gui{Go to Next Split} or press \key{Ctrl+E, O}. To remove a split view, place the cursor within the view you want to remove and select \gui Window > \gui{Remove Current Split} or press \key{Ctrl+E, 0}. To remove all but the currently selected split view, select \gui Window > \gui{Remove All Splits} or press \key{Ctrl+E, 1}. \section1 Using Bookmarks To insert or delete a bookmark right-click the line number and select \gui{Toggle Bookmark} or press \key{Ctrl+M}. \image qtcreator-togglebookmark.png To go to previous bookmark in the current session, press \key{Ctrl+,}. To go to next bookmark in the current session, press \key{Ctrl+.}. \section1 Moving to Symbol Definition or Declaration You can move directly to the definition or the declaration of a symbol by holding the \key Ctrl and clicking the symbol. To enable this moving function, in \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Behavior, select \gui{Enable mouse navigation}. You can also select the symbol and press \key F2, or right-click the symbol and select \gui {Follow Symbol Under Cursor} to move to its definition or declaration. This feature is supported for namespaces, classes, methods, variables, include statements, and macros. To switch between the definition and declaration of a symbol, press \key {Shift+F2} or right-click the symbol and select \gui {Switch Between Method Declaration/Definition}. \section1 Using Update Code Model To refresh the internal information in Qt Creator pertaining to your code, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{C++} > \gui{Update Code Model}. \note In Qt Creator indexing updates the code automatically. Use \gui{Update Code Model} only as an emergency command. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-using.html \page creator-highlighting.html \nextpage creator-checking-code-syntax.html \title Semantic Highlighting Qt Creator understands the C++ and QML languages as code, not as plain text. It reads the source code, analyzes it, and highlights it based on the semantic checks that it does for the following code elements: \list \o Types (such as classes, structs, and type definitions) \o Local variables \o Class fields \o Virtual methods \endlist To specify the color scheme to use for semantic highlighting, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Fonts & Color}. Qt Creator supports syntax highlighting also for other types of files than C++ or QML. \section1 Generic Highlighting Generic highlighting is based on highlight definition files that are provided by the \l{http://kate-editor.org/2005/03/24/writing-a-syntax-highlighting-file/}{Kate Editor}. You can download highlight definition files for use with Qt Creator. If you have a Unix installation that comes with the Kate Editor, you might already have the definition files installed. Typically, the files are located in a read-only directory, and therefore, you cannot manage them. Qt Creator can try to locate them and use them as fallback files, when the primary location does not contain the definition for the current file type. You can also specify the directory that contains preinstalled highlight definition files as the primary location. When you open a file for editing and the editor cannot find the highlight definition for it, an alert appears. You can turn off the alerts. You can also specify patterns for ignoring files. The editor will not alert you if highlight definitions for the ignored files are not found. To download highlight definition files: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Generic Highlighter}. \image qtcreator-generic-highlighter.png "Generic Highlighter options" \o In the \gui Location field, specify the path to the primary location for highlight definition files. \o Click \gui {Download Definitions} to open a list of highlight definition files available for download. \image qtcreator-manage-definitions.png "Download Definitions dialog" \o Select highlight definition files in the list and click \gui {Download Selected Definitions}. \o Select the \gui {Use fallback location} check box to specify the secondary location where the editor will look for highlight definition files. \o Click \gui Autodetect to allow Qt Creator to look for highlight definition files on your system, or click \gui Browse to locate them in the file system yourself. \o In the \gui {Ignored file patterns} field, specify file patterns. You will not receive alerts if the highlight definitions for the specified files are not found. \o Click \gui OK to save your changes. \endlist \section1 Highlighting and Folding Blocks Use block highlighting to visually separate parts of the code that belong together. For example, when you place the cursor within the braces, the code enclosed in braces is highlighted. \image qtcreator-blockhighlighting.png To enable block highlighting, select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Display > \gui{Highlight blocks}. Use the folding markers to collapse and expand blocks of code within braces. Click the folding marker to collapse or expand a block. In the figure above, the folding markers are located between the line number and the text pane. To show the folding markers, select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Display > \gui{Display folding markers}. This option is enabled by default. When the cursor is on a brace, the matching brace is animated by default. To turn off the animation and just highlight the block and the braces, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Display} and deselect \gui {Animate matching parentheses}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-highlighting.html \page creator-checking-code-syntax.html \nextpage creator-completing-code.html \title Checking Code Syntax As you write code Qt Creator checks code syntax. When Qt Creator spots a syntax error in your code it underlines it and shows error details when you move the mouse pointer over the error. \list \o Syntax errors are underlined in red. In the following figure, a semicolon is missing at the end of the line. \image qtcreator-syntaxerror.png \o Semantic errors and warnings are underlined in olive. In the following figure, the type is unknown. \image qtcreator-semanticerror.png \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-checking-code-syntax.html \page creator-completing-code.html \nextpage creator-indenting-code.html \title Completing Code As you write code, Qt Creator suggests properties, IDs, and code snippets to complete the code. It provides a list of context-sensitive suggestions to the statement currently under your cursor. Press \key Tab or \key Enter to accept the selected suggestion and complete the code. \image qtcreator-codecompletion.png To open the list of suggestions at any time, press \key{Ctrl+Space}. If only one option is available, Qt Creator inserts it automatically. When completion is invoked manually, Qt Creator completes the common prefix of the list of suggestions. This is especially useful for classes with several similarly named members. To disable this functionality, uncheck \gui{Autocomplete common prefix} in the code completion preferences. Select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor} > \gui Completion. By default, code completion considers only the first letter case-sensitive. To apply full or no case-sensitivity, select the option in the \gui {Case-sensitivity} field. \section2 Summary of Available Types The following table lists available types for code completion and icon used for each. \table \header \o Icon \o Description \row \i \inlineimage completion/class.png \i A class \row \i \inlineimage completion/enum.png \i An enum \row \i \inlineimage completion/enumerator.png \i An enumerator (value of an enum) \row \i \inlineimage completion/func.png \i A function \row \i \inlineimage completion/func_priv.png \i A private function \row \i \inlineimage completion/func_prot.png \i A protected function \row \i \inlineimage completion/var.png \i A variable \row \i \inlineimage completion/var_priv.png \i A private variable \row \i \inlineimage completion/var_prot.png \i A protected variable \row \i \inlineimage completion/signal.png \i A signal \row \i \inlineimage completion/slot.png \i A slot \row \i \inlineimage completion/slot_priv.png \i A private slot \row \i \inlineimage completion/slot_prot.png \i A protected slot \row \i \inlineimage completion/keyword.png \i A C++ keyword \row \i \inlineimage completion/snippet.png \i A C++ code snippet \row \i \inlineimage completion/element.png \i A QML element \row \i \inlineimage completion/qmlsnippet.png \i A QML code snippet \row \i \inlineimage completion/macro.png \i A macro \row \i \inlineimage completion/namespace.png \i A namespace \endtable \section2 Completing Code Snippets Code snippets can consist of multiple variables that you specify values for. Select an item in the list and press \key Tab or \key Enter to complete the code. Press \key Tab to move between the variables and specify values for them. When you specify a value for a variable, all instances of the variable within the snippet are renamed. \image qmldesigner-code-completion.png "Completing QML code" \section2 Editing Code Snippets Code snippets specify C++ or QML code constructs. You can add, modify, and remove snippets in the snippet editor. To open the editor, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Snippets}. \image qtcreator-edit-code-snippets.png "Snippet options" Qt Creator provides you with built-in snippets in the following categories: \list \o Text snippets, which can contain any text string. For example, code comments \o C++ code snippets, which specify C++ code constructs \o QML code snippets, which specify QML code constructs \endlist \section3 Adding and Editing Snippets Select a snippet in the list to edit it in the snippet editor. To add a new snippet, select \gui Add. Specify a trigger and, if the trigger is already in use, an optional variant, which appear in the list of suggestions when you write code. Also specify a text string or C++ or QML code construct in the snippet editor, depending on the snippet category. The snippet editor provides you with: \list \o Highlighting \o Indentation \o Parentheses matching \o Basic code completion \endlist Specify the variables for the snippets in the following format: \c $variable$ Use unique variable names within a snippet, because all instances of a variable are renamed when you specify a value for it. The snippet editor does not check the syntax of the snippets that you edit or add. However, when you use the snippets, the code editor marks any errors by underlining them in red. To discard the changes you made to a built-in snippet, select \gui {Revert Built-in}. \section3 Removing Snippets Several similar built-in snippets might be provided for different use cases. To make the list of suggestions shorter when you write code, remove the built-in snippets that you do not need. If you need them later, you can restore them. To remove snippets, select a snippet in the list, and then select \gui Remove. To restore the removed snippets, select \gui {Restore Removed Built-ins}. \section3 Resetting Snippets To remove all added snippets and to restore all removed snippets, select \gui {Reset All}. \note If you now select \gui OK or \gui Apply, you permanently lose all your own snippets. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-locator.html \page creator-editor-codepasting.html \nextpage creator-macros.html \title Pasting and Fetching Code Snippets In Qt Creator, you can paste snippets of code to a server or fetch snippets of code from the server. To paste and fetch snippets of code, Qt Creator uses the following: \list \o \gui{CodePaster} \o \gui{Pastebin.Com} \o \gui{Pastebin.Ca} \endlist To configure the server, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Code Pasting}. To paste a snippet of code onto the server, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Code Pasting} > \gui{Paste Snippet...} or press \key{Alt+C,Alt+P}. To fetch a snippet of code from the server, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Code Pasting} > \gui{Fetch Snippet...} or press \key{Alt+C,Alt+F}. \note To use \gui{Pastebin.Com}, configure the domain prefix in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Code Pasting} > \gui{Pastebin.com}. For example, you might ask colleagues to review a change that you plan to submit to a version control system. If you use the Git version control system, you can create a \e{diff} view by selecting \gui{Tools} > \gui{Git} > \gui{Diff Repository}. You can then upload its contents to the server by choosing \gui{Tools} > \gui{Code Pasting} > \gui{Paste Snippet...}. The reviewers can retrieve the code snippet by selecting \gui{Tools} > \gui{Code Pasting} > \gui{Fetch Snippet...}. If they have the project currently opened in Qt Creator, they can apply and test the change by choosing \gui{Tools} > \gui{Git} > \gui{Apply Patch}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-codepasting.html \page creator-macros.html \nextpage creator-editor-options.html \title Using Text Editing Macros When you have a file open in the code editor, you can record a keyboard sequence as a macro. You can then play the macro to repeat the sequence. You can save the latest macro and assign a keyboard shortcut for running it or run it from the locator. To record a text editing macro, select \gui {Tools > Macros > Record Macro} or press \key {Alt+(}. To stop recording, select \gui {Tools > Macros > Stop Recording Macro} or press \key {Alt+)}. To play the last macro, select \gui {Tools > Macros > Play Last Macro} or press \key {Alt+R}. To save the last macro, select \gui {Tools > Macros > Save Last Macro}. To assign a keyboard shortcut to a text editing macro, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Environment > Keyboard}. For more information, see \l{Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts}. You can also use the \c rm locator filter to run a macro. For more information, see \l{Searching With the Locator}. To view and remove saved macros, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Macros}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-options.html \page creator-editor-fakevim.html \nextpage creator-design-mode.html \title Using FakeVim Mode In the \gui{FakeVim} mode, you can run the main editor in a manner similar to the Vim editor. To run the editor in the \gui{FakeVim} mode, select \gui{Edit} > \gui{Advanced} > \gui{Use Vim-style Editing} or press \key{Alt+V,Alt+V}. In the \gui{FakeVim} mode, most keystrokes in the main editor will be intercepted and interpreted in a way that resembles Vim. Documentation for Vim is not included in Qt Creator. For more information on using Vim, see \l{http://www.vim.org/docs.php}{Documentation} on the Vim web site. To map commands entered on the \gui{FakeVim} command line to actions of the Qt Creator core, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{FakeVim} > \gui{Ex Command Mapping}. To make changes to the Vim-style settings, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui FakeVim > \gui{General}. To use a Vim-style color scheme, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Fonts & Color}. In the \gui {Color Scheme} list, select \gui {Vim (dark)}. To quit the FakeVim mode, click \gui {Quit FakeVim} or press \key{Alt+V,Alt+V}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage adding-plugins.html \page creator-editor-external.html \nextpage creator-maemo-emulator.html \title Using External Tools You can use external tools directly from Qt Creator. Qt Linguist, the default text editor for your system, and the \c sort tool are preconfigured for use. You can change their default configurations and configure new tools. \section1 Using Qt Linguist You can use the Qt Linguist release manager tools, lupdate and lrelease, directly from Qt Creator. The lupdate tool is used to synchronize source code and translations. The lrelease tool is used to create run-time translation files for use by the released application. To synchronize ts files from a translator with the application code, select \gui {Tools > External > Text > Linguist > Update Translations (lupdate)}. To generate from the ts files qm translation files that can be used by an application, select \gui {Tools > External > Text > Linguist > Release Translations (lrelease)}. By default, the project .pro file is passed to the tools as an argument. To specify other command line arguments for the tools, select \gui {Tools > External > Configure}. For more information about Qt Linguist, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/linguist-manual.html}{Qt Linguist Manual}. \section1 Using External Text Editors You can open files for editing in the default text editor for your system: Notepad on Windows and vi on Linux and Mac OS. To open the file you are currently viewing in an external editor, select \gui {Tools > External > Text > Notepad} or \gui vi, depending on your system. Qt Creator looks for the editor path in the PATH environment variable of your operating system. \section1 Sorting Text Alphabetically To sort selected text alphabetically, select \gui {Tools > External > Text > Sort Selection}. The \c sort tool takes the selected text as input and returns it in alphabetic order. By default, the output replaces the original selection in the code editor. To change the default configuration, select \gui {Tools > External > Configure}. \section1 Configuring External Tools You can change the configuration of preconfigured tools and configure additional tools in Qt Creator \gui Options. You can use Qt Creator variables in the fields that you can select from lists of available Qt Creator variables. \image qtcreator-external-tools.png "External Tools options" To configure external tools: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Tools > External > Configure}. \o Select \gui {Add > Add Tool} to add a new tool. You can also select \gui {Add Category} to add a new category. \o In the \gui Executable field, specify the executable to run. If the executable is found in your system PATH variable, do not specify the path to it. \o In the \gui Arguments field, specify optional arguments for running the executable. \o In the \gui {Working directory} field, specify the path to the working directory. \o In the \gui {Output pane}, select how to handle output from the tool. You can ignore the output, view it in the \gui {General Messages} output pane, or replace the selected text with the output in the code editor. \o In the \gui {Error output pane}, select how to handle error messages from the tool. \o In the \gui Input field, specify text that is passed as standard input to the tool. \endlist The category and tool are added to the \gui {Tools > External} menu. If you change the configuration of preconfigured tools, you can later revert the changes by selecting the \gui Revert button. The tool configurations that you add and modify are stored in XML format in the user configuration folder. For example, \c {~/config/Nokia/qtcreator/externaltools} on Linux and Mac OS and \c {C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Nokia\qtcreator\externaltools} in Windows. To share a configuration with other users, copy an XML configuration file to the folder. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-macros.html \page creator-editor-options.html \nextpage creator-editor-fakevim.html \title Configuring the Editor Qt Creator allows you to configure the text editor to suit your specific needs. To configure the editor, select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Text Editor}. These settings apply to all projects. To specify editor behavior for an open project, select \gui {Projects > Editor Settings}. For more information, see \l{Specifying Editor Settings}. You can also specify indentation settings separately for C++ and QML files either globally or for the open project. For more information, see \l{Indenting Code}. \image qtcreator-font-colors.png "Text editor options" You can perform the following configuration actions: \list \o Set the font preferences and apply color schemes for syntax highlighting in \gui{Font & Colors}. \o Specify \l{Generic Highlighting}{definition files for syntax highlighting} for other types of files than C++ or QML in \gui{Generic Highlighter}. \o Set tabs, indentation, the handling of whitespace, and mouse operations in \gui Behavior. For more information, see \l{Indenting Code}. \o Set various display properties, for example, \l{Highlighting and folding blocks}{highlighting and folding blocks}, text wrapping or \l{Moving to symbol definition or declaration} {moving to symbol definition or declaration} in \gui Display. \o Add, modify, and remove \l{Editing Code Snippets}{code snippets} in \gui Snippets. \o View and remove \l{Using Text Editing Macros}{text editing macros} in \gui Macros. \o Configure \l{Completing Code}{code completion} in \gui Completion. \endlist \section2 Configuring Fonts You can select the font family and size. You can specify a zoom setting in percentage for viewing the text. You can also zoom in or out by pressing \key {Ctrl++} or \key {Ctrl +-}, or by pressing \key Ctrl and rolling the mouse button up or down. To disable the mouse wheel function, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Behavior} and deselect the \gui {Enable scroll wheel zooming} check box. Antialiasing is used by default to make text look smoother and more readable on the screen. Deselect the \gui Antialias check box to turn off antialiasing. \section2 Defining Color Schemes You can select one of the predefined color schemes for syntax highlighting or create customized color schemes. The color schemes apply to highlighting both C++ and QML files and generic files. To create a color scheme: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Fonts & Color > Copy}. \o Enter a name for the color scheme and click \gui OK. \o In the \gui Foreground field, specify the color of the selected code element. \o In the \gui Background field, select the background color for the code element. The backgound of the \gui Text element determines the background of the code editor. \endlist When you copy code from Qt Creator, it is copied in both plain text and HTML format. The latter makes sure that syntax highlighting is preserved when pasting to a rich-text editor. \section2 File Encoding To define the default file encoding, select the desired encoding in \gui {Default encoding}. By default, Qt Creator uses the file encoding used by your system. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-completing-code.html \page creator-indenting-code.html \nextpage creator-editor-finding.html \title Indenting Code When you type code, it is indented automatically according to the selected text editor and code style options. Select a block to indent it when you press \key Tab. Press \key {Shift+Tab} to decrease the indentation. You can disable automatic indentation. When you press \gui Backspace, the indentation is decreased by one level in leading white space, by default. You can disable this setting. Continuation lines are aligned with the previous line by using spaces. You can disable automatic alignment to have them indented to the logical depth. You can always use spaces for alignment or use spaces or tabs depending on the other options you selected. You can specify indentation either globally for all files or separately for: \list \o Text files \o C++ files \o QML files \endlist You can specify indentation either globally for all files of a particular type or separately for each project. \section1 Indenting Text Files To specify global indentation settings for the text editor, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Behavior}. You can also use these settings globally for all editors and files. \image qtcreator-indentation.png "Text Editor Behavior options" To specify settings for a particular project, select \gui {Projects > Editor Settings}. \section1 Indenting C++ Files To specify global indentation settings for the C++ editor, select \gui {Tools > Options... > C++}. \image qtcreator-options-code-style-cpp.png "C++ Code Style options" To specify the settings for a particular project, select \gui {Projects > Code Style Settings}. You can specify how to: \list \o Interpret the \key Tab and \key Backspace key presses. \o Indent the contents of classes, methods, blocks, and namespaces. \o Indent braces in classes, namespaces, enums, methods, and blocks. \o Control switch statements and their contents. \o Align continuation lines. \endlist You can use the live preview to see how the options change the indentation. \section1 Indenting QML Files To specify global settings for the Qt Quick editor, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Qt Quick}. \image qtcreator-options-code-style-qml.png "QML Code Style options" To specify the settings for a particular project, select \gui {Projects > Code Style Settings}. You can specify how to interpret the \key Tab and \key Backspace key presses. \section1 Specifying Tab Settings You can specify tab settings at the following levels: \list \o Global settings for all files \o Global C++ settings for C++ files \o Global Qt Quick settings for QML files \o Project specific settings for all editors of files in the project \o Project specific settings for C++ files in the project \o Project specific settings for QML files in the project \endlist By default, the tab-length in code editor is 8 spaces. You can specify the tab length separately for each project and for different types of files. The code editor can also determine whether tabs or spaces are used on the previous or next line and copy the style. The \key Tab key can automatically indent text when you press it, or only when the cursor is located within leading white space. \section1 Specifying Settings for Content You can indent public, protected, and private statements and declarations related to them within classes. You can also indent statements within methods and blocks and declarations within namespaces. \image qtcreator-code-style-content.png "Content options" \section1 Specifying Settings for Braces You can indent class, namespace, enum and method declarations and code blocks. \image qtcreator-code-style-braces.png "Braces options" \section1 Specifying Settings for Switch Statements You can indent case or default statements, or statements or blocks related to them within switch statements. \image qtcreator-code-style-switch.png "Switch options" \section1 Specifying Alignment To align continuation lines to tokens after assignments, such as = or +=, select the \gui {Align after assignments} check box. You can specify additional settings for aligning continuation lines in the \gui General tab. You can also add spaces to conditional statements, so that they are not aligned with the following line. Usually, this only affects \c if statements. \image qtcreator-code-style-alignment.png "Alignment options" */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-indenting-code.html \page creator-editor-finding.html \nextpage creator-editor-refactoring.html \title Finding and Replacing To search through the currently open file: \list 1 \o Press \key Ctrl+F or select \gui Edit > \gui Find/Replace > \gui{Find/Replace}. \o Enter the text you are looking for. If the text is found, all occurrences are highlighted as you type. \o To go to the next occurrence, click \inlineimage qtcreator-next.png , or press \key F3. To go to the previous occurrence click \inlineimage qtcreator-previous.png , or press \key Shift+F3. \endlist You can restrict the search in the \gui Find field by selecting one or several search criteria: \list \o To make your search case sensitive, select \inlineimage qtcreator-editor-casesensitive.png . \o To search only whole words, select \inlineimage qtcreator-editor-wholewords.png . \o To search using regular expressions, select \inlineimage qtcreator-editor-regularexpressions.png . Regular expressions used in Qt Creator are modeled on Perl regular expressions. For more information on using regular expressions, see \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qregexp.html#details} {Detailed Description} in the QRegExp Class Reference. \endlist \note If you have selected text before selecting \gui Find/Replace, the search is conducted within the selection. To replace occurrences of the existing text, enter the new text in the \gui{Replace with} field. \list \o To replace the selected occurrence and move to the next one, click \inlineimage qtcreator-next.png or press \key Ctrl+=. \o To replace the selected occurrence and move to the previous one, click \inlineimage qtcreator-previous.png . \o To replace all occurrences in the file, click \gui{Replace All}. \endlist \section1 Advanced Search To search through projects, files on a file system or the currently open file: \list 1 \o Press \key Ctrl+Shift+F or select \gui Edit > \gui Find/Replace > \gui{Advanced Find} > \gui{Open Advanced Find...}. \o Select the scope of your search: \list \o \gui{All Projects} searches files matching the defined file pattern in all currently open projects. For example, to search for \tt previewer only in \tt .cpp and \tt .h files, enter in \gui{File pattern} \tt *.cpp,*.h. \image qtcreator-search-allprojects.png \o \gui{Current Project} searches files matching the defined file pattern only in the project you are currently editing. \o \gui{Files on File System} recursively searches files matching the defined file pattern in the selected directory. \o \gui{Current File} searches only the current file. \endlist \o Enter the text you are looking for and click \gui Search. \image qtcreator-searchresults.png A list of files containing the searched text is displayed in the \gui{Search Results} pane. \list \o To see all occurrences in a file, double-click the file name in the list. \o To go to an occurrence, double-click it. \endlist \endlist \note You can use \gui{Advanced Find} also to search for symbols. For more information, see \l{Finding Symbols}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-finding.html \page creator-editor-refactoring.html \nextpage qt-quick-toolbars.html \title Refactoring Code refactoring is the process of changing the code without modifying the existing functionality of your application. By refactoring your code you can: \list \o Improve internal quality of your application \o Improve performance and extensibility \o Improve code readability and maintainability \o Simplify code structure \endlist \section1 Finding Symbols To find the use of a specific symbol in your Qt C++ or Qt Quick project: \list 1 \o In the editor, place the cursor on the symbol, and select: \list \o \gui {Tools > C++ > Find Usages} \o \gui {Tools > QML > Find Usages} \o \key Ctrl+Shift+U \endlist Qt Creator looks for the symbol in the following locations: \list \o Files listed as a part of the project \o Files directly used by the project files (for example, generated files) \o Header files of used frameworks and libraries \endlist \note You can also select \gui{Edit > Find/Replace > Advanced Find > C++ Symbols} to search for classes, methods, enums, and declarations either from files listed as part of the project or from all files that are used by the code, such as include files. \image qtcreator-search-cpp-symbols.png \o The \gui{Search Results} pane opens and shows the location and number of instances of the symbol in the current project. \image qtcreator-refactoring-find.png \endlist You can browse the search results in the following ways: \list \o To go directly to an instance, double-click the instance in the \gui{Search Results} pane. \o To move between instances, click \inlineimage qtcreator-forward.png and \inlineimage qtcreator-back.png in the \gui{Search Results} pane. \o To expand and collapse the list of all instances, click \inlineimage qtcreator-expand.png . \o To clear the search results, click \inlineimage qtcreator-clear.png . \endlist \section1 Renaming Symbols To rename a specific symbol in a Qt project: \list 1 \o In the editor, place the cursor on the symbol you would like to change and select \gui Tools > \gui C++ > \gui{Rename Symbol Under Cursor} or \gui Tools > \gui QML/JS > \gui{Rename Symbol Under Cursor}. Alternatively press \key Ctrl+Shift+R. The \gui{Search Results} pane opens and shows the location and number of instances of the symbol in the current project. \image qtcreator-refactoring-replace.png \o To replace all selected instances, enter the name of the new symbol in the \gui{Replace with} text box and click \gui Replace. To omit an instance, uncheck the check-box next to the instance. \note This action replaces all selected instances of the symbol in all files listed in the \gui{Search Results} pane. You cannot undo this action. \endlist \note Renaming local symbols does not open the \gui{Search Results} pane. The instances of the symbol are highlighted in code and you can edit the symbol. All instances of the local symbol are changed as you type. \section1 Applying Refactoring Actions Qt Creator allows you to quickly and conveniently apply actions to refactor your code by selecting them in a context menu. The actions available depend on the position of the cursor in the code editor and on whether you are writing C++ or QML code. To apply refactoring actions to C++ code, right-click an operand, conditional statement, string, or name to open a context menu. In QML code, click an element ID or name. In the context menu, select \gui {Refactoring} and then select a refactoring action. You can also press \gui {Alt+Enter} to open a context menu that contains refactoring actions available in the current cursor position. \section2 Refactoring C++ Code You can apply the following types of refactoring actions to C++ code: \list \o Change binary operands \o Simplify if and while conditions (for example, move declarations out of if conditions) \o Modify strings (for example, set the encoding for a string to Latin-1, mark strings translatable, and convert symbol names to camel case) \o Create variable declarations \o Create method declarations and definitions \endlist The following table summarizes the refactoring actions for C++ code. The action is available when the cursor is in the position described in the Activation column. \table \header \i Refactoring Action \i Description \i Activation \row \i Add Curly Braces \i Adds curly braces to an if statement that does not contain a compound statement. For example, rewrites \code if (a) b; \endcode as \code if (a) { b; } \endcode \i if \row \i Move Declaration out of Condition \i Moves a declaration out of an if or while condition to simplify the condition. For example, rewrites \code if (Type name = foo()) {...} \endcode as \code Type name = foo; if (name) {...} \endcode \i Name of the introduced variable \row \i Rewrite Condition Using || \i Rewrites the expression according to De Morgan's laws. For example, rewrites: \code !a && !b \endcode as \code !(a || b) \endcode \i && \row \i Rewrite Using \e operator \i Rewrites an expression negating it and using the inverse operator. For example, rewrites: \list \o \code a op b \endcode as \code !(a invop b) \endcode \o \code (a op b) \endcode as \code !(a invop b) \endcode \o \code !(a op b) \endcode as \code (a invob b) \endcode \endlist \i <= < > >= == != \row \i Split Declaration \i Splits a simple declaration into several declarations. For example, rewrites: \code int *a, b; \endcode as \code int *a; int b; \endcode \i Type name or variable name \row \i Split if Statement \i Splits an if statement into several statements. For example, rewrites: \code if (something && something_else) { } \endcode as \code if (something) { if (something_else) { } } \endcode and \code if (something || something_else) x; \endcode with \code if (something) x; else if (something_else) x; \endcode \i && || \row \i Swap Operands \i Rewrites an expression in the inverse order using the inverse operator. For example, rewrites: \code a op b \endcode as \code b flipop a \endcode \i <= < > >= == != && || \row \i Convert to Decimal \i Converts an integer literal to decimal representation \i Numeric literal \row \i Convert to Hexadecimal \i Converts an integer literal to hexadecimal representation \i Numeric literal \row \i Convert to Octal \i Converts an integer literal to octal representation \i Numeric literal \row \i Convert to Objective-C String Literal \i Converts a string literal to an Objective-C string literal if the file type is Objective-C(++). For example, rewrites the following strings \code "abcd" QLatin1String("abcd") QLatin1Literal("abcd") \endcode as \code @"abcd" \endcode \i String literal \row \i Enclose in QLatin1Char(...) \i Sets the encoding for a character to Latin-1, unless the character is already enclosed in QLatin1Char, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP, tr, trUtf8, QLatin1Literal, or QLatin1String. For example, rewrites \code 'a' \endcode as \code QLatin1Char('a') \endcode \i String literal \row \i Enclose in QLatin1String(...) \i Sets the encoding for a string to Latin-1, unless the string is already enclosed in QLatin1Char, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP, tr, trUtf8, QLatin1Literal, or QLatin1String. For example, rewrites \code "abcd" \endcode as \code QLatin1String("abcd") \endcode \i String literal \row \i Mark as Translatable \i Marks a string translatable. For example, rewrites \c "abcd" with one of the following options, depending on which of them is available: \code tr("abcd") QCoreApplication::translate("CONTEXT", "abcd") QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("GLOBAL", "abcd") \endcode \i String literal \row \i #include Header File \i Adds the matching #include statement for a forward-declared class or struct \i Forward-declared class or struct \row \i Add Definition in 'filename' \i Inserts a definition stub for a member function declaration in the implementation file \i Method name \row \i Add 'Function' Declaration \i Inserts the member function declaration that matches the member function definition into the class declaration. The function can be public, protected, private, public slot, protected slot, or private slot. \i Method name \row \i Add Local Declaration \i Adds the type of an assignee, if the type of the right-hand side of the assignment is known. For example, rewrites \code a = foo(); \endcode as \code Type a = foo(); \endcode where Type is the return type of \c {foo()} \i Assignee \row \i Convert to Camel Case... \i Converts a symbol name to camel case, where elements of the name are joined without delimiter characters and the initial character of each element is capitalized. For example, rewrites \c an_example_symbol as \c anExampleSymbol and \c AN_EXAMPLE_SYMBOL as \c AnExampleSymbol \i Identifier \row \i Complete Switch Statement \i Adds all possible cases to a switch statement of the type \c enum \i Switch \row \i Generate Missing Q_PROPERTY Members... \i Adds missing members to a Q_PROPERTY: \list \o \c read method \o \c write method, if there is a WRITE \o \c {on...Changed} signal, if there is a NOTIFY \o data member with the name \c {m_} \endlist \i Q_PROPERTY \endtable \section2 Refactoring QML Code You can apply the following types of refactoring actions to QML code: \list \o Rename IDs \o Split initializers \o Move a QML element into a separate file to reuse it in other .qml files \endlist The following table summarizes the refactoring actions for QML code. The action is available when the cursor is in the position described in the Activation column. \table \header \i Refactoring Action \i Description \i Activation \row \i Move Component into 'filename.qml' \i Moves a QML element into a separate file \i Element name \row \i Rename id \i Renames all instances of an element ID in the currently open file \i Element ID \row \i Split Initializer \i Reformats a one-line element into a multi-line element. For example, rewrites \code Item { x: 10; y: 20; width: 10 } \endcode as \code Item { x: 10; y: 20; width: 10 } \endcode \i Element property \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-qml-application.html \page creator-project-managing.html \nextpage creator-project-creating.html \title Managing Projects To set up a project, you first have to decide what kind of an application you want to develop: whether you want a user interface based on Qt Quick, Qt widgets, or HTML5. For a Qt Quick or HTML5 project, you must also choose the language to implement the application logic: C++ or JavaScript. You can also create other kinds of projects, such as Qt console applications, shared or static C++ libraries, or subprojects. You can use wizards to create and import projects. The wizards prompt you to enter the settings needed for that particular type of project and create the necessary files for you. You can add your own custom wizards to standardize the way subprojects and classes are added to a project. The wizards set up projects to use the Qt build tool, qmake. It is a cross-platform system for build automation that helps simplify the build process for development projects across different platforms. qmake automates the generation of build configurations so that only a few lines of information are needed to create each configuration. For more information about qmake, see the \l{http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.7/qmake-manual.html}{qmake Manual}. You can modify the build and run settings for qmake projects in the \gui Projects mode. Alternatively, you can use the CMake build automation system and set up the projects manually. In addition, you can import generic projects that do not use qmake or CMake. This allows you to use Qt Creator as a code editor. For generic projects, Qt Creator ignores your build system. To develop applications for Symbian devices, you use qmake and the local Symbian compiler (on Windows) or qmake and a compilation service at Nokia Developer (on Linux and Mac OS) to build the applications for the Symbian devices target. The interface to the compilation service, Remote Compiler, is installed as a part of the \QSDK. For more information, see \l{Building with Remote Compiler}. You can install Maemo, MeeGo Harmattan, and Symbian targets as parts of the \QSDK. The build and run settings for the selected targets are set up automatically. However, you need to install and configure some additional software on the devices to be able to connect to them from the development PC. You can use sessions to store personal data, such as bookmarks and breakpoints that are usually not of interest to other developers working on the same projects. Sessions allow you to quickly switch between projects when you work on several projects. The following sections describe how to manage projects: \list \o \l{Creating a Project} \o \l{Opening a Project} \o \l{Adding Libraries to Projects} \o \l{Connecting Maemo and MeeGo Harmattan Devices} \o \l{Connecting Generic Linux Devices} \o \l{Connecting Symbian Devices} \o \l{Managing Sessions} \endlist For advanced options, see the following topics: \list \o \l{Adding New Custom Wizards} \o \l{Setting Up a CMake Project} \o \l{Setting Up a Generic Project} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-managing.html \page creator-project-creating.html \nextpage creator-project-opening.html \title Creating a Project \image qtcreator-new-project.png You can use wizards to create following types of projects: \list \o Qt Quick Project Use QML elements or Qt Quick Components to define the user interface and, optionally, C++ or JavaScript to define the application logic. \o Qt Widget Project Use \QD forms to define a Qt widget based user interface and C++ to define the application logic \o Other Project \list \o HTML5 based applications \o Qt console applications \o Shared or static C++ libraries \o Qt unit tests \o Qt Custom Designer Widgets \o Subprojects \endlist \o Project from Version Control Import a project from a supported version control system. For more information on how version control systems are integrated in Qt Creator, see \l{Using Version Control Systems}. \endlist To create a new project, select \gui File > \gui{New File or Project} and select the type of your project. The contents of the wizard dialogs depend on the project type and the build targets that you select in the \gui {Target Setup} dialog. Follow the instructions of the wizard. For examples of creating different types of projects, see \l{Getting Started}. For more information about creating Qt Quick projects, see \l {Creating Qt Quick Projects}. To change the location of the project directory, and to specify settings for building and running projects, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Projects} > \gui{General}. To specify build and run settings for different target platforms, select \gui Projects. \section1 Adding Files to Projects You can use wizards also to add individual files to your projects. You can create the following types of files: \list \o Qt resource files, which allow you to store binary files in the application executable \o \QD forms and \QD form classes, which specify parts of user interfaces in Qt widget based projects \o QML files, which specify elements in Qt Quick projects \o GLSL files that define fragment and vertex shaders in both Qt Quick projects and Qt widget based projects \o C++ class, source, or header files that you can use to write the application logic in both Qt Quick projects and Qt widget based projects \o JavaScript files that you can use to write the application logic in Qt Quick projects \o Text files \endlist \section2 Creating C++ Classes The \gui {C++ Class Wizard} allows you to create a C++ header and source file for a new class that you can add to a C++ project. Specify the class name, base class, and header and source files for the class. The wizard supports namespaces. To use a namespace, enter a qualified class name in the \gui {Class name} field. For example: MyNamespace::MySubNamespace::MyClass. \image qtcreator-cpp-class-wizard.png "Enter Class Name dialog" The names of the header and source file are based on the class name. To change the default suffix of a file, click \gui Configure. You can create your own project and class wizards. For more information, see \l{Adding New Custom Wizards}. \section2 Creating OpenGL Fragment and Vertex Shaders Qt provides support for integration with OpenGL implementations on all platforms, which allows you to display hardware accelerated 3D graphics alongside a more conventional user interface. For more information, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtopengl.html}{QtOpenGL Module}. You can use the QGLShader class to compile OpenGL shaders written in the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and in the OpenGL/ES Shading Language (GLSL/ES). QGLShader and QGLShaderProgram shelter you from the details of compiling and linking vertex and fragment shaders. You can use Qt Creator code editor to write fragment and vertex shaders in GLSL or GLSL/ES. The code editor provides syntax highlighting and code completion for the files. \image qtcreator-new-opengl-file.png "New OpenGL file wizard" \section2 Displaying Additional File Types in Projects Pane Qt Creator determines whether to display files from the project folder in the \gui Projects pane depending on the file type (.pro, .pri, .cpp, .h, .ui, .qrc, and so on). To display other types of files, edit the project file. Add filenames as values of the \c {OTHER_FILES} variable. You can also use wildcards. For example, the following code specifies that text files are displayed in the \gui Projects pane: \code OTHER_FILES += *.txt \endcode This also makes the files available in the \gui Locator. \section1 Adding Subprojects to Projects When you create a new project, you can add it to another project as a subproject in the \gui{Project Management} dialog. However, the root project must specify that qmake uses the \c subdirs template to build the project. To create a root project, select \gui {File > New File or Project... > Other Project > Subdirs Project > Choose}. On the \gui Summary page, select \gui {Finish & Add Subproject} to create the root project and to add another project, such as a C++ library. The wizard creates a project file (.pro) that defines a \c subdirs template and the subproject that you add as a value of the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qmake-variable-reference.html#subdirs}{SUBDIRS variable}. It also adds all the necessary files for the subproject. To add more subprojects, right-click the project name in the \gui Projects pane, and select \gui {New Subproject} in the context menu. To remove subprojects, right-click the project name in the \gui Projects pane, and select \gui {Remove Subproject} in the context menu. To specify dependencies, use the \gui{Add Library} wizard. For more information, see \l{Adding Libraries to Projects}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-creating.html \page creator-project-opening.html \nextpage creator-project-qmake-libraries.html \title Opening a Project Qt Creator stores information that it needs to build projects in a .user file. If Qt Creator cannot find the file when you open an existing project, it prompts you to enter the information. If you created the project by using another Qt Creator instance, Qt Creator asks whether you want to use the old settings. The settings are specific to the development environment, and should not be copied from one environment to another. Therefore, we recommend that you click \gui No and enter the information again in the \gui {Project Setup} dialog. The \gui {Project Setup} dialog displays a list of development environments for target platforms (such as desktop, Maemo5 devices, and Symbian devices) that are installed on the development PC. Select the Qt versions that you want to use to build the project for each target. \image qtcreator-open-project-targets.png "Target Setup dialog" If Qt Creator cannot find an existing build for a particular development environment (Qt version) and target, it starts out from a clean slate, and creates a new build in the specified directory. Qt Creator suggests a name and location for the directory that you can change. By default, Qt Creator does a \l{glossary-shadow-build}{shadow build} and also creates the directory. However, shadow building is not supported for the Symbian Devices, Maemo5, or Harmattan target on Windows. If you have built the project before, Qt Creator can use the existing build configuration to make the exact same build as found in the directory available to Qt Creator. If you know you have a build, but it is not listed, click \gui {Add Build} to locate it. Select a directory, and Qt Creator scans it (including subdirectories) for additional builds of the project. Qt Creator adds the found builds to the target list. You can edit the build configuration later. For more information, see \l{Editing Build Configurations}. To open a project: \list 1 \o Select \gui File > \gui{Open File or Project} and select the project to open. \o In the \gui {Project Setup} dialog, select the Qt versions to use as build targets for your project, and click \gui{Finish}. \note If you have only one development environment installed, this dialog is skipped. \endlist Qt Creator parses all the source files in the project and performs a semantic analysis to build up the information that it needs for functions such as navigation and finding usages. A progress bar is displayed during parsing. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-os-supported-platforms.html \page creator-project-wizards.html \nextpage creator-project-cmake.html \title Adding New Custom Wizards If you have a team working on a large application or several applications, you might want to standardize the way the team members create projects and classes. You can copy the wizard templates in the template folders to create your own project and class wizards. They are displayed in the \gui New dialog that opens when you choose \gui {File > New File or Project}. In a project wizard, you can specify the files needed in a project. You can add wizard pages to allow developers to specify settings for the project. In a class wizard, you can allow developers to specify the class name, base class, and header and source files for the class. To see how this works, rename wizard_sample.xml as wizard.xml in the \c {\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\listmodel\helloworld} and \c {\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\listmodel\listmodels} folders. After you restart Qt Creator, the \gui {Custom Classes} and \gui {Custom Projects} categories appear in the \gui New dialog. \image qtcreator-custom-project-wizards.png "The New dialog with custom projects and classes" \section1 Overview of Custom Wizards A custom wizard defines the user interface of a wizard page. The values the user enters in the wizard are assigned field names. Field name and value pairs are then passed to the file creation process. File creation can happen in the following ways: \list 1 \o Template-based, where source files that contain placeholders for the field names are provided. During processing, the placeholders are replaced by the values from the wizard page. Optionally, modifier characters are applied. For more information, see \l{Processing Template Files}. \o Generator script, where a script is called to create the files. \note This option mainly exists to accommodate existing generator scripts or cases where complicated algorithmic logic is required when generating files. Writing cross-platform scripts is inherently difficult, and therefore, it is not recommended for new wizards. For more information, see \l{Using Generator Scripts}. \endlist Custom wizards are located in subdirectories of the following directories: \list \o \c{share/qtcreator/templates/wizards} \o the local user's configuration folder, \c{$HOME/.config/Nokia/qtcreator/templates/wizards} \o \c{%APPDATA%\Nokia\qtcreator\templates\wizards} \endlist They contain an XML configuration file called wizard.xml, the template source files, and optionally, the generator script. \section1 Creating Project Wizards To create a project wizard: \list 1 \o Make a copy of the \c {share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/helloworld} or \c {share/qtcreator/templates/wizards/listmodel} folder. \o Modify the wizard_example.xml file. \o The following code determines the type of the wizard and its place in the \gui New dialog: \code \endcode \list \o \c version is the version of the file contents. Do not modify this value. \o \c kind specifies the type of the wizard: \c project or \c class. \o \c class specifies the type of the project. Currently the only available type is \c qt4project, which specifies a Qt console project. \o \c firstpage specifies the place of the new page in the standard project wizard. The value 10 ensures that the custom page appears after the standard pages, as the last page of the wizard. \o \c id is the unique identifier for your wizard. The letter specifies the position of the wizard within the \c category. The HelloWorld wizard appears as the first wizard in the second category in the \gui New dialog. \o \c category is the category in which to place the wizard in the list. The letter specifies the position of the category in the list in the \gui New dialog. \endlist \o The following code specifies the icon and text that appear in the \gui New dialog: \code console.png Creates a hello-world-project with custom message. Erzeugt ein Hello-Welt-Projekt mit einer Nachricht. Hello World; Hallo Welt; Custom Projects Benutzerdefinierte Projekte \endcode \list \o \c icon appears next to the \c displayName. \o \c description appears at the bottom of the \gui New dialog when you select the display name. \o \c displayName appears in the \gui New dialog, under the \c displayCategory. You can add translations as values for the text elements. Specify the target language as an attribute for the element. Use locale names (QLocale). For example, \c {xml:lang="de"}. \endlist \o Files to be added to the project: \list \o Template-based: The following code specifies the files to add to the project: \code \endcode \list \o \c source specifies the file to copy to the project. The files must be located in the wizard folder. \o \c openeditor indicates that the file is to be opened in an editor after the wizard has finished. \o \c binary indicates that the file is a binary file (for example, an image file). It is to be copied to the target folder as is. Placeholders are not replaced with values. \o \c target specifies the new filename for the file. The \c {%ProjectName%} variable is replaced with the string that users specify in the \gui Name field on the first page of the wizard. \o \c openproject indicates that the file is a project file which is to be opened after the wizard has finished. \endlist See also \l{Processing Template Files}. \o Generator-script: The following code specifies that the script \c generate.pl is to be used to create the files: \code \endcode In each argument, the field placeholders are replaced by the field values. There are additional boolean attributes which give fine-grained control: \list \o \c omit-empty specifies that complete argument is to be omitted when all placeholders expand to empty values. In the above example, the option \c --source-suffix will not be passed to the script if the value is empty. \o \c write-file indicates that instead of the expanded value, the value will be written to a temporary file and its file name will be passed to the script instead. This is useful for multi-line text fields. \endlist See also \l{Using Generator Scripts}. \endlist \o The following code creates a page that specifies settings for the project: \code Hello World Parameters Hallo Welt Parameter Hello world message: Hallo-Welt-Nachricht: \endcode \list \o \c fieldpagetitle specifies the title of the page. \o \c field specifies whether the field is mandatory (\c true or \c false). You can use the value of the \c name field as a variable in other files (for example, \c {%MESSAGE%}. \o \c fieldcontrol specifies the field. \c class specifies the field type. You can use interface objects from the QWidget class to create fields. This example uses QLineEdit to create an input field. \o \c validator specifies a regular expression to check the characters allowed in the field. \o \c defaulttext specifies text that appears in the field by default. \o \c fielddescription specifies the field name that appears on the wizard page. \endlist \endlist \section1 Creating Class Wizards The widget.xml file for a class wizard is very similar to that for a project wizard. The differences are discussed below. To create a class wizard: \list 1 \o The following code specifies settings for the wizard: \code Creates a QAbstractListModel implementation. Erzeugt eine Implementierung von QAbstractListModel. QAbstractListModel implementation Implementierung von QAbstractListModel Custom Classes Benutzerdefinierte Klassen \endcode For more information about the elements and their values, see \l {Creating Project Wizards}. \o The following code specifies the files to add to the project: \code \endcode Here, \c target contains the following variables that are used to construct the filename: \list \o \c {%ClassName:l%} is replaced with the value of the \c ClassName field. The modifier \c l converts the string to lower case, to observe Qt conventions. \o \c {%CppSourceSuffix%} and \c {%CppHeaderSuffix%} are pre-defined. For more information, see \l{Pre-defined Standard Variables}. \endlist \code ListModel parameters Parameter des ListModel Class name: Klassenname: Data type: Datentyp: \endcode In addition to QLineEdit, QComboBox is used in the class wizard to create a field. \c combochoices specifies the options in the combobox and \c defaultindex specifies that QString is the default value. \endlist \section1 Processing Template Files When processing a template source file, placeholders specifying the field names in the format \c{%FIELDNAME%} are replaced by the values entered by the user. In addition, modifier characters are supported. For example, \c{%FIELDNAME:u%} specifies that the value is converted to upper case. This enables generating header guards for C++ header files. The following modifier characters are supported: \list \o \c{l} for lower case. \o \c{u} for upper case. \o \c{c} for upper case initial letter ("project" > "Project"). \endlist You can use conditions to add sections of the file depending on field values. Use a syntax that is similar to C++ preprocessing, as demonstrated in the profile of the \c{helloworld} example: \code @if "%SCRIPT%" == "true" QT += script @endif \endcode The value of the Boolean (QCheckBox) field labeled \c{SCRIPT} determines whether the script module is added. The expressions must expand to valid Javascript expressions after field replacement. \section1 Pre-defined Standard Variables In addition to the field values entered by the user, you can use the following pre-defined standard values: \list \o \c {%ProjectName%} is replaced by the name of the project in the case of project wizards. \o \c {%Path%} is replaced by the path to the target directory. For classes, this is the directory, where the files are created. For project wizards, an additional subdirectory named after the project is created. \o \c {%TargetPath%} is replaced by the path to the directory where the actual files are created. For non-project wizards, it is identical to \c %Path%. For project wizards, it is \c %Path%/%ProjectName%. \o \c {%CppSourceSuffix%} is replaced by the default source suffix, which is defined in Qt Creator in \gui {Tools > Options... > C++ > File Naming}. For example, if users enter \bold MyClass, the filename becomes myclass.cpp when the project is created. \o \c {%CppHeaderSuffix%} is replaced by the default header suffix, which is also defined in \gui {File Naming}. \endlist \section1 Validating User Input You can specify validation rules for user input. The rules consist of a Boolean JavaScript expression and an error message. The placeholders in them are replaced with values before they are evaluated or displayed. Consider the following rule used in the \l{Creating Class Wizards} example: \code %ClassName% cannot be used as class name. %ClassName% kann nicht als Klassenname verwendet werden. \endcode It ensures that the class name entered by the user does not match the name of the base class. If the validation fails, a red label displaying the message appears at the bottom of the wizard page. \section1 Using Generator Scripts The values entered in the wizard page are passed to the script as command line arguments as defined by the wizard configuration file. In addition, the script must implement a \c{--dry-run} command line option. Qt Creator needs to know the file names before the files are created to check whether files with identical names already exist, for example. Therefore, script file generation is a two-step process: \list 1 \o Determine file names and attributes: The script is called with the command line \c{--dry-run} option and the field values. It then prints the relative path names of the files it intends to create, followed by comma-separated attributes matching those of the \c{} element, for example: \code myclass.cpp,openeditor myclass.h,openeditor myproject.pro,openproject \endcode \o Create files: The script is called with the parameters only in the working directory. It then actually creates the files. If directories are needed, the script should create them, too. \endlist The \c{scriptgeneratedproject} sample wizard illustrates the usage. A typical script invocation for this example (obtained by running Qt Creator with \c{--customwizard-verbose}) looks as follows: \code generate.pl --class-name=TestClass --project-name=TestProject --header-suffix=h --source-suffix=cpp --description=/tmp/qtcreatorj26629.txt \endcode By default, the scripts are run in the directory corresponding to \c %TargetPath%. This can be overriden by specifying the attribute \c workingdirectory on the element \c generatorscript. For example, if the script creates the project directory by itself, %Path% can be specified. In that case, \c --dry-run should output the correct relative paths or absolute paths constructed using the value of \c %Path%. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-build-settings.html \page creator-project-qmake.html \nextpage creator-tool-chains.html \title Adding Qt Versions Qt Creator allows you to have multiple versions of Qt installed on your development PC and use different versions to build your projects for different targets. For example, \QSDK contains special Qt versions for MeeGo Harmattan, Maemo, and Symbian development. Qt Creator checks the directories listed in the \c{PATH} environment variable for the qmake executable. If a qmake executable is found, it is referred to as \bold{Qt in PATH} and selected as the Qt version to use in the \gui Projects mode in the \gui {Build Settings}. If Qt Creator cannot find qmake, the value in the \gui {Qt version} field might be invalid and you might need to change it. Qt Creator automatically detects the Qt versions that are registered by your system or by \QSDK. To view the settings for each Qt version, move the mouse pointer over it in the list. To add Qt versions, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Qt4 > Qt Versions}. Typically, you select the Qt versions for a project when you use project wizards to create the project. You can add Qt versions for a project in \gui {Build Settings}. \section2 Setting Up New Qt Versions To add a Qt version: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Qt4 > \gui Add. \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-add.png \o In the \gui{qmake location} field, enter the path to the directory where the qmake executable is located. \o In the \gui{Version name} field, edit the name that Qt Creator suggests for the Qt version. Qt Creator automatically determines the path to the binaries in the Qt installation and displays it in the dialog. \o In the \gui Helpers section, you can build the debugging helpers that are available for the Qt version. This is necessary, because the internal data structures of Qt can change between versions. For more information, see \l{Using Debugging Helpers}. \endlist \section2 Setting Up Qt for Symbian Versions If you install Qt for Symbian as a part of \QSDK, it is automatically detected by Qt Creator. If you install other Symbian SDKs and register them with devices.exe, Qt Creator automatically detects the Qt version. If the selected Qt version was built using the SBSv2 build system, that is available for Symbian OS 9.5 based SDKs, Qt Creator builds your projects using this build system. The \gui {SBS v2 directory} field is enabled and you must specify the path to the directory where the SBS executable (for example, sbs.bat on Windows) is located. To add a Qt for Symbian version: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Qt4 > \gui{Qt Versions}. \o Select the Qt for Symbian version you want the Qt Creator to use. \image qtcreator-qt4-qtversions-win-symbian.png For more information about how to add tool chains for using the GCCE and WINSCW compilers, see \l{Adding Tool Chains}. \o In the \gui {S60 SDK} field, enter the path to the directory where the Symbian SDK is located. \o In the \gui {SBS v2 directory} field, enter the path to the directory where the SBS v2 executable is located. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-qmake.html \page creator-tool-chains.html \nextpage creator-run-settings.html \title Adding Tool Chains A \e {tool chain} specifies a compiler and a debugger and other necessary tools for building an application that is targeted for a particular desktop or mobile platform. Qt Creator automatically detects the tool chains that are registered by your system or by \QSDK. You can add tool chains to build applications by using other compilers or with different versions of the automatically detected compilers: \list \o GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a compiler for Linux and Mac OS X. \o MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) is a native software port of GCC and GNU Binutils for use in the development of native Microsoft Windows applications on Windows. MinGW is distributed together with Qt Creator and Qt SDK for Windows. \o Linux ICC (Intel C++ Compiler) is a group of C and C++ compilers for Linux. \o Clang is a C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ front-end for the LLVM compiler for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Symbian. \o GCCE (GNU Compiler Collection for Embedded) is an ARM-based compiler used in Symbian OS 9 and distributed together with \QSDK. \o RVCT is an ARM-based compiler for building applications for Symbian devices (requires a license). \o WINSCW is a compiler for building applications that can be run or debugged on the Symbian Emulator. It is distributed together with Symbian SDKs (but not with the \QSDK). \endlist To build an application using GCC, MinGW, GCCE, or Clang, specify the paths to the directories where the compiler and debugger are located and select the application binary interface (ABI) version from the list of available versions. You can also create a custom ABI definition. Qt Creator allows you to select a tool chain that matches the Qt version in the \gui Projects mode \gui {Build Settins}. To add tool chains: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Tools > Options... Tool Chains > Add} and select a compiler in the list. \image qtcreator-toolchains.png To clone the selected tool chain, select \gui {Clone}. \o In the \gui Name column, double-click the name to change it. \o In the \gui{Compiler path} field, enter the path to the directory where the compiler is located. For WINSCW, enter the path to the Carbide C++ installation directory here. The other settings to specify depend on the tool chain. \o For RVCT, select the ARM version to use in the \gui {ARM version} field. \endlist \section2 Troubleshooting MinGW Compilation Errors If error messages displayed in the \gui {Compile Output} pane contain paths where slashes are missing (for example, C:QtSDK), check your PATH variable. At the command line, enter the following commands: \code where sh.exe where make.exe where mingw32-make.exe \endcode If these commands show paths, they have been added to the global PATH variable during the installation of a tool chain based on Cygwin or MinGW, even though this is against Windows conventions. To keep working with the third-party tool chain, create a new shell link that adds the required paths (as Visual Studio and Qt do). The shell link must point to cmd.exe, as illustrated by the following example: \c {C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /K C:\path_to\myenv.bat} where the /K parameter carries out the command specified in the bat file. Create the myenv.bat file at \e path_to, which should be in a convenient location. In the file, specify the paths to the tool chains. For example, \c {set PATH=C:\path1;C:\path2;%PATH%} where \e path1 and \e path2 are paths to the tool chains. Finally, remove the paths from the global PATH, reboot the computer, and run the \c where commands again to verify that the global PATH is now clean. You can use the shell link to run the tools in the third-party tool chains. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-opening.html \page creator-project-qmake-libraries.html \nextpage creator-developing-maemo.html \title Adding Libraries to Projects In addition to Qt libraries, you can add other libraries to your projects. The way the library is added depends on whether it is a system library or your own library or a 3rd party library located in the build tree of the current project or in another build tree. \image qtcreator-add-library-wizard.png "Add Library wizard" Because system libraries do not typically change and are often found by default, you do not need to specify the path to the library or to its includes when you add it. For your own libraries and 3rd party libraries, you need to specify the paths. Qt Creator tries to quess the include path for an external library, but you need to check it and modify it if necessary. Qt Creator automatically adds the include path for an internal library. For all libraries, select the target platforms for the application, library, or plugin. Specify whether the library is statically or dynamically linked. For a statically linked internal library, Qt Creator adds dependencies (PRE_TARGETDEPS) in the project file. Depending on the development platform, some options might be detected automatically. For example, on Mac OS, the library type (\gui Library or \gui Framework) is detected automatically and the option is hidden. However, if you develop on another platform than Mac OS and want to build your project for the Mac OS, you must specify the library type. The default convention on Windows is that the debug and release versions of a library have the same name, but are placed in different subdirectories, usually called \e debug and \e release. If the library path does not contain either of these folders, you cannot select the option to place the libraries in separate folders. Alternatively, the letter \e d can be added to the library name for the debug version. For example, if the release version is called example.lib, the debug version is called exampled.lib. You can specify that the letter is added for the debug version and removed for the release version. If the library name ends in \e d, deselect the \gui {Remove "d" suffix for release version} option. Qt Creator supports code completion and syntax highlighting for the added libraries once your project successfully builds and links to them. \section1 To Add Libraries \list 1 \o In the \gui Projects pane, open the project file (.pro). \o Right-click in the code editor to open the context menu and select \gui {Add Library...}. \o Follow the instructions of the wizard. \endlist For more information about the project file settings, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qmake-project-files.html#declaring-other-libraries}{Declaring Other Libraries}. \section1 Example of Adding Internal Libraries The following example describes how to add a statically linked internal library to your project. \list 1 \o Choose \gui {File > New File or Project... > Other Projects > C++ Library} to create the library. The \gui {Introduction and Product Location} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-add-library-wizard-ex-1.png "Introduction and Product Location dialog" \o In the \gui Type field, select \gui {Statically Linked Library}. \o In the \gui Name field, give a name for the library. For example, \bold mylib. \o Follow the instructions of the wizard until you get to the \gui {Project Management} dialog. In the \gui {Add to project} list, select a project. For example, \bold myapp. \o In the \gui Projects pane, open the project file (.pro). For example, \bold myapp.pro. \o Right-click in the code editor to open the context menu and select \gui {Add Library... > Internal Library > Next}. \o In the \gui Library field, select \bold mylib and click \gui Next. \o Click \gui Finish to add the following library declaration to the project file: \code win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../../../projects/mylib/release/ -lmylib else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../../../projects/mylib/debug/ -lmylib else:symbian: LIBS += -lmylib else:unix: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../../../projects/mylib/ -lmylib INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../../projects/mylib DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../../projects/mylib win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/../../../projects/mylib/release/mylib.lib else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/../../../projects/mylib/debug/mylib.lib else:unix:!symbian: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$OUT_PWD/../../../projects/mylib/libmylib.a \endcode \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-usability.html \page creator-building-running.html \nextpage creator-building-targets.html \title Building and Running Applications Qt Creator provides support for building, running, and deploying Qt applications for desktop environment and mobile devices. You can set up the following configurations: \list \o \e {Build configuration}, which contains everything you need to compile the sources into binaries. \o \e {Deploy configuration}, which handles the packaging and copying of the necessary files to a location you want to run the executable at. The files can be copied to a location in the file system of the development PC or a mobile device. \o \e {Run configuration}, which starts the application in the location where it was stored by the deploy configuration. \endlist By default, when you select the \gui Run function, Qt Creator builds, deploys, and runs the project. For more information about how to change the default behavior, see \l{Customizing the Build Process}. \section1 Setting Up a Project When you install the \QSDK, the build and run settings for the tool chains delivered with the \QSDK are set up automatically. To view and modify the settings for currently open projects, switch to the \gui Projects mode by pressing \key Ctrl+5. \image qtcreator-projectpane.png You can add a target if the development environment for the target platform is installed on the development PC and the Qt version is configured. Click \inlineimage qtcreator-qt4-addbutton.png "Add Target button" and select from a list of available targets. To remove a target, select it and click \inlineimage qtcreator-target-remove.png "Remove Target button" . You can select the targets and use the \gui Build menu commands to build, deploy, and run projects. The project pane consists of the following tabs: \list \o \l{Running Applications on Multiple Targets}{Targets} (If you have installed the development environment for only one target, the \gui Targets tab is replaced by a \gui Build tab and a \gui Run tab.) \o \l{Specifying Build Settings}{Build Settings} \o \l{Specifying Run Settings}{Run Settings} \o \l{Specifying Editor Settings}{Editor Settings} \o \l{Specifying Code Style Settings}{Code Style Settings} \o \l{Specifying Dependencies}{Dependencies} \endlist Use the \gui Build and \gui Run buttons to switch between the build and run settings for the active project. If you have multiple projects open in Qt Creator, use the tabs at the top of the window to navigate between their settings. \section1 Customizing the Build Process To specify the relationship between the release, build, and deploy configurations, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Project}. By default, the \gui {Always build project before deploying it} and the \gui {Always deploy project before running it} options are enabled. Therefore, when you select the \gui Run function, Qt Creator builds, deploys, and runs the project. \image qtcreator-project-options-deploy.png "Project General Options" */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-building-running.html \page creator-building-targets.html \nextpage creator-running-targets.html \title Building Applications for Multiple Targets You can build applications for multiple targets. By default, when you run the application on a target, you also build and deploy it to the target, first. However, you can also perform each operation separately. To check that the application code can be compiled and linked for a target, you can build the project. The build errors and warnings are displayed in the \gui {Build Issues} output pane. More detailed information is displayed in the \gui {Compile Output} pane. To build an application: \list 1 \o Select a target for the project. \image qtcreator-target-selector.png "Target selector" \o Choose \gui {Build > Build Project} or press \key {Ctrl+B}. \endlist For more information on the options you have, see \l{Specifying Build Settings}. \section1 Building for Symbian The tool chain for building applications locally on the development PC for the \gui {Symbian Device} target is only supported on Windows. If you develop on Linux or Mac OS, you must use the Remote Compiler interface to a compilation service at Nokia Developer. For more information, see \l{Building with Remote Compiler}. \section2 Troubleshooting Build Issues If you cannot build the application for a Symbian device, check that: \list \o You selected the Symbian Device target to build the application. \o You selected the correct Qt version to build the application. \endlist \section1 Building for Symbian Emulator Qt Creator does not create release configurations for the \gui {Symbian Emulator} target, because Symbian Emulator supports only debug builds. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-building-targets.html \page creator-running-targets.html \nextpage creator-build-settings.html \title Running Applications on Multiple Targets By default, running an application also builds it and deploys it to a location from where it can be run on the desktop, in Qt Simulator, or on a mobile device that is connected to the development PC. To run executable files without deploying them first, deselect the \gui {Tools > Options... > Project > Always deploy project before running it} option. This allows you to test SIS files that you receive from Ovi Publishing or Symbian Signed after you have them signed, for example. For more information on the options you have, see \l{Specifying Run Settings}. \section1 Running on Desktop \list 1 \o Select \gui Desktop as the target. \image qtcreator-target-selector.png "Target selector" \o Click the \gui Run button. \endlist \section1 Running on Qt Simulator You can use the Qt Simulator to test Qt applications that are intended for mobile devices in an environment similar to that of the device. You can change the information that the device has about its configuration and environment. \list 1 \o Select \gui {Qt Simulator} as the target. \o Click the \gui Run button. \endlist For more information about using the Qt Simulator, see the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtsimulator/index.html}{Qt Simulator Manual}. \section1 Running on Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan \list 1 \o Build and run the application for \l{Running on Qt Simulator}{Qt Simulator}. \o Build and run the application for \l{Using Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Emulator} {the Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan emulator}. \o Alternatively, you can build and run the application for a device: \list 1 \o Configure the device and specify a connection to it. For more information, see \l{Connecting Maemo and MeeGo Harmattan Devices}. \o Connect the device to the development PC. \o Click the \gui Run button. \endlist \endlist Qt Creator uses the compiler specified in the MADDE tool chain to build the application. Qt Creator generates an installation package, installs it on the device, and executes the selected application. The application views are displayed on the device. Command-line output is visible in the Qt Creator \gui {Application Output} view. Choose \gui {Projects > Maemo Run} to view the settings for deploying the application on the connected device and creating the installation package. For more information, see \l{Specifying Run Settings for Maemo and MeeGo Harmattan Devices}. Debugging also works transparently. \section1 Running on Generic Linux Devices \list 1 \o Build and run the application for \l{Running on Qt Simulator} {Qt Simulator}. \o Build and run the application for a device: \list 1 \o Specify a connection to the device. For more information, see \l{Connecting Generic Linux Devices}. \o Click the \gui Run button. \endlist \endlist Qt Creator uses the compiler specified in the project build settings (tool chain) to build the application. Qt Creator generates an installation package, installs it on the device, and executes the selected application. The application views are displayed on the device. Command-line output is visible in the Qt Creator \gui {Application Output} view. Choose \gui {Projects > Desktop > Run} to view the settings for deploying the application on the connected device and creating the installation package. For more information, see \l{Specifying Run Settings for Generic Linux Devices}. Debugging works transparently if GDB server is installed on the device and it is compatible with the GDB on the host. \section1 Running on Symbian \list 1 \o Build and run the application for \l{Running on Qt Simulator}{Qt Simulator}. \o If no problems are found, build and run the application for a device. \o To test functionality that uses Symbian APIs, you can build and run the application for Symbian Emulator. \endlist \section2 Running on a Device \list 1 \o Install the required software on the device. For more information, see \l{Connecting Symbian Devices}. \o Connect the device to the development PC through a USB cable. The target selector displays a green check mark when a device is connected. \image qtcreator-qt4-symbian-device-connected.png The tool tip of the target selector shows more details about the actual device that will be used when you run your application. \o Start the CODA debugging agent on the device. \note If you use CODA over an USB connection, it starts up automatically when you connect the device to the development PC. \o Click the \gui Run button. \endlist You can connect several devices to your development PC simultaneously. In the details of the run configuration for the \gui{Symbian Device} target, select the device to run your application on. When your application is ready for delivery to users, specify run settings for creating the final SIS installation packages. For more information, see \l{Creating SIS Files}. If you cannot run the application on a device, check that: \list \o The Nokia USB drivers that come with \e{PC Suite} or \e{Ovi Suite} have been installed on the development PC. \o The device is connected through USB cable in \e{PC Suite} mode. \o The CODA debugging agent is running on the device with the status \e connected. \note If you use the CODA debugging agent over WLAN, you must enter the WLAN address and port number in Qt Creator, separated by a colon (:). For example: \o The device is detected and selected in the \gui {Run Settings}. \endlist If this does not help to solve your problem, search the qt-creator@trolltech.com mailing list archives or provide feedback to us via the methods described on the \l{http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Category:Tools::QtCreator}{Qt Creator Development Wiki}. \section2 Running on Symbian Emulator Select the \gui{Symbian Emulator} target as the active one, and build and run your project. If you cannot run the application in the emulator, check that: \list \o You selected the \gui{Symbian Emulator} target for your application. \o If you cannot select \gui {Symbian Emulator} as target, check that Carbide.c++ is installed correctly and that the path to the Carbide.c++ installation directory is specified for the WINSCW tool chain in the \gui{Compiler path} field in \gui {Tools > Options... > Tool Chains}. \o If the emulator process cannot be started, try closing Qt Creator and starting the application directly from your file manager. Having done this, Qt Creator should be able to run your projects in the emulator. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-publish-ovi.html \page creator-remote-compiler.html \nextpage creator-help.html \title Building with Remote Compiler The \gui {Remote Compiler} target is an interface to a compilation service at Nokia Developer. It provides a simple, standardized environment for building Qt applications and creating installation packages for Symbian, Maemo, and MeeGo Harmattan devices when you do not have the necessary tool chains and SDKs installed or they are not supported on the development PC. You can choose from a set of supported devices, such as S60 3rd Edition or S60 5th Edition devices. You need a Nokia Developer user account to use the Remote Compiler. You can create an account for free at \l{http://www.developer.nokia.com/}{Nokia Developer}. \note Remote Compiler is an experimental component that is installed as part of \QSDK. \list 1 \o Select \gui {Start > \QSDK > Maintain \QSDK} to open the \gui {Maintain \QSDK} tool. \o In the \gui {Package Manager}, select \gui {Experimental > Remote Compiler} to install Remote Compiler. \o In Qt Creator, choose \gui {Tools > Options > Projects > Remote Compiler} to log on to Nokia Developer. \image remotecompiler-fn-logon.png "Remote Compiler options" \o Choose \gui {Projects}. \o Click \inlineimage qtcreator-qt4-addbutton.png "Add Target button" and select \gui {Remote Compiler} to add Remote Compiler as a target. \o Click \gui Add to add mobile device platforms as build configurations. \o Click the \gui {Target Selector} and select a build configuration. \o Choose \gui {Build > Build All}. \endlist The installation package is generated in the \gui {Build directory} on the development PC. For more information about Remote Compiler, choose \gui {Help > Contents > Remote Compiler Manual}. The document is added during the installation of Remote Compiler. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-running-targets.html \page creator-build-settings.html \nextpage creator-project-qmake.html \title Specifying Build Settings Different build configurations allow you to quickly switch between different build settings. By default, Qt Creator creates \bold debug and \bold release build configurations. A debug build contains additional debug symbols that you need for debugging the application but that you can leave out from the release version. Generally, you use the debug configuration for testing and the release configuration for creating the final installation file. You specify build settings in the \gui Projects mode. \image qtcreator-projectpane.png To add a new build configuration, click \gui Add and select the type of configuration you would like to add. You can add as many build configurations as you need. To delete the build configuration currently selected, click \gui Remove. \section1 Editing Build Configurations To edit a build configuration: \list 1 \o Select the build configuration you want to edit in \gui{Edit Build Configuration}. \o In the \gui {Qt version} field, select the Qt version to use for building project. You can add Qt versions to the list if they are installed on the development PC, but were not detected automatically. For more information, see \l{Adding Qt Versions}. \o In the \gui {Tool chain} field, select the tool chain required to build the project. The tool chains that are compatible with the selected Qt version are listed. You can add tool chains to the list if they are not automatically detected. For more information, see \l{Adding Tool Chains}. \o In the \gui {Build directory} field, specify the build directory for the project. By default, projects are built in a separate directory from the source directory, as \l{glossary-shadow-build}{shadow builds}. This keeps the files generated for each target platform separate. \note Shadow building is not supported by the Symbian build system. Also, shadow building on Windows is not supported for Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan. If you only build for one target platform, you can deselect the \gui{Shadow build} checkbox. \endlist \note The build configuration for the \gui{Symbian Device} target uses the GCCE tool chain by default. If you want to build for the device using RVCT, install the RVCT tool chain, and then select it in the \gui {Tool chain} field. \section1 Starting External Processes Qt Creator executes external processes to accomplish tasks such as building and running applications. To execute the processes, Qt Creator uses shell commands that are native to the system. It constructs the commands from an executable name and optional command line arguments. The executable name is specified in the executable fields: \gui qmake, \gui Make, \gui Command, or \gui Executable. It is either derived from the project or specified manually. When you specify executables manually, you can reference environment variables and Qt Creator variables. However, no quoting rules apply. You can specify command-line arguments in the arguments fields: \gui {Additional arguments}, \gui {Command arguments}, \gui {Make arguments}, or \gui Arguments. You can create shell command lines that can contain redirection and other advanced constructs. However, some more complex use cases, such as piping test data into the application being tested or grouping commands, are not supported because the value of the \gui Executable field is always placed first when constructing the command. \section2 Using Environment Variables You can use any environment variables as values in the fields. For a list of variable names, click \gui {Build Environment > Details} in the \gui {Build Settings}. Environment variables are referenced using the native syntax: $VARNAME or ${VARNAME} on Unix and %VARNAME% on Windows. \section2 Using Qt Creator Variables You can use Qt Creator variables in arguments, executable paths, and working directories. The variables take care of quoting their expansions, so you do not need to put them in quotes. The following Qt Creator variables are available: \list \o %{buildDir} \o %{sourceDir} \endlist \section1 Build Steps The build system of Qt Creator is built on qmake and make. In \gui{Build Steps} you can change the settings for qmake and make. Qt Creator runs the make command using the Qt version defined for the current build configuration. \image qtcreator-build-steps.png "Build steps" To override the shell command that Qt Creator constructs by default, remove the build step and add a custom build step that specifies another shell command. \section2 Adding Custom Build Steps To add custom steps to the build settings, select \gui {Add Build Step > Custom Process Step}. By default, custom steps are disabled. To activate a custom step, select the \gui{Enable custom process step} check-box. \image qtcreator-build-steps-custom.png "Custom Process Step" \section1 Clean Steps You can use the cleaning process to remove intermediate files. This process might help you to fix obscure issues during the process of building a project. \image qtcreator-clean-steps.png "Clean steps" You can define the cleaning steps for your builds in the \gui{Clean Steps}: \list \o To add a clean step using make or a custom process, click \gui{Add Clean Step} and select the type of step you want to add. By default, custom steps are disabled. To activate a custom step, select the \gui{Enable custom process step} check-box. \o To remove a clean step, click \gui{Remove Item}. \o To change the order of steps, click \inlineimage qtcreator-movestep.png . \endlist \section1 Build Environment You can specify the environment you want to use for building in the \bold{Build Environment} section. By default, the environment in which Qt Creator was started is used and modified to include the Qt version. Depending on the selected Qt version, Qt Creator automatically sets the necessary environment variables. You can edit existing environment variables or add, reset and unset new variables based on your project requirements. \image qtcreator-build-environment.png "Build Environment" \note The changes are stored in the local project specific \c{.pro.user} file. Therefore, they are not suitable for sharing between developers or development PCs. To share settings, incorporate them into the build system. For example, if you use qmake, make the changes in the \c{.pro} file. \section2 Clearing the System Environment To build with a clean system environment, select the \gui {Clear system environment} check box. Qt Creator discards the current environment, and populates a clean system environment with the environment variables that the compilers and tools need. Therefore, the environment is never totally empty, even after you clear it. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-tool-chains.html \page creator-run-settings.html \nextpage creator-editor-settings.html \title Specifying Run Settings Qt Creator automatically creates run configurations for your project. To view and modify the settings, select \gui {Projects > Run}. The settings to specify depend on the type of the project: Qt project or Qt Quick project, and on the target for the project. Click \gui Add to add run settings for a project and \gui Remove to remove the current settings. \section1 Specifying Run Settings for qmake Projects The run configurations for qmake projects derive their executable from the parsed .pro files. For more information on how the commands are constructed, see \l{Starting External Processes}. \section2 Specifying Run Settings for Desktop Targets You can specify command line arguments to be passed to the executable and the working directory to use. The working directory defaults to the directory of the build result. For console applications, check the \gui{Run in Terminal} check box. If you need to run with special environment variables set up, you also do it in the run configuration settings. \image qtcreator-pprunsettings.png You can also create custom executable run configurations where you can set the executable to be run. For more information, see \l{Specifying a Custom Executable to Run}. \section2 Specifying Run Settings for Symbian Devices Qt Creator automatically detects Symbian devices that are connected to the development PC with a USB cable. If only one device is detected, the application is deployed to it and run on it. If multiple devices are connected to the PC, make sure that the correct device is selected in the \gui {Symbian Device} run settings for your project. You can also pass command line arguments to your application on the device. Press the \gui{Device info button} to get more information about the selected device, such as the CPU type and the running debugging agent version. \image qtcreator-symbian-run-settings.png "Run settings for Symbian devices" To use the CODA debugging agent over a WLAN connection, enter the WLAN address of the device and the port number to use, separated by a colon (:), in the \gui WLAN field. For example: When you deploy the application for the \gui{Symbian Device} target, Qt Creator generates a Symbian installation system (SIS) file in the project folder and copies it to the device that is connected to the development PC. If no device is connected, you must remove the \gui {Deploy SIS Package} step, to create the package. Click \gui {Remove Item} to skip the step. \image qtcreator-remove-deploy-step.png "Removing deploy steps" When you are ready to publish the application on Ovi Store or some other channel, you must make sure that the SIS file meets the requirements for publishing and installing applications on Symbian devices. For more information, see \l{Deploying Applications to Symbian Devices}. \section2 Specifying Run Settings for Maemo and MeeGo Harmattan Devices To run an application on a Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan device, create and select a device configuration in the Maemo 5 or Harmattan run settings for your project. You can also pass command line arguments to your application. \image qtcreator-screenshot-run-settings-maemo.png "Run settings for Maemo devices" To run and debug applications on Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan devices, you must create connections from the development PC to the devices. Click \gui {Manage device configurations} to create connections. For more information, see \l {Configuring Connections in Qt Creator}. When you run the application on the \gui{Maemo5} or \gui Harmattan target, Qt Creator generates a Debian installation package in the build directory by default. You can deliver the installation package to users for installation on devices that are of the same type and run the same firmware as the connected device. For more information, see \l{Deploying Applications to Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Devices}. \section2 Specifying Run Settings for Generic Linux Devices To run an application on a generic Linux device (without MADDE support), create and select a device configuration in the Desktop run settings for your project. You can also pass command line arguments to your application. \image qtcreator-run-settings-linux-devices.png "Run settings for Generic Linux devices" In addition, you must create a connection from the development PC to the device. Click \gui {Manage device configurations} to create connections. For more information, see \l {Connecting Generic Linux Devices}. When you run the application on the \gui Desktop target, Qt Creator generates an installation package in the build directory. The name of the directory is displayed in the \gui {Create tarball} step. Qt Creator copies the tarball to devices by using the SSH file transfer protocol (SFTP) and extracts it. \section1 Specifying a Custom Executable to Run If you use CMake or the generic project type in Qt Creator, or want to run a custom desktop executable, create a \gui {Custom Executable} run configuration for your project. For example, when working on a library, you can run a test application that links against the library. Specify the executable to run, command line arguments, working directory, and environment variables to use. \image qmldesigner-run-custom-exe.png "Run settings for custom executables" \section1 Specifying Run Settings for Qt Quick UI Projects You can specify run settings for the \gui Desktop target: \list \o In the \gui {Qt version} field, select a Qt version that has support for QML. \o In the \gui Arguments field, you can specify command line arguments to be passed to the executable. \o In the \gui {Main QML file}, select the file that \QQV will be started with. \o In the \gui Debugger group, select the languages to debug: \gui{C++} and \gui QML. \gui {Debug port} is the port to access \QQV. You can use any free port in the registered port range. For more information, see \l{Debugging Qt Quick Projects}. \endlist \note Opening a socket at a well-known port presents a security risk. Anyone on the Internet could connect to the application that you are debugging and execute any JavaScript functions. Therefore, you must make sure that the port is properly protected by a firewall. \image qmldesigner-run-settings.png "Run settings for Qt Quick UI projects" */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-deployment-symbian.html \page creator-deployment-maemo.html \nextpage creator-publishing-to-maemo-extras.html \title Deploying Applications to Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Devices You can specify settings for deploying applications to Maemo 5 and MeeGo Harmattan devices in the project .pro file. You can view the settings in the \gui {Run Settings}. \image qtcreator-maemo-deployment.png "Deploy to device" The files to be installed are listed in the \gui {Deploy to Device} step, the \gui {Files to install for subproject} field. The \gui {Local File Path} field displays the location of the file on the development PC. The \gui {Remote Directory} field displays the folder where the file is installed on the device. Text in red color indicates that the information is missing. Select the text to edit it and add the missing information. You can use desktop files to display icons on the home screen of the device. To add desktop files to the project file, select \gui {Add Desktop File}. To specify the icon file to display, select \gui {Add Launcher Icon...}. To remove desktop files and icons, delete the definitions from the project file. If you develop your own libraries, Qt Creator needs to be able to find them when you compile projects depending on them. When you install MADDE, an instance of the device file system, called sysroot, is installed to the development PC. Libraries are copied to sysroot if the \gui {Also deploy to sysroot} check box is selected. \section1 Creating Debian Installation Packages When you run the application on the \gui{Maemo5} or \gui Harmattan target, Qt Creator generates a Debian installation package in the build directory by default. You can deliver the installation package to users for installation on devices that are of the same type and run the same firmware as the connected device. \image qtcreator-maemo-deb-package.png "Create installation package" The name of the installation package is displayed in the \gui {Package name} field in the \gui {Create Package} step. You can change the version number in the \gui {Package version} field. You can specify information that users see on a delivery channel, such as Ovi Store or Maemo.org. You can specify a short description of the application, package name, and application icon. The Debian control file contains an application icon in encoded form. To add the application icon to the file, select it in the \gui {Icon to be displayed in Package Manager} field. For more information about icon files and adding them manually, see \l{ http://wiki.maemo.org/Packaging#Displaying_an_icon_in_the_Application_Manager_next_to_your_package}{Displaying an icon in the Application Manager next to your package}. \note Qt Creator automates this process for you. Qt Creator provides templates for a set of files that must be included in Debian packages. When you create a \gui Maemo5 or \gui Harmattan target for a project, Qt Creator asks whether packaging files are to be added to the project and to version control. If you plan to edit the packaging files, add them to version control. To edit the files, select a file in \gui {Adapt Debian file} and click \gui Edit. The file opens in the text editor. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-deployment-maemo.html \page creator-publishing-to-maemo-extras.html \nextpage creator-publish-ovi.html \title Publishing Maemo Applications to Extras-devel Extras is the primary repository for Maemo applications where most community software can be found. You can browse the applications available in Extras at \l{http://maemo.org/downloads/Maemo5/}{Maemo Downloads}. You can publish both free and commercial applications to Extras. Free applications must be open source and pass through a QA process. Commercial applications are usually closed, binary only, and the publisher is responsible for assuring their quality and security. You can upload free applications as Debian packages to \l{http://wiki.maemo.org/Extras-devel}{Extras-devel} at Maemo.org to share new updates to your application and to start the community QA process. You need a \l{https://garage.maemo.org/}{Garage} account for the uploads, but the package itself does not need to be hosted in the Garage. You can use the \gui {Publish for Fremantle Extras-devel Free Repository} wizard to create a source archive and, optionally, upload it to a build server for compiling and packaging. The package is then moved to the Extras-devel repository. From there on, you must follow the standard Maemo processes to get the application published to Extras. The wizard checks that the package contains all the information that is required to publish applications on Extras: package description and Package Manager icon. For more information about entering this information, see \l{Creating Debian Installation Packages}. To use the publishing wizard: \list 1 \o Select the \gui {Maemo5} build target for your project. \o Choose \gui {Build > Publish Project}. \o Select \gui {Publish for Fremantle Extras-devel Free Repository}, and then select \gui {Start Wizard}. \o Select the Qt version and device type to build against and click \gui Next. To create a source archive without uploading it to the build server, select the \gui {Only create source package, do not upload} check box. \o In the \gui {Garage account name} field, enter your login name, or select \gui {Get an account} to create a new account. \image qtcreator-publish-maemo-extras.png "Upload Settings dialog" You can also select \gui {Request upload rights} to use the Maemo Extras Assistant to validate your Garage account. \o Select \gui Commit to publish the application. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-running-valgrind-remotely.html \page creator-deployment.html \nextpage creator-deployment-symbian.html \title Deploying Applications to Mobile Devices Deploy configurations in the \gui Project mode \gui {Run Settings} handle the packaging of the application as an executable and copying it to a location you want to run the executable at. The files can be copied to a location in the file system of the development PC or a mobile device. When you are ready to publish the application on Ovi Store or some other channel, you must make sure that the installation file meets the requirements for publishing and installing applications to Symbian or Maemo devices. The following sections describe the steps that you have to take to create installation packages for Symbian, Maemo, or MeeGo Harmattan devices and for publishing on Ovi Store: \list \o \l{Deploying Applications to Symbian Devices} \o \l{Deploying Applications to Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Devices} \o \l{Publishing Maemo Applications to Extras-devel} \o \l{Publishing Applications to Ovi Store} \o \l{Building with Remote Compiler} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-deployment.html \page creator-deployment-symbian.html \nextpage creator-deployment-maemo.html \title Deploying Applications to Symbian Devices This section describes how to create installation packages that meet the requirements for installing applications to Symbian devices. \section1 Creating SIS Files When you deploy the application for the \gui{Symbian Device} target, Qt Creator automatically generates a Symbian installation system (SIS) file in the project folder. You can deliver the installation file to users for installation on Symbian devices. The name of the installation file is displayed in the \gui {Installation file} field in the \gui {Run Settings}. In the \gui {Installation drive} field, select the drive on the device to install the application to. To suppress notifications on the device during the installation, select the \gui {Silent installation} check box. If the silent installation fails, Qt Creator attempts installation again, this time displaying notifications and error messages. To create a SIS package without copying it to the device (for example, to submit it to \e {Application Signing Services for Ovi Store} or \e {Symbian Signed}), create a deploy configuration that contains only the \gui {Create SIS Package} step. \image qtcreator-run-settings-create.png "Create SIS Package step" \section1 Signing SIS Files Only installation files signed with a certificate and private key are allowed to be installed onto Symbian devices. By default, Qt Creator self-signs the installation file. This self-signing allows you to install the application on a mobile device but places limits on what you can do with the installation file, including: \list \o Self-signed applications cannot access the more sensitive \l{Capabilities and Signing}{capabilities} of the mobile device. \o Security warnings will be displayed when you install the self-signed application on a mobile device. \o Self-signed applications cannot be published to Ovi Store. \endlist To get around these limitations, you need to go through the Symbian Signed or Application Signing Services for Ovi Store. The Symbian Signed organisation manages a public key infrastructure to provide public authentication of the information in the application signing certificates. Their security partner can validate your certificate and give you a Publisher ID. Then, when you sign an application, other people can be confident that the information in your certificate is correct and that the application does actually come from you. Application Signing Services for Ovi Store is a variant of the Symbian Signed certification provided by Ovi Publishing. It is limited to the Basic and System capability sets (Express Signing). Participants can submit an unsigned SIS file to Ovi Publishing for signing. For more information about how to participate, see \l {http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Guide_to_Publishing_Qt_Applications_to_the_Ovi_Store}{Guide to Publishing Qt Applications to the Ovi Store}. There are also options that do not require you to get a Publisher ID. For more detail about how the Symbian Signed process works, see \l{https://www.symbiansigned.com}{Symbian Signed}. When you have your own certificate and private key, you can specify them in the \gui{Create SIS Package} step in the \gui {Run Settings}. \image qtcreator-qt4-symbian-signing.png If your private key is protected by a passphrase, Qt Creator asks you for the passphrase when the package is signed and offers to store it. However, storing passphrases in Qt Creator presents a security risk. To make Qt Creator forget all saved passphrases, click \gui {Reset Passphrases}. \section2 Capabilities and Signing Capabilities allow the Symbian platform to control access by applications to the functionality provided by the platform APIs. Access to capabilities is determined by the device configuration and how the application has been signed. Symbian Signed offers the following signing options depending on the capabilities that the application accesses: \list \o \bold{Express signed} for applications that access only user and system capabilities. \o \bold{Certified signed} for applications that access also restricted or device manufacturer capabilities. \note You need to request the rights to access device manufacturer capabilities from the manufacturer. \endlist For more information about how to choose the appropriate signing option and how you can check which capabilities you need, see \l{https://www.symbiansigned.com}{Symbian Signed} and \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/platform-notes-symbian.html#required-capabilities}{Required Capabilities for Qt Applications}. For more information on how to define capabilities for a project, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qmake-platform-notes.html#capabilities}{Capabilities}. \note In Qt 4.7.1 and later, if you select the \gui {Self-signed certificate} option, the SIS generation process checks that the package can be self-signed. If problems are found, it attempts to fix the package. If fixes cannot be made, a message appears in the \gui {Compile Output} view. The following modifications can be made: \list \o Package UID is changed to an UID from the unprotected range (if it was from the protected range). \o Vendor ID is set to zero on all binaries included in the package file. \o All restricted and device manufacturer capabilities are removed from all libraries included in the package file. \endlist The application UID or capabilities used in executables (.exe) cannot be changed, because that would break the application. If the executables use protected UIDs or restricted or device manufacturer capabilities, signing fails and an error message appears in the \gui {Compile Output} view. \section1 Creating Smart Installer for Symbian Packages To deploy Qt applications on Symbian devices, you must install the software that Qt applications require, typically Qt, QtWebkit, and Open C. Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian makes it easier for users to install Qt applications to Symbian phones by checking whether the device contains the necessary software and by installing the missing pieces. For this to work, the Nokia Smart Installer must be packaged with the Qt application. The application SIS file must first be Symbian Signed or signed by the Application Signing Services for Ovi Store. The capabilities used in the applications determine, which signing option must be selected. The wrapper package must be signed using either the same option or a more extensive option than the application SIS. \note If you use the Application Signing Services for Ovi Store, you can submit an unsigned wrapper package to Ovi Publishing. For more information, see \l{Publishing Applications to Ovi Store}. You can either install the Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian as part of the \QSDK, or download and install it from the \l{http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Nokia_Smart_Installer_for_Symbian}{Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian} wiki. To package Nokia Smart Installer with the application, select the \gui {Create Smart Installer package} check box. This ensures that up-to-date and appropriate versions of Qt and its dependencies are installed on devices. Further, it reduces the file size of the application you publish, because you do not have to deliver the required libraries. Nokia has reserved the following UIDs to be used with Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian: \list \o 0xA000D7CE for self-signed applications \o 0x2002CCCF for Ovi Store or Symbian Signed packages \endlist \section2 Creating Self-signed Smart Installer Packages To create a self-signed Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian wrapped .sis file, you must use an UID from the unprotected UID range, provided by Symbian Signed and the wrapper package UID value 0xA000D7CE. If you used the Qt Creator project wizard to create the project, this wrapper package UID is used by default. \list 1 \o Make sure that the source directory is clean. For example, if you use Git, enter the following command: \c {git clean -dfx} \o Click \gui Projects to edit the \gui {Build Settings} for the \gui {Symbian Device} target. \o Select the \gui Release configuration. \o Open the \gui {Run Settings}. \o In the \gui {Create SIS Package} step, select \gui {Self-signed certificate}. \o In the \gui {Deploy SIS Package} step, click \gui {Remove Item} to skip the step of copying the SIS file to a device. The SIS file is created in the project folder. \image qtcreator-remove-deploy-step.png "Removing deploy steps" \o To package Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian with the application, select the \gui {Create Smart Installer package} check box. \o Edit the project .pro file to use the correct UIDs for the application and the wrapper package, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \code symbian { TARGET.UID3 = 0xE4DE5D27 DEPLOYMENT.installer_header=0xA000D7CE vendorinfo = \ "%{\"CustomVendor-EN\"}" \ ":\"CustomVendor\"" my_deployment.pkg_prerules = vendorinfo DEPLOYMENT += my_deployment } \endcode \o Choose \gui {Build > Run Project}. \endlist Qt Creator automatically generates a wrapper package in the project folder. \section2 Creating Symbian Signed Smart Installer Packages If the application uses functions that require advanced capabilities (AllFiles, DRM, TCB, CommDD, DiskAdmin, NetworkControl, MultimediaDD), you must use the standard Symbian Signed process to have the application Symbian Signed. Depending on the capabilities used, you may use either the Express Signed or the Certified Signed path, or the manufacturer-specific channel (for AllFiles, DRM, and TCB). \list 1 \o Make sure that the source directory is clean. For example, if you use Git, enter the following command: \c {git clean -dfx} \o Click \gui Projects to edit the \gui {Build Settings} for the \gui {Symbian Device} target. \o Select the \gui Release configuration. \o Open the \gui {Run Settings}. \o In the \gui {Create SIS Package} step, specify the developer certificate and key in the \gui {Custom certificate} and \gui {Key file} fields. \o In the \gui {Deploy SIS Package} step, click \gui {Remove Item} to skip the step of copying the SIS file to a device. The SIS file is created in the project folder. \o Edit the project .pro file to use the correct UIDs and vendor information for the application, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \code symbian { TARGET.UID3 = 0x2000D7D1 DEPLOYMENT.installer_header=0x2002CCCF vendorinfo = \ "%{\"CustomVendor-EN\"}" \ ":\"CustomVendor\"" my_deployment.pkg_prerules = vendorinfo DEPLOYMENT += my_deployment } \endcode \o Choose \gui {Build > Run Project}. \o Submit the created .sis file to Symbian Signed for certification. \note Ensure that your application complies with the Symbian Signed Test Criteria before submitting the file for certification. Also, if the file is intended for Ovi Store publishing, verify that the application complies with Ovi Store publishing requirements. \o After receiving the .sis file from Symbian Signed, copy it over the old application.sis. \note The instructions below assume that you have installed \QSDK. \o To package Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian with the application, choose \gui {Start > Qt SDK > Symbian > Qt for Symbian Command Prompt} to open the Qt command line environment. \o Change to the project directory. For example: \c{cd C:\Sources\Application} \o To create a Smart Installer wrapper package, enter the following command: \c {C:\Sources\Application> make ok_installer_sis QT_SIS_CERTIFICATE=publisherid.cer QT_SIS_KEY=publisherid.key} \o Submit the created wrapped .sis file, application_installer.sis, to Symbian Signed. Express Signed is a suitable signing option for the wrapper package. The capabilities used in the application do not play a role here, because the wrapper package is already signed. \endlist Qt Creator automatically generates a wrapper package in the project folder. \note Ensure that your application complies with the requirements before submitting the file to Ovi Store. For more information about the qmake DEPLOYMENT variable, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qmake-variable-reference.html#deployment}{qmake Variable Reference}. For more information about the Nokia Smart Installer, see the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/smart-installer/index.html}{Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian Manual}. Note: Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian is only available on Windows. \section1 Application UID A UID is a globally unique identifier that is used to uniquely identify, for example, an object or file type. In Symbian development, objects are identified by compound identifiers that are constructed from three UIDs, namely UID1, UID2, and UID3. UID1 and UID2 specify the category of an object, whereas UID3 identifies a particular object, such as an application. When you create a \gui {Mobile Qt Application}, Qt Creator adds a UID3 suitable for development and debugging automatically to the application .pro file. However, to distribute your application and get it Symbian Signed, you must apply for a UID from Symbian Signed, which manages the allocation of UIDs. You can request UIDs either one at a time or as preallocated blocks on the \l{https://www.symbiansigned.com/app/page}{Symbian Signed} web site. If you use the Ovi Signed process, Ovi Publisher Support allocates the UID for you. Replace the testing UID with the distribution UID in the .pro file before you build the final installation package. For more information, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qmake-platform-notes.html#unique-identifiers}{Unique Identifiers}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-publishing-to-maemo-extras.html \page creator-publish-ovi.html \nextpage creator-remote-compiler.html \title Publishing Applications to Ovi Store Ovi Store is the global content market of Nokia, which reaches millions of people worldwide. Consumers can access Ovi Store through either of these platforms: \list \o Ovi Store applications on mobile devices \o Web browsers on desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, and tablets \endlist Consumers have access to a wide selection of content and can download content in a few easy clicks. The process and requirements to publish Qt applications to Ovi Store are described in the \l {http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Guide_to_Publishing_Qt_Applications_to_the_Ovi_Store}{Guide to Publishing Qt Applications to the Ovi Store} wiki. This section describes how to generate installation packages that you can publish to Ovi Store. \section1 Publishing Qt Content for Symbian Devices You can use the \e {Application Signing Services for Ovi Store} to get your application Express Signed for free by Nokia. Make sure to use the \l{Application UID}{application UID} that you receive from Ovi Publisher Support. The \gui {Publish Qt Symbian Applications to Ovi Store} wizard allows you to check that your application can be published on Ovi Store. It checks that the application UID, vendor name, and the capabilities used meet the Ovi Publishing criteria. If you use Symbian Signed UIDs or the application uses functions that require advanced \l{Capabilities and Signing}{capabilities}, you must use the standard Symbian Signed process to have the application Symbian Signed (using the Certified Signed path or the manufacturer-specific channel). For more information, see \l{Deploying Applications to Symbian Devices}. To use the publishing wizard: \list 1 \o Select \gui Projects to select the Qt version to build the application. For more information, see \l{Supported Configurations}. \o Select the \gui {Symbian Device} build target for your project. \o Choose \gui {Build > Publish Project}. \o Select \gui {Publish Qt Symbian Applications to Ovi Store}, and then select \gui {Start Wizard}. \o Select the Qt version and device type to build against and click \gui Next. We recommend that you select a release configuration. \o The wizard checks the information in the project file against the Ovi Publishing criteria and indicates possible problems. You can fix some of the problems in the wizard. \image qtcreator-publishing-wizard-symbian.png "Project File Checks dialog" \o Select \gui Commit to save changes and create the .sis file. The .sis file is packaged with Nokia Smart Installer for Symbian. \o Choose \gui {Open Containing Folder} to open the folder where the .sis file was created. \o Submit the created .sis file to Ovi Publishing as a Qt Content item. \note You cannot use this .sis file for testing. \endlist \note After you change the application UID, you must use the developer certificate-key pair that you receive from Ovi Publisher Support for testing the application on devices. The following error message is displayed on the device if you use UIDs from the trusted range (0x2xxxxxxx) in a self-signed application: \gui {Unable to install a trusted application from a trusted supplier.} For more information, see \l{http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/UID}{UID}. If you try to use more capabilites than the certificate permits, the following error message is displayed on the device: \gui {Requested application access not granted.} For example, if you try to install a self-signed application that uses a system capability. \section2 Supported Configurations When you select the Qt version to build the application with, consider which version provides the application with the widest support on different Symbian platforms. The binary compatibility promise of Qt and Symbian means that applications that are built against Qt 4.6.3 also run on Qt 4.7.3. Similarly, applications that are supported on Symbian^1 are also supported on Symbian^3. However, dependencies, such as QML or Qt Mobility API versions might restrict the choice of Qt versions that you have. In general, if you use only Qt widgets and APIs in the application, you can use \gui {Qt 4.6.3 for Symbian^1} to build it. The application is supported on both Symbian^1 and Symbian^3 devices. If you use QML in the application, you can use \gui {Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^1} to build it. The application is supported on both Symbian^1 and Symbian^3 devices. If you use native Symbian APIs, you must check that they are available on the target devices. For more information about the API differences between Symbian^1 (S60 5th Edition) and Symbian^3, see the \bold {Symbian Reference Documentation for Qt}, which is delivered together with \QSDK and which you can view in the \gui Help mode. The following table summarizes the supported configurations for each Qt version available in Qt Creator build settings: \table \header \i Qt Version \i QML \i Qt Mobility Version \i Native Symbian C++ APIs \i Open GL \row \i Qt 4.6.3 for S60 3rd Edition \i No \i 1.0.2 \i No \i No \row \i Qt 4.6.3 for Symbian^1 (S60 5th Edition) \i No \i 1.0.2 \i No \i No \row \i Qt 4.6.3 for Symbian^3 \i No \i 1.0.2 \i Yes \i No \row \i Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^1 \i Yes \i 1.1.3 \i No \i No \row \i Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^3 \i Yes \i 1.1.3 \i Yes \i Yes \endtable \section1 Publishing Qt Content for Maemo Devices The applications that you publish on Ovi Store, must meet the testing criteria listed in \l{http://www.developer.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/9cd1eb18-821b-4228-a0a3-36b049c5d608/Maemo_5_Application_OVI_Store_Entry_Requirements.pdf.html} {Maemo 5 Applications: Ovi Store Entry Requirements}. Make sure that your application passes the following most commonly failed test cases: \list \o Package filename must include the application name and version number using three digits. For example: myapplication_1_0_1.deb \o Application files must be installed to the opt folder on the ext3 partition. \o Debian packages must be given the category user/hidden. \o Application cannot crash or hang during use. \o The application must handle different memory situations correctly. \endlist You set the application name and installation folder in the \gui {Run Settings} for the project. For more information, see \l{Deploying Applications to Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Devices}. Qt Creator specifies the correct category settings by default when it creates the Debian directory and the necessary files. You can test the application on Qt Simulator and Maemo emulator to make sure that it does not crash or hang and to check how it handles different memory situations. Before you submit the application to Ovi Publishing, you must also fully test it on a Maemo device. \section1 Publishing Qt Content for MeeGo Harmattan Devices You cannot publish applications that are built with the beta version of the MeeGo Harmattan tool chain to Ovi Store. However, you can prepare for publishing by making sure that your application meets the \l{http://www.developer.nokia.com/info/sw.nokia.com/id/44affcd1-ceba-4aca-8b65-670ce2cbbd1e/MeeGo_1_2_Harmattan_Applications_Ovi_Store_Entry_Requirements.html} {MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Applications: Ovi Store Entry Requirements}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-run-settings.html \page creator-editor-settings.html \nextpage creator-code-style-settings.html \title Specifying Editor Settings Qt Creator uses the \l{Editing MIME Types}{MIME type} of the file to determine which mode and editor to use for opening the file. For example, Qt Creator opens .txt files in \gui Edit mode in the text editor. You can configure the text editor according to your needs. You can specify editor behavior either globally for all projects or separately for each project. To specify global editor behavior, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Text Editor > Behavior}. To configure the text editor behavior for the current project: \list \o Select \gui {Projects > Editor Settings}. \o Deselect the \gui {Use global settings} check box. \o Specify text editor settings for the project. \endlist \image qtcreator-editor-settings.png "Editor Settings view" For more information about the settings, see: \list \o \l{Indenting Code} \o \l{File Encoding} \o \l{Moving to Symbol Definition or Declaration} \o \l{Configuring Fonts} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-settings.html \page creator-code-style-settings.html \nextpage creator-build-dependencies.html \title Specifying Code Style Settings Qt Creator uses the \l{Editing MIME Types}{MIME type} of the file to determine which mode and editor to use for opening the file. Qt Creator opens C++ files in \gui Edit mode in the C++ code editor and QML files in the Qt Quick editor. You can configure the code style according to your needs. You can specify code style either globally for all projects or separately for each project. To specify global code style for C++ files, select \gui {Tools > Options... > C++}. To specify global code style for QML files, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Qt Quick}. To configure the editor behavior for the current project: \list \o Select \gui {Projects > Code Style Settings}. \o In the \gui Language field, select \gui C++ or \gui Qt Quick. \o Deselect the \gui {Use global settings} check box. \o In the \gui Settings field, select \gui Custom. \o Specify code style settings for the project. Only \gui General settings are available for QML files. \endlist \image qtcreator-code-style-settings.png "Code Style Settings view" For more information about the settings, see \l{Indenting Code}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-code-style-settings.html \page creator-build-dependencies.html \nextpage creator-debugging.html \title Specifying Dependencies If you have multiple projects loaded in a session, you can define the order in which they are built. For example, if project A depends on project B, project B must be built first. \note The build order is stored as a property of a session, not a project. You must open the session for these settings to take effect. For more information, see \l{Managing Sessions}. \image qtcreator-build-dependencies.png "Dependencies view" To define the build order of projects within a session: \list 1 \o In \gui Projects, select a project. \o Click \gui Dependencies. \o Select projects that must be built before the current project is built. \endlist Qt Creator calculates the build order based on the dependencies that you specify for the projects loaded in the session. \note You cannot use this view to specify subprojects for projects. For more information on how to add subprojects, see \l{Adding Subprojects to Projects}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-quick-tour.html \page creator-getting-started.html \nextpage creator-build-example-application.html \title Getting Started This section contains examples that illustrate how to use Qt Creator to create, build, and run simple applications: \list \o \l{Building and Running an Example Application} \o \l{Creating a Qt Widget Based Application} \o \l{Creating a Mobile Application with Qt SDK} \o \l{Creating a Qt Quick Application} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-writing-program.html \page creator-mobile-example.html \nextpage creator-qml-application.html \title Creating a Mobile Application with Qt SDK \note To complete this tutorial, you must install \QSDK. The installation program installs and configures the necessary tool chains for mobile application development. This tutorial describes how to use Qt Creator to create a small Qt application, Battery Indicator, that uses the System Information Mobility API to fetch battery information from the device. \image qtcreator-batteryindicator-screenshot.png \section1 Creating the Battery Indicator Project \note Create the project with the \gui{Help} mode active so that you can follow these instructions while you work. \list 1 \o Select \gui{File > New File or Project > Qt Widget Project > Mobile Qt Application > Choose}. \image qtcreator-new-mobile-project.png "New File or Project dialog" The \gui{Introduction and Project Location} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-mobile-intro-and-location.png "Introduction and Project Location dialog" \o In the \gui{Name} field, type \bold {BatteryIndicator}. \o In the \gui {Create in} field, enter the path for the project files. For example, \c {C:\Qt\examples}, and then click \gui{Next}. The \gui{Target Setup} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-mobile-project-qt-versions.png "Target Setup dialog" \o Select \gui {Symbian Device}, \gui {Maemo5}, \gui Harmattan, and \gui {Qt Simulator} targets, and click \gui{Next}. \note Targets are listed if you installed the appropriate development environment, for example, as part of the \QSDK. You can add targets later in the \gui Projects mode. The \gui {Mobile Options} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-mobile-project-app-options.png "Mobile Options dialog" \o In the \gui {Orientation behavior} field, determine how the application behaves when the orientation of the device display rotates between portrait and landscape, and then click \gui{Next}. \note This dialog opens only if you select \gui Maemo5 or \gui {Symbian Device} target in the \gui {Target Setup} dialog. On Harmattan, the Qt Quick Components for MeeGo provide native-looking rotation. The \gui {Symbian Specific} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-mobile-project-symbian-options.png "Symbian Specific dialog" \note Qt Creator contains a default program icon and generates an \l{Application UID}, for testing the application on a device. You only need to change the icon and UID if you deliver the application for public use. \o Click \gui Next. The \gui {Maemo Specific} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-mobile-project-maemo-options.png "Maemo Specific dialog" \o In the \gui {Application icon} field, select the application icon to use on Maemo 5 or Harmattan targets, or click \gui Next to use the default icon. The \gui{Project Management} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-mobile-project-summary.png "Project Management dialog" \o Review the project settings, and click \gui{Finish} to create the project. \endlist The BatteryIndicator project now contains the following files: \list \o BatteryIndicator.pro \o main.cpp \o BatteryIndicator.svg \o BatteryIndicator.png \o BatteryIndicator.desktop \o deployment.pri \o mainwindow.cpp \o mainwindow.ui \o mainwindow.h \o templates for Debian deployment files \endlist \image qtcreator-mobile-project-contents.png "Project contents" The files come with the necessary boiler plate code that you must modify, as described in the following sections. \section1 Declaring the Qt Mobility API To use the Qt Mobility APIs or develop applications for Symbian devices, you must modify the .pro file to declare the Qt Mobility APIs that you use. This example uses the System Info API, so you must declare it, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \code CONFIG += mobility MOBILITY = systeminfo \endcode Each Mobility API has its corresponding value that you have to add as a value of MOBILITY to use the API. For a list of the APIs and the corresponding values that you can assign to MOBILITY, see the \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility/quickstart.html}{Quickstart Example}. \section1 Designing the User Interface \list 1 \o In the \gui{Editor} mode, double-click the mainwindow.ui file in the \gui{Projects} view to launch the integrated \QD. \o Drag and drop a \gui{Progress Bar} (\l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qprogressbar.html}{QProgressBar}) widget to the form. \image qtcreator-mobile-project-widgets.png "Adding widgets to the UI" \o In the \gui Properties pane, change the \gui objectName to \bold batteryLevelBar. \o Right-click the \gui MainWindow object and select \gui {Lay Out > Lay Out Horizontally} to ensure that the battery indicator widget size is adjusted correctly on Maemo devices. \endlist \section1 Completing the Header File The mainwindow.h file contains some of the necessary #includes, a constructor, a destructor, and the \c{Ui} object. You must include the System Info header file, add a shortcut to the mobility name space, and add a private function to update the battery level value in the indicator when the battery power level changes. \list 1 \o In the \gui{Projects} view, double-click the \c{mainwindow.h} file to open it for editing. \o Include the System Device Info header file, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/batteryindicator/mainwindow.h 1 \o Add a shortcut to the mobility name space, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/batteryindicator/mainwindow.h 2 \o Declare a private function in the \c{private} section, after the \c{Ui::MainWindow} function, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/batteryindicator/mainwindow.h 3 \endlist \section1 Completing the Source File Now that the header file is complete, move on to the source file, mainwindow.cpp. \list 1 \o In the \gui{Projects} view, double-click the mainwindow.cpp file to open it for editing. \o Create a QSystemDeviceInfo object and set its value. Then connect the signal that indicates that battery level changed to the \c setValue slot of the progress bar. This is illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/batteryindicator/mainwindow.cpp 1 \o Use the constructor to set initial values and make sure that the created object is in a defined state, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/batteryindicator/mainwindow.cpp 2 \endlist \section1 Compiling and Running Your Program Now that you have all the necessary code, select \gui {Qt Simulator} as the target and click the \inlineimage qtcreator-run.png button to build your program and run it in the Qt Simulator. In Qt Simulator, run the runOutOfBattery.qs example script to see the value change in the Battery Indicator application. Select \gui {Scripting > examples > runOutOfBattery.qs > Run}. \image qtcreator-mobile-simulated.png "Mobile example in Qt Simulator" \section1 Testing on a Symbian Device You also need to test the application on real devices. Before you can start testing on Symbian devices, you must connect them to the development PC by using a USB cable and install the necessary software on them. \list 1 \o Install Qt libraries, Qt mobile libraries, and a debugging agent on the device. For more information, see \l{Connecting Symbian Devices}. \o Start the CODA debugging agent on the device. \o Click the \gui {Target Selector} and select \gui {Symbian Device}. \o Click \gui Run to build the application for the Symbian device. \endlist \section1 Testing on the Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Emulator The Maemo 5 (Fremantle) and MeeGo Harmattan emulator are installed as part of the \QSDK. After they are installed, you can start them from Qt Creator. The Maemo emulator emulates the Nokia N900 device environment. You can test applications in conditions practically identical to running the application on a Nokia N900 device with the software update release 1.3 (V20.2010.36-2). The MeeGo Harmattan emulator emulates the Nokia N9 device environment. For more information, see \l{Using Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Emulator}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-getting-started.html \page creator-build-example-application.html \nextpage creator-writing-program.html \title Building and Running an Example Application You can test that your installation is successful by opening an existing example application project. \list 1 \o On the \gui Welcome page, select \gui {Choose an Example...} in the \gui {Explore Qt Quick Examples} field, and then select \gui {Toys > Clocks}. \image qtcreator-gs-build-example-open.png "Selecting an example" \o Select targets for the project. Select at least Qt Simulator and one of the mobile targets, Symbian Device, Maemo 5, or Harmattan, depending on the device you develop for. \image qtcreator-gs-build-example-targets.png "Selecting targets" \note You can add targets later in the \gui Projects mode. \o To test the application in Qt Simulator, click the \gui {Target Selector} and select \gui {Qt Simulator}. \image {qtcreator-gs-build-example-select-qs.png} "Selecting Qt Simulator as target" \o Click \inlineimage{qtcreator-run.png} to build the application and run it in Qt Simulator. \o To see the compilation progress, press \key{Alt+4} to open the \gui {Compile Output} pane. The \gui Build progress bar on the toolbar turns green when the project is successfully built. The application opens in Qt Simulator. \image {qt-simulator.png} "Qt Simulator" \o Change the settings in the \gui View pane. For example, rotate the device by clicking the \gui {Orientation} buttons or choose from the various Symbian and Maemo configurations in the \gui {Device} field. You can also simulate various mobile functions and create your own scripts. \o To test the application on a Symbian device, install Qt libraries and a debugging agent on the device. For more information, see \l{Connecting Symbian Devices}. \o Click the \gui {Target Selector} and select \gui {Symbian Device}. \o Click \gui Run to build the application and run it on the Symbian device. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-mobile-example.html \page creator-qml-application.html \nextpage creator-project-managing.html \title Creating a Qt Quick Application \note To complete this tutorial, you must have Qt 4.7 or later installed. This tutorial uses basic elements and illustrates basic concepts of \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtquick.html}{Qt Quick}. This tutorial describes how to use the Qt Creator to implement the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/declarative-animation-states.html} {states and transitions example application}. The example application displays a Qt logo that moves between three rectangles on the page when you click them. \image qmldesigner-tutorial.png "States and transitions example" \section1 Creating the Project \list 1 \o Select \gui{File > New File or Project > Qt Quick Project > Qt Quick UI > Choose}. \o Follow the instructions of the wizard to create a project called Transitions. \o Press \key {Ctrl+R} to run the application in the QML Viewer. \endlist Qt Creator generates a default QML file that you can modify to create the main view of the application. \image qmldesigner-tutorial-project.png "Transitions project in Edit mode" \section1 Creating the Main View The main view of the application displays a Qt logo in the top left corner of the screen and two empty rectangles. To use the states.png image in your application, you must copy it to the project directory (same subdirectory as the QML file) from the examples directory in the Qt installation directory. For example: \c {C:\QtSDK\Examples\4.7\declarative\animation\states}. The image appears in the \gui Resources pane. You can also use any other image or a QML element, instead. \list 1 \o In the \gui Projects view, double-click the main .qml file (Transitions.qml) to open it in the code editor. \o Click \gui Design to open the file in \QMLD. \image qmldesigner-tutorial-desing-mode.png "Transitions project in Design Mode" \o In the \gui Navigator pane, select \gui Text and press \key Delete to delete it. \o Select \gui Rectangle to edit its properties. \image qmldesigner-tutorial-page.png "Page properties" \list a \o In the \gui Id field, enter \e page, to be able to reference the rectangle from other places. \o In the \gui Colors tab, \gui Rectangle field, set the color to #343434. \endlist \o In the \gui Library view, \gui Resources tab, select states.png and drag and drop it to the canvas. \image qmldesigner-tutorial-user-icon.png "Image properties" \list a \o In the \gui Id field, enter \e icon. \o In the \gui Position field, set \gui X to 10 and \gui Y to 20. \endlist \o In the \gui Library view, \gui Items tab, select \gui Rectangle, drag and drop it to the canvas, and edit its properties. \image qmldesigner-tutorial-topleftrect.png "Rectangle properties" \list a \o In the \gui Id field, enter \e topLeftRect. \o In the \gui Size field, set \gui W and \gui H to 64, for the rectangle size to match the image size. \o In the \gui Colors tab, \gui Rectangle field, click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-transparent-button.png button to make the rectangle transparent. \o In the \gui Border field, set the border color to #808080. \o In the \gui Rectangle tab, \gui Border field, set the border width to 1. \note If the \gui Border field does not appear after you set the border color, try setting the border color to solid by clicking the \inlineimage qmldesigner-solid-color-button.png button. \o In the \gui Radius field, select 6 to create rounded corners for the rectangle. \o Click \gui {Layout}, and then click the top and left anchor buttons to anchor the rectangle to the top left corner of the page. \image qmldesigner-tutorial-topleftrect-layout.png "Layout tab" \o In the \gui Margin field, select 20 for the top anchor and 10 for the left anchor. \endlist \o In the \gui Navigator pane, drag and drop the \gui {Mouse Area} element from \e page to \e topLeftRect to make it apply only to the rectangle and not to the whole page. \o Edit \gui {Mouse Area} properties: \list a \o Click \gui {Layout}, and then click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-anchor-fill-screen.png button to anchor the mouse area to the rectangle. \o In the code editor, edit the pointer to the clicked expression in the mouse area element, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \qml MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: page.state = '' } \endqml The expression sets the state to the base state and returns the image to its initial position. \endlist \o In the \gui Navigator pane, copy topLeftRect (by pressing \key {Ctrl+C}) and paste it to the canvas twice (by pressing \key {Ctrl+V}). Qt Creator renames the new instances of the element topLeftRect1 and topLeftRect2. \o Select topLeftRect1 and edit its properties: \list a \o In the \gui Id field, enter \e middleRightRect. \o In \gui {Layout}, select the vertical center anchor button and then the right anchor button to anchor the rectangle to the middle right margin of the screen. \o In the \gui Margin field, select 10 for the right anchor and 0 for the vertical center anchor. \o In the code editor,add a pointer to a clicked expression to the mouse area element. The following expression sets the state to \e State1: \c {onClicked: page.state = 'State1'} You will create State1 later. \endlist \o Select topLeftRect2 and edit its properties: \list a \o In the \gui Id field, enter \e bottomLeftRect. \o In \gui {Layout}, select the bottom and left anchor buttons to anchor the rectangle to the bottom left margin of the screen. \o In the \gui Margin field, select 20 for the bottom anchor and 10 for the left anchor. \o In the code editor, add a pointer to a clicked expression to the mouse area element. The following expression sets the state to \e State2: \c {onClicked: page.state = 'State2'} You will create State2 later. \endlist \o Press \key {Ctrl+S} to save the changes. \o Press \key {Ctrl+R} to run the application in the QML Viewer. \endlist \image qmldesigner-tutorial.png "States and transitions example" You should see the Qt logo in the top left rectangle, and two additional rectangles in the center right and bottom left of the screen. You can now create additional states to add views to the application. \section1 Adding Views In the .qml file, you already created pointers to two additional states: State1 and State2. To create the states: \list 1 \o Click the empty slot in the \gui States pane to create State1. \o Click the empty slot in the \gui States pane to create State2. \o In the code editor, bind the position of the Qt logo to the rectangle to make sure that the logo is displayed within the rectangle when the view is scaled on different sizes of screens. Set expressions for the x and y properties, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet snippets/qml/states-properties.qml states \image qmldesigner-tutorial-state1.png "States" \note When you set the expressions, drag and drop is disabled for the icon in \QMLD. \o Press \key {Ctrl+R} to run the application in the QML Viewer. \endlist Click the rectangles to move the Qt logo from one rectangle to another. \section1 Adding Animation to the View Add transitions to define how the properties change when the Qt logo moves between states. The transitions apply animations to the Qt logo. For example, the Qt logo bounces back when it moves to the middleRightRect and eases into bottomLeftRect. Add the transitions in the code editor. \list 1 \o In the code editor, add the following code to specify that when moving to State1, the x and y coordinates of the Qt logo change linearly over a duration of 1 second: \snippet snippets/qml/list-of-transitions.qml first transition \o You can use the Qt Quick toolbar for animation to change the easing curve type from linear to OutBounce: \list a \o Click \gui NumberAnimation in the code editor to display the \inlineimage qml-toolbar-indicator.png icon, and then click the icon to open the toolbar: \image qmldesigner-tutorial-quick-toolbar.png "Qt Quick toolbar for animation" \o In the \gui Easing field, select \gui Bounce. \o In the \gui Subtype field, select \gui Out. \endlist \o Add the following code to specify that when moving to State2, the x and y coordinates of the Qt logo change over a duration of 2 seconds, and an InOutQuad easing function is used: \snippet snippets/qml/list-of-transitions.qml second transition \o Add the following code to specify that for any other state changes, the x and y coordinates of the Qt logo change linearly over a duration of 200 milliseconds: \snippet snippets/qml/list-of-transitions.qml default transition \o Press \key {Ctrl+R} to run the application in the QML Viewer. \endlist Click the rectangles to view the animated transitions. \section1 Deploying the Application to Mobile Devices To deploy the application to mobile devices, use the \gui {Qt Quick Application} wizard to convert it into a Qt Quick application. For more information, see \l{Importing QML Applications}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-build-example-application.html \page creator-writing-program.html \nextpage creator-mobile-example.html \title Creating a Qt Widget Based Application This tutorial describes how to use Qt Creator to create a small Qt application, Text Finder. It is a simplified version of the QtUiTools \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/uitools-textfinder.html}{Text Finder} example. The application user interface is constructed from Qt widgets by using \QD. The application logic is written in C++ by using the code editor. \image qtcreator-textfinder-screenshot.png \section1 Creating the Text Finder Project \note Create the project with two instances of Qt Creator open and the \gui{Help} mode active in one of them so that you can follow these instructions while you work. \list 1 \o Select \gui{File > New File or Project > Qt Widget Project > Qt Gui Application > Choose}. \image qtcreator-new-qt-gui-application.png "New File or Project dialog" The \gui{Introduction and Project Location} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-intro-and-location-qt-gui.png "Introduction and Project Location dialog" \o In the \gui{Name} field, type \bold {TextFinder}. \o In the \gui {Create in} field, enter the path for the project files. For example, \c {C:\Qt\examples}, and then click \gui{Next}. The \gui {Target Setup} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-new-project-qt-versions-qt-gui.png "Target Setup dialog" \o Select the Qt versions to use as build targets for your project, and click \gui{Next}. \note If you have only one Qt version installed, this dialog is skipped. The \gui{Class Information} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-class-info-qt-gui.png "Class Information dialog" \o In the \gui{Class name} field, type \bold {TextFinder} as the class name. \o In the \gui{Base class} list, select \bold {QWidget} as the base class type. \note The \gui{Header file}, \gui{Source file} and \gui{Form file} fields are automatically updated to match the name of the class. \o Click \gui{Next}. The \gui{Project Management} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-new-project-summary-qt-gui.png "Project Management dialog" \o Review the project settings, and click \gui{Finish} to create the project. \endlist The TextFinder project now contains the following files: \list \o textfinder.h \o textfinder.cpp \o main.cpp \o textfinder.ui \o textfinder.pro \endlist \image qtcreator-textfinder-contents.png "TextFinder project contents" The .h and .cpp files come with the necessary boiler plate code. The .pro file is complete. \section1 Filling in the Missing Pieces Begin by designing the user interface and then move on to filling in the missing code. Finally, add the find functionality. \section2 Designing the User Interface \image qtcreator-textfinder-ui.png "Text Finder UI" \list 1 \o In the \gui{Editor} mode, double-click the textfinder.ui file in the \gui{Projects} view to launch the integrated \QD. \o Drag and drop the following widgets to the form: \list \o \gui{Label} (QLabel) \o \gui{Line Edit} (QLineEdit) \o \gui{Push Button} (QPushButton) \endlist \image qtcreator-textfinder-ui-widgets.png "Adding widgets to Text Finder UI" \note To easily locate the widgets, use the search box at the top of the \gui Sidebar. For example, to find the \gui Label widget, start typing the word \bold label. \image qtcreator-texfinder-filter.png "Filter field" \o Double-click the \gui{Label} widget and enter the text \bold{Keyword}. \o Double-click the \gui{Push Button} widget and enter the text \bold{Find}. \o In the \gui Properties pane, change the \gui objectName to \bold findButton. \image qtcreator-textfinder-objectname.png "Changing object names" \o Press \key {Ctrl+A} to select the widgets and click \gui{Lay out Horizontally} (or press \gui{Ctrl+H}) to apply a horizontal layout (QHBoxLayout). \image qtcreator-texfinder-ui-horizontal-layout.png "Applying horizontal layout" \o Drag and drop a \gui{Text Edit} widget (QTextEdit) to the form. \o Select the screen area and click \gui{Lay out Vertically} (or press \gui{Ctrl+L}) to apply a vertical layout (QVBoxLayout). \image qtcreator-textfinder-ui.png "Text Finder UI" Applying the horizontal and vertical layouts ensures that the application UI scales to different screen sizes. \o To call a find function when users press the \gui Find button, you use the Qt signals and slots mechanism. A signal is emitted when a particular event occurs and a slot is a function that is called in response to a particular signal. Qt widgets have predefined signals and slots that you can use directly from \QD. To add a slot for the find function: \list \o Right-click the \gui Find button to open a context-menu. \o Select \gui {Go to Slot > clicked()}, and then select \gui OK. A private slot, \c{on_findButton_clicked()}, is added to the header file, textfinder.h and a private function, \c{TextFinder::on_findButton_clicked()}, is added to the source file, textfinder.cpp. \endlist \o Press \gui{Ctrl+S} to save your changes. \endlist For more information about designing forms with \QD, see the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/designer-manual.html}{Qt Designer Manual}. \section2 Completing the Header File The textfinder.h file already has the necessary #includes, a constructor, a destructor, and the \c{Ui} object. You need to add a private function, \c{loadTextFile()}, to read and display the contents of the input text file in the QTextEdit. \list 1 \o In the \gui{Projects} pane in the \gui {Edit view}, double-click the \c{textfinder.h} file to open it for editing. \o Add a private function to the \c{private} section, after the \c{Ui::TextFinder} pointer, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.h 0 \endlist \section2 Completing the Source File Now that the header file is complete, move on to the source file, textfinder.cpp. \list 1 \o In the \gui{Projects} pane in the \gui Edit view, double-click the textfinder.cpp file to open it for editing. \o Add code to load a text file using QFile, read it with QTextStream, and then display it on \c{textEdit} with \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtextedit.html#plainText-prop}{setPlainText()}. This is illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 0 \o To use QFile and QTextStream, add the following #includes to textfinder.cpp: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 1 \o For the \c{on_findButton_clicked()} slot, add code to extract the search string and use the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtextedit.html#find}{find()} function to look for the search string within the text file. This is illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 2 \o Once both of these functions are complete, add a line to call \c{loadTextFile()} in the constructor, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet examples/textfinder/textfinder.cpp 3 \endlist The \c{on_findButton_clicked()} slot is called automatically in the uic generated ui_textfinder.h file by this line of code: \code QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(TextFinder); \endcode \section2 Creating a Resource File You need a resource file (.qrc) within which you embed the input text file. The input file can be any .txt file with a paragraph of text. Create a text file called input.txt and store it in the textfinder folder. To add a resource file: \list 1 \o Select \gui{File > New File or Project > Qt > Qt Resource File > Choose}. \image qtcreator-add-resource-wizard.png "New File or Project dialog" The \gui {Choose the Location} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-add-resource-wizard2.png "Choose the Location dialog" \o In the \gui{Name} field, enter \bold{textfinder}. \o In the \gui{Path} field, enter \c{C:\Qt\examples\TextFinder}, and click \gui{Next}. The \gui{Project Management} dialog opens. \image qtcreator-add-resource-wizard3.png "Project Management dialog" \o In the \gui{Add to project} field, select \bold{TextFinder.pro} and click \gui{Finish} to open the file in the code editor. \o Select \gui{Add > Add Prefix}. \o In the \gui{Prefix} field, replace the default prefix with a slash (/). \o Select \gui{Add > Add Files}, to locate and add input.txt. \image qtcreator-add-resource.png "Editing resource files" \endlist \section1 Compiling and Running Your Program Now that you have all the necessary files, click the \inlineimage qtcreator-run.png button to compile and run your program. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-generic.html \page creator-version-control.html \nextpage adding-plugins.html \title Using Version Control Systems Version control systems supported by Qt Creator are: \table \header \i Version Control System \i Address \i Notes \row \i Bazaar \i \l{http://bazaar.canonical.com/} \i Qt Creator 2.2 and later \row \i CVS \i \l{http://www.cvshome.org} \i \row \i Git \i \l{http://git-scm.com/} \i \row \i Mercurial \i \l{http://mercurial.selenic.com/} \i Qt Creator 2.0 and later \row \i Perforce \i \l{http://www.perforce.com} \i Server version 2006.1 and later \row \i Subversion \i \l{http://subversion.apache.org/} \i \endtable \section1 Setting Up Version Control Systems Qt Creator uses the version control system's command line clients to access your repositories. To allow access, make sure that the command line clients can be located using the \c{PATH} environment variable or specify the path to the command line client executables in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui {Version Control}. After you set up the version control system, use the command line to check that everything works (for example, use the status command). If no issues arise, you should be ready to use the system also from Qt Creator. \section2 Using msysGit on Windows If you configure Git for use with \c {git bash}, only, and use SSH authorization, Git looks for the SSH keys in the directory where the \c HOME environment points to. The variable is always set by \c {git bash}. However, the variable is typically not set in a Windows command prompt. When you run Git from a Windows command prompt, it looks for the SSH keys in its installation directory, and therefore, the authorization fails. You can set the \c HOME environment variable from Qt Creator. Select \gui {Tools > Options... > Version Control > Git}. Select the \gui {Environment Variables} and the \gui {Set "HOME" environment variable} check boxes. \c HOME is set to \c %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% when the Git executable is run and authorization works as it would with \c {git bash}. \section1 Setting Up Common Options Select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Version Control} > \gui{Common} to specify settings for submit messages: \list \o \gui{Submit message check script} is a script or program that can be used to perform checks on the submit message before submitting. The submit message is passed in as the script's first parameter. If there is an error, the script should output a message on standard error and return a non-zero exit code. \o \gui{User/alias configuration file} takes a file in mailmap format that lists user names and aliases. For example: \code Jon Doe Hans Mustermann hm \endcode \note The second line above specifies the alias \e{hm} and the corresponding email address for \e{Hans Mustermann}. If the user/alias configuration file is present, the submit editor displays a context menu with \gui{Insert name...} that pops up a dialog letting the user select a name. \o \gui{User fields configuration file} is a simple text file consisting of lines specifying submit message fields that take user names, for example: \code Reviewed-by: Signed-off-by: \endcode The fields above appear below the submit message. They provide completion for the aliases/public user names specified in the \e{User/alias configuration file} as well as a button that opens the aforementioned user name dialog. \o \gui{SSH prompt command} specifies an ssh-askpass command that you can use (on Linux) to prompt the user for a password when using SSH. For example, \c ssh-askpass or \c x11-ssh-askpass, depending on the ssh-askpass implementation that you use. \endlist \section1 Creating VCS Repositories for New Projects Qt Creator allows you to create repositories for version control systems that support local repository creation, such as Git, Mercurial, or Bazaar. When creating a new project by selecting \gui File > \gui{New File or Project...}, you can choose a version control system in the final wizard page. You can also select \gui Tools and then select \gui {Create Repository...} in the submenu for the version control system. To import a project that is under version control, choose \gui {File > New File or Project... > Project from Version Control} and select the version control system that you use. Follow the instructions of the wizard to import the project. \section1 Using Version Control Systems The \gui{Tools} menu contains a submenu for each supported version control system. The \gui{Version Control} output pane displays the commands that are executed, a timestamp, and the relevant output. Select \gui {Window > Output Panes > Version Control} to open the pane. \image qtcreator-vcs-pane.png \section2 Adding Files When you create a new file or a new project, the wizard displays a page asking whether the files should be added to a version control system. This happens when the parent directory or the project is already under version control and the system supports the concept of adding files, for example, Perforce and Subversion. Alternatively, you can add files later by using the version control tool menus. With Git, there is no concept of adding files. Instead, all modified files must be staged for a commit. \section2 Viewing Diff Output All version control systems provide menu options to \e{diff} the current file or project: to compare it with the latest version stored in the repository and to display the differences. In Qt Creator, a diff is displayed in a read-only editor. If the file is accessible, you can double-click on a selected diff chunk and Qt Creator opens an editor displaying the file, scrolled to the line in question. \image qtcreator-vcs-diff.png \section2 Viewing Versioning History and Change Details Display the versioning history of a file by selecting \gui{Log} or \gui{Filelog}. Typically, the log output contains the date, the commit message, and a change or revision identifier. Click on the identifier to display a description of the change including the diff. Right-clicking on an identifier brings up a context menu that lets you show annotation views of previous versions (see \l{Annotating Files}). \image qtcreator-vcs-log.png \section2 Annotating Files Annotation views are obtained by selecting \gui{Annotate} or \gui{Blame}. Selecting \gui{Annotate} or \gui{Blame} displays the lines of the file prepended by the change identifier they originate from. Clicking on the change identifier shows a detailed description of the change. To show the annotation of a previous version, right-click on the version identifier at the beginning of a line and choose one of the revisions shown at the bottom of the context menu. This allows you to navigate through the history of the file and obtain previous versions of it. It also works for Git and Mercurial using SHA's. The same context menu is available when right-clicking on a version identifier in the file log view of a single file. \section2 Committing Changes Once you have finished making changes, submit them to the version control system by choosing \gui{Commit} or \gui{Submit}. Qt Creator displays a commit page containing a text editor where you can enter your commit message and a checkable list of modified files to be included. \image qtcreator-vcs-commit.png When you have finished filling out the commit page information, click on \gui{Commit} to start committing. The \gui{Diff Selected Files} button brings up a diff view of the files selected in the file list. Since the commit page is just another editor, you can go back to it by closing the diff view. You can also check a diff view from the editor combo box showing the \gui{Opened files}. \section2 Reverting Changes All supported version control system support reverting your project to known states. This functionality is generally called \e reverting. The changes discarded depend on the version control system. A version control system can replace the \gui Revert menu option with other options. \section3 Reverting Changes Using Git The Git version control system has an index that is used to stage changes. The index is commited on the next commit. Git allows you to revert back to the state of the last commit as well as to the state staged in the index. \list \o \gui{Undo Unstaged Changes} reverts all changes and resets the working directory to the state of the index. \o \gui{Undo Uncommitted Changes} reverts all changes, discarding the index. This returns your working copy to the state it was in right after the last commit. \endlist \section2 Viewing Status You can select \gui{Status...} to view the status of the project or repository. \section2 Updating the Working Tree You can select \gui Update to update your working tree with the latest changes from the branch. Some version control systems allow you to choose between updating the current project and updating all projects. With Git, you stash your changes and then pull the changes from the repository. \section2 Deleting Files You can select \gui Delete to delete obsolete files from the repository. With Git, you delete the files from the working tree and then stage the deleted files for a commit. \section2 Using Additional Bazaar Functions Bazaar is a free version control system sponsored by Canonical. The \gui Bazaar submenu contains the following additional items: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Pull...} \i Turn the branch into a mirror of another branch. \row \i \gui{Push...} \i Update a mirror of the branch. \endtable \section2 Using Additional CVS Functions CVS is an open source version control system. The \gui CVS submenu contains the following additional items: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Edit} \i Open a file for editing. \row \i \gui{Push...} \i Push changes to the remote repository. \row \i \gui{Unedit} \i Discard the changes that you made in a file. \endtable \section2 Using Additional Git Functions Git is a fast decentralized version control system. Git is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. The \gui Git submenu contains the following additional items: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui {Patch > Apply from Editor/Apply from File...} \i Patches are rewriting instructions that can be applied to a set of files. You can either apply a patch file that is open in Qt Creator or select the patch file to apply from the file system. \row \i \gui{Pull} \i Pull changes from the remote repository. If there are locally modified files, you are prompted to stash those changes. Select \gui{Tools > Options... > Version Control > Git} and select the \gui {Pull with rebase} check box to perform a rebase operation while pulling. \row \i \gui{Clean.../Clean Project...} \i All files that are not under version control (with the exception of patches and project files) are displayed in the \gui {Clean Repository} dialog. Select the files to delete and click \gui Delete. This allows you to clean a build completely. \row \i \gui{Launch gitk} \i Start the commit viewer for Git, gitk. \row \i \gui{Branches...} \i Manage local and remote branches. \row \i \gui Remotes... \i Manage remote repositories available in Git. \row \i \gui {Stage File for Commit} \i Mark new or modified files for committing to the repository. To undo this function, select \gui {Unstage File from Commit}. \row \i \gui{Show Commit...} \i Select a commit to view. Enter the SHA of the commit in the \gui Change field. \row \i \gui Stash \i Store local changes temporarily. \row \i \gui{Amend Last Commit...} \i Revert the last commit. \endtable \section3 Working with Branches To work with Git branches, select \gui{Branches...}. The checked out branch is shown in bold and underlined in the list of branches. Double-click branch names to edit them. \image qtcreator-vcs-gitbranch.png "Branches dialog" The following operations are supported: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Add...} \i Create new tracking and non-tracking branches. \row \i \gui{Checkout} \i Check out the selected branch and make it current. \row \i \gui{Remove} \i Remove a local branch. You cannot delete remote branches. \row \i \gui{Diff} \i Show the differences between the selected and the current branch. \row \i \gui{Log} \i Show the changes in a branch. \row \i \gui{Refresh} \i Refresh the list of branches. \endtable \section3 Working with Remote Repositories To manage remote repositories available in Git, select \gui{Remotes...}. Double-click the names and URLs of the remote repositories to edit them. The following operations are supported: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Add...} \i Add a new remote repository. \row \i \gui{Fetch} \i Fetch all the branches and change information from a remote repository. \row \i \gui{Remove} \i Remove a remote repository. \row \i \gui{Refresh} \i Refresh the list of remote repositories. \endtable \section3 Using Stashes With Git, you can put your current set of changes onto a virtual shelf called a \e stash. Stashes are useful, for example, to put aside a set of changes to work on higher priority tasks or to pull in new chages from another repository. Qt Creator exposes this functionality in the \gui{Tools > Git > Stash} menu. \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Stashes...} \i Display a dialog that shows all known stashes with options to restore, display or delete them. \row \i \gui{Stash} \i Stash all local changes. The working copy is then reset to the state it had right after the last commit. \row \i \gui{Stash Snapshot...} \i Save a snapshot of your current work under a name for later reference. The working copy is unchanged. For example, if you want to try something and find out later that it does not work, you can discard it and return to the state of the snapshot. \row \i \gui{Stash Pop} \i Remove a single stashed state from the stash list and apply it on top of the current working tree state. \endtable \section2 Using Additional Mercurial Functionality Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool. The \gui Mercurial submenu contains the following additional items: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Import} \i Apply changes from a patch file. \row \i \gui{Incoming} \i Monitor the status of a remote repository by listing the changes that will be pulled. \row \i \gui{Outgoing} \i Monitor the status of a remote repository by listing the changes that will be pushed. \row \i \gui{Pull} \i Pull changes from the remote repository. \row \i \gui{Push} \i Push changes to the remote repository. \endtable \section2 Using Additional Perforce Functions Perforce is a fast software configuration management system developed by Perforce Software. When you start Qt Creator, it looks for the executable specified in the \gui{P4 command} field in \gui{Tools > Options... > Version Control > Perforce}. If the file is not found, the following error message is displayed in the \gui {Version Control} output pane: \gui {Perforce: Unable to determine the repository: "p4.exe" terminated with exit code 1}. If you use Perforce, check that the path to the executable is specified correctly in the \gui{P4 command} field. If you do not use Perforce, you can disable the Perforce plugin to get rid of the error message. Choose \gui {Help > About Plugins} and deselect the \gui Load check box for the \gui Perforce plugin in the \gui {Version Control} group. The \gui Perforce submenu contains the following additional items: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Describe...} \i View information about changelists and the files in them. \row \i \gui{Edit File} \i Open a file for editing. \row \i \gui{Opened} \i List files that are open for editing. \row \i \gui{Pending Changes...} \i Group files for commit. \endtable \section2 Using Additional Subversion Functions Subversion is an open source version control system. The \gui Subversion submenu contains the following additional items: \table \header \o Menu Item \o Description \row \i \gui{Describe...} \i Display commit log messages for a revision. \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage qt-quick-toolbars.html \page creator-editor-locator.html \nextpage creator-editor-codepasting.html \title Searching With the Locator The locator provides one of the easiest ways in Qt Creator to browse through projects, files, classes, methods, documentation and file systems. You can find the locator in the bottom left of the Qt Creator window. To activate the locator, press \key Ctrl+K (\key Cmd+K on Mac OS X) or select \gui Tools > \gui Locate.... \image qtcreator-locator.png To edit the currently open project's main.cpp file using the locator: \list 1 \o Activate the locator by pressing \key Ctrl+K. \o Enter \tt{main.cpp}. \image qtcreator-locator-open.png \o Press \key Return. The main.cpp file opens in the editor. \endlist It is also possible to enter only a part of a search string. As you type, the locator shows the occurrences of that string regardless of where in the name of an component it appears. To narrow down the search results, you can use the following wildcard characters: \list \o To match any number of any or no characters, enter \bold{*}. \o To match a single instance of any character, enter \bold{?}. \endlist \section1 Using the Locator Filters The locator allows you to browse not only files, but any items defined by \bold{locator filters}. By default, the locator contains filters for: \list \o Locating any open document \o Locating files anywhere on your file system \o Locating iles belonging to your project, such as source, header resource, and .ui files \o Locating class and method definitions in your project or anywhere referenced from your project \o Locating class and method definitions in the current document \o Locating a specific line in the document displayed in your editor \o Opening help topics, including Qt documentation \o Performing web searches \o Running text editing macros that you record and save. For more information, see \l{Using Text Editing Macros} \endlist To use a specific locator filter, type the assigned prefix followed by \key Space. The prefix is usually a single character. For example, to locate symbols matching QDataStream: \list 1 \o Activate the locator. \o Enter \tt{\bold{: QDataStream}} (: (colon) followed by a \key Space and the symbol name (QDataStream)). The locator lists the results. \image qtcreator-navigate-popup.png \endlist By default the following filters are enabled and you do not need to use their prefixes explicitly: \list \o Going to a line in the current file (l). \o Going to an open file (o). \o Going to a file in any open project (a). \endlist \section2 Using the Default Locator Filters The following locator filters are available by default: \table \header \o Function \o Enter in locator \o Example \row \o Go to a line in the current file. \o \tt{\bold{l \e{Line number}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-line.png \row \o Go to a symbol definition. \o \tt{\bold{: \e{Symbol name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-symbols.png \row \o Go to a symbol definition in the current file. \o \tt{\bold{. \e{Symbol name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-method-list.png \row \o Go to a help topic. \o \tt{\bold{? \e{Help topic}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-help.png \row \o Search for a term by using a web search engine. \o \tt{\bold{r \e{Search term}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-web.png \row \o Go to an open file. \o \tt{\bold{o \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-opendocs.png \row \o Go to a file in the file system (browse the file system). \o \tt{\bold{f \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-filesystem.png \row \o Go to a file in any project currently open. \o \tt{\bold{a \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-files.png \row \o Go to a file in the current project. \o \tt{\bold{p \e{File name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-current-project.png \row \o Go to a class definition. \o \tt{\bold{c \e{Class name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-classes.png \row \o Go to a method definition. \o \tt{\bold{m \e{Method name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-methods.png \row \o Execute a text editing macro. \o \tt{\bold{rm \e{Macro name}}} \o \image qtcreator-locator-macros.png \endtable \section2 Creating Locator Filters To quickly access files not directly mentioned in your project, you can create your own locator filters. That way you can locate files in a directory structure you have defined. To create a locator filter: \list 1 \o In the locator, click \inlineimage qtcreator-locator-magnify.png and select \gui Configure.... to open the \gui Locator options. \image qtcreator-locator-customize.png \o Click \gui Add. \o In the \gui{Filter Configuration} dialog: \list \o Name your filter. \o Select at least one directory. The locator searches directories recursively. \o Define the file pattern as a comma separated list. For example, to search all .h and .cpp files, enter \bold{*.h,*.cpp} \o Specify the prefix string. To show only results matching this filter, select \gui{Limit to prefix}. \image qtcreator-navigate-customfilter.png \endlist \o Click OK. \endlist \section2 Adding Web Search Engines You can use the \gui {Web Search (\c r)} locator filter to perform web searches. URLs and search commands for Bing, Google, Yahoo! Search, cplusplus.com, and Wikipedia are configured by default. To find out the format of the search command to use for your favorite web search engine, perform a search in your browser and copy the resulting URL to the locator filter configuration. Replace the search term with the variable \c {%1}. To add URLs and search commands to the list: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Tools > Options > Locator > Web Search (prefix: r) > Edit}. \o Select \gui Add to add a new entry to the list. \image qtcreator-add-online-doc.png "Filter Configuration dialog" \o Double-click the new entry to specify a URL and a search command. For example, http://www.google.com/search?q=%1. \o Click \gui OK. \endlist \section2 Configuring the Locator Cache The locator searches the files matching your file pattern in the directories you have selected and caches that information. The cache for all default filters is updated as you write your code. By default, Qt Creator updates the filters created by you once an hour. To update the cached information manually, click \inlineimage qtcreator-locator-magnify.png and select \gui Refresh. To set a new cache update time: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Locator. \o In \gui{Refresh interval}, define new time in minutes. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-developing-symbian.html \page creator-project-managing-sessions.html \nextpage creator-coding.html \title Managing Sessions When you exit Qt Creator, a snapshot of your current workspace is stored as a \e session. To restore the session automatically when you start Qt Creator, select \gui {File > Session Manager > Restore last session on startup}. A session is an arbitrary collection of: \list \o Open projects with their dependencies (including SUBDIRS projects) \o Open editors \o Breakpoints and expressions \o Bookmarks \endlist A session is personal, that is, not meant to be shared. It is not supposed to reflect the project structure. It contains personal data, such as bookmarks and breakpoints that are usually not of interest to other developers working on the same projects. For example, if you work on a project and need to switch to another project for a while, you can save your workspace as a session. This makes it easier to return to working on the first project later. To create a new session or remove existing sessions, select \gui File > \gui{Session Manager}. \image qtcreator-session-manager.png To switch between sessions, choose \gui {File > Session Manager}. If you do not create or select a session, Qt Creator always uses the default session, which was created the last time you exited Qt Creator. When you launch Qt Creator, a list of existing sessions is displayed on the \gui{Welcome screen}. \image qtcreator-welcome-session.png */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-build-dependencies.html \page creator-debugging.html \nextpage creator-debugging-example.html \title Debugging Qt Creator provides a debugger plugin that acts as an interface between the Qt Creator core and external native debuggers such as the GNU Symbolic Debugger (GDB), the Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB), and a QML/JavaScript debugger. The following sections describe debugging with Qt Creator: \list \o \l{Debugging the Example Application} uses an example application to illustrate how to debug Qt C++ applications in the \gui Debug mode. \o \l{Launching the Debugger} describes the operating modes in which the debugger plugin runs, depending on where and how the process is started and run. \o \l{Interacting with the Debugger} describes the views and functions available in the \gui Debug mode. \o \l{Setting Up Debugger} summarizes the support for debugging C++ code and requirements for installation. Typically, the interaction between Qt Creator and the native debugger is set up automatically and you do not need to do anything. \o \l{Using Debugging Helpers} describes how to get more detailed data on complex data. \o \l{Debugging Qt Quick Projects} describes how to debug Qt Quick projects. \o \l{Troubleshooting Debugger} lists some typical problems that you might encounter while debugging and solutions to them. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debugging-example.html \page creator-debugger-operating-modes.html \nextpage creator-debug-mode.html \title Launching the Debugger To start a program under the control of the debugger, select \gui{Debug} > \gui{Start Debugging} > \gui{Start Debugging}, or press \key{F5}. Qt Creator checks whether the compiled program is up-to-date, and rebuilds it if necessary. The debugger then takes over and starts the program. \note Starting a program in the debugger can take a long time, typically in the range of several seconds to minutes if complex features (like QtWebKit) are used. The debugger is launched in the appropriate operating mode (plain, terminal, or on-device), based on the build and run settings for the active project. Select \gui Debug menu options to launch the debugger in other modes. \note Debugging QML and JavaScript is supported only in plain mode. \section1 Launching the Debugger in Different Modes The debugger plugin runs in different operating modes depending on where and how the process is started and run. Some of the modes are only available for a particular operating system or platform. You can launch the debugger in the following modes: \list \o \bold Plain to debug locally started applications, such as a Qt based GUI application. \o \bold Terminal to debug locally started processes that need a console, typically without a GUI. \o \bold Attach to debug local processes started outside Qt Creator. \o \bold Remote to debug a process running on a different machine. \o \bold Core to debug crashed processes on Unix. \o \bold Post-mortem to debug crashed processes on Windows. \o \bold On-device to debug processes running on a mobile device. \endlist \note Debugging QML and JavaScript is supported only in plain mode. \section2 Launching in Plain Mode To launch the debugger in the plain mode, click the \gui {Start Debugging} button for the active project, or choose \gui {Debug > Start Debugging > Start and Debug External Application...} and specify an executable. \section2 Launching in Terminal Mode To launch the debugger in the terminal mode, select \gui {Projects > Run Settings} and select the \gui {Run in terminal} check box. Then click the \gui {Start Debugging} button for the active project. \section2 Launching in Attach Mode To launch the debugger in the attach mode, select \gui {Debug > Start Debugging > Attach to Running External Application...}, and then select a process by its name or process ID to attach to. You can load the source project in advance and set breakpoints in it before attaching to an already running process. For more information, see \l{Setting Breakpoints}. \section2 Launching in Remote Mode The remote mode allows you to debug processes that run on remote machines. \section3 Using GDB In remote mode, the local GDB process talks to a GDB server process running on the remote machine that controls the process to be debugged. The GDB server process is started on the remote machines by passing a port number and the executable: \code gdbserver :1234 \endcode It then typically responds: \code Process bin/qtcreator created; pid = 5159 Listening on port 1234 \endcode On the local machine that runs Qt Creator: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Debug > Start Debugging > Start and Attach to Remote Application...}. \o In the \gui {Host and port} field, enter the name of the remote machine and the port number to use. \o Select \gui{OK} to start debugging. \endlist \section3 Using CDB In remote mode, the local CDB process talks to a CDB process that runs on the remote machine. The process is started with special command line options that switch it into server mode. The remote CDB process must load the Qt Creator CDB extension library that is shipped with Qt Creator: \list 1 \o Install the \e{Debugging Tools for Windows} on the remote machine. The installation folder contains the CDB command line executable (cdb.exe). \o Copy the Qt Creator CDB extension library from the Qt installation directory to the a new folder on the remote machine (32 or 64 bit version depending on the version of the Debugging Tools for Windows used): \list \o \c {\lib\qtcreatorcdbext32\qtcreatorcdbext.dll} (32 bit) \o \c {\lib\qtcreatorcdbext64\qtcreatorcdbext.dll} (64 bit) \endlist \o Set the _NT_DEBUGGER_EXTENSION_PATH environment variable to point to that folder. \o To use TCP/IP as communication protocol, launch remote CDB as follows: \code cdb.exe -server tcp:port=1234 \endcode \o On the local machine running Qt Creator, select \gui {Debug > Start Debugging > Attach to Remote CDB Session...} \o In the \gui Connection field enter the connection parameters. For example, for TCP/IP: \code Server:Port \endcode If you chose some other protocol, specify one of the alternative formats: \code tcp:server=Server,port=Port[,password=Password][,ipversion=6] tcp:clicon=Server,port=Port[,password=Password][,ipversion=6] npipe:server=Server,pipe=PipeName[,password=Password] com:port=COMPort,baud=BaudRate,channel=COMChannel[,password=Password] spipe:proto=Protocol,{certuser=Cert|machuser=Cert},server=Server,pipe=PipeName[,password=Password] ssl:proto=Protocol,{certuser=Cert|machuser=Cert},server=Server,port=Socket[,password=Password] ssl:proto=Protocol,{certuser=Cert|machuser=Cert},clicon=Server,port=Socket[,password=Password] \endcode \o Click \gui{OK} to start debugging. \endlist \section2 Launching in Core Mode The core mode it used to debug \e {core} files (crash dumps) that are generated from crashed processes if the system is set up to allow this. To enable the dumping of core files on a Unix system enter the following command in the shell from which the application will be launched: \code ulimit -c unlimited \endcode To launch the debugger in the core mode, select \gui{Debug > Start Debugging > Attach to Core...}. \section2 Launching in Post-Mortem Mode The post-mortem mode is available only on Windows, if you have installed the debugging tools for Windows. The Qt Creator installation program asks you whether you want to register Qt Creator as a post-mortem debugger. To change the setting, select \gui{Tools > Options... > Debugger > Common > Use Creator for post-mortem debugging}. You can launch the debugger in the post-mortem mode if an application crashes on Windows. Click the \gui {Debug in Qt Creator} button in the error message that is displayed by the Windows operating system. \section2 Launching in On-device Mode The on-device mode is a special mode available for run configurations targeting mobile devices. It debugs processes running on mobile devices using on-device debugging agents, such as CODA on Symbian and gdbserver on Linux-based devices. To launch the debugger in the on-device mode, open the project, select a run configuration that targets a mobile device, and click the \gui {Start Debugging} button. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debug-mode.html \page creator-debugger-engines.html \nextpage creator-debugging-helpers.html \title Setting Up Debugger \note The information in this section applies only to debugging the C++ language. Typically, the interaction between Qt Creator and the native debugger is set up automatically and you do not need to do anything. However, you might have an unsupported GDB version installed, your Linux environment might not have GDB installed at all, or you might want to use the debugging tools for Windows. \note To use the debugging tools for Windows, you must install them and add the Symbol Server provided by Microsoft to the symbol search path of the debugger. For more information, see \l{Setting the Symbol Server in Windows}. This section explains the options you have for debugging C++ code and provides installation notes for the supported native debuggers. \section1 Supported Native Debugger Versions The debugger plugin supports different builds of the GDB debugger, both with and without the ability to use Python scripting. The Python enabled versions are preferred, but they are not available on Mac and on older versions of Linux. On Windows, Symbian, Maemo, and MeeGo Harmattan, only the Python version is supported. The non-Python versions use the compiled version of the debugging helpers, that you must enable separately. For more information, see \l{Debugging Helpers Based on C++}. The Python version uses a script version of the debugging helpers that does not need any special setup. The CDB native debugger has similar funtionality to the non-Python GDB debugger engine. Specifically, it also uses compiled C++ code for the debugging helper library. The following table summarizes the support for debugging C++ code: \table \header \o Platform \o Compiler \o Native Debugger \o Python \o Debugger Modes \row \o Linux \o GCC \o GDB \o Yes \o Plain, Terminal, Attach, Remote, Core \row \o Unix \o GCC \o GDB \o Yes \o Plain, Terminal, Attach, Remote, Core \row \o Mac OS \o GCC \o GDB \o No \o Plain, Terminal, Attach, Core \row \o Windows/MinGW \o GCC \o GDB \o Yes \o Plain, Terminal, Attach, Remote, Core \row \o Windows/MSVC \o Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler \o Debugging Tools for Windows/CDB \o Not applicable \o Plain, Terminal, Attach, Post-Mortem \row \o Symbian \o GCC \o GDB \o Yes \o On-device \row \o Maemo \o GCC \o GDB \o Yes \o On-device \row \o MeeGo Harmattan \o GCC \o GDB \o Yes \o On-device \endtable For more information on the debugger modes, see \l{Launching the Debugger in Different Modes}. \omit \section2 GDB Adapter Modes [Advanced Topic] The GDB native debugger used internally by the debugger plugin runs in different adapter modes to cope with the variety of supported platforms and environments. All GDB adapters inherit from AbstractGdbAdapter: \list \o PlainGdbAdapter debugs locally started GUI processes. It is physically split into parts that are relevant only when Python is available, parts relevant only when Python is not available, and mixed code. \o TermGdbAdapter debugs locally started processes that need a console. \o AttachGdbAdapter debugs local processes started outside Qt Creator. \o CoreGdbAdapter debugs core files generated from crashes. \o RemoteGdbAdapter interacts with the gdbserver running on Linux. \o CodaGdbAdapter interacts with Symbian devices. The GDB protocol and the GDB serial protocol are used between GDB and the adapter. The target communication framework (TCF) protocol is used between the adapter and the CODA debugging agent running on the device. \endlist \endomit \section1 Installing Native Debuggers There are various reasons why the debugger plugin may fail to automatically pick up a suitable native debugger. The native debugger might be missing (which is usually the case for the CDB debugger on Windows which always needs to be installed manually by the user) or the installed version is not supported. Check the table below for the supported versions and other important information about installing native debuggers. \table \header \o Native Debugger \o Notes \row \o GDB \o On Linux and Windows, use the Python-enabled GDB versions that are installed when you install Qt Creator and Qt SDK. On Mac OS X, use the GDB provided with Xcode. For a custom target, you can build your own Python-enabled GDB. Follow the instructions on \l{http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/QtCreatorBuildGdb}{Building GDB}. You must use at least Python version 2.5, but we recommend that you use version 2.6. \row \o Debugging tools for Windows \o Using this engine requires you to install the \e{Debugging tools for Windows} \l{http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.Mspx} or \l{http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/install64bit.Mspx} package (Version 6.12 for the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of Qt Creator, respectively), which are freely available for download from the \l{http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx}{Microsoft Developer Network}. The Qt Creator help browser does not allow you to download files, and therefore, you must copy the above links to a browser. \note Visual Studio does not include the Debugging tools needed, and therefore, you must install them separately. The pre-built \QSDK for Windows makes use of the library if it is present on the system. When manually building Qt Creator using the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler, the build process checks for the required files in \c{"%ProgramFiles%\Debugging Tools for Windows"}. It is highly recommended that you add the Symbol Server provided by Microsoft to the symbol search path of the debugger. The Symbol Server provides you with debugging informaton for the operating system libraries for debugging Windows applications. For more information, see \l{Setting the Symbol Server in Windows}. \row \o Debugging tools for Mac OS X \o The Qt binary distribution contains both debug and release variants of the libraries. But you have to explicitly tell the runtime linker that you want to use the debug libraries even if your application is compiled as debug as release is the default library. If you use a qmake based project in Qt Creator, you can set a flag in your run configuration, in \gui Projects mode. In the run configuration, select \gui{Use debug version of frameworks}. For more detailed information about debugging on the Mac OS X, see: \l{http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/technotes/tn2004/tn2124.html}{Mac OS X Debugging Magic}. \note The Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) has a bug that might cause the application to crash. For a workaround, see: \l{http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-4962}{QTBUG-4962}. \endtable \section1 Setting the Symbol Server in Windows To obtain debugging information for the operating system libraries for debugging Windows applications, add the Symbol Server provided by Microsoft to the symbol search path of the debugger: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui{Options...} > \gui Debugger > \gui CDB. \o In the \gui {Symbol paths} field, open the \gui{Insert...} menu and select \gui{Symbol Server...}. \o Select a directory where you want to store the cached information and click \gui OK. Use a subfolder in a temporary directory, such as \c {C:\temp\symbolcache}. \endlist \note Populating the cache might take a long time on a slow network connection. \note The first time you start debugging by using the Debugging tools for Windows, Qt Creator prompts you to add the Symbol Server. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debugger-operating-modes.html \page creator-debug-mode.html \nextpage creator-debugger-engines.html \title Interacting with the Debugger In \gui Debug mode, you can use several views to interact with the program you are debugging. The availability of views depends on whether you are debugging C++ or QML. Frequently used views are shown by default and rarely used ones are hidden. To change the default settings, select \gui {Window > Views}, and then select views to display or hide. \image qtcreator-debugger-views.png "Debug mode views" By default, the views are locked into place in the workspace. Select \gui {Window > Views > Locked} to unlock the views. Drag and drop the views into new positions on the screen. Drag view borders to resize the views. The size and position of views are saved for future sessions. Select \gui {Window > Views > Reset to Default Layout} to reset the views to their original sizes and positions. \section1 Using the Debugger Once the program starts running under the control of the debugger, it behaves and performs as usual. You can interrupt a running C++ program by selecting \gui{Debug} > \gui {Interrupt}. The program is automatically interrupted when a breakpoint is hit. Once the program stops, Qt Creator: \list \o Retrieves data representing the call stack at the program's current position. \o Retrieves the contents of local variables. \o Examines \gui Expressions. \o Updates the \gui Registers, \gui Modules, and \gui Disassembler views if you are debugging the C++ based applications. \endlist You can use the \gui Debug mode views to examine the data in more detail. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts: \list \o To finish debugging, press \key{Shift+F5}. \o To execute a line of code as a whole, press \key{F10}. \o To step into a function or a subfunction, press \key{F11}. \o To continue running the program, press \key{F5}. \o To run to the selected function when you are stepping into a nested function, press \key{Ctrl+F6}. \endlist It is also possible to continue executing the program until the current function completes or jump to an arbitrary position in the current function. \section1 Setting Breakpoints A breakpoint represents a position or sets of positions in the code that, when executed, interrupts the program being debugged and passes the control to you. You can then examine the state of the interrupted program, or continue execution either line-by-line or continuously. Qt Creator shows breakpoints in the \gui{Breakpoints} view which is enabled by default. The \gui{Breakpoints} view is also accessible when the debugger and the program being debugged is not running. \image qtcreator-debug-breakpoints.png "Breakpoints view" You can associate breakpoints with: \list \o Source code files and lines \o Functions \o Addresses \o Throwing and catching exceptions \o Executing and forking processes \o Executing some system calls \o Changes in a block of memory at a particular address when a program is running \endlist The interruption of a program by a breakpoint can be restricted with certain conditions. To set a breakpoint at a particular line you want the program to stop, click the left margin or press \key F9 (\key F8 for Mac OS X). To set breakpoints, select \gui {Add Breakpoint...} in the context menu in the \gui Breakpoints view. \image qtcreator-add-breakpoint.png "Add Breakpoints" dialog \note You can remove a breakpoint: \list \o By clicking the breakpoint marker in the text editor. \o By selecting the breakpoint in the breakpoint view and pressing \key{Delete}. \o By selecting \gui{Delete Breakpoint} from the context menu in the \gui Breakpoints view. \endlist You can set and delete breakpoints before the program starts running or while it is running under the debugger's control. Breakpoints are saved together with a session. \section2 Setting Data Breakpoints To set a data breakpoint at an address: \list 1 \o Right-click in the \gui Breakpoints view to open the context menu, and select \gui {Add Breakpoint...}. \o In the \gui {Breakpoint type} field, select \gui {Break on data access at fixed address}. \o In the \gui Address field, specify the address of the memory block. \o Select \gui OK. \endlist If the address is displayed in the \gui {Locals and Expressions} view, you can select \gui {Add Data Breakpoint at Object's Address} in the context menu to set the data breakpoint. \section1 Viewing Call Stack Trace When the program being debugged is interrupted, Qt Creator displays the nested function calls leading to the current position as a call stack trace. This stack trace is built up from call stack frames, each representing a particular function. For each function, Qt Creator tries to retrieve the file name and line number of the corresponding source file. This data is shown in the \gui Stack view. \image qtcreator-debug-stack.png Since the call stack leading to the current position may originate or go through code for which no debug information is available, not all stack frames have corresponding source locations. Stack frames without corresponding source locations are grayed out in the \gui{Stack} view. If you click a frame with a known source location, the text editor jumps to the corresponding location and updates the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view, making it seem like the program was interrupted before entering the function. \section1 Locals and Expressions Whenever a program stops under the control of the debugger, it retrieves information about the topmost stack frame and displays it in the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view. The \gui{Locals and Expressions} view typically includes information about parameters of the function in that frame as well as the local variables. \image qtcreator-watcher.png "Locals and Expressions view" Compound variables of struct or class type are displayed as expandable in the view. Expand entries to show all members. Together with the display of value and type, you can examine and traverse the low-level layout of object data. \table \row \i \bold{Note:} \row \i GDB, and therefore Qt Creator's debugger works for optimized builds on Linux and Mac OS X. Optimization can lead to re-ordering of instructions or removal of some local variables, causing the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view to show unexpected data. \row \i The debug information provided by GCC does not include enough information about the time when a variable is initialized. Therefore, Qt Creator can not tell whether the contents of a local variable contains "real data", or "initial noise". If a QObject appears uninitialized, its value is reported as \gui {not in scope}. Not all uninitialized objects, however, can be recognized as such. \endtable The \gui{Locals and Expressions} view also provides access to the most powerful feature of the debugger: comprehensive display of data belonging to Qt's basic objects. To enable Qt's basic objects data display feature: \list \o Select \gui Tools > \gui {Options...} > \gui Debugger > \gui{Debugging Helper} and check the \gui{Use Debugging Helper} checkbox. \o The \gui{Locals and Expressions} view is reorganized to provide a high-level view of the objects. \endlist For example, in case of QObject, instead of displaying a pointer to some private data structure, you see a list of children, signals and slots. Similarly, instead of displaying many pointers and integers, Qt Creator's debugger displays the contents of a QHash or QMap in an orderly manner. Also, the debugger displays access data for QFileInfo and provides access to the "real" contents of QVariant. You can use the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view to change the contents of variables of simple data types, for example, \c int or \c float when the program is interrupted. To do so, click the \gui Value column, modify the value with the inplace editor, and press \key Enter (or \key Return). You can enable tooltips in the main editor displaying this information. For more information, see \l{Showing Tooltips in Debug Mode}. \note The set of evaluated expressions is saved in your session. \section1 Directly Interacting with Native Debuggers In some cases, it is convenient to directly interact with the command line of the native debugger. In Qt Creator, you can use the left pane of the \gui {Debugger Log} view for that purpose. When you press \key {Ctrl+Return}, the contents of the line under the text cursor are sent directly to the native debugger. Alternatively, you can use the line edit at the bottom of the view. Output is displayed in the right pane of the \gui {Debugger Log} view. \note Usually, you do not need this feature, because Qt Creator provides you with better ways to handle the task. For example, instead of using the GDB \c print command from the command line, you can evaluate an expression in the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view. \section1 Debugging C++ Based Applications The following sections describe additional debugging functions that apply only to debugging C++. \section2 Starting the Debugger from the Command Line You can use the Qt Creator debugger interface from the command line. To attach it to a running process, specify the process ID as a parameter for the \c {-debug} option. To examine a core file, specify the file name. Qt Creator executes all the necessary steps, such as searching for the binary that belongs to a core file. For example: \list \o \c {C:\qtcreator\bin>qtcreator -debug 2000} \o \c {C:\qtcreator\bin>qtcreator -debug core.2000} \endlist For more information, see \l{Using Command Line Options}. \section2 Stepping into Frameworks in Mac OS In Mac OS X, external libraries are usually built into so-called Frameworks, which may contain both release and debug versions of the library. When you run applications on the Mac OS desktop, the release version of Frameworks is used by default. To step into Frameworks, select the \gui {Use debug versions of Frameworks} option in the project run settings for \gui Desktop and \gui {Qt Simulator} targets. \section2 Viewing Threads If a multi-threaded program is interrupted, the \gui Thread view or the combobox named \gui Thread in the debugger's status bar can be used to switch from one thread to another. The \gui Stack view adjusts itself accordingly. \section2 Viewing Modules The \gui{Modules} view displays information that the debugger plugin has about modules included in the application that is being debugged. A module is a dynamic link library (.dll) in Windows, a shared object (.so) in Linux, and a dynamic shared library (.dylib) in Mac OS. In addition, the view displays symbols within the modules and indicates where each module was loaded. Right-click the view to open a context menu that contains menu items for: \list \o Updating the module list \o Loading symbols for modules \o Examining modules \o Editing module files \o Showing symbols in modules \o Showing dependencies between modules (Windows only) \endlist By default, the \gui{Modules} view is hidden. \section2 Viewing Source Files The \gui{Source Files} view lists all the source files included in the project. If you cannot step into an instruction, you can check whether the source file is actually part of the project, or whether it was compiled elsewhere. The view shows the path to each file in the file system. Right-click the view to open a context menu that contains menu items for reloading data and opening files. By default, the \gui{Source Files} view is hidden. \section2 Viewing Disassembled Code and Register State The \gui{Disassembler} view displays disassembled code for the current function. The \gui{Registers} view displays the current state of the CPU's registers. The \gui{Disassembler} view and the \gui{Registers} view are both useful for low-level commands for checking single instructions, such as \gui{Step Into} and \gui{Step Over}. By default, both \gui{Disassembler} and \gui{Registers} view are hidden. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debugging.html \page creator-debugging-example.html \nextpage creator-debugger-operating-modes.html \title Debugging the Example Application This section uses the \l{Creating a Qt Widget Based Application}{TextFinder} example to illustrate how to debug Qt C++ applications in the \gui Debug mode. TextFinder reads a text file into QString and then displays it with QTextEdit. To look at the example QString, \c{line}, and see the stored data, place a breakpoint and view the QString object data in textfinder.cpp, as follows: \list 1 \o Click in between the line number and the window border on the line where we invoke \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qtextedit.html#plainText-prop}{setPlainText()} to set a breakpoint. \image qtcreator-setting-breakpoint1.png \o Select \gui{Debug > Start Debugging > Start Debugging} or press \key{F5}. \o To view the breakpoint, click the \gui{Breakpoints} tab. \image qtcreator-setting-breakpoint2.png \o To remove a breakpoint, right-click it and select \gui{Delete Breakpoint}. \o To view the contents of \c{line}, go to the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view. \image qtcreator-watcher.png \endlist Modify the \c{on_findButton_clicked()} function to move back to the start of the document and continue searching once the cursor hits the end of the document. Add the following code snippet: \code void TextFinder::on_findButton_clicked() { QString searchString = ui->lineEdit->text(); QTextDocument *document = ui->textEdit->document(); QTextCursor cursor = ui->textEdit->textCursor(); cursor = document->find(searchString, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords); ui->textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); bool found = cursor.isNull(); if (!found && previouslyFound) { int ret = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("End of Document"), tr("I have reached the end of the document. Would you like " "me to start searching from the beginning of the document?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); if (ret == QMessageBox::Yes) { cursor = document->find(searchString, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords); ui->textEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } else return; } previouslyFound = found; } \endcode If you compile and run the above code, however, the application does not work correctly due to a logic error. To locate this logic error, step through the code using the following buttons: \image qtcreator-debugging-buttons.png */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debugger-engines.html \page creator-debugging-helpers.html \nextpage creator-debugging-qml.html \title Using Debugging Helpers Qt Creator is able to show complex data types in a customized, user-extensible manner. For this purpose, it takes advantage of two technologies, collectively referred to as \e{Debugging Helpers}. Using the debugging helpers is not \e essential for debugging with Qt Creator, but they enhance the user's ability to quickly examine complex data significantly. \section1 Debugging Helpers Based on C++ This is the first and original approach to display complex data types. While it has been superseded on most platforms by the more robust and more flexible second approch using Python scripting, it is the only feasible one on Windows/MSVC, Mac OS, and old Linux distributions. Moreover, this approach will automatically be chosen as fallback in case the Python based approach fails. During debugging with the C++ based debugging helpers, Qt Creator dynamically loads a helper library in form of a DLL or a shared object into the debugged process. The \QSDK package already contains a prebuilt debugging helper library. To create your own debugging helper library, select \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} > \gui{Qt4} > \gui{Qt Versions}. As the internal data structures of Qt can change between versions, the debugging helper library is built for each Qt version. \section1 Debugging Helpers Based on Python Qt Creator uses GDB builds that enable Python scripting to display information in the \gui {Locals and Expressions} view. When Python scripting is used, code (Debugging helpers) does not need to be injected into the debugged process to nicely display QStringList or \c std::map contents, for example. The code injection caused problems and put an extra stress on the debugged process. You can now easily extend the debugging helpers to other types. No compilation is required, just adding a few lines of Python. Python scripting vastly reduces the communication overhead compared with the previous solution. However, there are some obstacles: \list \o There is no Python-enabled GDB for Mac OS. Mac OS continues injection with C++ based debugging helpers. \o On the Symbian platform, an on-device debugging agent restricts the communication between GDB and the device. Therefore, extracting QObject properties, for example, is not possible. \o There is no GDB to communicate with MSVC compiled applications on Windows. So information can be displayed nicely only in a limited fashion by using a cdb extension DLL. \endlist \section2 Extending the Python Based Debugging Helpers On platforms featuring a Python-enabled version of the GDB debugger, the data extraction is done by a Python script. This is more robust as the script execution is separated from the debugged process. It is also easier to extend as the script is less dependent on the actual Qt version and does not need compilation. To extend the shipped Python based debugging helpers for custom types, define one Python function per user defined type in the GDB startup file. By default, the following startup file is used: \c{~/.gdbinit}. To use another file, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Debugger > GDB} and specify a filename in the \gui {GDB startup script} field. The function name has to be qdump__NS__Foo, where NS::Foo is the class or class template to be examined. Nested namespaces are possible. The debugger plugin calls this function whenever you want to display an object of this type. The function is passed the following parameters: \list \o \c d of type \c Dumper \o \c item of type \c Item \endlist The function has to feed the Dumper object with certain information which is used to build up the object and its children's display in the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view. Example: \code def qdump__QVector(d, item): d_ptr = item.value["d"] p_ptr = item.value["p"] alloc = d_ptr["alloc"] size = d_ptr["size"] check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) check(d_ptr["ref"]["_q_value"] > 0) innerType = item.value.type.template_argument(0) d.putItemCount(size) d.putNumChild(size) if d.isExpanded(item): p = gdb.Value(p_ptr["array"]).cast(innerType.pointer()) with Children(d, [size, 2000], innerType) for i in d.childRange(): d.putSubItem(Item(p.dereference(), item.iname, i)) p += 1 \endcode \section2 Item Class The Item Python class is a thin wrapper around values corresponding to one line in the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view. The Item members are as follows : \list \o \gui{__init__(self, value, parentiname, iname, name = None)} - A constructor. The object's internal name is created by concatenating \c parentiname and \c iname. If \c None is passed as \c name, a serial number is used. \o \gui{value} - An object of type gdb.Value representing the value to be displayed. \o \gui{iname} - The internal name of the object, constituting a dot-separated list of identifiers, corresponding to the position of the object's representation in the view. \o \gui{name} - An optional name. If given, is used in the \gui{name} column of the view. If not, a simple number in brackets is used instead. \endlist \section2 Dumper Class For each line in the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view, a string like the following needs to be created and channeled to the debugger plugin. \code "{iname='some internal name', addr='object address in memory', name='contents of the name column', value='contents of the value column', type='contents of the type column', numchild='number of children', // zero/nonzero is sufficient childtype='default type of children', // optional childnumchild='default number of grandchildren', // optional children=[ // only needed if item is expanded in view {iname='internal name of first child', ... }, {iname='internal name of second child', ... }, ... ]}" \endcode While in theory, you can build up the entire string above manually, it is easier to employ the Dumper Python class for that purpose. The Dumper Python class contains a complete framework to take care of the \c iname and \c addr fields, to handle children of simple types, references, pointers, enums, known and unknown structs as well as some convenience methods to handle common situations. The Dumper members are the following: \list \o \gui{__init__(self)} - Initializes the output to an empty string and empties the child stack. \o \gui{put(self, value)} - Low level method to directly append to the output string. \o \gui{putCommaIfNeeded(self)} - Appends a comma if the current output ends in '}', '"' or ']' . \o \gui{putField(self, name, value)} - Appends a comma if needed, and a name='value' field. \o \gui{beginItem(self, name)} - Starts writing a field by writing \c {name='}. \o \gui{endItem(self)} - Ends writing a field by writing \c {'}. \o \gui{endChildren(self)} - Ends writing a list of children. \o \gui{childRange(self)} - Returns the range of children specified in the current \c Children scope. \o \gui{putItemCount(self, count)} - Appends a field \c {value='<%d items'} to the output. \o \gui{putEllipsis(self)} - Appends fields \c {'{name="",value="",type="",numchild="0"}'}. This is automatically done by \c endChildren if the number of children to print is smaller than the number of actual children. \o \gui{putName(self, name)} - Appends a \c {name='...'} field. \o \gui{putType(self, type)} - Appends a field \c {type='...'} unless the \a type coincides with the parent's default child type. \o \gui{putNumChild(self, numchild)} - Appends a field \c {numchild='...'} unless the \c numchild coincides with the parent's default child numchild value. \o \gui{putValue(self, value, encoding = None)} - Append a file \c {value='...'}, optionally followed by a field \c {valueencoding='...'}. The \c value needs to be convertible to a string entirely consisting of alphanumerical values. The \c encoding parameter can be used to specify the encoding in case the real value had to be encoded in some way to meet the alphanumerical-only requirement. Currently the following encodings are supported: \list \o 0: unencoded 8 bit data, interpreted as Latin1. \o 1: base64 encoded 8 bit data, used for QByteArray, double quotes are added. \o 2: base64 encoded 16 bit data, used for QString, double quotes are added. \o 3: base64 encoded 32 bit data, double quotes are added. \o 4: base64 encoded 16 bit data, without quotes (see 2) \o 5: base64 encoded 8 bit data, without quotes (see 1) \o 6: %02x encoded 8 bit data (as with \c QByteArray::toHex), double quotes are added. \o 7: %04x encoded 16 bit data (as with \c QByteArray::toHex), double quotes are added. \endlist \o \gui{putStringValue(self, value)} - Encodes a QString and calls \c putValue with the correct \c encoding setting. \o \gui{putByteArrayValue(self, value)} - Encodes a QByteArray and calls \c putValue with the correct \c encoding setting. \o \gui{isExpanded(self, item)} - Checks whether the item with the internal name \c item.iname is expanded in the view. \o \gui{isExpandedIName(self, iname)} - Checks whether the item with the internal name \c iname is expanded in the view. \o \gui{putIntItem(self, name, value)} - Equivalent to: \code self.beginHash() self.putName(name) self.putValue(value) self.putType("int") self.putNumChild(0) self.endHash() \endcode \o \gui{putBoolItem(self, name, value)} - Equivalent to: \code self.beginHash() self.putName(name) self.putValue(value) self.putType("bool") self.putNumChild(0) self.endHash() \endcode \o \gui{pushOutput(self)} - Moves the output string to a safe location from with it is sent to the debugger plugin even if further operations raise an exception. \o \gui{putCallItem(self, name, item, func)} - Uses GDB to call the function \c func on the value specified by \a {item.value} and output the resulting item. This function is not available when debugging core dumps and it is not available on the Symbian platform due to restrictions imposed by the on-device debugging agent. \o \gui{putItem(self, item)} - The "master function", handling basic types, references, pointers and enums directly, iterates over base classes and class members of compound types and calls \c qdump__* functions whenever appropriate. \o \gui{putSubItem(self, item)} - Equivalent to: \code with SubItem(self): self.putItem(item) \endcode Exceptions raised by nested function calls are caught and all output produced by \c putItem is replaced by the output of: \code ... except RuntimeError: d.put('value="",type="",numchild="0",') \endcode \endlist \section2 Children and SubItem Class The attempt to create child items might lead to errors if data is uninitialized or corrupted. To gracefully recover in such situations, use \c Children and \c SubItem \e{Context Managers} to create the nested items. The \c Children constructor \gui{__init__(self, dumper, numChild = 1, childType = None, childNumChild = None)} uses one mandatory argument and three optional arguments. The mandatory argument refers to the current \c Dumper object. The optional arguments can be used to specify the number \c numChild of children, with type \c childType_ and \c childNumChild_ grandchildren each. If \c numChild_ is a list of two integers, the first one specifies the actual number of children and the second the maximum number of children to print. Similarly, using the \c SubItem class helps to protect individual items. Example: \code d.putNumChild(2) if d.isExpanded(item): with Children(d): with SubItem(d): d.putName("key") d.putItem(Item(key, item.iname, "key")) with SubItem(d): d.putName("value") d.putItem(Item(value, item.iname, "value")) \endcode \section1 Debugging Helpers for QML The debugging helpers for QML provide you with code completion for custom modules (\c qmldump) and debugging Qt Quick UI projects (\c qmlobserver). You have to build the QML Inspector once for each Qt version that you want to debug with. Select \gui{Tools > Options... > Qt4 > Qt Versions}. \note QML Inspector requires Qt 4.7.1 or later. \section1 Enabling Debugging Helpers for Qt's Bootstrapped Applications Qt's bootstrapped applications (such as moc and qmake) are built in a way that is incompatible with the default build of the debugging helpers. To work around this, add \c{dumper.cpp} to the compiled sources in the application Makefile. Choose \gui {Tools > Options > Debugger > Debugging Helper > Use debugging helper from custom location}, and specify an invalid location, such as \c{/dev/null}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-wizards.html \page creator-project-cmake.html \nextpage creator-project-generic.html \title Setting Up a CMake Project CMake is an alternative to qmake for automating the generation of build configurations. It controls the software compilation process by using simple configuration files, called CMakeLists.txt files. CMake generates native build configurations and workspaces that you can use in the compiler environment of your choice. Since Qt Creator 1.1, CMake configuration files are supported. Qt Creator 1.3 supports the Microsoft tool chain if the CMake version is at least 2.8. \section1 Setting the Path for CMake You can set the path for the \c CMake executable in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options... > Projects > CMake}. \image qtcreator-cmakeexecutable.png \note Before you open a \c CMake project it is necessary to modify the \c{PATH} environment variable to include the bin folders of \c mingw and Qt Creator in the SDK. For instance, if you have the Qt SDK installed in your C drive, use the following command to set the environment variables in the command line prompt: \code set PATH=C:\qtsdk\mingw\bin;C:\qtsdk\qt\bin; \endcode Then start Qt Creator by typing: \code C:\qtsdk\bin\qtcreator.exe \endcode \section1 Opening CMake Projects To open a \c CMake project: \list 1 \o Select \gui{File} > \gui{Open File or Project...}. \o Select the \c{CMakeLists.txt} file from your \c CMake project. \endlist A wizard guides you through the rest of the process. \note If the \c CMake project does not have an in-place build, Qt Creator lets you specify the directory in which the project is built (\l{glossary-shadow-build}{shadow build}). \image qtcreator-cmake-import-wizard1.png The screenshot below shows how you can specify command line arguments to \c CMake for your project. \image qtcreator-cmake-import-wizard2.png Normally, there is no need to pass any command line arguments for projects that are already built, as \c CMake caches that information. \section1 Building CMake Projects Qt Creator builds \c CMake projects by running \c make, \c mingw32-make, or \c nmake depending on your platform. The build errors and warnings are parsed and displayed in the \gui{Build Issues} output pane. By default, Qt Creator builds the \bold{all} target. You can specify which targets to build in \gui{Project} mode, under \gui{Build Settings}. \image qtcreator-cmake-build-settings.png Qt Creator supports multiple build configurations. The build directory can also be modified after the initial import. \section1 Running CMake Projects Qt Creator automatically adds \gui{Run Configurations} for all targets specified in the \c CMake project file. Known issues for the current version can be found \l{Known Issues}{here}. \section1 Adding External Libraries to CMake Projects Through external libraries Qt Creator can support code completion and syntax highlighting as if they were part of the current project or the Qt library. Qt Creator detects the external libraries using the \c FIND_PACKAGE() macro. Some libraries come with the CMake installation. You can find those in the \bold{Modules} directory of your CMake installation. \note If you provide your own libraries, you also need to provide your own \c FindFoo.cmake file. For more information, see \l{http://vtk.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Writing_FindXXX.cmake_files}{CMake FAQ}. Syntax completion and highlighting work once your project successfully builds and links against the external library. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debugging-helpers.html \page creator-debugging-qml.html \nextpage creator-troubleshooting-debugging.html \title Debugging Qt Quick Projects \note You need Qt 4.7.1 or later to debug Qt Quick projects. Debugging projects not created with the Qt Quick wizards is only supported with Qt 4.8, or later. \section1 Setting Up QML Debugging The process of setting up debugging for Qt Quick projects depends on the type of the project: Qt Quick UI or Qt Quick Application. To debug Qt Quick UI projects: \list 1 \o Select \gui Projects, and then select the \gui QML check box in the \gui {Run Settings}, to enable QML debugging. \o Compile the QML Inspector debugging helper. For more information, see \l{Debugging Helpers for QML}. \endlist To debug Qt Quick Applications: \list 1 \o Select \gui Projects, and then select the \gui {Link QML debugging library} check box in \gui {Build Steps}. You might have to compile the library first, by selecting the \gui Compile link. \image qml-link-debugging-library.png "Build Steps" \note Debugging requires opening a socket at a well-known port, which presents a security risk. Anyone on the Internet could connect to the application that you are debugging and execute any JavaScript functions. Therefore, you must make sure that the port is properly protected by a firewall. \o In the \gui {Run Settings}, select the \gui QML check box to enable QML debugging. \o Select \gui {Build > Rebuild Project} to clean and rebuild the project. \endlist \section1 Starting QML Debugging To start the application, choose \gui {Debug > Start Debugging > Start Debugging} or press \key F5. Once the application starts running, it behaves and performs as usual. You can then perform the following tasks: \list \o Debug JavaScript functions \o Preview QML changes at runtime \o Inspect QML at runtime \endlist \section1 Debugging JavaScript Functions You can use the Qt Creator \gui Debug mode to inspect the state of your application while debugging. You can interact with the debugger in several ways, as described in the following sections: \list \o \l{Setting Breakpoints} \o \l{Viewing Call Stack Trace} \o \l{Locals and Expressions} \endlist \section1 Executing JavaScript Expressions When the application is interrupted by a breakpoint, you can use the \gui {QML Script Console} to execute JavaScript expressions in the current context. To open it, choose \gui {Window > View > QML Script Console}. \image qml-script-console.png "QML Script Console view" You can type JavaScript expressions and use them to get information about the state or your application. For example, property values. You can see the current value of a property by hovering over it in the code editor. \section1 Applying QML Changes at Runtime If you change property values or add properties in the code editor, the changes are updated in the running application when you save them. If live preview is not supported for an element, a message appears. Click \gui Reload to preview the changes. Reloading is enabled by default. To disable it, click \inlineimage qml-observer-bar-reload.png "Apply Changes on Save button" on the toolbar. \section1 Inspecting QML at Runtime While the application is running, you can use the \gui {QML Inspector} view to explore the object structure, debug animations, and inspect colors. To open the \gui {QML Inspector} view, choose \gui {Window > View > QML Inspector}. The view shows the properties of the currently selected QML element. \image qml-observer-view.png "QML Inspector view" When you debug complex applications, you can use the inspection mode to jump to the position in code where an element is defined. You are switched to the inspection mode, when you click the \gui Select, \gui Zoom, or \gui {Color Picker} button on the toolbar. \image qml-observer-buttons.png "QML Inspector toolbar" When the \gui Select tool is enabled, you can click elements in the running application to jump to their definitions in the code. The properties of the selected element are displayed in the \gui {QML Inspector} view. The element hierarchy is displayed as a bread crumb path. You can also right-click an element in the running application to view the element hierarchy as a context menu. \image qml-observer-context-menu.png "QML Inspector" To switch to the zoom mode, click the \gui Zoom button. Click in the running application to zoom in. Right-click to open a context menu that contains zoom controls. To inspect colors, click the \gui {Color Picker} button. You can also click \inlineimage qml-observer-bar-copy-color.png "Copy Color button" to copy the color definition to the clipboard. To switch out of the inspection mode, deselect the \gui Select, \gui Zoom, and \gui {Color Picker} button. To move the application running in \QQV to the front, select the \gui {Show Application on Top} button. \section1 Debugging Animations \image qml-observer.png To play and pause animations in the running application, select the \gui {Play/Pause Animations} button on the toolbar or \gui {Debugging > Animations > Pause}, or press \key {Ctrl+.}. To change the speed at which animations are played, select a value in \gui {Debugging > Animations} or click and hold down the \gui {Play/Pause Animations} button to select a value. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-project-cmake.html \page creator-project-generic.html \nextpage creator-version-control.html \title Setting Up a Generic Project Qt Creator supports generic projects, so you can import existing projects that do not use qmake or CMake and Qt Creator ignores your build system. Generic project support allows you to use Qt Creator as a code editor. You can change the way your project is built by modifying the \c make command in the \gui{Projects} mode under \gui{Build Settings}. When you import a project, Qt Creator creates the following files that allow you to specify which files belong to your project and which include directories or defines you want to pass to your compile: \tt{.files}, \tt{.includes}, and \tt{.config}. \section1 Importing a Generic Project To import an existing generic project: \list 1 \o Select \gui File > \gui{New File or Project...} > \gui{Other Project} > \gui{Import Existing Project}. \o In \gui{Import Existing Project}, enter the project name and select the location of the project file you want to import. Qt Creator automatically generates the following files in the project directory: \list \o \l{Specifying Files}{.files} \o \l{Specifying Include Paths}{.includes} \o \l{Specifying Defines}{.config} \o .creator \endlist \endlist When the project is successfully imported, Qt Creator creates the project tree in the sidebar. After importing a generic project into Qt Creator, open it by selecting the \tt{.creator} file. \section1 Working with Generic Project Files For a generic project, you have to manually specify which files belong to your project and which include directories or defines you want to pass to your compiler. \section1 Specifying Files The list of files for a generic project is specified in the \tt{.files} file. When you first create a generic project, Qt Creator adds any files it recognizes to your project. To add or remove files, edit the \tt{.files} file in Qt Creator. Qt Creator recreates your project tree when you save the \tt{.files} file. Alternatively, you can add and remove files using the context menu in the project tree. If you frequently need to update the \tt{.files} file, you can do so efficiently by using a script that updates the file for you. If the file is modified externally, you have to restart Qt Creator for the changes to take effect. To update the \tt{.files} on the \gui Git repository use the following script: \code git ls-files "*.cpp" "*.h" > MyProject.files \endcode \section1 Specifying Include Paths The include paths are specified in the \tt{.includes} file, one include path per line. The paths can be either absolute or relative to the \tt{.includes} file. \section1 Specifying Defines The defines are specified in the \tt{.config} file. The \tt{.config} file is a regular C++ file, prepended to all your source files when they are parsed. Only use the \tt{.config} file to add lines as in the example below: \code #define NAME value \endcode \section1 Creating a Run Configuration Qt Creator cannot automatically determine which executable to run. In the \gui{Projects} mode under \gui{Run Settings}, define the executable file to run: \list 1 \o Click \gui Add and select \gui{Custom Executable}. \o Define the configuration name, the location of the executable, any additional arguments and the working directory. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-design-mode.html \page creator-visual-editor.html \nextpage quick-projects.html \title Developing Qt Quick Applications You can either create Qt Quick projects from scratch or import existing projects to Qt Creator. You can use the code editor (\l{Using the Editor}{Edit mode}) or the visual editor (\l{Using Qt Quick Designer}{Design mode}) to develop Qt Quick applications. \image qtcreator-qt-quick-editors.png "Edit mode and Design mode" The following sections describe typical tasks you can do with Qt Creator. \list \o \l {Creating Qt Quick Projects} \o \l {Using Qt Quick Designer} \o \l {Creating Components} \o \l {Creating Buttons} \o \l {Creating Scalable Buttons and Borders} \o \l {Creating Screens} \o \l {Animating Screens} \o \l {Adding User Interaction Methods} \o \l {Exporting Designs from Graphics Software} \o \l {Implementing Application Logic} \o \l {Using QML Modules with Plugins} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-visual-editor.html \page quick-projects.html \nextpage creator-using-qt-quick-designer.html \title Creating Qt Quick Projects \image qmldesigner-new-project.png "New File or Project dialog" When you create a new Qt Quick project from scratch, you have the following options: \list \o \gui {Qt Quick Application} creates a Qt Quick application project that can contain both QML and C++ code. The project includes a QDeclarativeView. You can build the application and deploy it on desktop and mobile target platforms. For example, you can create signed Symbian Installation System (SIS) packages for this type of projects. \o \gui {Qt Quick UI} creates a Qt Quick UI project with a single QML file that contains the main view. You can review Qt Quick UI projects in the QML Viewer and you need not build them. You do not need to have the development environment installed on your computer to create and run this type of projects. \o \gui {Custom QML Extension Plugin} creates a C++ plugin that makes it possible to offer extensions that can be loaded dynamically into applications by using the QDeclarativeEngine class. \endlist If you have existing QML applications that you want to run in Qt Creator or deploy to mobile devices, use the \gui {Qt Quick Application} wizard to convert them to Qt Quick applications. \section1 Creating Qt Quick UI Projects \list 1 \o Select \gui {File > New File or Project > Qt Quick Project > Qt Quick UI > Choose...}. The \gui{Introduction and Project Location} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-ui-project-location.png "Introduction and Project Location dialog" \o In the \gui Name field, give a name to the project. Do not use spaces and special characters in the project name and path. \o In the \gui {Create in} field, enter the path for the project files. For example, \c {C:\Qt\examples}. To select the path from a directory tree, click \gui Browse. \o Click \gui{Next}. \image qmldesigner-new-ui-project-summary.png "Project Management dialog" \o Review the project settings, and click \gui{Finish} to create the project. \endlist Qt Creator creates the following files: \list \o .qmlproject project file defines that all QML, JavaScript, and image files in the project folder belong to the project. Therefore, you do not need to individually list all the files in the project. \o .qml file defines an element, such as a component, screen, or the whole application UI. \endlist The \c import statement in the beginning of the .qml file specifies the \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativemodules.html} {Qt modules} to import. Each Qt module contains a set of default elements. Specify a version to get the features you want. To use JavaScript and image files in the application, copy them to the project folder. \section1 Creating Qt Quick Applications \list 1 \o Select \gui {File > New File or Project > Qt Quick Project > Qt Quick Application > Choose...}. The \gui{Introduction and Project Location} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-location.png "Introduction and Project Location dialog" \o In the \gui Name field, give a name to the project. Do not use spaces and special characters in the project name and path. \o In the \gui {Create in} field, enter the path for the project files. For example, \c {C:\Qt\examples}. To select the path from a directory tree, click \gui Browse. \o Click \gui{Next}. The \gui {Application Type} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-qml-sources.png "Application Type dialog" \o Select the Qt Quick Component Set to use in your application. The built-in elements allow you to write cross-platform applications with custom look and feel. The components for Symbian and MeeGo Harmattan allow you to create applications with a native look and feel for the selected mobile platform. You can also import an existing QML file in this dialog. \o Click \gui{Next}. The \gui {Target Setup} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-qt-versions.png "Target Setup dialog" \o Select the Qt versions to use as build targets for your project, and then click \gui{Next}. \note Qt Quick is supported since Qt 4.7, and therefore, only Qt 4.7 and later versions are displayed. Further, if you have only one supported Qt version installed, this dialog is skipped. The \gui {Mobile Options} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-app-project-mobile-options.png "Mobile Options dialog" \o In the \gui {Orientation behavior} field, determine how the application behaves when the orientation of the device display rotates between portrait and landscape, and then click \gui Next. \note This dialog opens only if you select \gui Maemo5 or \gui {Symbian Device} target in the \gui {Target Setup} dialog. On Harmattan, the Qt Quick Components for MeeGo provide native-looking rotation. The \gui {Symbian Specific} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-symbian-options.png "Symbian Specific dialog" \o In the \gui {Application icon (.svg)} field, select an application icon for the \gui {Symbian Device} target, or use the default icon. \o In the \gui {Target UID3} field, specify the \l{Application UID}, or use the default UID. \note Qt Creator generates a UID for testing the application on a device. You need to change the UID when you deliver the application for public use. \o Click \gui Next. The \gui {Maemo Specific} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-maemo-options.png "Maemo Specific dialog" \o In the \gui {Application icon} field, select the application icon to use on Maemo or Harmattan targets, or use the default icon. The \gui {Project Management} dialog opens. \image qmldesigner-new-project-summary.png "Project Management" dialog \o In the \gui {Add to project} field, you can add this project to another project as a subproject. \o In the \gui {Add to version control} field, you can add the project to a version control system. \o Click \gui Finish to create the project. \endlist Qt Creator creates the necessary boilerplate files. Some of the files are specific to the Symbian, Maemo, or MeeGo Harmattan platform. \section1 Importing QML Applications If you have existing QML applications that you want to run in Qt Creator or deploy to mobile devices, use the \gui {Qt Quick Application} wizard and select the main .qml file in your project. All the other files in the project are automatically added to the application project. To import QML applications: \list 1 \o Select \gui {File > New File or Project > Qt Quick Project > Qt Quick Application > Choose...}. \o Name the project and set its path, and then click \gui Next. \o In the \gui {Application Type} dialog, select the \gui {Use an existing .qml file} option and specify the main .qml file of the project you want to import. \image qmldesigner-import-project.png "Application Type dialog" \o Click \gui Next. \o Select the Qt versions to use as build targets for your project, and click \gui{Next}. \o Specify options for deploying the application to mobile device targets, and click \gui{Next}. \o Review the project settings, and click \gui{Finish} to create the project. \endlist Qt Creator adds references to the QML files to a project and creates the additional files necessary for deploying applications to mobile devices. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-using-qt-quick-designer.html \page quick-components.html \nextpage quick-buttons.html \title Creating Components A QML component provides a way of defining a new type that you can re-use in other QML files. A component is like a black box; it interacts with the outside world through properties, signals, and slots, and is generally defined in its own QML file. You can import components to screens and applications. You can use the following QML elements to create components: \list \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-borderimage.html}{Border Image} uses an image as a border or background. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-image.html}{Image} adds a bitmap to the scene. You can stretch and tile images. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-item.html}{Item} is the most basic of all visual items in QML. Even though it has no visual appearance, it defines all the properties that are common across visual items, such as the x and y position, width and height, anchoring, and key handling. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-rectangle.html}{Rectangle} adds a rectangle that is painted with a solid fill color and an optional border. You can also use the radius property to create rounded rectangles. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-text.html}{Text} adds formatted read-only text. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-textedit.html}{Text Edit} adds a single line of editable formatted text that can be validated. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-textinput.html}{Text Input} adds a single line of editable plain text that can be validated. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-webview.html}{Web View} adds web content to a canvas. \endlist QML elements allow you to write cross-platform applications with custom look and feel. You can also use ready-made Qt Quick Components for Symbian and MeeGo Harmattan that allow you to create applications with a native look and feel for the selected mobile platform. You can install the components as part of \QSDK. When you use the Qt Creator project wizard to create Qt Quick applications, you can select which component set to use in your application. Even if you use the Qt Quick Components, you can still write cross-platform applications, by using different sets of QML files for each platform. You can dowload a set of commonly used UI-components for generic use in Qt Quick projects from \l{https://projects.forum.nokia.com/QMLTemplates}{QML Templates}. You can open and edit the templates in \QD. \section1 Creating Components in Qt Quick Designer \list 1 \o Select \gui {File > New File or Project > Files and Classes > QML > Choose...} to create a new .qml file. \note Components are listed in the \gui {QML Components} section of the \gui Library pane only if the filename begins with a capital letter. \o Click \gui Design to open the .qml file in \QMLD. \o Drag and drop an item from the \gui Library pane to the editor. \o Edit item properties in the \gui Properties pane. The available properties depend on the item. \endlist The following sections contain examples of how to create some common components: \list \o \l{Creating Buttons} \o \l{Creating Scalable Buttons and Borders} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-components.html \page quick-buttons.html \nextpage quick-scalable-image.html \title Creating Buttons To create a button component: \list 1 \o Select \gui {File > New File or Project > QML > QML File > Choose...} to create a QML file called Button.qml (for example). \note Components are listed in the \gui Library pane only if the filename begins with a capital letter. \o Click \gui {Design} to edit the file in the visual editor. \o In the \gui Navigator pane, click \gui Rectangle to set properties for it. \o In the \gui Properties pane, modify the appearance of the button. \list a \o In the \gui Size field, set the width (\gui W) and height (\gui H) of the button. \o In the \gui Color field, select the button color. \o In the \gui Radius field, use the slider to set the radius of the rectangle and produce rounded corners for the button. \endlist \o Drag and drop a \gui {Text} item on top of the \gui Rectangle. This creates a nested element where \gui Rectangle is the parent element of \gui Text. Elements are positioned relative to their parents. \o In the \gui Properties pane, edit the properties of the \gui Text item. \list a \o In the \gui Text field, type \bold Button. You can select the text color, font, size, and style in the \gui Font section. \o In the \gui Alignment field, select the center buttons to align the text to the center of the button. \o Click \gui {Layout}, and then click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-anchor-fill-screen.png button to anchor the text to the whole button area. \endlist \o Press \key {Ctrl+S} to save the button. \image qmldesigner-button.png "Button component" \endlist \note To view the button, you must add it to a Qt Quick Application or Qt Quick UI project. To create a graphical button that scales beautifully without using vector graphics, use the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-borderimage.html}{Border Image} element. For more information, see \l{Creating Scalable Buttons and Borders}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-buttons.html \page quick-scalable-image.html \nextpage quick-screens.html \title Creating Scalable Buttons and Borders You can use the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-borderimage.html}{Border Image} element to display an image, such as a PNG file, as a border and a background. Use two Border Image elements and suitable graphics to make it look like the button is pushed down when it is clicked. One of the Border Image elements is visible by default. You can specify that it is hidden and the other one becomes visible when the mouse is clicked. Add a MouseArea that covers the whole area and emits the clicked signal (\c {parent.clicked()}) when it detects a mouse click. You can add text to the button and set it up as a property. The text can then be initialized from the outside, making the button a reusable UI component. The font size is also available in case the default size is too big. You can scale down the button text and use smooth text rendering for some extra quality. \image qmldesigner-borderimage.png "Graphical button" To create a graphical button: \list 1 \o Select \gui {File > New File or Project > QML > QML File > Choose...} to create a QML file called Button.qml (for example). \o Double-click the file to open it in the code editor. \o Replace the \gui Rectangle with an \gui Item, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \qml Item { } \endqml \o Specify properties and set expressions for the \gui Item, as illustrated by the following code snippet: \snippet snippets/qml/quick-scalable-image.qml properties and signal definitions You will point to the properties and expression later. \o Click \gui {Design} to edit the file in the visual editor. \o Drag and drop two \gui BorderImage items from the \gui Library pane to the scene. \o Drag and drop a \gui Text item to the scene. \o Drag and drop a \gui MouseArea to the screen. \o In the \gui Navigator pane, select \gui border_image1 to specify settings for it in the \gui Properties pane: \list a \o Select \gui {Set Expression} in the menu next to the \gui Visibility check box. \o Enter the following expression to specify that the image is visible when the mouse is not pressed down: \c {!mouse_area1.pressed}. \o In the \gui Source field, select the image file for the button, for example button_up.png. \o Click \gui {Layout}, and then click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-anchor-fill-screen.png button to anchor the border image to the \gui Item. \endlist \o Select \gui border_image2 to specify similar settings for it: \list a \o Set the following epression for \gui Visibility, to specify that the image is visible when the mouse is pressed down: \c {mouse_area1.pressed}. \o In the \gui Source field, select the image file for the button when it is clicked, for example button_down.png. \o Click \gui {Layout}, and then click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-anchor-fill-screen.png button to anchor the border image to the \gui Item. \endlist \o Select \gui text1 to specify font size and color, and text scaling and rendering: \list a \o In the \gui Color field, use the color picker to select the font color, or enter a value in the field. \o In the \gui Text field, select \gui {Set Expression} and enter a pointer to the \c {text} property that you specified earlier: \c {parent.txt}. \o Select the \gui Aliasing check box to enable smooth text rendering. \o In the \gui Size field, select \gui {Pixels} to specify the font size in pixels. By default, the size is specified in points. \o In the \gui Size field, select \gui {Set Expression} and enter a pointer to the \c {fontSize} property that you specified earlier. \o Click \gui {Layout}, and then click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-center-in.png "Anchor buttons" buttons to inherit the vertical and horizontal centering from the parent. \o Click \gui Advanced to specify scaling for the text in the \gui Scale field. \o Select \gui {Set Expression} and enter the following expression: \c {if (!mousearea1.pressed) { 1 } else { 0.95 }}. \note You can enter long and complicated expressions also in the code editor. \endlist \o In the code editor, add to the \c MouseArea item a pointer to the \c clicked expression that you added earlier: \c {onClicked: parent.clicked()}. \endlist \note To view the button, you must add it to a Qt Quick Application or Qt Quick UI project. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-scalable-image.html \page quick-screens.html \nextpage quick-animations.html \title Creating Screens You can use predefined QML elements and your own components to create screens. Typically, the main qml file in a Qt Quick project specifies the main window of an application. The QML files in the project folder are displayed in \gui {QML Components} in the \gui Library pane. You can also use ready-made Qt Quick Components for Symbian and MeeGo Harmattan that allow you to create screens with a native look and feel for the selected mobile platform. You can install the components as part of \QSDK. You can dowload QML templates that specify different types of screens from \l{https://projects.developer.nokia.com/QMLTemplates}{QML Templates} for use in your Qt Quick projects. You can open and edit the templates in \QD. \section1 Adding Components to Screens \list 1 \o Drag and drop components from the \gui Library pane to the editor. \o Select components in the \gui Navigator pane to edit their properties in the \gui Properties pane. For example, you can anchor components to a position on the screen. \endlist \section1 Using Data Models You can create the following types of views to organize items provided by \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativemodels.html}{data models}: \list \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-gridview.html}{Grid View} provides a grid vizualization of a model. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-listview.html}{List View} provides a list vizualization of a model. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-pathview.html}{Path View} visualizes the contents of a model along a path. \endlist When you add a Grid View, List View, or Path View element, the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-listmodel.html}{ListModel} and the delegate component that creates an instance for each item in the model are added automatically. You can edit element properties in the \gui Properties pane or in the code editor. You can also replace the default model and delegate with other, more complex models and delegates in the code editor. \section1 Positioning Items on Screens You can use the following items to arrange items on screens: \list \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-column.html}{Column} arranges its child items vertically. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-row.html}{Row} arranges its child items horizontally. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-grid.html}{Grid} arranges its child items so that they are aligned in a grid and are not overlapping. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-flow.html}{Flow} arranges its child items side by side, wrapping as necessary. \endlist \section1 Using States Use states and transitions to navigate between screens. QML states typically describe user interface configurations, such as the UI elements, their properties and behavior and the available actions. For example, you can use states to create two screens. To add states, click the empty slot in the \gui States pane. Then modify the new state in the visual editor. \image qmldesigner-states.png "States pane" The properties that you change in a state are highlighted with blue color. In the code editor, you can see the changes recorded as changes to the base state. To keep the QML code clean, you should create a base state that contains all the elements you will need in the application. You can then create states, in which you hide and show a set of items and modify their properties. This allows you to: \list \o Align items on different screens with each other. \o Avoid excessive property changes. If an item is invisible in the base state, you must define all changes to its child elements as property changes, which leads to complicated QML code. \o Minimize the differences between the base state and the other states to keep the QML code short and readable and to improve performance. \o Avoid problems when using transitions and animation when changing states. \endlist To create screens for an application by using states: \list 1 \o In the base state, add all elements you will need in the application. While you work on one screen, you can click the \inlineimage qmldesigner-show-hide-icon.png icon to hide elements on the canvas that are not part of a screen. \o In the \gui States pane, click the empty slot to create a new state and give it a name. For example, \c Normal. \o In the \gui Properties pane, deselect the \gui Visibility check box or set \gui Opacity to 0 for each element that is not needed in this view. If you specify the setting for the parent element, all child elements inherit it and are also hidden. \image qmldesigner-screen-design.png "Designing screens" \o Create additional states for each screen and set the visibility or opacity of the elements in the screen. \o To determine which view opens when the application starts, use the code editor to set the state of the root item of the .qml file, as specified by the following code snippet: \qml Item { state: "Normal" } \endqml \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-screens.html \page quick-animations.html \nextpage quick-user-interaction.html \title Animating Screens To make movement between states smooth, you can specify transitions. You can use different types of animated transitions. For example, you can animate changes to property values and colors. You can use rotation animation to control the direction of rotation. For more information, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativeanimation.html}{QML Animation}. You can use the \c ParallelAnimation element to start several animations at the same time. Or use the \c SequentialAnimation element to run them one after another. You can use the code editor to specify transitions. For more information, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-transition.html}{QML Transition Element}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-animations.html \page quick-user-interaction.html \nextpage quick-export-to-qml.html \title Adding User Interaction Methods You can add the following basic interaction methods to scenes: \list \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-flickable.html}{Flickable} items can be flicked horizontally or vertically. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-flipable.html}{Flipable} items can be flipped between their front and back sides by using rotation, state, and transition. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-focusscope.html}{Focus Scope} assists in keyboard focus handling when building reusable QML components. \o \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-mousearea.html}{Mouse Area} enables simple mouse handling. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-user-interaction.html \page quick-export-to-qml.html \nextpage quick-application-logic.html \title Exporting Designs from Graphics Software You can export designs from graphics software, such as Adobe Photoshop and GIMP, to QML files. Each scene is converted into a single QML file with an Image or a Text element for each layer and saved on the development PC. Top-level layer groups are converted into merged QML Image elements. Note: GIMP does not support grouping, and therefore, each layer is exported as an item in GIMP. You can open the QML file in Qt Creator for editing. If you edit the file in Adobe Photoshop and export it to the same directory again, any changes you made in Qt Creator are overwritten. However, you can re-export graphical assets without recreating the QML code. If you create vector graphics with other tools that have an Adobe Photoshop export option, such as Adobe Illustrator, you can export them first to Photoshop and then to QML. \section1 Conversion Rules The following rules apply to the conversions: \list \o Layer names are used as element names. Spaces and hash marks (#) are replaced with underscore characters to create valid ids for the elements. \o Layer styles, such as drop shadows, are converted to images. \o Offset, size, ordering and opacity are preserved. \o Text layers are converted to Text elements, unless you specify that they be converted to Image elements. \o Hidden layers can be exported, and their visibility is set to hidden. \o PNG images are copied to the images subirectory. \endlist \section1 Preparing Files for Conversion To create QML files that are easy to use, prepare the Adobe Photoshop or GIMP designs for exporting, as follows: \list \o To minimize the number of elements, minimize the number of layers or use top-level layer groups, because each layer or layer group is exported as a Text or Image element. \o To make sure that all related elements are exported to the same element, use top-level layer groups. \o To determine that some layers are not exported, hide them, and deselect the \gui {Export hidden} check box during exporting. \o To make it easier to find the layers and layer groups after exporting them, use descriptive names for them. \o To make sure that image dimensions are preserved during export, create at least one fully filled layer (which can be hidden), such as a background layer. If the export script does not find a fully filled layer, it resizes all images to the size of the canvas. \o To prevent errors during export, make sure that the layers are not locked. Locked layers cannot be exported. \o To avoid unexpected results, do not use Blending Mode effects. They are not exported. \endlist \section1 Exporting from Adobe Photoshop to QML \image qml-export-photoshop.png The script has been tested to work on Adobe Photoshop CS 4 and 5, but it might also work on other versions. \list 1 \o Download the export script, \e{Export QML.jx}, from \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/photoshop-qmlexporter/trees/master}{Gitorious}. \note Read the README.txt file in the repository for latest information about the script. \o Double-click the export script to add the export command to the \gui Scripts menu. You can also copy the script file to the Adobe Photoshop scripts directory (typically, \c{\Presets\Scripts} in the Photoshop installation directory). \o In Adobe Photoshop, choose \gui {File > Scripts > Export to QML} to export the scene to a QML file. \o In the \gui {Export Document to QML} dialog, enter a name and location for the QML file. \o Select the \gui {Rasterize text} check box to export text layers as images, not as Text elements. \o Select the \gui {Group layers} check box to export each top-level group as a merged QML Image element. \o Select the \gui {Export hidden} check box to export hidden layers and to set their visibility property to hidden. \o Deselect the \gui {Export QML} check box if you have modified the QML document in Qt Creator, but still want to re-export graphical assets. \o Click \gui Export. \endlist The QML file is saved to the location that you specified. In Qt Creator, choose \gui {File > Open File or Project} to open the QML file. \note Existing files are replaced without warning. \section1 Exporting from GIMP to QML \image qml-export-gimp.png The script has been tested to work on GIMP 2. You can download GIMP 2 from \l{http://www.gimp.org/downloads/}{GIMP Downloads}. To use the export script on Microsoft Windows, you also need to install the GIMP Python extension (Python, PyCairo, PyGobject, PyGTK). However, GIMP is not officially supported on Windows, so we cannot guarantee that this will work. \list 1 \o On Microsoft Windows, you must first add Python support to your GIMP installation, as instructed in \l {http://www.gimpusers.com/tutorials/install-python-for-gimp-2-6-windows}{Tutorial: Installing Python for GIMP 2.6 (Windows)}. \o Download the export script, \e qmlexporter.py, from \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/gimp-qmlexporter/trees/master}{Gitorious}. \note Read the INSTALL.txt in the repository for latest information about the script. \o Copy the export script to the plug-ins directory in the GIMP installation directory. \o Check the properties of the file to make sure that it is executable. On Linux, run the following command: \c {chmod u+rx} \o Restart GIMP to have the export command added to the \gui File menu. \o Choose \gui {File > Export to QML} to export the design to a QML file. \o In the \gui {Export Layers to a QML Document} dialog, enter a name and location for the QML file, and click \gui Export. \endlist The QML file is saved to the location that you specified. In Qt Creator, choose \gui {File > Open File or Project} to open the QML file. \note Existing files are replaced without warning. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-export-to-qml.html \page quick-application-logic.html \nextpage creator-qml-modules-with-plugins.html \title Implementing Application Logic A user interface is only a part of an application, and not really useful by itself. You can use Qt or JavaScript to implement the application logic. For more information on using JavaScript, see \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qdeclarativejavascript.html} {Integrating JavaScript}. For an example of how to use JavaScript to develop a game, see the \l {http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-advtutorial.html} {QML Advanced Tutorial}. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage quick-application-logic.html \page creator-qml-modules-with-plugins.html \nextpage creator-using-qt-designer.html \title Using QML Modules with Plugins QML modules may use plugins to expose components defined in C++ to QML applications. Since Qt Creator cannot load the plugins to determine the details of the contained components, these modules need to provide extra type information for code completion and the semantic checks to work correctly. Ideally, QML modules have a \c{plugins.qmltypes} file in the same directory as the \c qmldir file. The \c qmltypes file contains a description of the components exported by the module's plugins and is loaded by Qt Creator when the module is imported. For Qt 4.8 and later, one or more \c qmltypes files can be listed in the \c qmldir file under the \c typeinfo header. These files will be read in addition to \c{plugins.qmltypes}. For more information, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.8-snapshot/qdeclarativemodules.html#writing-a-qmldir-file}{Writing a qmldir File}. \section1 Generating qmltypes Files You can create and edit \c qmltypes files manually, but you are recommended to use the \c qmlplugindump tool shipped with Qt 4.8 and later to generate them automatically. For earlier versions of Qt, you can compile a version of the tool called \c qmldump from the sources in \c{/share/qtcreator/qml/qmldump} if the Qt version contains private headers. Once you have obtained qmlplugindump for the Qt version the QML module's plugins were compiled with, run the following command to load My.Module version 1.0 from \c{/import/path/my/module} including all its plugins and output a description of the plugins' types to \c{/import/path/my/module/plugins.qmltypes}: \code qmlplugindump My.Module 1.0 /import/path > /import/path/my/module/plugins.qmltypes \endcode You can safely ignore the debug output. \section1 Dumping Plugins Automatically If a module with plugins lacks the \c qmltypes file, Qt Creator tries to generate a temporary file itself by running the \c qmldump program in the background. However, this automatic dumping is a fallback mechanism with many points of failure and cannot be relied upon. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-refactoring.html \page qt-quick-toolbars.html \nextpage creator-editor-locator.html \title Using Qt Quick Toolbars When you edit QML code in the code editor, you specify the properties of QML components. For some properties, such as colors and font names, this is not a trivial task. For example, few people can visualize the color #18793f. To easily edit these properties, you can use the Qt Quick Toolbars. When you select a component in the code and a toolbar is available, a light bulb icon appears: \inlineimage qml-toolbar-indicator.png . Select the icon to open the toolbar. To open toolbars immediately when you select a component, select \gui{Tools > Options... > Qt Quick > Qt Quick Toolbar > Always show Quick Toolbar}. Drag the toolbar to pin it to another location. Select \inlineimage qml-toolbar-pin.png to unpin the toolbar and move it to its default location. To pin toolbars by default, select \gui{Tools > Options... > Qt Quick > Qt Quick Toolbar > Pin Quick Toolbar}. \section1 Previewing Images The Qt Quick Toolbar for images allows you to edit the properties of \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qml-borderimage.html}{Border Image} and \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qml-image.html}{Image} components. You can scale and tile the images, replace them with other images, preview them, and change the image margins. \image qml-toolbar-image.png "Qt Quick Toolbar for images" To preview an image, double-click it on the toolbar. In the preview dialog, you can zoom the image. Drag the image margins to change them. \image qml-toolbar-image-preview.png "Image preview dialog" \section1 Formatting Text The Qt Quick Toolbar for text allows you to edit the properties of \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qml-text.html}{Text} components. You can change the font family and size as well as text formatting, style, alignment, and color. If a property is assigned an expression instead of a value, you cannot use the toolbar to edit it. The button for editing the property is disabled. \image qml-toolbar-text.png "Qt Quick Toolbar for text" By default, font size is specified as pixels. To use points, instead, change \gui px to \gui pt in the size field. \section1 Previewing Animation The Qt Quick Toolbar for animation allows you to edit the properties of \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-propertyanimation.html}{PropertyAnimation} components and the components that inherit it. You can change the easing curve type and duration. For some curves, you can also specify amplitude, period, and overshoot values. \image qml-toolbar-animation.png "Qt Quick Toolbar for animation" Select the play button to preview your changes. \section1 Editing Rectangles The Qt Quick Toolbar for rectangles allows you to edit the properties of \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qml-rectangle.html}{Rectangle} components. You can change the fill and border colors and add gradients. \image qml-toolbar-rectangle.png "Qt Quick Toolbar for rectangles" To add gradient stop points, click above the gradient bar. To remove stop points, drag them upwards. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-editor-external.html \page creator-maemo-emulator.html \nextpage creator-mime-types.html \title Using Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Emulator The Maemo 5 (Fremantle) and MeeGo Harmattan emulator are installed as part of the \QSDK. After they are installed, you can start them from Qt Creator. The Maemo 5 emulator emulates the Nokia N900 device environment. You can test applications in conditions practically identical to running the application on a Nokia N900 device with software update release 1.3 (V20.2010.36-2). The MeeGo Harmattan emulator emulates the Nokia N9 device environment. With the emulators, you can test how your application reacts to hardware controls, such as the power button, and to the touch screen. To test the application UI, user interaction with the application, and functionality that uses the mobility APIs, use the Qt Simulator, instead. For more information, see the \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtsimulator/index.html}{Qt Simulator Manual}. The difference between Qt Simulator and the emulators is that when you compile your application binary for Qt Simulator, it is compiled against a host library. The binary run on the emulator is compiled for the actual device, using the Maemo 5 or Harmattan tool chain. \section1 Starting the Emulator The \gui {Start MeeGo Emulator} button is visible if you have a project open in Qt Creator for which you have added the Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan build target. It starts the Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan emulator, depending on the selected target. To start the emulator, click \inlineimage qtcreator-maemo-emulator-button.png "Start MeeGo Emulator button" . Test your application on the emulator as on a device. For a list of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to emulate keys and functions, see \l {Emulating Device Keys}. \section1 Rendering Graphics The emulators support OpenGL to improve graphics rendering. Hardware acceleration produces better results than software rendering. By default, Qt Creator automatically detects, whether hardware acceleration is supported on the development PC and tries to use it. However, sometimes the results of the automatic detection are not reliable, and hardware acceleration might be selected even if it is actually not available on the development PC. This causes the emulator to crash. If the emulator crashes, you are asked whether you want to try software rendering, instead. To specify the OpenGL mode, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Linux Devices > Maemo Qemu Settings}. \section1 Emulating Device Keys The following table summarizes the keyboard shortcuts that you can use to emulate device keys and functions. \table \header \o Device Key \o Keyboard Shortcut \row \o \list \o Alphabet keys \o Comma (,) \o Period (.) \o Space \o Arrow keys \o Enter \o Backspace \endlist \o Respective keys on the development PC keyboard. \row \o Shift \o Left Shift key (Maemo 5) Shift (Harmattan) \row \o Ctrl \o Left Ctrl key (Maemo 5) Ctrl (Harmattan) \row \o Mode \o Left Alt key (Maemo 5) Alt (Harmattan) \row \o Power \o Esc \row \o Keypad slider open and close \o F1 \row \o Keypad lock (Maemo 5 only) \o F2 \row \o Camera lens open and close (Maemo 5 only) \o F3 \row \o Camera focus \o F4 \row \o Camera take picture \o F5 \note The actual camera functionality is not emulated. \row \o Stereo headphones connect and disconnect (Maemo 5 only) \o F6 \row \o Volume down \o F7 \row \o Volume up \o F8 \row \o Accelerometer x axis, negative \o 1 \row \o Accelerometer x axis, positive \o 2 \row \o Accelerometer z axis, negative \o 4 \row \o Accelerometer z axis, positive \o 5 \row \o Accelerometer y axis, negative \o 7 \row \o Accelerometer y axis, positive \o 8 \endtable \note Each press of the accelerometer key turns the acceleration by 50 percent. \section1 Closing the Emulator To close the emulator, click the X at the top right corner of the device emulator view. The emulator interprets this as a press of the power button and displays the text \e {Shutting down} in the emulator window title pane. The emulator closes shortly after this. You can also select the \gui {Start MeeGo Emulator} button to close the emulator. This is a faster way to close the emulator, because it does not wait for the operating system running on the emulated machine to shut down, but this also means that it is less safe. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-version-control.html \page adding-plugins.html \nextpage creator-editor-external.html \title Adding Qt Designer Plugins You can use Qt APIs to create plugins that extend Qt applications. This allows you to add your own widgets to \QD. The most flexible way to include a plugin with an application is to compile it into a dynamic library that is shipped separately, and detected and loaded at runtime. The applications can detect plugins that are stored in the standard plugin subdirectories. For more information on how to create and locate plugins and to change the default plugin path, see \l{How to Create Qt Plugins}. For more information about how to create plugins for \QD, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/designer-using-custom-widgets.html}{Creating and Using Components for Qt Designer}. \section1 Locating Qt Designer Plugins \QD fetches plugins from the standard locations and loads the plugins that match its build key. \QD is delivered both as a standalone application and as part of the SDK, where it is integrated into Qt Creator. The correct folder to place the plugins depends on which one you use. The integrated \QD fetches plugins from the \c {%SDK%\bin\designer} folder on Windows and Linux. For information about how to configure plugins on Mac OS, see \l{Configuring Qt Designer Plugins on Mac OS}. To check which plugins were loaded successfully and which failed, choose \gui{Tools > Form Editor > About Qt Designer Plugins}. The standalone \QD is part of the Qt library used for building projects, located under \c {%SDK%\qt}. Therefore, it fetches plugins from the following folder: \c {%SDK%\qt\plugins\designer}. To check which plugins were loaded successfully and which failed, choose \gui{Help > About Plugins}. \section2 Configuring Qt Designer Plugins on Mac OS On the Mac, a GUI application must be built and run from a bundle. A bundle is a directory structure that appears as a single entity when viewed in the Finder. A bundle for an application typcially contains the executable and all the resources it needs. Qt Creator uses its own set of Qt Libraries located in the bundle, and therefore, you need to configure the \QD plugins that you want to use with Qt Creator. Fore more information about how to deploy applications on Mac OS, see \l{http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/deployment-mac.html}{Deploying an Application on Mac OS X}. The following example illustrates how to configure version 5.2.1 of the \l{http://qwt.sourceforge.net/}{Qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications} library for use with Qt Creator: \list 1 \o To check the paths used in the Qwt library, enter the following \c otool command: \snippet examples/doc_src_plugins.qdoc 0 The output for Qwt 5.2.1 indicates that the plugin uses Qt core libraries (QtDesigner, QtScript, QtXml, QtGui and QtCore) and libqwt.5.dylib: \snippet examples/doc_src_plugins.qdoc 1 \o You must copy the \QD plugin and the Qwt library files to the following locations: \list \o \c {libqwt_designer_plugin.dylib} to \c {QtCreator.app/Contents/MacOS/designer} \o \c {libqwt.*.dylib} to \c {QtCreator.app/Contents/Frameworks} \endlist Enter the following commands: \snippet examples/doc_src_plugins.qdoc 4 \o Enter the following \c otool command to check the libraries that are used by the Qwt library: \snippet examples/doc_src_plugins.qdoc 2 The command returns the following output: \snippet examples/doc_src_plugins.qdoc 3 \o Enter the following \c install_name_tool command to fix the references of the libraries: \snippet examples/doc_src_plugins.qdoc 5 \endlist \section1 Matching Build Keys The Qt Creator that is included in pre-built SDK packages on Windows is built with the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler, whereas the version of Qt shipped for building applications is configured and built to use the MinGW/g++ compiler. Plugins built by using this version of Qt cannot be loaded by Qt Creator because the build-keys do not match. The plugins can only be used in the standalone version of \QD. Choose \gui{Help > About Qt Creator} to check the Qt version Qt Creator was built with. To use \QD plugins that were built for the shipped Qt version, make sure that Qt Creator is built with the same compiler by either recompiling Qt Creator using MinGW or recompiling Qt with Microsoft Visual Studio, depending on which configuration you want to use for your applications. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-using-qt-designer.html \page creator-usability.html \nextpage creator-building-running.html \title Optimizing Applications for Mobile Devices Before starting application development, analyze and define the requirements, scope, and functionality of the application to ensure efficient functionality and a smooth user experience. Design the application for a single purpose and analyze how it can best serve its users. Mobile devices have been designed for use when mobile. Keep the characteristics of mobile devices in mind when you create applications for them. The following guidelines help you design and develop usable applications for mobile devices with varying characteristics, such as screen size and support for input methods: \list \o Know your users Find out who will use the application, what they will use it for, and which mobile devices they have. Then design the application to fit a specific context of use. \o Design for small screens The screen size of mobile devices is significantly smaller than that available on desktop devices. Carefully consider what is the most relevant content to present on the application UI, as it might not be reasonable to try and fit as much content into the screen as you might have in a desktop application. \o Design for multiple screen sizes Relate the position and size of each control to the dimensions of the display. This enables the same set of information to be presented on the screen in all resolutions; higher resolution devices just display finer graphics. \o Design for changing screen orientation Some devices support screen rotation. On these devices, applications can be displayed in portrait or landscape orientation. Account for orientation and dynamically adjust the display when the screen is rotated. \o Design intuitive ways of moving within applications Mobile devices lack a mouse and full-size keyboard, so users must use the touch screen or five way navigation pad to move within applications. In addition, many users control the devices with one hand. To create an optimized user experience, allow users to access information with one click; do not make them scroll and type. \o Design for limited input methods Applications collect information from users on the task at hand. In addition to touch screen input, some devices contain physical keys such as a five way navigation pad, a keypad, and a keyboard. Users enter information by using screen controls, such as lists, check boxes, radio buttons, and text fields. \o Keep response times short Latency can cause delays in user interaction. If users perceive an application as being slow, they are likely to get frustrated and stop using it. \o Save battery time Mobile devices are not constantly connected to a power source but run on battery power. Optimize power consumption to keep the total consumption at an acceptable level and to prevent users from running out of battery time. \o Consider network issues If users do not have a flat-rate data plan or WLAN support, mobile network connections cost them money. Also, when users move around with the devices, the networks available for connections constantly change. \o Remember the processing limits of the device The memory available on devices is limited and you should use it carefully. Although all mobile devices have common functionality, each device is individual in terms of both the resources available and extra features. Therefore, you must consider the constraints of all the target devices. \endlist For more information about user experience techniques for mobile devices, see the \l{http://www.developer.nokia.com/Resources/Library/Design_and_UX} on Nokia Developer. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-faq.html \page creator-tips.html \nextpage creator-known-issues.html \title Tips and Tricks \section1 Switching Between Modes Qt Creator uses different modes for different purposes. You can quickly switch between these modes with the following keyboard shortcuts: \list \o \gui Welcome mode \key Ctrl+1 \o \gui Edit mode \key Ctrl+2 \o \gui Design mode \key Ctrl+3 \o \gui Debug mode \key Ctrl+4 \o \gui Projects mode \key Ctrl+5 \o \gui Help mode \key Ctrl+6 \endlist For more information about Qt Creator modes, see \l {Qt Creator Modes}. \section1 Moving Between Open Files To quickly move between currently open files, press \key Ctrl+Tab. To move forward in the location history, press \key {Alt+Right} (\key {Cmd+Opt+Right} on Mac OS). To move backward, press \key {Alt+Left} (\key {Cmd+Opt+Left} on Mac OS). For example, if you use the \gui Locator to jump to a symbol in the same file, you can jump back to your original location in that file by pressing \key {Alt+Left}. \section1 Moving To the Edit Mode To move to the \gui Edit mode and currently active file, press \key Esc. If you already are in the \gui Edit mode: \list \o The first press moves focus to the editor \o The second press closes secondary windows \endlist \section1 Using the Filter in Options Dialog To find specific settings you require in \gui{Tools} > \gui{Options...} use the filter located at the top left of the \gui Options dialog box. \section1 Opening Output Panes The output panes provide a list of errors and warnings encountered during a build, detailed output from the compiler, status of a program when it is executed and debug output, as well as search results. To open output panes, use the following shortcuts: \list \o \gui{Build Issues} pane Alt+1 (Cmd+1 on Mac OS X) \o \gui{Search Results} pane Alt+2 (Cmd+2 on Mac OS X) \o \gui{Application Output} pane Alt+3 (Cmd+3 on Mac OS X) \o \gui{Compile Output} pane Alt+4 (Cmd+4 on Mac OS X) \endlist For more information about output panes, see \l{Viewing Output}. \section1 Using Keyboard Shortcuts Qt Creator provides \l{Keyboard Shortcuts}{many useful keyboard shortcuts}. You can see the keyboard shortcut for a menu command in the menu or the tooltip for a button. To customize, import or export keyboard shortcuts, select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Environment > \gui Keyboard. \section1 Running Qt Creator From Command Line You can launch Qt Creator from command line using the name of an existing session or \c .pro file by giving the name as the command argument. For example, running \tt{qtcreator somesession}, launches Qt Creator and loads session somesession. \note Make sure Qt Creator is included in the PATH environment variable. This can be done by typing the following in the command line: \code set PATH=c:\qtsdk\mingw\bin;c:\qtsdk\qt\bin;%PATH% \endcode \section1 Showing and Hiding the Sidebar To toggle the sidebar in the \gui Edit and \gui Debug modes, click \inlineimage qtcreator-togglebutton.png or press \key Alt+0 (\key Cmd+0 on Mac OS X). For more information on using the sidebar, see \l {Browsing Project Contents}. \section1 Moving To Symbols To move straight to a symbol used in a project, select the symbol in the \gui Editor toolbar drop-down menu. For more information on the editor toolbar, see \l {Using the Editor Toolbar}. To jump to a symbol in the current file, press \key {Ctrl+K} to open the \gui Locator, enter a period (.), and start typing the symbol name. Then select the symbol in the list. For more information on using the locator, see \l{Searching With the Locator}. Press \key Ctrl (\key Cmd on Mac OS) and click a symbol to move directly to the definition or the declaration of the symbol. You can also move the cursor on the symbol and press \key {F2}. For more information, see \l{Moving to Symbol Definition or Declaration}. \section1 Displaying Signals and Slots If an instance of a class is derived from QObject, and you would like to find all other objects connected to one of your object's slots using Qt's signals and slots mechanism, select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui{Debugger} > \gui{Debugging Helper} > \gui{Use Debugging Helper}. In the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view, expand the object's entry and open the slot in the \e slots subitem. The objects connected to this slot are shown as children of the slot. This method works with signals too. For more information about the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view, see \l{Locals and Expressions}. \section1 Displaying Low Level Data If special debugging of Qt objects fails due to data corruption within the debugged objects, you can switch off the debugging helpers. When debugging helpers are switched off low-level structures become visible. To switch off the debugging helpers: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Debugger > \gui{Debugging Helper}. \o Uncheck the \gui{Use Debugging Helper} checkbox. \endlist \section1 Showing Tooltips in Debug Mode To inspect the value of variables from the editor, you can turn on tooltips. Tooltips are hidden by default for performance reasons. \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Debugger > \gui General. \o Select the \gui {Use tooltips in main editor while debugging} check box. \endlist When you hover over a variable in the code editor in \gui Debug mode, a tooltip is displayed. To keep the tooltip visible, click the pin button. You can expand pinned tooltips to view their full content. \image qtcreator-pin-tooltip.png Pinned tooltips are stored in the session. To close all pinned tooltips, select \gui {Close Editor Tooltips} in the context menu in the \gui {Locals and Expressions} view. \section1 Locating Files The \gui Locator provides one of the easiest ways in Qt Creator to browse through projects, files, classes, methods, documentation and file systems. To quickly access files not directly mentioned in your project, you can create your own locator filters. That way you can locate files in a directory structure you have defined. To create locator filters, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Locator > Add}. For more information, see \l{Creating Locator Filters}. \section1 Adding a License Header Template for C++ Code A file containing a license header for C++ can be specified under \gui{Tools > Options... > C++ > License Template}. It may contain special placeholders enclosed in \c{%%} that are replaced when generating a new file: \list 1 \o \c %YEAR%: Year \o \c %MONTH%: Month \o \c %DAY%: Day of the month \o \c %DATE%: Date \o \c %USER%: User name \o \c %FILENAME%: File name \o \c %CLASS%: Class name (if applicable) \o \c %$VARIABLE%: Contents of environment variable \c{VARIABLE}. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-cli.html \page creator-keyboard-shortcuts.html \nextpage creator-faq.html \title Keyboard Shortcuts Qt Creator provides various keyboard shortcuts to speed up your development process. \section1 Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts To customize a keyboard shortcut: \list 1 \o Select \gui Tools > \gui Options... > \gui Environment > \gui Keyboard. \o Select an action from the list. \o In \gui{Key Sequence} enter the shortcut key you want to associate with the selected action. \endlist Qt Creator allows you to use different keyboard shortcut mapping schemes: \list \o To import a keyboard shortcut mapping scheme, click \gui Import and select the kms file containing keyboard shortcut mapping scheme you want to import. \o To export the current keyboard shortcut mapping scheme, click \gui Export and select the location where you want to save the exported kms file. \endlist \section1 Default Keyboard Shortcuts The following tables list the default keyboard shortcuts. They are categorized by actions. \section2 General Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Open file or project \o Ctrl+O \row \o New file or project \o Ctrl+N \row \o Open in external editor \o Alt+V, Alt+I \row \o Cut \o Ctrl+X \row \o Copy \o Ctrl+C \row \o Paste \o Ctrl+V \row \o Redo \o Ctrl+Y \row \o Save \o Ctrl+S \row \o Save all \o Ctrl+A \row \o Close window \o Ctrl+W \row \o Close all \o Ctrl+Shift+W \row \o Go back \o Alt+Left \row \o Go forward \o Alt+Right \row \o Go to line \o Ctrl+L \row \o Next open document in history \o Ctrl+Shift+Tab \row \o Goto other split \o Ctrl+E, O \row \o Previous open document in history \o Ctrl+Tab \row \o Activate \gui Locator \o Ctrl+K \row \o Switch to \gui Welcome mode \o Ctrl+1 \row \o Switch to \gui Edit mode \o Ctrl+2 \row \o Switch to \gui Design mode \o Ctrl+3 \row \o Switch to \gui Debug mode \o Ctrl+4 \row \o Switch to \gui Projects mode \o Ctrl+5 \row \o Switch to \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+6 \row \o Toggle \gui{Build Issues} pane \o Alt+1 (Cmd+1 on Mac OS X) \row \o Toggle \gui{Search Results} pane \o Alt+2 (Cmd+2 on Mac OS X) \row \o Toggle \gui{Application Output} pane \o Alt+3 (Cmd+3 on Mac OS X) \row \o Toggle \gui{Compile Output} pane \o Alt+4 (Cmd+4 on Mac OS X) \row \o Activate \gui Bookmarks pane \o Alt+M \row \o Activate \gui{File System} pane \o Alt+Y \row \o Activate \gui{Open Documents} pane \o Alt+O \row \o Activate \gui Projects pane \o Alt+X \row \o Full screen \o Ctrl+Shift+F11 \row \o Toggle the sidebar \o Alt+0 (Cmd+0 on Mac OS X) \row \o Undo \o Ctrl+Z \row \o Move to \gui Edit mode In \gui Edit mode: \list \o The first press moves focus to the editor \o The second press closes secondary windows \endlist \o Esc \endtable \section2 Editing Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Auto-indent selection \o Ctrl+I \row \o Collapse \o Ctrl+< \row \o Expand \o Ctrl+> \row \o Trigger a completion in this scope \o Ctrl+Space \row \o Copy line down \o Ctrl+Alt+Down \row \o Copy line up \o Ctrl+Alt+Up \row \o Cut line \o Shift+Del \row \o Join lines \o Ctrl+J \row \o Decrease font size \o Ctrl+- (Ctrl+Roll mouse wheel down) \row \o Increase font size \o Ctrl++ (Ctrl+Roll mouse wheel up) \row \o Toggle Vim-style editing \o Alt+V, Alt+V \row \o Split \o Ctrl+E, 2 \row \o Split side by side \o Ctrl+E, 3 \row \o Remove all splits \o Ctrl+E, 1 \row \o Remove current split \o Ctrl+E, 0 \row \o Select all \o Ctrl+A \row \o Go to block end \o Ctrl+] \row \o Go to block start \o Ctrl+[ \row \o Go to block end with selection \o Ctrl+} \row \o Go to block start with selection \o Ctrl+{ \row \o Move current line down \o Ctrl+Shift+Down \row \o Move current line up \o Ctrl+Shift+Up \row \o Trigger a quick fix in this scope \o Alt+Return \row \o Rewrap paragraph \o Ctrl+E, R \row \o Select the current block The second press extends the selection to the parent block \o Ctrl+U \row \o Enable text wrapping \o Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W \row \o Toggle comment for selection \o Ctrl+/ \row \o Visualize whitespace \o Ctrl+E, Ctrl+V \row \o Delete \o Del \row \o Adjust size \o Ctrl+J \row \o Lay out in a grid \o Ctrl+G \row \o Lay out horizontally \o Ctrl+H \row \o Lay out vertically \o Ctrl+L \row \o Preview \o Alt+Shift+R \row \o Edit signals and slots \o F4 \row \o Edit widgets \o F3 \row \o Toggle bookmark \o Ctrl+M \row \o Go to next bookmark \o Ctrl+. \row \o Go to previous bookmark \o Ctrl+, \row \o Fetch snippet \o Alt+C, Alt+F \row \o Paste snippet \o Alt+C, Alt+P \row \o Find usages \o Ctrl+Shift+U \row \o Follow symbol under cursor Works with namespaces, classes, methods, variables, include statements and macros \o F2 \row \o Rename symbol under cursor \o Ctrl+Shift+R \row \o Switch between method declaration and definition \o Shift+F2 \row \o Open type hierarchy \o Ctrl+Shift+T \row \o Switch between header and source file \o F4 \row \o Turn selected text into lowercase \o Alt+U \row \o Turn selected text into uppercase \o Alt+Shift+U \endtable \section2 Debugging Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Start debugging \o F5 \row \o Stop or interrupt debugger \o Shift+F5 \row \o Reset debugger \o Ctrl+Shift+F5 \row \o Step over \o F10 \row \o Step into \o F11 \row \o Step out \o Shift+F11 \row \o Toggle breakpoint \o F9 \row \o Run to selected function \o Ctrl+F6 \endtable \section2 Project Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o Build project \o Ctrl+B \row \o Build all \o Ctrl+Shift+B \row \o New project \o Ctrl+Shift+N \row \o Run \o Ctrl+R \endtable \section2 Help Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o Action \o Keyboard shortcut \row \o View context-sensitive help \o F1 \row \o Activate contents in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+T \row \o Add bookmark in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+M \row \o Activate index in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+I \row \o Reset font size in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+0 \row \o Activate search in \gui Help mode \o Ctrl+S \endtable \section2 Version Control Keyboard Shortcuts \table \header \o {1,2} Action \o {5,1} Version control system \header \o CVS \o Git \o Perforce \o Subversion \o Mercurial \row \o Add \o Alt+C, Alt+A \o Alt+G, Alt+A \o \o Alt+S, Alt+A \o \row \o Commit \o Alt+C, Alt+C \o Alt+G, Alt+C \o \o \o Alt+H, Alt+C \row \o Diff \o Alt+C, Alt+D \o Alt+G, Alt+D \o \o Alt+S, Alt+D \o Alt+H, Alt+D \row \o Diff project \o \o Alt+G, Alt+Shift+D \o Alt+P, Alt+D \o \o \row \o Blame \o \o Alt+G, Alt+B \o \o \o \row \o Log \o \o Alt+G, Alt+L \o Alt+P, Alt+F \o \o Alt+H, Alt+L \row \o Log project \o \o Alt+G, Alt+K \o \o \o \row \o Status \o \o Alt+G, Alt+S \o \o \o Alt+H, Alt+S \row \o Undo changes \o \o Alt+G, Alt+U \o \o \o \row \o Diff project \o \o Alt+G, Alt+Shift+D \o Alt+P, Alt+D \o \o \row \o Edit \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+E \o \o \row \o Opened \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+O \o \o \row \o Revert \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+R \o \o \row \o Submit \o \o \o Alt+P, Alt+S \o \o \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage technical-support.html \page creator-glossary.html \nextpage creator-acknowledgements.html \title Glossary \table \header \o Term \o Meaning \row \o \raw HTML Qt in PATH \endraw \target glossary-system-qt \o This is the Qt version for the \c qmake command found in your \c PATH environment variable. This is likely to be the system's Qt version. \row \o \raw HTML Project Qt \endraw \target glossary-project-qt \o The version of Qt configured in the \gui{Projects} mode, \gui {Build Settings}, \gui {Qt Version} field. This is the Qt version that is actually used by a particular project. \row \o \raw HTML Shadow build \endraw \target glossary-shadow-build \o Shadow building means building a project in a separate directory, the \e{build directory}. The build directory is different from the source directory. One of the benefits of shadow building is that it keeps your source directory clean. Shadow building is the best practice if you need many build configurations for a single set of source. \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-tips.html \page creator-known-issues.html \nextpage technical-support.html \title Known Issues This section lists known issues in Qt Creator version 2.2.0. The development team is aware of them, and therefore, you do not need to report them as bugs. For a list of fixed issues and added features, see the changelog file in the \c{qtcreator\dist} folder or the \l{http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com}{Qt Bug Tracker}. \section1 General Issues \list \o If you change the Input Languages in Windows, Qt Creator might not respond for 30 seconds. This is a known issue in the Advanced Text Service of Microsoft Windows. \o Qt Creator uses SQLite for storing some of its settings. SQLite is known to have problems with certain NFS servers (most notably the nfs-user-server 2.2beta), since they can lock up the application when it tries to lock the database. If your home directory is on an NFS share and you encounter this issue, one option would be to switch to the nfs-kernel-server, or create a symlink so that the settings are stored locally. \o The Okteta KDE custom widget plugin might be installed as part of some Linux distributions. It can cause Qt Designer to crash. For more information, see: \list \o \l{https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/662005}{Ubuntu bug 662005} \o \l{http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-12025}{QTBUG-12025} \endlist To resolve the issue, enter the following command to remove the package: \code sudo apt-get remove okteta \endcode Or delete the following file: \c /usr/lib/kde4/plugins/designer/oktetadesignerplugin.so. \endlist \section1 Editing Issues \list \o Code completion does not support typedefs for nested classes. \endlist \section1 Projects Issues \list \o Paths or file names containing spaces or special characters (such as colons, dollar signs, and hash marks) may cause problems. This is because some of the tools Qt Creator uses in the background have restrictions on the characters allowed in file and directory names. To be on the safe side, we recommend creating projects and project items with names consisting of plain characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. \o Creating new CMake projects with Qt Creator is not supported. \o On Windows, you must create projects for Maemo 5 and Harmattan targets on the same partition where you installed \QSDK, Qt Creator, and MADDE. \o If error messages displayed in the \gui {Compile Output} pane contain paths where slashes are missing (for example, C:QtSDK), check your PATH variable. For more information, see \l{Troubleshooting MinGW Compilation Errors}. \endlist \section1 Debugging Issues \list \o Debugging large applications on Symbian devices using the Symbian^3 operating system might not work, because the on-device debugging agent might not be able to access memory when the operating system starts paging. This causes breakpoint handling and symbol resolution to fail. For more information, see \l{http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-2158}{QTCREATORBUG-2158}. As a workaround, add the following section to the application .pro file to disable paging: \code debug { MMP_RULES -= PAGED MMP_RULES *= UNPAGED } \endcode \note You must completely clean and rebuild the project for the setting to take effect. \o When debugging executables created by the GNU Compiler version 4.5.0 (all platforms), some data types will not be displayed in the \gui{Locals and Expressions} view due to missing debug information. \o GDB on Windows may not work if the 'Embassy \reg Security Center' software by 'Wave \reg Systems' is installed and active (causing crashes in \c{vxvault.dll)}). \o GDB may take long to load debugging symbols, especially from large libraries. \o Setting breakpoints in code that is compiled into the binary more than once does not work. \o Setting breakpoints in files that do not have unique absolute paths may fail. For example, remounting parts of a file system using the --bind mount option. \endlist \section1 Qt Quick Designer Issues \list \o \QMLD uses external processes (QML Puppet) to render and preview images and to collect data. Executing C++ code might cause the QML Puppet to crash. If it crashes, an error message is displayed and you can continue editing the QML file in the code editor. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-glossary.html \page creator-acknowledgements.html \title Acknowledgements \section1 Third-party Components Qt Creator contains the following third-party components: \list \o \bold{Open Source front-end for C++ (license MIT)}, enhanced for use in Qt Creator.\br Roberto Raggi \br QtCreator/src/shared/cplusplus\br\br \o \bold{Botan, a C++ crypto library. Version 1.8.8}\br \list \o Copyright (C) 1999-2004 The Botan Project. All rights reserved. \o Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Jack Lloyd \o 2001 Peter J Jones \o 2004-2007 Justin Karneges \o 2005 Matthew Gregan \o 2005-2006 Matt Johnston \o 2006 Luca Piccarreta \o 2007 Yves Jerschow \o 2007-2008 FlexSecure GmbH \o 2007-2008 Technische Universitat Darmstadt \o 2007-2008 Falko Strenzke \o 2007-2008 Martin Doering \o 2007 Manuel Hartl \o 2007 Christoph Ludwig \o 2007 Patrick Sona \endlist All rights reserved.\br\br Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\br\br 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.\br\br 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\br \br THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR(S) "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR(S) OR CONTRIBUTOR(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\br\br The source code of Botan C++ crypto library can be found here: \list \o QtCreator/src/libs/3rdparty \o \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/trees/master/src/libs/3rdparty} \endlist \br\br \o \bold{NetSieben SSH Library is a Secure Shell client library for C++. Version 1.3.2}\br \list \o \bold{Commercial License:} For organizations who do not want to release the source code for their applications as open source/ free software; in other words they do not want to comply with the GNU General Public License (GPL) or Q Public License. \o \bold{Non Commercial / Open Source License:} NetSieben believes in contributing back to the open source community, thus it has released the SSH Library under Q Public License as it is defined by Trolltech AS of Norway. The Open Source License allows the user to use software under an open source / free software license, and distribute it freely. The software can be used at no charge with the condition that if the user uses the SSH Library in an application they wish to redistribute, then the complete source code for your application must be available and freely redistributable under reasonable conditions. For more information on the used QPL License see: QtCreator/src/libs/3rdparty/net7ssh/LICENSE.QPL \endlist\br\br The source code of NetSieben Secure Shell C++ Library can be found here: \list \o QtCreator/src/libs/3rdparty \o \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/trees/master/src/libs/3rdparty} \endlist \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-mime-types.html \page creator-task-lists.html \nextpage creator-cli.html \title Showing Task List Files in the Build Issues Pane Code scanning and analysis tools create report files in ASCII format. Usually, the report files consist of lines that contain a file name, a line number, and an error message. A similar format is used for stack traces obtained from crash reports. Traditionally, you would fix the errors by manually navigating to them and correcting them, which is tedious. Qt Creator makes this very easy by providing a way to load these files into the \gui{Build Issues} pane. You can navigate to the corresponding source code by clicking the error message. But first you must convert the files to the \l{Task List File Format} by using conversion scripts that based on standard text processing tools of the operating system. In addition, you can generate task list files from code. For an example of a script that checks new lines of code and matches them against regular expressions to generate a task list, see \c{scripts\mytasks.pl} in the Qt Creator repository. To open task list files, choose \gui{File} > \gui{Open}. \section1 Task List File Format The filename extension must be .tasks for Qt Creator to recognize a file as a task list file. Each line in a task list file is treated as a tab-separated list of strings with \c{\t}, \c{\n}, and \c{\\} used as escape characters. The strings are used to create one task per line. The lines can have one of the following formats: \list \o \c description \o \c{type\tdescription} \o \c{file\ttype\tdescription} \o \c{file\tline\ttype\tdescription} \endlist The task type can have one of the following values: \list \o A string starting with \c err, which displays the error icon in the beginning of the line \o A string starting with \c warn, which displays the warning icon \o Any other value, which sets the task type to Unknown and does not display an icon \endlist The values are not case sensitive. Lines starting with the hash mark character (#) in the first column are ignored. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-task-lists.html \page creator-cli.html \nextpage creator-keyboard-shortcuts.html \title Using Command Line Options You can start Qt Creator and specify some options from the command line. For example, you can open a file to any line. To specify command line options, enter the following command in the Qt Creator installation or build directory: \c {qtcreator [option] [filename[:line_number]]} \note You can use either a colon (:) or a plus sign (+) as a separator between the filename and line number. You can also use a space between the separator and the line number. For example: \list \o \c {C:\qtcreator\bin>qtcreator -help} \o \c {C:\qtcreator\bin>qtcreator C:\TextFinder\textfinder.cpp:100} \o \c {C:\qtcreator\bin>qtcreator C:\TextFinder\textfinder.cpp +100} \endlist The following table summarizes the available options: \table \header \o Option \o Description \row \o -help \o Display help on command line options. \row \o -version \o Display Qt Creator version. \row \o -client \o Attempt to connect to an already running instance of Qt Creator. \row \o -noload \o Do not load the specified plugin. \row \o -profile \o Output plugin start up and shut down profiling data. \row \o -settingspath \o Override the default path where user settings are stored. \row \o -color \o Core plugin: override the selected UI color. \row \o -disable-cdb \o Debugger plugin: disable the Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB) engine. For more information, see \l{Debugging}. \row \o -disable-gdb \o Debugger plugin: disable the GNU Symbolic Debugger (GDB) engine. \row \o -disable-sdb \o Debugger plugin: disable the Qt Script debugger engine. \row \o -debug \o Debugger plugin: attach to process ID or core file. \row \o -wincrashevent \o Debugger plugin: Attach to crashed processes by using the specified event handle. \row \o -customwizard-verbose \o ProjectExplorer plugin: display additional information when loading custom wizards. For more information about custom wizards, see \l{Adding New Custom Wizards} \row \o -lastsession \o ProjectExplorer plugin: load the last session when Qt Creator starts. Open the projects and files that were open when you last exited Qt Creator. For more information about managing sessions, see \l{Managing Sessions}. \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-maemo-emulator.html \page creator-mime-types.html \nextpage creator-task-lists.html \title Editing MIME Types Qt Creator uses the \l{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type}{Internet media type} (MIME type) of the file to determine which mode and editor to use for opening the file. For example, Qt Creator opens C++ source and header files in the C++ editor, and Qt widget based UI files (.ui) in \QD. To identify the MIME type of a file, Qt Creator uses matching by pattern and matching by contents. First, Qt Creator looks at the filename to check whether it matches the patterns specified for any MIME type. If no match is found, it checks the contents of the file for magic headers specified for the file. The magic headers can contain text strings or bytes. The type of the header value, string or byte, determines how Qt Creator interprets the value. Qt Creator searches for the value within a specified range in the files and takes the priority of the magic header into account. If you specify wide search ranges, openging files in Qt Creator might take a long time. Therefore, you are advised to use the recommended values for the range and priority of the magic header. If your files do not match the predefined MIME types, you can edit the MIME types to add filename extensions and magic headers. You cannot add new MIME types, however. To edit MIME types: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Tools > Options... > Environment > MIME Types}. \image qtcreator-mime-types.png "MIME Types" \o In \gui {MIME Type}, select a MIME type. \o In \gui Patterns, add the filename extension for the type of files that you want to identify as having this MIME type. \o Click \gui Add to add \gui {Magic Headers}. \image qtcreator-mime-types-magic-header.png "Magic Header" \o In the \gui Value field, specify a text string or bytes that appear in the files. \o In the \gui Type field, select the type of the value. \note You are recommended not to change the range and priority, because it might cause problems when opening files in Qt Creator. \o Click \gui OK. \endlist To revert all the changes you have made to the MIME type definitions, select \gui {Reset All}. \note If you now select \gui OK or \gui Apply, you permanently lose all your own patterns and magic headers. The changes are reverted the next time you start Qt Creator. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-debugging-qml.html \page creator-troubleshooting-debugging.html \nextpage creator-analyze-mode.html \title Troubleshooting Debugger This section lists some typical problems that you might encounter while debugging and solutions to them. \section1 Cannot Launch Debugger Some anti-virus applications do not allow debuggers to retrieve data. For example, on Windows, launching the debugger might fail with the following message if the Avira AntiVir is installed on the development PC: \e{The inferior stopped because it received a signal from the operating system. Signal name:? signal meaning: Unknown signal.} Some versions of Avira AntiVir Desktop-Products contain known issues in various development environments, including Qt Creator. To fix the problem, Avira instructs you to update to version \c {avipbb.sys}. For more information, see \l{http://www.avira.com/en/support-for-business-knowledgebase-detail/kbid/805}{Restricted Usability of IDE/Debuggers since 2010-12-08}. \section1 Debugger Does Not Hit Breakpoints You might have created a release build that does not contain debug information. A GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) debug build has the \c {-g} option on the compiler command line. Check that this option is present in the \gui {Compile Output} pane. If it is not, adjust your build settings in the \gui {Projects} mode. \section1 Debugger Does Not Work If the debugger does not work properly, try the following: \list 1 \o Make sure you use at least Qt Creator 2.1. \o Make sure the debugger is set up properly. For more information, see \l{Setting Up Debugger}. \o In the \gui Debug mode, select \gui {Windows > Views > Debugger Log} to open the \gui {Debugger Log} view. Browse the contents of the pane on the right hand side to find out what went wrong. Always attach the contents of the pane to debugger-related questions to the Qt Creator mailing list (qt-creator@trolltech.com) or paste them to \l{http://creator.pastebin.com}{creator.pastebin.com} before asking questions in the IRC (on the #qt-creator channel at FreeNode). \endlist \section1 Pointer Variable Members Are Not Displayed Directly When you use the \gui {Locals and Expressions} view to inspect a pointer variable and expand the variable tree item, another tree item level is displayed. To directly display the members of the pointer variable, select \gui {Dereference Pointers Automatically} in the context menu in the \gui {Locals and Expressions} view. \section1 Built-in Debugger Is Slow During Startup and Runtime The Qt Creator for Windows installation packages install GDB from MinGW. Unfortunately, GDB is quite slow on Windows. Qt Creator does not cause this, as it interacts with GDB and adds custom dumpers for Qt types. \note You can use Qt Creator with MSVC on Windows for debugging. \section1 Debugger Displays Message The message is created by the debugging helpers. Qt Creator posts an expression to the GDB command line to invoke the debugging helpers. The expression includes the address of the object to examine. This address might be modified by GDB before the helper function is called. It is unclear why and when this happens, but if it happens, the debugging helpers operate on wrong data and come to wrong conclusions. Most likely, they find garbage and declare the variable to be . \section1 Application Crashes when Debugging on Mac OS X Snow Leopard You must use a workaround to use the DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX option in the \gui Projects tab on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. For more information on the issue, see \l{http://wimleers.com/blog/dyld-image-suffix-causing-havoc-on-mac-os-x-snow-leopard}{DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX causing havoc on Mac OS X Snow Leopard}. To use the option, enter the following commands in the Terminal application: \code sudo mv /usr/lib/libSystem.B_debug.dylib /usr/lib/libSystem.B_debug.dylib.backup sudo cp /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib /usr/lib/libSystem.B_debug.dylib.backup \endcode \section1 Debugger Cannot Attach to Running Process on Linux GDB uses \c ptrace to attach to running processes. Some Linux distributions do not allow this, which stops all attempts to either directly attach to an existing process or use the \gui {Run in terminal} option in Qt Creator. The reasons for this are described in \l{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Roadmap/KernelHardening#ptrace%20Protection}{KernelHardening}. However, the usefulness of this security measure seems dubious, because this feature can be easily disabled. With root permissions, you can disable the feature immediately by writing \c{0} into \c{/proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope}. Even if you do not have elevated permissions, you can disable the feature later by adding a library that calls \c{prctl(0x59616d61, getppid(), 0, 0, 0);}, such as the one in \c{$QTCREATORDIR/lib/libptracepreload.so} to the LD_PRELOAD environment. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-qml-performance-monitor.html \page creator-analyzer.html \nextpage creator-cache-profiler.html \title Detecting Memory Leaks You can use the Memcheck tool included in the \l{http://valgrind.org/info/tools.html}{Valgrind tool suite} to detect problems that are related to memory management in applications. \note Memcheck is supported locally on Linux and Mac OS. You can run it on a remote host from Windows. After you download and install Valgrind tools, you can use Memcheck from Qt Creator. To analyze applications: \list 1 \o In the \gui Projects mode, select a release build configuration. \o Select \gui Analyze to open the \gui Analyze mode. \o Select \gui {Analyze Memory} on the toolbar. \o Select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyze-start-button.png "Start button" button to start the application. \o Use the application to analyze it. \o Select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyzer-stop-button.png "Stop button" button to view the results of the analysis in the \gui {Analysis} view. \endlist While the application is running, Memcheck checks all reads and writes of memory and intercepts calls that allocate or free memory or create or delete memory blocks. When you stop Memcheck, it displays the results in the \gui Analysis view. Click a line to view where a memory leak occurred and a stack trace that shows what caused it. \image analyzer-issues.png "Analysis view" Move the mouse on on a row to view more information about the function. For more information about using Memcheck, see \l{http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/quick-start.html#quick-start.mcrun} {Interpreting Memcheck's Output} in the Valgrind documentation. \section1 Selecting Options for Memory Analysis Stack traces can get quite large and confusing, and therefore, reading them from the bottom up can help. If the stack trace is not big enough or it is too big, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Analyzer}. Define the length of the stack trace in the \gui {Backtrace frame count} field. \image qtcreator-valgrind-memcheck-options.png "Memory Analysis options" Memcheck also reports uses of uninitialised values, most commonly with the message \gui {Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s).} To determine the root cause of these errors, the \gui {Track origins of uninitialized memory} check box is selected by default. You can deselect it to make Memcheck run faster. Memcheck detects numerous problems in the system libraries, such as the C library, which come pre-installed with your OS. As you cannot easily fix them, you want to suppress them. Valgrind reads a list of errors to suppress at startup. A default suppression file is created by the ./configure script when the system is built. You can write your own suppression files if parts of your project contain errors you cannot fix and you do not want to be reminded of them. Click \gui Add in the \gui {Memory Analysis} dialog to add the suppression files. For more information about writing suppression files, see \l{http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/manual-core.html#manual-core.suppress} {Suppressing Errors} in the Valgrind documentation. */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-analyzer.html \page creator-cache-profiler.html \nextpage creator-running-valgrind-remotely.html \title Profiling Function Execution You can use the Callgrind tool included in the \l{http://valgrind.org/info/tools.html}{Valgrind tool suite} to detect problems that are related to executing functions. After you download and install Valgrind tools, you can use Callgrind from Qt Creator. \note Callgrind is supported locally on Linux and Mac OS. You can run it on a remote host from Windows. To analyze applications: \list 1 \o In the \gui Projects mode, select a release build configuration. \o Select \gui Analyze to open the \gui Analyze mode. \o Select \gui Profile on the toolbar. \o Select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyze-start-button.png "Start button" button to start the application. \o Use the application to analyze it. \o Select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyzer-stop-button.png "Stop button" button to view the results of the analysis in the \gui Profile view. \endlist Callgrind records the call history of functions that are executed when the application is run. It collects the number of instructions that are executed, their relationship to source lines, the relationships of the caller and callee between functions, and the numbers of such calls. You can also use cache simulation or branch prediction to gather information about the runtime behavior of an application. Double-click a function to view information about the calling functions in the \gui Callers view and about the called functions in the \gui Callees view. \image qtcreator-valgrind-callgrind.png "Profile view" \section1 Selecting Profiling Options To specify settings for Valgrind, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Analyzer}. The \gui {Profiling Options} group contains Callgrind options. \image qtcreator-valgrind-callgrind-options.png "Valgrind options" In the \gui {Result view: Minimum event cost} field, limit the amount of results the profiler gives you to increase profiler performance. You can collect information about the system call times and the number of global bus events of the event type \c Ge that are executed. \section2 Enabling Full Cache Simulation By default, only instruction read accesses (Ir) are counted. To fully simulate the cache, select the \gui {Enable cache simulation} check box. This enables the following additional event counters: \list \o Cache misses on instruction reads (I1mr/I2mr) \o Data read accesses (Dr) and related cache misses (D1mr/D2mr) \o Data write accesses (Dw) and related cache misses (D1mw/D2mw) \endlist \section2 Enabling Branch Prediction Simulation To enable the following additional event counters, select the \gui {Enable branch prediction simulation} check box: \list \o Number of conditional branches executed and related predictor misses (Bc/Bcm) \o Executed indirect jumps and related misses of the jump address predictor (Bi/Bim) \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-help.html \page creator-advanced.html \nextpage creator-os-supported-platforms.html \title Advanced Use Qt Creator attempts to meet your development needs, whether you are an experienced Qt developer or a newcomer to Qt. When you install Qt Creator as a part of \QSDK, the default configuration allows you to start coding, building, running and debugging applications with very little effort. However, you can easily change or extend the default configuration, by choosing a different build system, adding project wizards, integrating external tools, or editing the standard MIME types that Qt Creator uses to recognize your files. You can start Qt Creator and specify some options for running it from the command line. This following topics describe advanced use of Qt Creator: \list \o \l{Operating Systems and Supported Platforms} \o \l{Adding New Custom Wizards} \o \l{Setting Up a CMake Project} \o \l{Setting Up a Generic Project} \o \l{Using Version Control Systems} \o \l{Adding Qt Designer Plugins} \o \l{Using External Tools} \o \l{Using Maemo or MeeGo Harmattan Emulator} \o \l{Editing MIME Types} \o \l{Showing Task List Files in the Build Issues Pane} \o \l{Using Command Line Options} \o \l{Keyboard Shortcuts} \o \l{Glossary} \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-known-issues.html \page technical-support.html \nextpage creator-glossary.html \title Technical Support The following table lists Qt support sites and other useful links. \table \header \o What Do You Want to Do \o Where to Go \row \o Learn more about Qt \o \l{http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/online/training/specialized-elearning/} {Specialized eLearning Modules Based on Qt Training Modules} \row \o Develop Qt applications for desktop and mobile devices \o \l{http://developer.qt.nokia.com/}{Qt Developer Network} \row \o Develop Qt applications for Nokia mobile devices \o \l{http://www.developer.nokia.com/Develop/Qt/}{Nokia Developer - Qt} \row \o Participate in Qt development \o \l{http://qt.gitorious.org/}{Qt Git Hosting} \row \o Find free Qt-based applications \o \l{http://qt-apps.org/}{Qt Apps} \row \o Buy commercial Qt support from Digia \o \l{http://qt.digia.com/}{Qt Commercial} \endtable */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-troubleshooting-debugging.html \page creator-analyze-mode.html \nextpage creator-qml-performance-monitor.html \title Analyzing Code The memory available on mobile devices is limited and you should use it carefully. Qt Creator contains tools that you can use to analyze your code. The \gui {QML Profiler} allows you to profile your Qt Quick applications. You can inspect binding evaluations, signal handling, and painting operations when running QML code. This is useful for identifying potential bottlenecks, especially in the evaluation of bindings. In addition, Qt Creator integrates Valgrind code analysis tools for detecting memory leaks and profiling function execution. These tools are supported locally only on Linux and Mac OS. You can run them on a remote host from Windows. You have to download and install them separately to use them from Qt Creator. You can use the code analysis tools in the \gui Analyze mode. To switch to \gui Analyze mode, select \gui Analyze in the mode selector, or select the \gui {Analyze} menu and then select a tool. When you are in the \gui Analyze mode, you can switch between tools by selecting them in the menu on the toolbar. \image qtcreator-analyze-menu "Analyze mode menu" By default, the views in the \gui Analyze mode are locked into place in the workspace. Select \gui {Window > Views > Locked} to unlock the views. Drag and drop the views into new positions on the screen. Drag view borders to resize the views. The size and position of views are saved for future sessions. Select \gui {Window > Views > Reset to Default Layout} to reset the views to their original sizes and positions. To run the Valgrind tools on a remote host over SSH, select \gui {Analyze > Valgrind Analyze Memory (Remote)} or \gui {Valgrind Function Profile (Remote)}. To stop the currently running analyzer, select \gui {Analyze > Stop}. To select options for the Valgrind tools, select \gui {Tools > Options... > Analyzer}. You can override the general settings for each project in the \gui {Run Settings} for the project. The following sections describe how to use the code analysis tools: \list \o \l{Profiling QML Applications} describes how to inspect binding evaluations, signal handling, and painting operations when running QML code. \o \l{Detecting Memory Leaks} describes how to use the Valgrind Memcheck tool to detect problems in memory management. \o \l{Profiling Function Execution} describes how to use the Valgrind Callgrind tool to find cache misses in the code. \o \l{Running Valgrind Tools Remotely} describes how to run the Valgrind tools on a remote host. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-analyze-mode.html \page creator-qml-performance-monitor.html \nextpage creator-analyzer.html \title Profiling QML Applications To monitor the performance of an application in the QML Profiler: \list 1 \o To be able to profile an application, you must set up QML debugging for the project. For more information, see \l{Setting Up QML Debugging}. \o In the \gui Projects mode, select Qt 4.7.4 in the \gui {Qt version} field. \note To profile applications on devices, you must install Qt 4.7.4 or later libraries on them. \o Select \gui {Analyze > QML Profiler} to profile the current application. \image qtcreator-qml-performance-monitor-toolbar.png "QML Profiler toolbar" \o Select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyze-start-button.png "Start button" button to start the application from the QML Profiler. \note If data collection does not start automatically, select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyzer-button.png "Analyzer button" button. \endlist When you start analyzing an application, the application is launched, and the QML Profiler immediately begins to collect data. This is indicated by the time running in the \gui Elapsed field. Data is collected until you select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyzer-stop-button.png "Stop button" button. Data collection takes time, and therefore, there might be a delay before the data is displayed. Do not use application commands to exit the application, because data is sent to the QML Profiler when you select the \gui Stop button. The application continues to run for some seconds, after which it is stopped automatically. If you exit the application, the data is not sent. Select the \inlineimage qtcreator-analyzer-button.png "Analyzer button" button to disable the automatic start of the data collection when an application is launched. Data collection starts when you select the button again. \section1 Analyzing Collected Data The \gui Timeline view displays graphical representations of: \list \o Painting operations \o Compiling the QML sources \o Creating elements \o Binding evaluations \o Signal handling \o Summary of the recorded period \endlist \image qtcreator-qml-performance-monitor.png "QML Profiler" The outline summarizes the period for which data was collected. Drag the zoom range or click the outline to move on the outline. You can also move between events by clicking the \gui Previous and \gui Next buttons. Click the zoom buttons or drag the zoom handles to zoom in and out. You can define an event range to view the frame rate of events and to compare it with the frame rate of similar events. Click on the timeline to specify the beginning of the event range. Drag the cursor to define the end of the range. The length of the range indicates the frame rate of the event. You can drag the timeline below the event range to compare events. Additional information is displayed on the rows above the outline. Each row in the timeline describes a type of QML events that were recorded. Move the cursor on an event on a row to see how long it takes and where in the source it is being called. On the \gui Binding row, you can see when a binding is evaluated and how long the evaluation takes. Move the mouse over the binding for details about the binding: location in the source code, duration, and source code. Click the binding to move the cursor in the code editor to the part of the code where the binding is called. The time bar at the top of the \gui Timeline view displays the time in seconds. To see the time in milliseconds, move the mouse on the time bar. \section1 Viewing Events The \gui Events view displays the number of times each binding is called and the time the calls take. This allows you to examine which events you need to optimize. A high number of calls might indicate that a binding is called unnecessarily. Click on a binding to move to it in the source code in the code editor. \image qtcreator-analyzer-bindings.png "Events view" \section1 Viewing Calling and Called Events The \gui Callees and \gui Callers views show dependencies between events. They allow you to examine the internal functions of the application. The \gui Callees view summarizes the QML events that a binding triggers. This tells you which QML events are affected if you change a binding. \image qtcreator-qml-performance-monitor-callees.png "Callees view" The \gui Callers view summarizes the QML events that trigger a binding. This tells you what caused a change in a binding. \image qtcreator-qml-performance-monitor-callers.png "Callers view" Click on a binding to move to it in the source code in the code editor. \section2 Viewing More Data The QML JavaScript engine optimizes trivial bindings. The QML Profiler does not receive information about optimized bindings, and therefore, it displays the text \gui {} and the message \gui {Source code not available} in the \gui Callees and \gui {Callers} views. To inspect the optimized bindings, turn off the QML optimizer by setting the environment variable QML_DISABLE_OPTIMIZER to 1. To set the environment variable for the current project in the project settings: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Projects > Run}. \o In \gui {Run Environment}, click \gui Add. \o Add the QML_DISABLE_OPTIMIZER variable and set its value to 1. \endlist */ /*! \contentspage index.html \previouspage creator-cache-profiler.html \page creator-running-valgrind-remotely.html \nextpage creator-deployment.html \title Running Valgrind Tools Remotely Qt Creator integrates Valgrind code analysis tools for detecting memory leaks and profiling function execution. These tools are supported locally only on Linux and Mac OS, but you can run them on a remote host from Windows. To run the Valgrind tools on a remote host over SSH: \list 1 \o Select \gui {Analyze > Valgrind Analyze Memory (Remote)} or \gui {Valgrind Function Profile (Remote)}. \image qtcreator-valgrind-remote-settings.png "Start Debugger dialog" \o In the \gui Remote group, specify the connection to the remote host. \o In the \gui Target group, specify the application to run and analyze on the remote host. \endlist */