.PHONY: docs init: pip install -r requirements.txt test: # This runs all of the tests. To run an individual test, run py.test with # the -k flag, like "py.test -k test_path_is_not_double_encoded" py.test test_requests.py coverage: py.test --verbose --cov-report term --cov=requests test_requests.py ci: init py.test --junitxml=junit.xml certs: curl http://ci.kennethreitz.org/job/ca-bundle/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/cacerts.pem -o requests/cacert.pem deps: urllib3 chardet urllib3: git clone https://github.com/shazow/urllib3.git && rm -fr requests/packages/urllib3 && mv urllib3/urllib3 requests/packages/ && rm -fr urllib3 chardet: git clone https://github.com/chardet/chardet.git && rm -fr requests/packages/chardet && mv chardet/chardet requests/packages/ && rm -fr chardet publish: python setup.py register python setup.py sdist upload python setup.py bdist_wheel upload docs-init: pip install -r docs/requirements.txt docs: cd docs && make html @echo "\033[95m\n\nBuild successful! View the docs homepage at docs/_build/html/index.html.\n\033[0m"