Qt Creator version 4.1.1 contains bug fixes. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline v4.1.0..v4.1.1 General * Fixed issues with output pane height (QTCREATORBUG-15986, QTCREATORBUG-16829) Editing * Fixed performance of cleaning whitespace (QTCREATORBUG-16420) * Fixed selection color in help viewer for dark theme (QTCREATORBUG-16375) Help * Fixed that no results could be shown in Locator (QTCREATORBUG-16753) QMake Projects * Fixed issue with make steps in deploy configurations (QTCREATORBUG-16795) Qbs Projects * Fixed handling of generated files (QTCREATORBUG-16976) QML Support * Fixed handling of circular dependencies (QTCREATORBUG-16585) Debugging * Fixed scrolling in memory editor (QTCREATORBUG-16751) * Fixed expansion of items in tool tip (QTCREATORBUG-16947) * GDB * Fixed handling of built-in pretty printers from new versions of GDB (QTCREATORBUG-16758) * Fixed that remote working directory was used for local process (QTCREATORBUG-16211) * CDB * Fixed display order of vectors in vectors (QTCREATORBUG-16813) * Fixed display of QList contents (QTCREATORBUG-16750) * QML * Fixed that expansion state was reset when stepping QML Profiler * Separated compile events from other QML/JS events in statistics and flamegraph, since compilation can happen asynchronously Beautifier * Fixed that beautifier was not enabled for Objective-C/C++ files (QTCREATORBUG-16806) Platform Specific macOS * Fixed issue with detecting LLDB through `xcrun` Android * Added API level 24 for Android 7 * Fixed debugging on Android 6+ with NDK r11+ (QTCREATORBUG-16721) iOS * Fixed simulator support with Xcode 8 (QTCREATORBUG-16942) Known issue: Qt Creator is blocked until simulator finishes starting * Fixed that standard paths reported by QStandardPaths were wrong when running on simulator (QTCREATORBUG-13655) * Fixed QML debugging on device (QTCREATORBUG-15812) QNX * Fixed QML debugging (QTCREATORBUG-17208)