/*! \page index.html \title Qt Creator Plugin HOWTO Qt Creator is not only a great developer tool, it is also a tool can accomodate plugins to help...... Qt Creator plugin development can be understood by going through the following chapters in this manual \list 1 \o \l {qtcreator-compile.html} {Compiling Qt Creator} \o \l {first-plugin.html} {First Plugin} \o \l {qtc-project-plugin.html} {Creating plugins using Qt Creator} \o \l {qtc-arch.html} {Qt Creator Architecture} \o \l {menu.html} {Adding menu and menu-items} \o \l {nav-widget.html} {Adding Navigation Widget} \o \l {pref-pane.html} {Adding Preferences Pane} \o \l {project-file-wizard.html} {Project/File Wizards} \o \l {find-filter.html} {Find Filter} \o \l {editor-type.html} {Adding editor type} \o \l {progress.html} {Showing and reacting to progress information} \o \l {vcs.html} {Implementing version control system} \o \l {mode.html} {Adding a mode} \o \l {location-filter.html} {Adding location filter} \o \l {adv-find-filter.html} {Adding "advanced" find filter} \endlist */