#!/usr/bin/env python # Script to remove EXEC flag from an ELF file # # Copyright (C) 2020 Kevin O'Connor # # This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. import optparse FLAG_OFFSET = 16 def main(): # Parse command-line arguments usage = "%prog " opts = optparse.OptionParser(usage) options, args = opts.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: opts.error("Incorrect number of arguments") infilename, outfilename = args # Read input f = open(infilename, "rb") srcdata = f.read() f.close() # Update outdata = bytearray(srcdata) outdata[FLAG_OFFSET] = 0x01 # change ET_EXEC to ET_REL # Write output f = open(outfilename, "wb") f.write(outdata) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()