#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $file = $ARGV[0]; open FILE, $file or die "File $file cannot be opened."; my @toc = (); my %title2page = (); my $doctitle = ""; my $curpage = ""; my $intoc = 0; while () { if (!$intoc) { if (keys(%title2page) == 1 && /^\h*\\list/) { $intoc = 1; } elsif (/^\h*\\page\h+(\H+)/) { $curpage = $1; } elsif (/^\h*\\title\h+(.+)$/) { if ($curpage eq "") { die "Title '$1' appears in no \\page\n"; } $title2page{$1} = $curpage; $doctitle = $1 if (!$doctitle); $curpage = ""; } } else { if (/^\h*\\endlist/) { $intoc = 0; } elsif (/^\h*\\o\h+\\l{(.*)}$/) { push @toc, $1; } } } close FILE; my %prev = (); my %next = (); my $last = $doctitle; for my $title (@toc) { $next{$last} = $title2page{$title}; $prev{$title} = $title2page{$last}; $last = $title; } open IN, $file or die "File $file cannot be opened a second time?!"; open OUT, '>'.$file.".out" or die "File $file.out cannot be created."; my $cutting = 0; while () { if (!$cutting) { if (/^\h*\\contentspage/) { $cutting = 1; } } else { if (/^\h*\\title\h+(.+)$/) { print OUT " \\previouspage ".$prev{$1} if ($prev{$1}); print OUT " \\page ".$title2page{$1}; print OUT " \\nextpage ".$next{$1} if ($next{$1}); print OUT "\n"; $cutting = 0; } else { next; } } print OUT $_; } close OUT; close IN; rename($file.".out", $file) or die "Cannot replace $file with new version.";