/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qbs. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ import qbs.File import qbs.FileInfo import qbs.ModUtils import qbs.PathTools import qbs.Probes import qbs.Utilities import qbs.WindowsUtils import 'cpp.js' as Cpp import 'msvc.js' as MSVC CppModule { condition: false Depends { name: "codesign" } windowsApiCharacterSet: "unicode" platformDefines: { var defines = base.concat(WindowsUtils.characterSetDefines(windowsApiCharacterSet)) .concat("WIN32"); var def = WindowsUtils.winapiFamilyDefine(windowsApiFamily); if (def) defines.push("WINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_FAMILY_" + def); (windowsApiAdditionalPartitions || []).map(function (name) { defines.push("WINAPI_PARTITION_" + WindowsUtils.winapiPartitionDefine(name) + "=1"); }); return defines; } platformCommonCompilerFlags: { var flags = base; if (compilerVersionMajor >= 18) // 2013 flags.push("/FS"); return flags; } warningLevel: "default" compilerName: "cl.exe" compilerPath: FileInfo.joinPaths(toolchainInstallPath, compilerName) assemblerName: { switch (qbs.architecture) { case "armv7": return "armasm.exe"; case "arm64": return "armasm64.exe"; case "ia64": return "ias.exe"; case "x86": return "ml.exe"; case "x86_64": return "ml64.exe"; } } linkerName: "link.exe" runtimeLibrary: "dynamic" separateDebugInformation: true property bool generateManifestFile: true architecture: qbs.architecture endianness: "little" staticLibrarySuffix: ".lib" dynamicLibrarySuffix: ".dll" executableSuffix: ".exe" debugInfoSuffix: ".pdb" objectSuffix: ".obj" precompiledHeaderSuffix: ".pch" imageFormat: "pe" Properties { condition: product.multiplexByQbsProperties.contains("buildVariants") && qbs.buildVariants && qbs.buildVariants.length > 1 && qbs.buildVariant !== "release" && product.type.containsAny(["staticlibrary", "dynamiclibrary"]) variantSuffix: "d" } property var buildEnv readonly property bool shouldSignArtifacts: codesign.enableCodeSigning property bool enableCxxLanguageMacro: false setupBuildEnvironment: { for (var key in product.cpp.buildEnv) { var v = new ModUtils.EnvironmentVariable(key, ';'); v.prepend(product.cpp.buildEnv[key]); v.set(); } } property string windowsSdkVersion defineFlag: "/D" includeFlag: "/I" systemIncludeFlag: "/external:I" preincludeFlag: "/FI" libraryPathFlag: "/LIBPATH:" Rule { condition: useCPrecompiledHeader inputs: ["c_pch_src"] auxiliaryInputs: ["hpp"] outputFileTags: Cpp.precompiledHeaderOutputTags("c", true) outputArtifacts: Cpp.precompiledHeaderOutputArtifacts(input, product, "c", true) prepare: MSVC.prepareCompiler.apply(MSVC, arguments) } Rule { condition: useCxxPrecompiledHeader inputs: ["cpp_pch_src"] explicitlyDependsOn: ["c_pch"] // to prevent vc--0.pdb conflict auxiliaryInputs: ["hpp"] outputFileTags: Cpp.precompiledHeaderOutputTags("cpp", true) outputArtifacts: Cpp.precompiledHeaderOutputArtifacts(input, product, "cpp", true) prepare: MSVC.prepareCompiler.apply(MSVC, arguments) } Rule { name: "compiler" inputs: ["cpp", "c"] auxiliaryInputs: ["hpp"] explicitlyDependsOn: ["c_pch", "cpp_pch"] outputFileTags: Cpp.compilerOutputTags(generateCompilerListingFiles) outputArtifacts: Cpp.compilerOutputArtifacts(input) prepare: MSVC.prepareCompiler.apply(MSVC, arguments) } FileTagger { patterns: ["*.manifest"] fileTags: ["native.pe.manifest"] } FileTagger { patterns: ["*.def"] fileTags: ["def"] } Rule { name: "applicationLinker" multiplex: true inputs: ['obj', 'res', 'native.pe.manifest', 'def'] inputsFromDependencies: ['staticlibrary', 'dynamiclibrary_import', "debuginfo_app"] outputFileTags: { var tags = ["application", "debuginfo_app"]; if (generateLinkerMapFile) tags.push("mem_map"); if (shouldSignArtifacts) tags.push("codesign.signed_artifact"); return tags; } outputArtifacts: { var app = { fileTags: ["application"].concat( product.cpp.shouldSignArtifacts ? ["codesign.signed_artifact"] : []), filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths( product.destinationDirectory, PathTools.applicationFilePath(product)) }; var artifacts = [app]; if (product.cpp.debugInformation && product.cpp.separateDebugInformation) { artifacts.push({ fileTags: ["debuginfo_app"], filePath: app.filePath.substr(0, app.filePath.length - 4) + product.cpp.debugInfoSuffix }); } if (product.cpp.generateLinkerMapFile) { artifacts.push({ fileTags: ["mem_map"], filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths( product.destinationDirectory, product.targetName + product.cpp.linkerMapSuffix) }); } return artifacts; } prepare: MSVC.prepareLinker.apply(MSVC, arguments) } Rule { name: "dynamicLibraryLinker" multiplex: true inputs: ['obj', 'res', 'native.pe.manifest', 'def'] inputsFromDependencies: ['staticlibrary', 'dynamiclibrary_import', "debuginfo_dll"] outputFileTags: { var tags = ["dynamiclibrary", "dynamiclibrary_import", "debuginfo_dll"]; if (shouldSignArtifacts) tags.push("codesign.signed_artifact"); return tags; } outputArtifacts: { var artifacts = [ { fileTags: ["dynamiclibrary"].concat( product.cpp.shouldSignArtifacts ? ["codesign.signed_artifact"] : []), filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, PathTools.dynamicLibraryFilePath(product)) }, { fileTags: ["dynamiclibrary_import"], filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, PathTools.importLibraryFilePath(product)), alwaysUpdated: false } ]; if (product.cpp.debugInformation && product.cpp.separateDebugInformation) { var lib = artifacts[0]; artifacts.push({ fileTags: ["debuginfo_dll"], filePath: lib.filePath.substr(0, lib.filePath.length - 4) + product.cpp.debugInfoSuffix }); } return artifacts; } prepare: MSVC.prepareLinker.apply(MSVC, arguments) } Rule { name: "libtool" multiplex: true inputs: ["obj", "res"] inputsFromDependencies: ["staticlibrary", "dynamiclibrary_import"] outputFileTags: ["staticlibrary", "debuginfo_cl"] outputArtifacts: { var artifacts = [ { fileTags: ["staticlibrary"], filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.destinationDirectory, PathTools.staticLibraryFilePath(product)) } ]; if (product.cpp.debugInformation && product.cpp.separateDebugInformation) { artifacts.push({ fileTags: ["debuginfo_cl"], filePath: product.targetName + ".cl" + product.cpp.debugInfoSuffix }); } return artifacts; } prepare: { var args = ['/nologo'] var lib = outputs["staticlibrary"][0]; var nativeOutputFileName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(lib.filePath) args.push('/OUT:' + nativeOutputFileName) for (var i in inputs.obj) { var fileName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(inputs.obj[i].filePath) args.push(fileName) } for (var i in inputs.res) { var fileName = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(inputs.res[i].filePath) args.push(fileName) } var cmd = new Command("lib.exe", args); cmd.description = 'creating ' + lib.fileName; cmd.highlight = 'linker'; cmd.jobPool = "linker"; cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(lib.filePath) cmd.responseFileUsagePrefix = '@'; return cmd; } } FileTagger { patterns: ["*.rc"] fileTags: ["rc"] } Rule { inputs: ["rc"] auxiliaryInputs: ["hpp"] outputFileTags: Cpp.resourceCompilerOutputTags() outputArtifacts: Cpp.resourceCompilerOutputArtifacts(input) prepare: { // From MSVC 2010 on, the logo can be suppressed. var logo = product.cpp.compilerVersionMajor >= 16 ? "can-suppress-logo" : "always-shows-logo"; return MSVC.createRcCommand("rc", input, output, logo); } } FileTagger { patterns: "*.asm" fileTags: ["asm"] } Rule { inputs: ["asm"] outputFileTags: Cpp.assemblerOutputTags(false) outputArtifacts: Cpp.assemblerOutputArtifacts(input) prepare: { var args = ["/nologo", "/c", "/Fo" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(output.filePath), FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.filePath)]; if (product.cpp.debugInformation) args.push("/Zi"); args = args.concat(Cpp.collectMiscAssemblerArguments(input, "asm")); var cmd = new Command(product.cpp.assemblerPath, args); cmd.description = "assembling " + input.fileName; cmd.jobPool = "assembler"; cmd.inputFileName = input.fileName; cmd.stdoutFilterFunction = function(output) { var lines = output.split("\r\n").filter(function (s) { return !s.endsWith(inputFileName); }); return lines.join("\r\n"); }; return cmd; } } }