/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing ** ** This file is part of Qbs. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further information ** use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 or version 3 as published by the Free ** Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPLv21 and ** LICENSE.LGPLv3 included in the packaging of this file. Please review the ** following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License ** requirements will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html and ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, The Qt Company gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in The Qt Company LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ var Environment = require("qbs.Environment"); var File = require("qbs.File"); var FileInfo = require("qbs.FileInfo"); var Process = require("qbs.Process"); var TemporaryDir = require("qbs.TemporaryDir"); var TextFile = require("qbs.TextFile"); var Utilities = require("qbs.Utilities"); function mergeCFiles(inputs, outputFilePath) { var f = new TextFile(outputFilePath, TextFile.WriteOnly); try { for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) f.writeLine('#include ' + Utilities.cStringQuote(inputs[i].filePath)); } finally { f.close(); } } function sanitizedList(list, product, fullPropertyName) { if (!(list instanceof Array)) return list; var filterFunc = function(elem) { if (typeof elem === "string" && elem.length === 0) { var msg = "Removing empty string from value of property '" + fullPropertyName + "'"; // product might actually be a module if (product.name) msg += " in product '" + product.name + "'."; console.warn(msg); return false; } return true; } return list.filter(filterFunc); } function checkCompatibilityMode(project, minimumQbsVersion, message) { if (Utilities.versionCompare(project.minimumQbsVersion || "1.3", minimumQbsVersion) < 0) { console.warn([message || "", "This message can be silenced by setting your Project's " + "minimumQbsVersion to " + minimumQbsVersion + " (and the new behavior will take effect)."].join(" ")); return true; } return false; } function artifactInstalledFilePath(artifact) { var relativeInstallDir = artifact.moduleProperty("qbs", "installDir"); var installPrefix = artifact.moduleProperty("qbs", "installPrefix"); var installSourceBase = artifact.moduleProperty("qbs", "installSourceBase"); var targetDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(artifact.moduleProperty("qbs", "installRoot"), installPrefix, relativeInstallDir); if (installSourceBase) { if (!FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(installSourceBase)) throw "installSourceBase is not an absolute path"; if (!artifact.filePath.startsWith(installSourceBase)) throw "artifact file path doesn't start with the value of qbs.installSourceBase"; return FileInfo.joinPaths(targetDir, artifact.filePath.substr(installSourceBase.length)); } return FileInfo.joinPaths(targetDir, artifact.fileName); } /** * Given a list of file tags, returns the file tag (one of [c, cpp, objc, objcpp]) * corresponding to the C-family language the file should be compiled as. * * If no such tag is found, undefined is returned. If more than one match is * found, an exception is thrown. */ function fileTagForTargetLanguage(fileTags) { var srcTags = ["c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp", "asm", "asm_cpp"]; var pchTags = ["c_pch", "cpp_pch", "objc_pch", "objcpp_pch"]; var canonicalTag = undefined; var foundTagCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < fileTags.length; ++i) { var idx = srcTags.indexOf(fileTags[i]); if (idx === -1) idx = pchTags.indexOf(fileTags[i]); if (idx !== -1) { canonicalTag = srcTags[idx]; if (++foundTagCount > 1) break; } } if (foundTagCount > 1) throw ("source files cannot be identified as more than one language"); return foundTagCount == 1 ? canonicalTag : undefined; } /** * Returns the name of a language-specific property given the file tag * for that property, and the base property name. * * If \a fileTag is undefined, the language-agnostic property name is returned. */ function languagePropertyName(propertyName, fileTag) { if (!fileTag) fileTag = "common"; var asm = { "flags": "assemblerFlags", "platformFlags": "platformAssemblerFlags" }; var map = { "c": { "flags": "cFlags", "platformFlags": "platformCFlags", "usePrecompiledHeader": "useCPrecompiledHeader" }, "cpp": { "flags": "cxxFlags", "platformFlags": "platformCxxFlags", "usePrecompiledHeader": "useCxxPrecompiledHeader" }, "objc": { "flags": "objcFlags", "platformFlags": "platformObjcFlags", "usePrecompiledHeader": "useObjcPrecompiledHeader" }, "objcpp": { "flags": "objcxxFlags", "platformFlags": "platformObjcxxFlags", "usePrecompiledHeader": "useObjcxxPrecompiledHeader" }, "common": { "flags": "commonCompilerFlags", "platformFlags": "platformCommonCompilerFlags" }, "asm": asm, "asm_cpp": asm }; var lang = map[fileTag]; if (!lang) return propertyName; return lang[propertyName] || propertyName; } function modulePropertiesFromArtifacts(product, artifacts, moduleName, propertyName, langFilter) { var result = product.moduleProperty( moduleName, languagePropertyName(propertyName, langFilter)) || []; for (var i in artifacts) { var artifactProp = artifacts[i].moduleProperty( moduleName, languagePropertyName(propertyName, langFilter)); if (artifactProp) result = result.concat(artifactProp); } return sanitizedList(result, product, moduleName + "." + propertyName); } function moduleProperty(product, propertyName, langFilter) { return sanitizedModuleProperty(product, product.moduleName, propertyName, langFilter); } function sanitizedModuleProperty(obj, moduleName, propertyName, langFilter) { return sanitizedList(obj.moduleProperty(moduleName, languagePropertyName(propertyName, langFilter)), obj, moduleName + "." + propertyName); } /** * Returns roughly the same value as moduleProperty for a product, but ensures that all of the * given input artifacts share the same value of said property, as a sort of sanity check. * * This allows us to verify that users do not, for example, try to set different values on input * artifacts for which the value is input specific (not product specific), but which must be the * same for all inputs. */ function modulePropertyFromArtifacts(product, artifacts, moduleName, propertyName, langFilter) { var values = [product.moduleProperty(moduleName, languagePropertyName(propertyName, langFilter))]; for (var i in artifacts) { var value = artifacts[i].moduleProperty(moduleName, languagePropertyName(propertyName, langFilter)); if (!values.contains(value)) { values.push(value); } } if (values.length !== 1) { throw "The value of " + [moduleName, propertyName].join(".") + " must be identical for the following input artifacts: " + artifacts.map(function (artifact) { return artifact.filePath; }); } return values[0]; } function concatAll() { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var arg = arguments[i]; if (arg === undefined) continue; else if (arg instanceof Array) result = result.concat(arg); else result.push(arg); } return result; } function allFileTags(fileTaggers) { var tags = []; for (var ext in fileTaggers) tags = tags.uniqueConcat(fileTaggers[ext]); return tags; } /** * Flattens a dictionary (string keys to strings) * into a string list containing items like \c key=value1 */ function flattenDictionary(dict, separator) { separator = separator || "="; var list = []; for (var i in dict) { var value = i; if (dict[i] !== undefined) // allow differentiation between undefined and empty string value += separator + dict[i]; list.push(value); } return list; } function ModuleError(message) { var e = new Error(message); e.fileName = ""; return e; } var EnvironmentVariable = (function () { function EnvironmentVariable(name, separator, convertPathSeparators) { if (!name) throw "EnvironmentVariable c'tor needs a name as first argument."; this.name = name; this.value = Environment.getEnv(name) || ""; this.separator = separator || ""; this.convertPathSeparators = convertPathSeparators || false; } EnvironmentVariable.prototype.prepend = function (v) { if (this.value.length > 0 && this.value.charAt(0) !== this.separator) this.value = this.separator + this.value; if (this.convertPathSeparators) v = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(v); this.value = v + this.value; }; EnvironmentVariable.prototype.append = function (v) { if (this.value.length > 0) this.value += this.separator; if (this.convertPathSeparators) v = FileInfo.toWindowsSeparators(v); this.value += v; }; EnvironmentVariable.prototype.set = function () { Environment.putEnv(this.name, this.value); }; EnvironmentVariable.prototype.unset = function () { Environment.unsetEnv(this.name); }; return EnvironmentVariable; })(); var PropertyValidator = (function () { function PropertyValidator(moduleName) { this.requiredProperties = {}; this.propertyValidators = []; if (!moduleName) throw "PropertyValidator c'tor needs a module name as a first argument."; this.moduleName = moduleName; } PropertyValidator.prototype.setRequiredProperty = function (propertyName, propertyValue, message) { this.requiredProperties[propertyName] = { propertyValue: propertyValue, message: message }; }; PropertyValidator.prototype.addRangeValidator = function (propertyName, propertyValue, min, max, allowFloats) { var message = []; if (min !== undefined) message.push(">= " + min); if (max !== undefined) message.push("<= " + max); this.addCustomValidator(propertyName, propertyValue, function (value) { if (typeof value !== "number") return false; if (!allowFloats && value % 1 !== 0) return false; if (min !== undefined && value < min) return false; if (max !== undefined && value > max) return false; return true; }, "must be " + (!allowFloats ? "an integer " : "") + message.join(" and ") + ", actual value: " + propertyValue); }; PropertyValidator.prototype.addVersionValidator = function (propertyName, propertyValue, minComponents, maxComponents, allowSuffixes) { if (minComponents !== undefined && (typeof minComponents !== "number" || minComponents % 1 !== 0 || minComponents < 1)) throw "minComponents must be at least 1"; if (maxComponents !== undefined && (typeof maxComponents !== "number" || maxComponents % 1 !== 0 || maxComponents < minComponents)) throw "maxComponents must be >= minComponents"; this.addCustomValidator(propertyName, propertyValue, function (value) { if (typeof value !== "string") return false; return value && value.match("^[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+){" + ((minComponents - 1) || 0) + "," + ((maxComponents - 1) || "") + "}" + (!allowSuffixes ? "$" : "")) !== null; }, "must be a version number with " + (minComponents === maxComponents ? minComponents : (minComponents + " to " + maxComponents)) + (minComponents === maxComponents && minComponents === 1 ? " component" : " components") + ", actual value: " + propertyValue); }; PropertyValidator.prototype.addFileNameValidator = function (propertyName, propertyValue) { this.addCustomValidator(propertyName, propertyValue, function (value) { return !/[/?<>\\:*|"\u0000-\u001f\u0080-\u009f]/.test(propertyValue) && propertyValue !== "." && propertyValue !== ".."; }, "cannot contain reserved or control characters and cannot be \".\" or \"..\""); }; PropertyValidator.prototype.addCustomValidator = function (propertyName, propertyValue, validator, message) { this.propertyValidators.push({ propertyName: propertyName, propertyValue: propertyValue, validator: validator, message: message }); }; PropertyValidator.prototype.validate = function (throwOnError) { var i; var lines; // Find any missing properties var missingProperties = {}; for (i in this.requiredProperties) { var propValue = this.requiredProperties[i].propertyValue; if (propValue === undefined || propValue === null || propValue === "") { missingProperties[i] = this.requiredProperties[i]; } } // Find any properties that don't satisfy their validator function var invalidProperties = {}; for (var j = 0; j < this.propertyValidators.length; ++j) { var v = this.propertyValidators[j]; if (!v.validator(v.propertyValue)) { var messages = invalidProperties[v.propertyName] || []; messages.push(v.message); invalidProperties[v.propertyName] = messages; } } var errorMessage = ""; if (Object.keys(missingProperties).length > 0) { errorMessage += "The following properties are not set. Set them in your profile or product:\n"; lines = []; for (i in missingProperties) { var obj = missingProperties[i]; lines.push(this.moduleName + "." + i + ((obj && obj.message) ? (": " + obj.message) : "")); } errorMessage += lines.join("\n"); } if (Object.keys(invalidProperties).length > 0) { if (errorMessage) errorMessage += "\n"; errorMessage += "The following properties have invalid values:\n"; lines = []; for (i in invalidProperties) { for (j = 0; j < invalidProperties[i].length; ++j) { lines.push(this.moduleName + "." + i + ": " + invalidProperties[i][j]); } } errorMessage += lines.join("\n"); } if (throwOnError !== false && errorMessage.length > 0) throw errorMessage; return errorMessage.length == 0; }; return PropertyValidator; })(); var BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker = (function () { function BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker() { } BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker.prototype.artifacts = function (outputDirectory) { var process; var fakeOutputDirectory; try { fakeOutputDirectory = new TemporaryDir(); if (!fakeOutputDirectory.isValid()) throw "could not create temporary directory"; process = new Process(); if (this.commandEnvironmentFunction) { var env = this.commandEnvironmentFunction(fakeOutputDirectory.path()); for (var key in env) process.setEnv(key, env[key]); } process.exec(this.command, this.commandArgsFunction(fakeOutputDirectory.path()), true); var artifacts = []; if (this.fileTaggers) { var files = this.findFiles(fakeOutputDirectory.path()); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) artifacts.push(this.createArtifact(fakeOutputDirectory.path(), files[i])); } if (this.processStdOutFunction) artifacts = artifacts.concat(this.processStdOutFunction(process.readStdOut())); artifacts = this.fixArtifactPaths(artifacts, outputDirectory, fakeOutputDirectory.path()); return artifacts; } finally { if (process) process.close(); if (fakeOutputDirectory) fakeOutputDirectory.remove(); } }; BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker.prototype.createArtifact = function (root, filePath) { for (var ext in this.fileTaggers) { if (filePath.endsWith(ext)) { return { filePath: filePath, fileTags: this.fileTaggers[ext] }; } } if (!this.defaultFileTags) { var relFilePath = (filePath.startsWith(root + '/') || filePath.startsWith(root + '\\')) ? filePath.substring(root.length + 1) : filePath; throw "BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker: no matching file taggers for path '" + relFilePath + "'. Set defaultFileTags to an array of file tags to " + "apply to files not tagged by the fileTaggers map, which was:\n" + JSON.stringify(this.fileTaggers, undefined, 4); } return { filePath: filePath, fileTags: this.defaultFileTags }; }; BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker.prototype.findFiles = function (dir) { var fileList = File.directoryEntries(dir, File.Files).map(function (p) { return FileInfo.joinPaths(dir, p); }); var dirList = File.directoryEntries(dir, File.Dirs | File.NoDotAndDotDot).map(function (p) { return FileInfo.joinPaths(dir, p); }); for (var i = 0; i < dirList.length; ++i) fileList = fileList.concat(this.findFiles(dirList[i])); return fileList; }; BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker.prototype.fixArtifactPaths = function (artifacts, realBasePath, fakeBasePath) { for (var i = 0; i < artifacts.length; ++i) artifacts[i].filePath = realBasePath + artifacts[i].filePath.substr(fakeBasePath.length); return artifacts; }; return BlackboxOutputArtifactTracker; })(); function hasAnyOf(m, tokens) { for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) { if (m[tokens[i]] !== undefined) return true; } } function guessArchitecture(m) { var architecture; if (m) { // based on the search algorithm from qprocessordetection.h in qtbase var arm64Defs = ["_M_ARM64", "__aarch64__", "__ARM64__"]; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__arm__", "__TARGET_ARCH_ARM", "_M_ARM"].concat(arm64Defs))) { if (hasAnyOf(m, arm64Defs)) { architecture = "arm64"; } else { architecture = "arm"; var foundSubarch = false; for (var i = 8; i >= 4; --i) { var codes = ["zk", "tej", "te", "t2"].concat([].concat.apply([], new Array(26)).map(function(_, i) { return String.fromCharCode(122 - i); })); for (var j = 0; j < codes.length; ++j) { if (m["__ARM_ARCH_" + i + codes[j].toUpperCase() + "__"] !== undefined) { architecture += "v" + i + codes[j].toLowerCase(); foundSubarch = true; break; } } if (i === 7 && m["_ARM_ARCH_7"] !== undefined) { architecture += "v7"; foundSubarch = true; } if (foundSubarch) break; } } } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__i386", "__i386__", "_M_IX86"])) { architecture = "x86"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__x86_64", "__x86_64__", "__amd64", "_M_X64", "_M_AMD64"])) { architecture = "x86_64"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__x86_64h", "__x86_64h__"])) architecture = "x86_64h"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__ia64", "__ia64__", "_M_IA64"])) { architecture = "ia64"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__mips", "__mips__", "_M_MRX000"])) { architecture = "mips"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64", "__mips64"])) architecture += "64"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__ppc__", "__ppc", "__powerpc__", "_ARCH_COM", "_ARCH_PWR", "_ARCH_PPC", "_M_MPPC", "_M_PPC"])) { architecture = "ppc"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__ppc64__", "__powerpc64__", "__64BIT__"])) architecture += "64"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__s390__"])) { if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__s390x__"])) architecture = "s390x"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__sparc__"])) { architecture = "sparc"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__sparc64__"])) architecture += "64"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__AVR__"])) { architecture = "avr"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__AVR32__"])) { architecture = "avr32"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__MSP430__"])) { architecture = "msp430"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__RL78__"])) { architecture = "rl78"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__RX__"])) { architecture = "rx"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__v850__"])) { architecture = "v850"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__riscv"])) { architecture = "riscv"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__xtensa__", "__XTENSA__"])) { architecture = "xtensa"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__m68k__"])) { architecture = "m68k"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__m32c__"])) { architecture = "m32c"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__m32r__", "__M32R__"])) { architecture = "m32r"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__sh__", "__SH__"])) { architecture = "sh"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__CR16__"])) { architecture = "cr16"; } else if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__mc68hc1x__", "__mc68hc1x"])) { architecture = "hcs12"; } } return Utilities.canonicalArchitecture(architecture); } function guessTargetPlatform(m) { if (m) { if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__ANDROID__", "ANDROID"])) return "android"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__QNXNTO__"])) return "qnx"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__INTEGRITY"])) return "integrity"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__vxworks"])) return "vxworks"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__APPLE__"])) return "darwin"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["WIN32", "_WIN32", "__WIN32__", "__NT__"])) return "windows"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["_AIX"])) return "aix"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["hpux", "__hpux"])) return "hpux"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__sun", "sun"])) return "solaris"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__linux__", "__linux"])) return "linux"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__FreeBSD__", "__DragonFly__", "__FreeBSD_kernel__"])) return "freebsd"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__NetBSD__"])) return "netbsd"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__OpenBSD__"])) return "openbsd"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__GNU__"])) return "hurd"; if (hasAnyOf(m, ["__HAIKU__"])) return "haiku"; } } function toJSLiteral(v) { if (v === undefined) return "undefined"; return JSON.stringify(v); }