Qt Creator version 4.8 contains bug fixes and new features. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/4.7..v4.8.0 General * Added `HostOs:PathListSeparator` and `HostOs:ExecutableSuffix` Qt Creator variables * Added `Create Folder` to context menu of path choosers if the path does not exist * Fixed menu items shown in menu locator filter (QTCREATORBUG-20071, QTCREATORBUG-20626) Editing * Added experimental plugin `LanguageClient` for supporting the [language server protocol](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol) (QTCREATORBUG-20284) * Added support for the pastecode.xyz code pasting service * Made it possible to change default editors in MIME type settings All Projects * Added option for parallel jobs to `make` step, which is enabled by default if `MAKEFLAGS` are not set (QTCREATORBUG-18414) * Added auto-detection of the Clang compiler shipped with Qt Creator * Added option for disabling automatic creation of run configurations (QTCREATORBUG-18578) * Added option to open terminal with build or run environment to project tree and the corresponding configuration widgets in `Projects` mode (QTCREATORBUG-19692) * Improved handling of relative file paths for custom error parsers (QTCREATORBUG-20605) * Fixed that `make` step required C++ tool chain * Fixed that many very long lines in application or build output could lead to out of memory exception (QTCREATORBUG-18172) QMake Projects * Fixed that `make qmake_all` was run in top-level project directory even when building sub-project (QTCREATORBUG-20823) Qbs Projects * Added `qmlDesignerImportPaths` property for specifying QML import paths for Qt Quick Designer (QTCREATORBUG-20810) C++ Support * Added experimental plugin `CompilationDatabaseProjectManager` that opens a [compilation database](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html) for code editing * Added experimental plugin `ClangFormat` that bases auto-indentation on Clang Format * Added experimental plugin `Cppcheck` for integration of [cppcheck](http://cppcheck.sourceforge.net) diagnostics * Added highlighting style for punctuation tokens (QTCREATORBUG-20666) * Clang Code Model * Added `Follow Symbol` for `auto` keyword (QTCREATORBUG-17191) * Added function overloads to tooltip in completion popup * Added `Build` > `Generate Compilation Database` * Fixed that braced initialization did not provide constructor completion (QTCREATORBUG-20957) * Fixed local references for operator arguments (QTCREATORBUG-20966) QML Support * Fixed indentation in object literals with ternary operator (QTCREATORBUG-7103) * Fixed that symbols from closed projects were still shown in Locator (QTCREATORBUG-13459) Debugging * Added support for multiple simultaneous debugger runs * Fixed automatic detection of debugging information for Qt from binary installer (QTCREATORBUG-20693) * GDB * Fixed startup issue with localized debugger output (QTCREATORBUG-20765) * Fixed disassembler view for newer GCC * CDB * Added option to suppress task entries for exceptions (QTCREATORBUG-20915) * LLDB * Fixed instruction-wise stepping Qt Quick Designer * Fixed wrong property propagation from parent to child Version Control Systems * Git * Added navigation pane that shows branches * Added option for copy/move detection to `git blame` (QTCREATORBUG-20462) * Improved behavior if no merge tool is configured * Fixed that `git pull` blocked Qt Creator (QTCREATORBUG-13279) * Fixed handling of `file://` remotes (QTCREATORBUG-20618) * Fixed search for `gitk` executable (QTCREATORBUG-1577) Test Integration * Google Test * Fixed that not all failure locations were shown (QTCREATORBUG-20967) * Fixed that `GTEST_*` environment variables could break test execution and output parsing (QTCREATORBUG-21012) Model Editor * Fixed that selections and text cursors where exported (QTCREATORBUG-16689) Platform Specific Linux * Added detection of Intel C compiler (QTCREATORBUG-18302) * Fixed `Open Terminal Here` for `konsole` (QTCREATORBUG-20900) macOS * Fixed light themes for macOS Mojave (10.14) Android * Added support for command line arguments * Added support for environment variables * Fixed connecting to debugger for API level 24 and later Credits for these changes go to: Alessandro Portale Alexandru Croitor Alexis Jeandet Andre Hartmann André Pönitz Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger Daniel Trevitz David Schulz Eike Ziller Frank Meerkoetter Hannes Domani Ivan Donchevskii Jaroslaw Kobus Jochen Becher Jörg Bornemann Leena Miettinen Marco Benelli Marco Bubke Michael Weghorn Morten Johan Sørvig Nicolas Ettlin Nikolai Kosjar Oliver Wolff Orgad Shaneh Razi Alavizadeh Robert Löhning Sergey Morozov Thomas Hartmann Tim Jenssen Tobias Hunger Uladzimir Bely Ulf Hermann Venugopal Shivashankar Vikas Pachdha