Qt Creator version 3.5 contains bug fixes and new features. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/3.4..origin/3.5 General * Increased minimum requirements for compilation of Qt Creator to MSVC 2013 and GCC 4.7, and Qt 5.4.0 * Added variants with native separators to Qt Creator variables that represent file paths * Changed the way inconsistent enabled states were handled by the plugin manager. Disabling plugins is now only a hint; if another (enabled) plugin needs it, it is implicitly enabled. Before, the other plugin was implicitly disabled. * Improved keyboard shortcut settings. Made shortcut input field freely editable and added separate `record` button. * Added support for `~` as shortcut for user's home directory to path input fields * Added filtering to About Plugins * Added `-load all` and `-noload all` command line options that enable and disable all plugins respectively * Made `-load` command line option implicitly enable all required plugins, and `-noload` disable all plugins requiring the disabled plugin. Multiple `-load` and `-noload` options are interpreted in the order given on the command line. * Fixed issues with raising the Qt Creator window on Gnome desktop (QTCREATORBUG-13845) * Fixed appearance on high DPI displays on Windows and Linux (QTCREATORBUG-11179) * Added locator filter for running external tools Editing * Added option to jump directly to specific column in addition to line number when opening files through locator or command line * Added *Remove missing files* action to QRC editor (QTCREATORBUG-13941) * Made global file search use multiple threads (QTCREATORBUG-10298) * Fixed highlighting of current line in read-only text editors (QTCREATORBUG-10104) Help Project Management * Fixed issues with restoring project tree state (QTCREATORBUG-14304) QMake Projects CMake Projects * Made it possible to register multiple CMake executables * Fixed default shadow build directory name Qbs Projects Generic Projects * Fixed that resource links were removed from UI files (QTCREATORBUG-14275) QML-Only Projects (.qmlproject) Debugging Analyzer QML Profiler * Removed support for V8 * Made saving and loading trace data asynchronous to avoid locking up UI (QTCREATORBUG-11822) C++ Support * Added separate icon for structs * Fixed *Convert to Stack Variable* refactoring action for empty initializer lists (QTCREATORBUG-14279) * Fixed expanding items in class view with double-click (QTCREATORBUG-2536) * Fixed code folding issues after missing closing braces * Fixed resolving of decltype (QTCREATORBUG-14483) * Fixed resolving of template using alias For example: `template using U = Temp` (QTCREATORBUG-14480) * Fixed some issues related to template lookup (QTCREATORBUG-14141, QTCREATORBUG-14218, QTCREATORBUG-14237) * Fixed resolving of partial and full template specialization (QTCREATORBUG-14034) * Partially fixed STL containers (QTCREATORBUG-8937, QTCREATORBUG-8922) * GCC implementation of `std::map`, `std::unique_ptr` (and other pointer wrappers) and `std::vector` are known to work * Known limitations: * MSVC implementation is not supported * types that contain a typedef for `pointer` are not supported (For example: `std::unique_ptr`) QML Support * Removed Qt Quick 1 wizards Qt Quick Designer * Removed Qt Quick 1 support Version Control Systems * Perforce * Added support for P4CONFIG (QTCREATORBUG-14378) FakeVim * Added support for `C-r{register}` Todo * Added option to excluding file patterns from parsing Platform Specific Windows OS X * Added locator filter that uses Spotlight for locating files Linux Android * Made it possible to create AVD without SD card (QTCREATORBUG-13590) * Improved handling of invalid names when creating AVD (QTCREATORBUG-13589) * Added 5.1 to known versions * Added warning if emulator is not OpenGL enabled (QTCREATORBUG-13615) * Added input field for activity name in Android manifest editor (QTCREATORBUG-13958) * Fixed handling of external file changes in Android manifest editor * Fixed listing of Google AVDs (QTCREATORBUG-13980) * Fixed that kits were removed from projects when changing NDK path (QTCREATORBUG-14243) * Fixed copying application data with spaces in path (QTCREATORBUG-13868) * Fixed that sometimes the wrong AVD was deployed to (QTCREATORBUG-13095) BlackBerry * Removed support for BlackBerry 10 development Remote Linux * Added support for ECDH key exchange for SSH connections (QTCREATORBUG-14025) BareMetal Credits for these changes go to: