# # Android SDK/NDK for testing Qbs # FROM ubuntu:focal LABEL Description="Ubuntu test environment for Qbs for Android" # Allow colored output on command line. ENV TERM=xterm-color # # Make it possible to change UID/GID in the entrypoint script. The docker # container usually runs as root user on Linux hosts. When the Docker container # mounts a folder on the host and creates files there, those files would be # owned by root instead of the current user. Thus we create a user here who's # UID will be changed in the entrypoint script to match the UID of the current # host user. # ARG USER_UID=1000 ARG USER_NAME=devel RUN apt-get update -qq && \ apt-get install -qq -y \ ca-certificates \ gosu \ sudo && \ groupadd -g ${USER_UID} ${USER_NAME} && \ useradd -s /bin/bash -u ${USER_UID} -g ${USER_NAME} -o -c "" -m ${USER_NAME} && \ usermod -a -G sudo ${USER_NAME} && \ echo "%devel ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers COPY docker/focal/entrypoint.sh /sbin/entrypoint.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/entrypoint.sh"] # Qbs build dependencies RUN apt-get update -qq && \ apt-get install -qq -y --no-install-recommends \ ca-certificates \ curl \ libasan5 \ libglib2.0-0 \ openjdk-8-jdk-headless \ p7zip-full \ unzip ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 RUN echo "export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" > /etc/profile.d/android.sh && \ echo "export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:\${PATH}" >> /etc/profile.d/android.sh ARG ANDROID_NDK_VERSION ENV ANDROID_HOME="/home/${USER_NAME}/android" ENV ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_HOME} ENV ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_HOME}/"ndk"/${ANDROID_NDK_VERSION} ENV PATH="${JAVA_HOME}:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/cmdline-tools/bin:$PATH" RUN echo "export ANDROID_HOME=/home/${USER_NAME}/android" >> /etc/profile.d/android.sh && \ echo "export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" >> /etc/profile.d/android.sh && \ echo "export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}" >> /etc/profile.d/android.sh && \ echo "export PATH=${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/cmdline-tools/bin:\$PATH" >> /etc/profile.d/android.sh # # We ned to run the following steps as the target user # USER ${USER_NAME} RUN mkdir ${ANDROID_HOME} # Get Android command line tools ARG COMMAND_LINE_TOOLS_VERSION="6858069" RUN curl -s https://dl.google.com/android/repository/commandlinetools-linux-${COMMAND_LINE_TOOLS_VERSION}_latest.zip > ${ANDROID_HOME}/commandlinetools.zip && \ unzip ${ANDROID_HOME}/commandlinetools.zip -d ${ANDROID_HOME} && \ rm -v ${ANDROID_HOME}/commandlinetools.zip # Accept SDK license ARG ANDROID_PLATFORM="android-29" ARG BUILD_TOOLS="29.0.2" RUN yes | sdkmanager "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME}" --verbose --licenses && \ sdkmanager "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME}" --update && \ sdkmanager "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME}" "platforms;${ANDROID_PLATFORM}" RUN yes | sdkmanager "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME}" "build-tools;${BUILD_TOOLS}" RUN yes | sdkmanager "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME}" "platform-tools" RUN yes | sdkmanager "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME}" "tools" RUN yes | sdkmanager "--sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME}" "ndk;${ANDROID_NDK_VERSION}" RUN /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/keytool -genkey -keystore /home/${USER_NAME}/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -dname 'CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US' # Install ndk samples in ${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}/samples RUN cd ${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT} && \ curl -sLO https://github.com/android/ndk-samples/archive/master.zip && \ unzip -q master.zip && \ rm -v master.zip && \ mv ndk-samples-master samples # Install android-BasicMediaDecoder in ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/samples RUN mkdir ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/samples && \ cd ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/samples && \ curl -sLO https://github.com/googlearchive/android-BasicMediaDecoder/archive/master.zip && \ unzip -q master.zip && \ rm -v master.zip && \ mv android-BasicMediaDecoder-master android-BasicMediaDecoder # Download buildtool to generate aab packages in ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT} RUN cd ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT} && \ curl -sLO https://github.com/google/bundletool/releases/download/1.3.0/bundletool-all-1.3.0.jar USER root