/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qbs. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ var Codesign = require("../codesign/codesign.js"); var Cpp = require("cpp.js"); var File = require("qbs.File"); var FileInfo = require("qbs.FileInfo"); var ModUtils = require("qbs.ModUtils"); var Utilities = require("qbs.Utilities"); var WindowsUtils = require("qbs.WindowsUtils"); function effectiveLinkerPath(product, inputs) { if (product.cpp.linkerMode === "automatic") { var compiler = product.cpp.compilerPath; if (compiler) { if (inputs.obj || inputs.staticlibrary) { console.log("Found C/C++ objects, using compiler as a linker for " + product.name); return compiler; } } console.log("Found no C-language objects, choosing system linker for " + product.name); } return product.cpp.linkerPath; } function handleCpuFeatures(input, flags) { if (!input.qbs.architecture) return; if (input.qbs.architecture.startsWith("x86")) { if (input.qbs.architecture === "x86") { var sse2 = input.cpufeatures.x86_sse2; if (sse2 === true) flags.push("/arch:SSE2"); if (sse2 === false) flags.push("/arch:IA32"); } if (input.cpufeatures.x86_avx === true) flags.push("/arch:AVX"); if (input.cpufeatures.x86_avx2 === true) flags.push("/arch:AVX2"); } else if (input.qbs.architecture.startsWith("arm")) { if (input.cpufeatures.arm_vfpv4 === true) flags.push("/arch:VFPv4"); if (input.cpp.machineType === "armv7ve") flags.push("/arch:ARMv7VE"); } } function hasCxx17Option(input) { // Probably this is not the earliest version to support the flag, but we have tested this one // and it's a pain to find out the exact minimum. return Utilities.versionCompare(input.cpp.compilerVersion, "19.12.25831") >= 0 || (input.qbs.toolchain.contains("clang-cl") && input.cpp.compilerVersionMajor >= 7); } function hasZCplusPlusOption(input) { // /Zc:__cplusplus is supported starting from Visual Studio 15.7 // Looks like closest MSVC version is 14.14.26428 (cl ver 19.14.26433) // At least, this version is tested // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/zc-cplusplus // clang-cl supports this option starting around-ish versions 8/9, but it // ignores this option, so this doesn't really matter // https://reviews.llvm.org/D45877 return Utilities.versionCompare(input.cpp.compilerVersion, "19.14.26433") >= 0 || (input.qbs.toolchain.contains("clang-cl") && input.cpp.compilerVersionMajor >= 9); } function supportsExternalIncludesOption(input) { if (input.qbs.toolchain.contains("clang-cl")) return false; // Exclude clang-cl. // This option was introcuded since MSVC 2017 v15.6 (aka _MSC_VER 19.13). // But due to some MSVC bugs: // * https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/181006/externali-include-paths-not-working.html // this option has been fixed since MSVC 2017 update 9, v15.9 (aka _MSC_VER 19.16). return Utilities.versionCompare(input.cpp.compilerVersion, "19.16") >= 0; } function addLanguageVersionFlag(input, args) { var cxxVersion = Cpp.languageVersion(input.cpp.cxxLanguageVersion, ["c++17", "c++14", "c++11", "c++98"], "C++"); if (!cxxVersion) return; // Visual C++ 2013, Update 3 var hasStdOption = Utilities.versionCompare(input.cpp.compilerVersion, "18.00.30723") >= 0 // or clang-cl || input.qbs.toolchain.contains("clang-cl"); if (!hasStdOption) return; var flag; if (cxxVersion === "c++14") flag = "/std:c++14"; else if (cxxVersion === "c++17" && hasCxx17Option(input)) flag = "/std:c++17"; else if (cxxVersion !== "c++11" && cxxVersion !== "c++98") flag = "/std:c++latest"; if (flag) args.push(flag); } function handleClangClArchitectureFlags(product, architecture, flags) { if (product.qbs.toolchain.contains("clang-cl")) { if (architecture === "x86") flags.push("-m32"); else if (architecture === "x86_64") flags.push("-m64"); } } function prepareCompiler(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output, explicitlyDependsOn) { var i; var debugInformation = input.cpp.debugInformation; var args = ['/nologo', '/c'] handleCpuFeatures(input, args); // Determine which C-language we're compiling var tag = ModUtils.fileTagForTargetLanguage(input.fileTags.concat(Object.keys(outputs))); if (!["c", "cpp"].contains(tag)) throw ("unsupported source language"); var enableExceptions = input.cpp.enableExceptions; if (enableExceptions) { var ehModel = input.cpp.exceptionHandlingModel; switch (ehModel) { case "default": args.push("/EHsc"); // "Yes" in VS break; case "seh": args.push("/EHa"); // "Yes with SEH exceptions" in VS break; case "externc": args.push("/EHs"); // "Yes with Extern C functions" in VS break; } } var enableRtti = input.cpp.enableRtti; if (enableRtti !== undefined) { args.push(enableRtti ? "/GR" : "/GR-"); } switch (input.cpp.optimization) { case "small": args.push('/Os') break; case "fast": args.push('/O2') break; case "none": args.push("/Od"); break; } handleClangClArchitectureFlags(product, input.cpp.architecture, args); if (debugInformation) { if (product.cpp.separateDebugInformation) args.push('/Zi'); else args.push('/Z7'); } var rtl = product.cpp.runtimeLibrary; if (rtl) { rtl = (rtl === "static" ? "/MT" : "/MD"); if (product.qbs.enableDebugCode) rtl += "d"; args.push(rtl); } args = args.concat(Cpp.collectMiscDriverArguments(product)); // warnings: var warningLevel = input.cpp.warningLevel; if (warningLevel === 'none') args.push('/w') if (warningLevel === 'all') args.push('/Wall') if (input.cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors) args.push('/WX') var includePaths = Cpp.collectIncludePaths(input); args = args.concat([].uniqueConcat(includePaths).map(function(path) { return input.cpp.includeFlag + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(path); })); var includeFlag = input.cpp.includeFlag; if (supportsExternalIncludesOption(input)) { args.push("/experimental:external"); var enforcesSlashW = Utilities.versionCompare(input.cpp.compilerVersion, "19.29.30037") >= 0 if (enforcesSlashW) args.push("/external:W0") includeFlag = input.cpp.systemIncludeFlag; } var systemIncludePaths = Cpp.collectSystemIncludePaths(input); args = args.concat([].uniqueConcat(systemIncludePaths).map(function(path) { return includeFlag + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(path); })); var defines = Cpp.collectDefines(input); args = args.concat([].uniqueConcat(defines).map(function(define) { return input.cpp.defineFlag + define.replace(/%/g, "%%"); })); var minimumWindowsVersion = product.cpp.minimumWindowsVersion; if (minimumWindowsVersion) { var hexVersion = WindowsUtils.getWindowsVersionInFormat(minimumWindowsVersion, 'hex'); if (hexVersion) { var versionDefs = [ 'WINVER', '_WIN32_WINNT', '_WIN32_WINDOWS' ]; for (i in versionDefs) { args.push(input.cpp.defineFlag + versionDefs[i] + '=' + hexVersion); } } } if (product.cpp.debugInformation && product.cpp.separateDebugInformation) args.push("/Fd" + product.targetName + ".cl" + product.cpp.debugInfoSuffix); if (input.cpp.generateCompilerListingFiles) args.push("/Fa" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(outputs.lst[0].filePath)); if (input.cpp.enableCxxLanguageMacro && hasZCplusPlusOption(input)) args.push("/Zc:__cplusplus"); var objectMap = outputs.obj || outputs.intermediate_obj var objOutput = objectMap ? objectMap[0] : undefined args.push('/Fo' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(objOutput.filePath)) args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.filePath)) var preincludePaths = Cpp.collectPreincludePaths(input); args = args.concat([].uniqueConcat(preincludePaths).map(function(path) { return input.cpp.preincludeFlag + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(path); })); // Language if (tag === "cpp") { args.push("/TP"); addLanguageVersionFlag(input, args); } else if (tag === "c") { args.push("/TC"); } // Whether we're compiling a precompiled header or normal source file var pchOutput = outputs[tag + "_pch"] ? outputs[tag + "_pch"][0] : undefined; var pchInputs = explicitlyDependsOn[tag + "_pch"]; if (pchOutput) { // create PCH if (input.qbs.toolchain.contains("clang-cl")) { // clang-cl does not support /Yc flag without filename args.push("/Yc" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.filePath)); // clang-cl complains when pch file is not included args.push("/FI" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.filePath)); args.push("/Fp" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(pchOutput.filePath)); args.push("/Fo" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(objOutput.filePath)); } else { // real msvc args.push("/Yc"); args.push("/Fp" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(pchOutput.filePath)); args.push("/Fo" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(objOutput.filePath)); args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(input.filePath)); } } else if (pchInputs && pchInputs.length === 1 && ModUtils.moduleProperty(input, "usePrecompiledHeader", tag)) { // use PCH var pchSourceArtifacts = product.artifacts[tag + "_pch_src"]; if (pchSourceArtifacts && pchSourceArtifacts.length > 0) { var pchSourceFilePath = pchSourceArtifacts[0].filePath; var pchFilePath = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(pchInputs[0].filePath); args.push("/FI" + pchSourceFilePath); args.push("/Yu" + pchSourceFilePath); args.push("/Fp" + pchFilePath); } else { console.warning("products." + product.name + ".usePrecompiledHeader is true, " + "but there is no " + tag + "_pch_src artifact."); } } args = args.concat(Cpp.collectMiscCompilerArguments(input, tag)); var compilerPath = product.cpp.compilerPath; var wrapperArgs = product.cpp.compilerWrapper; if (wrapperArgs && wrapperArgs.length > 0) { args.unshift(compilerPath); compilerPath = wrapperArgs.shift(); args = wrapperArgs.concat(args); } var cmd = new Command(compilerPath, args) cmd.description = (pchOutput ? 'pre' : '') + 'compiling ' + input.fileName; if (pchOutput) cmd.description += ' (' + tag + ')'; cmd.highlight = "compiler"; cmd.jobPool = "compiler"; cmd.workingDirectory = product.buildDirectory; cmd.responseFileUsagePrefix = '@'; // cl.exe outputs the cpp file name. We filter that out. cmd.inputFileName = input.fileName; cmd.relevantEnvironmentVariables = ["CL", "_CL_", "INCLUDE"]; cmd.stdoutFilterFunction = function(output) { return output.split(inputFileName + "\r\n").join(""); }; return [cmd]; } function collectLibraryDependencies(product) { var seen = {}; var result = []; function addFilePath(filePath, wholeArchive, productName) { result.push({ filePath: filePath, wholeArchive: wholeArchive, productName: productName }); } function addArtifactFilePaths(dep, artifacts) { if (!artifacts) return; var artifactFilePaths = artifacts.map(function(a) { return a.filePath; }); var wholeArchive = dep.parameters.cpp && dep.parameters.cpp.linkWholeArchive; var artifactsAreImportLibs = artifacts.length > 0 && artifacts[0].fileTags.contains("dynamiclibrary_import"); for (var i = 0; i < artifactFilePaths.length; ++i) { addFilePath(artifactFilePaths[i], wholeArchive, artifactsAreImportLibs ? dep.name : undefined); } } function addExternalLibs(obj) { if (!obj.cpp) return; function ensureArray(a) { return (a instanceof Array) ? a : []; } function sanitizedModuleListProperty(obj, moduleName, propertyName) { return ensureArray(ModUtils.sanitizedModuleProperty(obj, moduleName, propertyName)); } var externalLibs = [].concat( sanitizedModuleListProperty(obj, "cpp", "staticLibraries"), sanitizedModuleListProperty(obj, "cpp", "dynamicLibraries")); externalLibs.forEach(function (libName) { if (!libName.match(/\.lib$/i) && !libName.startsWith('@')) libName += ".lib"; addFilePath(libName, false); }); } function traverse(dep) { if (seen.hasOwnProperty(dep.name)) return; if (dep.parameters.cpp && dep.parameters.cpp.link === false) return; var staticLibraryArtifacts = dep.artifacts["staticlibrary"]; var dynamicLibraryArtifacts = staticLibraryArtifacts ? null : dep.artifacts["dynamiclibrary_import"]; if (staticLibraryArtifacts) { seen[dep.name] = true; dep.dependencies.forEach(traverse); addArtifactFilePaths(dep, staticLibraryArtifacts); addExternalLibs(dep); } else if (dynamicLibraryArtifacts) { seen[dep.name] = true; addArtifactFilePaths(dep, dynamicLibraryArtifacts); } } product.dependencies.forEach(traverse); addExternalLibs(product); return result; } function linkerSupportsWholeArchive(product) { return Utilities.versionCompare(product.cpp.compilerVersion, "19.0.24215.1") >= 0 } function handleDiscardProperty(product, flags) { var discardUnusedData = product.cpp.discardUnusedData; if (discardUnusedData === true) flags.push("/OPT:REF"); else if (discardUnusedData === false) flags.push("/OPT:NOREF"); } function prepareLinker(project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output) { var i; var linkDLL = (outputs.dynamiclibrary ? true : false) var primaryOutput = (linkDLL ? outputs.dynamiclibrary[0] : outputs.application[0]) var debugInformation = product.cpp.debugInformation; var additionalManifestInputs = Array.prototype.map.call(inputs["native.pe.manifest"], function (a) { return a.filePath; }); var moduleDefinitionInputs = Array.prototype.map.call(inputs["def"], function (a) { return a.filePath; }); var generateManifestFiles = !linkDLL && product.cpp.generateManifestFile; var useClangCl = product.qbs.toolchain.contains("clang-cl"); var canEmbedManifest = useClangCl || product.cpp.compilerVersionMajor >= 17 // VS 2012 var linkerPath = effectiveLinkerPath(product, inputs); var useCompilerDriver = linkerPath === product.cpp.compilerPath; // args variable is built as follows: // [linkerWrapper] linkerPath /nologo [driverFlags driverLinkerFlags] // allInputs libDeps [/link] linkerArgs var args = [] if (useCompilerDriver) { args.push('/nologo'); args = args.concat(Cpp.collectMiscDriverArguments(product), Cpp.collectMiscLinkerArguments(product)); } var allInputs = Cpp.collectLinkerObjectPaths(inputs); args = args.concat([].uniqueConcat(allInputs).map(function(path) { return FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(path); })); var linkerArgs = ['/nologo'] if (linkDLL) { linkerArgs.push('/DLL'); linkerArgs.push('/IMPLIB:' + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(outputs.dynamiclibrary_import[0].filePath)); } if (debugInformation) { linkerArgs.push("/DEBUG"); var debugInfo = outputs.debuginfo_app || outputs.debuginfo_dll; if (debugInfo) linkerArgs.push("/PDB:" + debugInfo[0].fileName); } else { linkerArgs.push('/INCREMENTAL:NO') } switch (product.qbs.architecture) { case "x86": linkerArgs.push("/MACHINE:X86"); break; case "x86_64": linkerArgs.push("/MACHINE:X64"); break; case "ia64": linkerArgs.push("/MACHINE:IA64"); break; case "armv7": linkerArgs.push("/MACHINE:ARM"); break; case "arm64": linkerArgs.push("/MACHINE:ARM64"); break; } if (useCompilerDriver) handleClangClArchitectureFlags(product, product.qbs.architecture, args); var requireAppContainer = product.cpp.requireAppContainer; if (requireAppContainer !== undefined) linkerArgs.push("/APPCONTAINER" + (requireAppContainer ? "" : ":NO")); var minimumWindowsVersion = product.cpp.minimumWindowsVersion; var subsystemSwitch = undefined; if (minimumWindowsVersion || product.consoleApplication !== undefined) { // Ensure that we default to console if product.consoleApplication is undefined // since that could still be the case if only minimumWindowsVersion had been defined subsystemSwitch = product.consoleApplication === false ? '/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS' : '/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'; } var useLldLink = useCompilerDriver && product.cpp.linkerVariant === "lld" || !useCompilerDriver && product.cpp.linkerName === "lld-link.exe"; if (minimumWindowsVersion) { var subsystemVersion = WindowsUtils.getWindowsVersionInFormat(minimumWindowsVersion, 'subsystem'); if (subsystemVersion) { subsystemSwitch += ',' + subsystemVersion; // llvm linker does not support /OSVERSION if (!useLldLink) linkerArgs.push('/OSVERSION:' + subsystemVersion); } } if (subsystemSwitch) linkerArgs.push(subsystemSwitch); var linkerOutputNativeFilePath = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(primaryOutput.filePath); var manifestFileNames = []; if (generateManifestFiles) { if (canEmbedManifest) { linkerArgs.push("/MANIFEST:embed"); additionalManifestInputs.forEach(function (manifestFileName) { linkerArgs.push("/MANIFESTINPUT:" + manifestFileName); }); } else { linkerOutputNativeFilePath = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators( FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.filePath) + "/intermediate." + primaryOutput.fileName); var manifestFileName = linkerOutputNativeFilePath + ".manifest"; linkerArgs.push('/MANIFEST', '/MANIFESTFILE:' + manifestFileName); manifestFileNames = [manifestFileName].concat(additionalManifestInputs); } } if (moduleDefinitionInputs.length === 1) linkerArgs.push("/DEF:" + moduleDefinitionInputs[0]); else if (moduleDefinitionInputs.length > 1) throw new Error("Only one '.def' file can be specified for linking"); var wholeArchiveSupported = linkerSupportsWholeArchive(product); var wholeArchiveRequested = false; var libDeps = collectLibraryDependencies(product); var prevLib; for (i = 0; i < libDeps.length; ++i) { var dep = libDeps[i]; var lib = dep.filePath; if (lib === prevLib) continue; prevLib = lib; if (wholeArchiveSupported && dep.wholeArchive) { // need to pass libraries to the driver to avoid "no input files" error if no object // files are specified; thus libraries are duplicated when using "WHOLEARCHIVE" if (useCompilerDriver && allInputs.length === 0) args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(lib)); linkerArgs.push("/WHOLEARCHIVE:" + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(lib)); } else { args.push(FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(lib)); } if (dep.wholeArchive) wholeArchiveRequested = true; } if (wholeArchiveRequested && !wholeArchiveSupported) { console.warn("Product '" + product.name + "' sets cpp.linkWholeArchive on a dependency, " + "but your linker does not support the /WHOLEARCHIVE option. " + "Please upgrade to Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 or higher."); } if (product.cpp.entryPoint) linkerArgs.push("/ENTRY:" + product.cpp.entryPoint); if (outputs.application && product.cpp.generateLinkerMapFile) { if (useLldLink) linkerArgs.push("/lldmap:" + outputs.mem_map[0].filePath); else linkerArgs.push("/MAP:" + outputs.mem_map[0].filePath); } if (useCompilerDriver) args.push('/Fe' + linkerOutputNativeFilePath); else linkerArgs.push('/OUT:' + linkerOutputNativeFilePath); var libraryPaths = Cpp.collectLibraryPaths(product); linkerArgs = linkerArgs.concat([].uniqueConcat(libraryPaths).map(function(path) { return product.cpp.libraryPathFlag + FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(path); })); handleDiscardProperty(product, linkerArgs); var linkerFlags = product.cpp.platformLinkerFlags.concat(product.cpp.linkerFlags); linkerArgs = linkerArgs.concat(linkerFlags); if (product.cpp.allowUnresolvedSymbols) linkerArgs.push("/FORCE:UNRESOLVED"); var wrapperArgs = product.cpp.linkerWrapper; if (wrapperArgs && wrapperArgs.length > 0) { args.unshift(linkerPath); linkerPath = wrapperArgs.shift(); args = wrapperArgs.concat(args); } var commands = []; var warningCmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); warningCmd.silent = true; warningCmd.libDeps = libDeps; warningCmd.sourceCode = function() { for (var i = 0; i < libDeps.length; ++i) { if (!libDeps[i].productName || File.exists(libDeps[i].filePath)) continue; console.warn("Import library '" + FileInfo.toNativeSeparators(libDeps[i].filePath) + "' does not exist. This typically happens when a DLL does not " + "export any symbols. Please make sure the '" + libDeps[i].productName + "' library exports symbols, or, if you do not intend to actually " + "link against it, specify \"cpp.link: false\" in the Depends item."); } }; commands.push(warningCmd); if (linkerArgs.length !== 0) args = args.concat(useCompilerDriver ? ['/link'] : []).concat(linkerArgs); var cmd = new Command(linkerPath, args) cmd.description = 'linking ' + primaryOutput.fileName; cmd.highlight = 'linker'; cmd.jobPool = "linker"; cmd.relevantEnvironmentVariables = ["LINK", "_LINK_", "LIB", "TMP"]; cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.filePath) cmd.responseFileUsagePrefix = '@'; cmd.responseFileSeparator = useCompilerDriver ? ' ' : '\n'; cmd.stdoutFilterFunction = function(output) { res = output.replace(/^.*performing full link.*\s*/, ""); res = res.replace(/^ *Creating library.*\s*/, ""); res = res.replace(/^\s*Generating code\s*/, ""); res = res.replace(/^\s*Finished generating code\s*/, ""); return res; }; commands.push(cmd); if (generateManifestFiles && !canEmbedManifest) { var outputNativeFilePath = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(primaryOutput.filePath); cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.src = linkerOutputNativeFilePath; cmd.dst = outputNativeFilePath; cmd.sourceCode = function() { File.copy(src, dst); } cmd.silent = true commands.push(cmd); args = ['/nologo', '/manifest'].concat(manifestFileNames); args.push("/outputresource:" + outputNativeFilePath + ";#" + (linkDLL ? "2" : "1")); cmd = new Command("mt.exe", args) cmd.description = 'embedding manifest into ' + primaryOutput.fileName; cmd.highlight = 'linker'; cmd.workingDirectory = FileInfo.path(primaryOutput.filePath) commands.push(cmd); } if (product.cpp.shouldSignArtifacts) { Array.prototype.push.apply( commands, Codesign.prepareSigntool( project, product, inputs, outputs, input, output)); } return commands; } function createRcCommand(binary, input, output, logo) { var platformDefines = input.cpp.platformDefines; var defines = input.cpp.defines; var includePaths = input.cpp.includePaths; var systemIncludePaths = input.cpp.systemIncludePaths; var args = []; if (logo === "can-suppress-logo") args.push("/nologo"); for (i in platformDefines) { args.push("/d"); args.push(platformDefines[i]); } for (i in defines) { args.push("/d"); args.push(defines[i]); } for (i in includePaths) { args.push("/I"); args.push(includePaths[i]); } for (i in systemIncludePaths) { args.push("/I"); args.push(systemIncludePaths[i]); } args = args.concat(["/FO", output.filePath, input.filePath]); var cmd = new Command(binary, args); cmd.description = 'compiling ' + input.fileName; cmd.highlight = 'compiler'; cmd.jobPool = "compiler"; if (logo === "always-shows-logo") { // Remove the first two lines of stdout. That's the logo. cmd.stdoutFilterFunction = function(output) { var idx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) idx = output.indexOf('\n', idx + 1); return output.substr(idx + 1); } } return cmd; }