/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of the Qt Build Suite. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ import qbs import qbs.File import qbs.FileInfo import qbs.ModUtils import qbs.Process Module { Depends { name: "nodejs" } additionalProductTypes: ["compiled_typescript"] property path toolchainInstallPath property string version: rawVersion ? rawVersion[2] : undefined property var versionParts: version ? version.split('.').map(function(item) { return parseInt(item, 10); }) : [] property int versionMajor: versionParts[0] property int versionMinor: versionParts[1] property int versionPatch: versionParts[2] property int versionBuild: versionParts[3] property string versionSuffix: rawVersion ? rawVersion[3] : undefined property string compilerName: "tsc" property string compilerPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(toolchainInstallPath, compilerName) property string warningLevel: "normal" PropertyOptions { name: "warningLevel" description: "pedantic to warn on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type" allowedValues: ["normal", "pedantic"] } property string targetVersion PropertyOptions { name: "targetVersion" description: "ECMAScript target version" allowedValues: ["ES3", "ES5"] } property string moduleLoader PropertyOptions { name: "moduleLoader" allowedValues: ["commonjs", "amd"] } property bool stripComments: !qbs.debugInformation PropertyOptions { name: "stripComments" description: "whether to remove comments from the generated output" } property bool generateDeclarations: false PropertyOptions { name: "generateDeclarations" description: "whether to generate corresponding .d.ts files during compilation" } // In release mode, nodejs can/should default-enable minification and obfuscation, // making the source maps useless, so these default settings work out fine property bool generateSourceMaps: qbs.debugInformation PropertyOptions { name: "generateSourceMaps" description: "whether to generate corresponding .map files during compilation" } property stringList compilerFlags PropertyOptions { name: "compilerFlags" description: "additional flags for the TypeScript compiler" } property bool singleFile: false PropertyOptions { name: "singleFile" description: "whether to compile all source files to a single output file" } // private properties readonly property var rawVersion: { var p = new Process(); try { p.exec(compilerPath, ["--version"]); var match = p.readStdOut().match(/.*\bVersion (([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){1,3})(?:-(.+?))?)\n$/); if (match !== null) return match; } finally { p.close(); } } validate: { var validator = new ModUtils.PropertyValidator("typescript"); validator.setRequiredProperty("version", version); validator.setRequiredProperty("versionParts", versionParts); validator.setRequiredProperty("versionMajor", versionMajor); validator.setRequiredProperty("versionMinor", versionMinor); validator.setRequiredProperty("versionPatch", versionPatch); validator.addVersionValidator("version", version, 3, 4); validator.addRangeValidator("versionMajor", versionMajor, 1); validator.addRangeValidator("versionMinor", versionMinor, 0); validator.addRangeValidator("versionPatch", versionPatch, 0); if (versionParts && versionParts.length >= 4) { validator.setRequiredProperty("versionBuild", versionBuild); validator.addRangeValidator("versionBuild", versionBuild, 0); } validator.validate(); } setupBuildEnvironment: { if (toolchainInstallPath) { var v = new ModUtils.EnvironmentVariable("PATH", qbs.pathListSeparator, qbs.hostOS.contains("windows")); v.prepend(toolchainInstallPath); v.set(); } } // TypeScript declaration files FileTagger { patterns: ["*.d.ts"] fileTags: ["typescript_declaration"] } // TypeScript source files FileTagger { patterns: ["*.ts"] fileTags: ["typescript"] } Rule { id: typescriptCompiler multiplex: true inputs: ["typescript"] inputsFromDependencies: ["typescript_declaration"] outputArtifacts: { var artifacts = []; if (product.moduleProperty("typescript", "singleFile")) { var jsTags = ["js", "compiled_typescript"]; // We could check // if (product.moduleProperty("nodejs", "applicationFile") === inputs.typescript[i].filePath) // but since we're compiling to a single file there's no need to state it explicitly jsTags.push("application_js"); var filePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, product.targetName); artifacts.push({fileTags: jsTags, filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(".obj", product.targetName, "typescript", filePath + ".js")}); artifacts.push({condition: product.moduleProperty("typescript", "generateDeclarations"), // ### QBS-412 fileTags: ["typescript_declaration"], filePath: filePath + ".d.ts"}); artifacts.push({condition: product.moduleProperty("typescript", "generateSourceMaps"), // ### QBS-412 fileTags: ["source_map"], filePath: filePath + ".js.map"}); } else { for (var i = 0; i < inputs.typescript.length; ++i) { var jsTags = ["js", "compiled_typescript"]; if (product.moduleProperty("nodejs", "applicationFile") === inputs.typescript[i].filePath) jsTags.push("application_js"); var filePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, FileInfo.baseName(inputs.typescript[i].filePath)); artifacts.push({fileTags: jsTags, filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(".obj", product.targetName, "typescript", filePath + ".js")}); artifacts.push({condition: product.moduleProperty("typescript", "generateDeclarations"), // ### QBS-412 fileTags: ["typescript_declaration"], filePath: filePath + ".d.ts"}); artifacts.push({condition: product.moduleProperty("typescript", "generateSourceMaps"), // ### QBS-412 fileTags: ["source_map"], filePath: filePath + ".js.map"}); } } return artifacts; } outputFileTags: ["application_js", "compiled_typescript", "js", "source_map", "typescript_declaration"] prepare: { var i; var args = []; var primaryOutput = outputs.compiled_typescript[0]; if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "warningLevel") === "pedantic") { args.push("--noImplicitAny"); } var targetVersion = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "targetVersion"); if (targetVersion) { args.push("--target"); args.push(targetVersion); } var moduleLoader = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "moduleLoader"); if (moduleLoader) { if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "singleFile")) { throw("typescript.singleFile cannot be true when typescript.moduleLoader is set"); } args.push("--module"); args.push(moduleLoader); } if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "stripComments")) { args.push("--removeComments"); } if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "generateDeclarations")) { args.push("--declaration"); } if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "generateSourceMaps")) { args.push("--sourcemap"); } // User-supplied flags var flags = ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "compilerFlags"); for (i in flags) { args.push(flags[i]); } args.push("--outDir"); args.push(product.buildDirectory); if (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "singleFile")) { args.push("--out"); args.push(primaryOutput.filePath); } if (inputs.typescript_declaration) { for (i = 0; i < inputs.typescript_declaration.length; ++i) { args.push(inputs.typescript_declaration[i].filePath); } } for (i = 0; i < inputs.typescript.length; ++i) { args.push(inputs.typescript[i].filePath); } var cmd, cmds = []; cmd = new Command(ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "compilerPath"), args); cmd.description = "compiling " + (ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "singleFile") ? primaryOutput.fileName : inputs.typescript.map(function(obj) { return obj.fileName; }).join(", ")); cmd.highlight = "compiler"; cmds.push(cmd); // Move all the compiled TypeScript files to the proper intermediate directory cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.silent = true; cmd.outDir = product.buildDirectory; cmd.sourceCode = function() { for (i = 0; i < outputs.compiled_typescript.length; ++i) { var fp = outputs.compiled_typescript[i].filePath; var originalFilePath = FileInfo.joinPaths(outDir, FileInfo.fileName(fp)); File.copy(originalFilePath, fp); File.remove(originalFilePath); } }; cmds.push(cmd); return cmds; } } }