#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import textwrap import setuptools from setuptools.command.install import install here = os.path.dirname(__file__) package_data = dict( setuptools=['script (dev).tmpl', 'script.tmpl', 'site-patch.py'], ) force_windows_specific_files = ( os.environ.get("SETUPTOOLS_INSTALL_WINDOWS_SPECIFIC_FILES", "1").lower() not in ("", "0", "false", "no") ) include_windows_files = sys.platform == 'win32' or force_windows_specific_files if include_windows_files: package_data.setdefault('setuptools', []).extend(['*.exe']) package_data.setdefault('setuptools.command', []).extend(['*.xml']) def pypi_link(pkg_filename): """ Given the filename, including md5 fragment, construct the dependency link for PyPI. """ root = 'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source' name, sep, rest = pkg_filename.partition('-') parts = root, name[0], name, pkg_filename return '/'.join(parts) class install_with_pth(install): """ Custom install command to install a .pth file for distutils patching. This hack is necessary because there's no standard way to install behavior on startup (and it's debatable if there should be one). This hack (ab)uses the `extra_path` behavior in Setuptools to install a `.pth` file with implicit behavior on startup to give higher precedence to the local version of `distutils` over the version from the standard library. Please do not replicate this behavior. """ _pth_name = 'distutils-precedence' _pth_contents = textwrap.dedent(""" import os var = 'SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS' enabled = os.environ.get(var, 'local') == 'local' enabled and __import__('_distutils_hack').add_shim() """).lstrip().replace('\n', '; ') def initialize_options(self): install.initialize_options(self) self.extra_path = self._pth_name, self._pth_contents def finalize_options(self): install.finalize_options(self) self._restore_install_lib() def _restore_install_lib(self): """ Undo secondary effect of `extra_path` adding to `install_lib` """ suffix = os.path.relpath(self.install_lib, self.install_libbase) if suffix.strip() == self._pth_contents.strip(): self.install_lib = self.install_libbase setup_params = dict( cmdclass={'install': install_with_pth}, package_data=package_data, ) if __name__ == '__main__': # allow setup.py to run from another directory here and os.chdir(here) dist = setuptools.setup(**setup_params)