path: root/plugins/autotest/testtreemodel.cpp
diff options
authorChristian Stenger <>2014-10-07 12:30:54 +0200
committerChristian Stenger <>2014-12-04 13:52:14 +0100
commit2f4139e5d313902683a3a4a98f9ef012afff8734 (patch)
tree5e1c10378f5a4d9ca2e45dd39b2a6f4dba06d6ee /plugins/autotest/testtreemodel.cpp
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/autotest/testtreemodel.cpp')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/autotest/testtreemodel.cpp b/plugins/autotest/testtreemodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88bc653d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/autotest/testtreemodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc
+** All rights reserved.
+** For any questions to Digia, please use contact form at
+** This file is part of the Qt Creator Enterprise Auto Test Add-on.
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the Qt Enterprise License Agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and Digia.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please use
+** contact form at
+#include "testcodeparser.h"
+#include "testtreeitem.h"
+#include "testtreemodel.h"
+#include <texteditor/texteditor.h>
+#include <QIcon>
+namespace Autotest {
+namespace Internal {
+TestTreeModel::TestTreeModel(QObject *parent) :
+ QAbstractItemModel(parent),
+ m_rootItem(new TestTreeItem(QString(), QString(), TestTreeItem::ROOT)),
+ m_autoTestRootItem(new TestTreeItem(tr("Auto Tests"), QString(), TestTreeItem::ROOT, m_rootItem)),
+// m_quickTestRootItem(new TestTreeItem(tr("Qt Quick Tests"), QString(), TestTreeItem::ROOT, m_rootItem)),
+ m_parser(new TestCodeParser(this))
+ m_rootItem->appendChild(m_autoTestRootItem);
+// m_rootItem->appendChild(m_quickTestRootItem);
+ m_parser->updateTestTree();
+// CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface *cppMM = CppTools::CppModelManagerInterface::instance();
+// if (cppMM) {
+// // replace later on by
+// // cppMM->registerAstProcessor([this](const CplusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc,
+// // const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot) {
+// // checkForQtTestStuff(doc, snapshot);
+// // });
+// connect(cppMM, SIGNAL(documentUpdated(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr)),
+// this, SLOT(checkForQtTestStuff(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr)),
+// Qt::DirectConnection);
+// }
+static TestTreeModel *m_instance = 0;
+TestTreeModel *TestTreeModel::instance()
+ if (!m_instance)
+ m_instance = new TestTreeModel;
+ return m_instance;
+ delete m_rootItem;
+ m_instance = 0;
+QModelIndex TestTreeModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ if (!hasIndex(row, column, parent))
+ return QModelIndex();
+ TestTreeItem *parentItem = parent.isValid()
+ ? static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(parent.internalPointer())
+ : m_rootItem;
+ TestTreeItem *childItem = parentItem->child(row);
+ return childItem ? createIndex(row, column, childItem) : QModelIndex();
+QModelIndex TestTreeModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return QModelIndex();
+ TestTreeItem *childItem = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(index.internalPointer());
+ TestTreeItem *parentItem = childItem->parent();
+ if (parentItem == m_rootItem)
+ return QModelIndex();
+ return createIndex(parentItem->row(), 0, parentItem);
+bool TestTreeModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ if (!parent.isValid())
+ return true;
+ TestTreeItem *item = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(parent.internalPointer());
+ return item->childCount() > 0;
+int TestTreeModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+ TestTreeItem *parentItem = parent.isValid()
+ ? static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(parent.internalPointer()) : m_rootItem;
+ return parentItem->childCount();
+int TestTreeModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const
+ return 1;
+QVariant TestTreeModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return QVariant();
+ TestTreeItem *item = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(index.internalPointer());
+ if (!item)
+ return QVariant();
+ if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
+ if ((item == m_autoTestRootItem && m_autoTestRootItem->childCount() == 0)
+ /*|| (item == m_quickTestRootItem && m_quickTestRootItem->childCount() == 0)*/) {
+ return QString(item->name() + tr(" (none)"));
+ } else {
+ return item->name();
+ }
+ return QVariant(); // TODO ?
+ }
+ switch(role) {
+ case Qt::ToolTipRole:
+ return item->filePath();
+ case Qt::DecorationRole:
+ switch(item->type()) {
+ case TestTreeItem::TEST_CLASS:
+ return QIcon(QLatin1String(":/images/class.png"));
+ case TestTreeItem::TEST_FUNCTION:
+ return QIcon(QLatin1String(":/images/func.png"));
+ case TestTreeItem::ROOT:
+ default:
+ return QVariant();
+ }
+ case Qt::CheckStateRole:
+ if (item->type() == TestTreeItem::ROOT)
+ return QVariant();
+ return item->checked();
+ case LinkRole:
+ QVariant itemLink;
+ TextEditor::TextEditorWidget::Link link(item->filePath(), item->line(), item->column());
+ itemLink.setValue(link);
+ return itemLink;
+ }
+ // TODO ?
+ return QVariant();
+bool TestTreeModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return false;
+ if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole) {
+ TestTreeItem *item = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(index.internalPointer());
+ Qt::CheckState old = item->checked();
+ item->setChecked((Qt::CheckState)value.toInt());
+ if (item->checked() != old) {
+ switch(item->type()) {
+ case TestTreeItem::TEST_CLASS:
+ emit dataChanged(index, index);
+ if (item->childCount() > 0) {
+ emit dataChanged(index.child(0, 0), index.child(item->childCount() - 1, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ case TestTreeItem::TEST_FUNCTION:
+ emit dataChanged(index, index);
+ emit dataChanged(index.parent(), index.parent());
+ break;
+ default: // avoid warning regarding unhandled enum member
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Qt::ItemFlags TestTreeModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+ if (!index.isValid())
+ return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
+ TestTreeItem *item = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(index.internalPointer());
+ switch(item->type()) {
+ case TestTreeItem::TEST_CLASS:
+ return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsTristate | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
+ case TestTreeItem::TEST_FUNCTION:
+ return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable;
+ case TestTreeItem::ROOT:
+ default:
+ return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
+ }
+bool TestTreeModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent)
+ if (!parent.isValid())
+ return false;
+ TestTreeItem *parentItem = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(parent.internalPointer());
+ if (!parentItem)
+ return false;
+ bool subItemsSuccess = true;
+ bool itemSuccess = true;
+ for (int i = row + count - 1; i >= row; --i) {
+ QModelIndex child = index(i, 0, parent);
+ subItemsSuccess &= removeRows(0, rowCount(child), child);
+ beginRemoveRows(parent, i, i);
+ itemSuccess &= parentItem->removeChild(i);
+ endRemoveRows();
+ }
+ return subItemsSuccess && itemSuccess;
+bool TestTreeModel::hasTests() const
+ return m_autoTestRootItem->childCount() > 0 /*|| m_quickTestRootItem->childCount() > 0*/;
+void TestTreeModel::modifyAutoTestSubtree(int row, TestTreeItem *newItem)
+ static QVector<int> modificationRoles = QVector<int>() << Qt::DisplayRole
+ << Qt::ToolTipRole << LinkRole;
+ QModelIndex toBeModifiedIndex = index(0, 0).child(row, 0);
+ if (!toBeModifiedIndex.isValid())
+ return;
+ TestTreeItem *toBeModifiedItem = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(toBeModifiedIndex.internalPointer());
+ if (toBeModifiedItem->modifyContent(newItem))
+ emit dataChanged(toBeModifiedIndex, toBeModifiedIndex, modificationRoles);
+ // process sub-items as well...
+ int childCount = toBeModifiedItem->childCount();
+ int newChildCount = newItem->childCount();
+ // for keeping the CheckState on modifications
+ QHash<QString, Qt::CheckState> originalItems;
+ for (int row = 0; row < childCount; ++row) {
+ const TestTreeItem *child = toBeModifiedItem->child(row);
+ originalItems.insert(child->name(), child->checked());
+ }
+ if (childCount <= newChildCount) {
+ for (int row = 0; row < childCount; ++row) {
+ QModelIndex child = toBeModifiedIndex.child(row, 0);
+ TestTreeItem *toBeModifiedChild = toBeModifiedItem->child(row);
+ TestTreeItem *modifiedChild = newItem->child(row);
+ if (toBeModifiedChild->modifyContent(modifiedChild)) {
+ emit dataChanged(child, child, modificationRoles);
+ }
+ if (originalItems.contains(toBeModifiedChild->name())) {
+ Qt::CheckState state = originalItems.value(toBeModifiedChild->name());
+ if (state != toBeModifiedChild->checked()) {
+ toBeModifiedChild->setChecked(state);
+ emit dataChanged(child, child, QVector<int>() << Qt::CheckStateRole);
+ }
+ } else { // newly added (BAD: happens for renaming as well)
+ toBeModifiedChild->setChecked(Qt::Checked);
+ emit dataChanged(child, child, QVector<int>() << Qt::CheckStateRole);
+ }
+ }
+ if (childCount < newChildCount) { // add aditional items
+ for (int row = childCount; row < newChildCount; ++row) {
+ TestTreeItem *newChild = newItem->child(row);
+ TestTreeItem *toBeAdded = new TestTreeItem(newChild->name(), newChild->filePath(),
+ newChild->type(), toBeModifiedItem);
+ toBeAdded->setLine(newChild->line());
+ beginInsertRows(toBeModifiedIndex, row, row);
+ toBeModifiedItem->appendChild(toBeAdded);
+ endInsertRows();
+ if (originalItems.contains(toBeAdded->name())
+ && originalItems.value(toBeAdded->name()) != Qt::Checked)
+ toBeAdded->setChecked(originalItems.value(toBeAdded->name()));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int row = 0; row < newChildCount; ++row) {
+ QModelIndex child = toBeModifiedIndex.child(row, 0);
+ TestTreeItem *toBeModifiedChild = toBeModifiedItem->child(row);
+ TestTreeItem *modifiedChild = newItem->child(row);
+ if (toBeModifiedChild->modifyContent(modifiedChild))
+ emit dataChanged(child, child, modificationRoles);
+ if (originalItems.contains(toBeModifiedChild->name())) {
+ Qt::CheckState state = originalItems.value(toBeModifiedChild->name());
+ if (state != toBeModifiedChild->checked()) {
+ toBeModifiedChild->setChecked(state);
+ emit dataChanged(child, child, QVector<int>() << Qt::CheckStateRole);
+ }
+ } else { // newly added (BAD: happens for renaming as well)
+ toBeModifiedChild->setChecked(Qt::Checked);
+ emit dataChanged(child, child, QVector<int>() << Qt::CheckStateRole);
+ }
+ } // remove rest of the items
+ removeRows(newChildCount, childCount - newChildCount, toBeModifiedIndex);
+ }
+void TestTreeModel::removeAutoTestSubtreeByFilePath(const QString &file)
+ QModelIndex atRootIndex = index(0, 0);
+ int count = rowCount(atRootIndex);
+ for (int row = 0; row < count; ++row) {
+ QModelIndex childIndex = atRootIndex.child(row, 0);
+ TestTreeItem *childItem = static_cast<TestTreeItem *>(childIndex.internalPointer());
+ if (file == childItem->filePath()) {
+ removeRow(row, atRootIndex);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace Internal
+} // namespace Autotest