Qt Creator 10 ============= Qt Creator version 10 contains bug fixes and new features. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/9.0..v10.0.0 General ------- * Added support for temporarily dragging progress details out of the way in addition to hiding them with the button below them (QTCREATORBUG-28078) * Fixed that the locator search term was not preserved when using `Open as Centered Popup` Editing ------- * Added `Follow Symbol` for `http(s)` string literals (QTCREATORBUG-14967) * Added environment expansion to the file system locator filter (QTCREATORBUG-242) * Added `Temporarily hide inline annotations` for types of annotations * Improved cursor visibility with indentation visualization (QTCREATORBUG-28645) * Fixed the editor so that it scrolls to cursor position when pressing backspace (QTCREATORBUG-28316) * Fixed the performance of rendering many search results (QTCREATORBUG-21056) ### C++ * Updated LLVM to version 16.0.0 * Added renaming of includes when renaming `.ui` files (QTCREATORBUG-14259) * Added automatic refactoring of C++ code when forms in `.ui` files are renamed (QTCREATORBUG-1179) * Added the option to ignore files for indexing to `Preferences > C++ > Code Model` (QTCREATORBUG-28313) * Added `Tools > C++ > Find Unused Functions`, and `Find Unused C/C++ Functions` to the `Projects` view context menu (QTCREATORBUG-6772) * Fixed text codec when rewriting headers as part of renaming (QTCREATORBUG-28164) * Fixed the color of whitespace visualization in string literals (QTCREATORBUG-26693, QTCREATORBUG-28284) * Fixed `Move Definition` for template functions (QTCREATORBUG-28186) * Clangd * Made temporary disabling of global indexing possible by canceling it in the progress indicator * Added support for highlighting angle brackets * Built-in * Added support for the spaceship operator (QTCREATORBUG-27503) * Fixed the handling of `= default` (QTCREATORBUG-28102) * ClangFormat * Enabled by default * Added the option to disable `ClangFormat` for a project in `Edit > Preferences > C++ > Formatting mode` (QTCREATORBUG-28188) ### Language Server Protocol * Added the `Restart` action to the menu in the editor tool bar * Added `Call Hierarchy` (QTCREATORBUG-11660) ### QML * Updated code model to Qt 6.5 * Added experimental support for the QML language server (qmlls) to `Edit > Preferences > Qt Quick > QML/JS Editing` * Added a color preview tooltip (QTCREATORBUG-28446) * Added the option to apply `qmlformat` on file save to `Edit > Preferences > Qt Quick > QML/JS Editing > Command` (QTCREATORBUG-28192, QTCREATORBUG-26602) * Added `Follow Symbol` for QRC paths in string literals (QTCREATORBUG-28087) * Adapted the Qt Quick Application wizard template to new features in Qt 6.4 and Qt 6.5 (QTBUG-47996) * Fixed a freeze when closing files (QTCREATORBUG-28206) * Fixed that `QtObject` was not recognized (QTCREATORBUG-28287, QTCREATORBUG-28375) ### Python * Added an interpreter selector to the editor toolbar (PYSIDE-2154) Projects -------- * Moved the `Preferences` page for `Devices` to below `Kits` * Added `Build > Run Generator` for exporting projects to other build systems (QTCREATORBUG-28149) * Added the option to browse remote file systems for remote builds and targets in `Projects > Build Settings > Build directory > Browse`, for example * Added support for opening remote terminals from `Projects > Build Settings > Build Environment > Open Terminal` * Fixed that wizards did not create target directories (QTCREATORBUG-28346) * Fixed that absolute paths could be shown when relative paths would be preferable (QTCREATORBUG-288) ### CMake * Added a deployment method with `cmake --install` to `Projects > Run Settings > Add Deploy Step > CMake Install` (QTCREATORBUG-25880) * Added the option to use `cmake-format` for CMake files to `Edit > Preferences > CMake > Formatter` ([cmake-format Documentation](https://cmake-format.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)) * Added `Show advanced options by default` to `Edit > Preferences > CMake > Tools` * Added support for the `external` strategy for the architecture and toolset of presets (QTCREATORBUG-28693) * Moved `Autorun CMake` to `Edit > Preferences > CMake > General` * Changed the environment for running CMake to be based on the build environment by default (QTCREATORBUG-28513) * Fixed that `Package manager auto setup` created a dependency of the project build to the Qt Creator installation * Fixed that cloned build configurations could miss values from the `Initial Parameters` (QTCREATORBUG-28759) * Fixed that CMake preset macros were not expanded for environment variables (QTCREATORBUG-28606) * Fixed a crash with the `Kit Configuration` button for build configurations (QTCREATORBUG-28740) ### Qbs * Added the `Profile` build variant (QTCREATORBUG-27206) * Fixed that generated files were not made known to the code model ### Python * Removed the wizard template for dynamically loaded `.ui` projects (QTCREATORBUG-25807) Debugging --------- ### C++ * Added pretty printers for `variant`, `optional` and `tuple` from `libcpp` (QTCREATORBUG-25865) * Fixed highlighting in the `Disassembler` view * Fixed skipping `std::function` details when stepping * Fixed an out of memory issue when debugging long lists (QTCREATORBUG-26416) * Fixed the highlighting of values and members in the memory view (QTCREATORBUG-23681) * GDB * Fixed issues with GDB 13.1 * CDB * Fixed the printing of addresses of pointers with multiple base classes (QTCREATORBUG-28337) * Fixed some performance issues (QTCREATORBUG-18287) * Fixed a freeze with non-UTF-8 system encoding (QTCREATORBUG-25054) ### Python * Fixed that the debugger always interrupted at the first line in Python scripts (QTCREATORBUG-28732) Analyzer -------- ### Clang * Split `Clang-Tidy and Clazy` into separate `Clang-Tidy` and `Clazy` analyzers Version Control Systems ----------------------- * Moved support for the `Fossil` SCM into the mainline repository * Removed settings for prompting to submit (QTCREATORBUG-22233) * Added links to file names in diff output (QTCREATORBUG-27309) * Fixed blame on symbolic links (QTCREATORBUG-20792) * Fixed the saving of files before applying an action on chunks (QTCREATORBUG-22506) * Fixed line ending preservation when reverting chunks (QTCREATORBUG-12690) ### Git * Improved tracking of external changes (QTCREATORBUG-21089) * Added editor annotation for blame information (instant blame) with the setting `Edit > Preferences > Version Control Git > Add instant blame annotations to editor` (opt-out) and the `Tools > Git > Current File > Instant Blame` action to show annotation manually for the current line (QTCREATORBUG-23299) Test Integration ---------------- * Improved `Run` and `Debug Test Under Cursor` (QTCREATORBUG-28496) * Improved the number of files that are scanned for tests * Improved output handling (QTCREATORBUG-28706) * Added an option to enable the expensive checking for tests in derived `TestCase` objects to `Edit > Preferences > Testing > Qt Test` Platforms --------- ### macOS * Changed kits to prefer Xcode toolchains over the wrappers in `/bin` ### Android * Removed service management from the manifest editor (QTCREATORBUG-28024) * Fixed `Open package location after build` (QTCREATORBUG-28791) ### Boot to Qt * Fixed the deployment of Qt Quick UI Prototype projects ### Docker * Added support for the remote code model via a remote Clangd * Added support for loading and attaching to core dumps from remote devices * Added support for using ClangFormat on remote files * Added an option to enable necessary capabilities for debugging with LLDB to `Edit > Preferences > Devices` for a Docker device * Fixed an issue with space in file paths (QTCREATORBUG-28476) * Fixed that auto-detection controls were shown for devices registered by the installer Credits for these changes go to: -------------------------------- Aleksei German Alessandro Portale Alexander Pershin Ali Kianian Amr Essam Andre Hartmann André Pönitz Antti Määttä Artem Sokolovskii Artur Shepilko Assam Boudjelthia BogDan Vatra Burak Hancerli Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger Cristian Adam Cristián Maureira-Fredes David Schulz Dmitry Bravikov Eike Ziller Fabian Kosmale Fawzi Mohamed Henning Gruendl Jaroslaw Kobus Jussi Witick Kai Köhne Knud Dollereder Knut Petter Svendsen Leena Miettinen Łukasz Wojniłowicz Mahmoud Badri Marc Mutz Marco Bubke Marcus Tillmanns Mats Honkamaa Miikka Heikkinen Mikhail Khachayants Orgad Shaneh Oswald Buddenhagen Philip Van Hoof Pranta Dastider Robert Löhning Sami Shalayel Samuel Gaist Samuel Ghinet Sergey Levin Sivert Krøvel Tasuku Suzuki Thiago Macieira Thomas Hartmann Tim Jenssen Tomáš Juřena Topi Reinio Ulf Hermann Vikas Pachdha Xavier Besson Yasser Grimes