############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """ Basic Page Template expression types. Expression objects are created by the :class:`.ExpressionEngine` (they must have previously been registered with :func:`~zope.tales.tales.ExpressionEngine.registerType`). The expression object itself is a callable object taking one argument, *econtext*, which is the local expression namespace. """ import re import sys import types import six from zope.interface import implementer from zope.tales.tales import _valid_name, _parse_expr, NAME_RE, Undefined from zope.tales.interfaces import ITALESExpression, ITALESFunctionNamespace Undefs = (Undefined, AttributeError, LookupError, TypeError) _marker = object() namespace_re = re.compile(r'(\w+):(.+)') PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 def simpleTraverse(object, path_items, econtext): """Traverses a sequence of names, first trying attributes then items. """ for name in path_items: next = getattr(object, name, _marker) if next is not _marker: object = next elif hasattr(object, '__getitem__'): object = object[name] else: # Allow AttributeError to propagate object = getattr(object, name) return object class SubPathExpr(object): """ Implementation of a single path expression. """ ALLOWED_BUILTINS = {} def __init__(self, path, traverser, engine): self._traverser = traverser self._engine = engine # Parse path compiledpath = [] currentpath = [] try: path = str(path) except Exception as e: raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'could not convert %r to `str`: %s: %s' % (path, e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) for element in path.strip().split('/'): if not element: raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'Path element may not be empty in %r' % path) if element.startswith('?'): if currentpath: compiledpath.append(tuple(currentpath)) currentpath = [] if not _valid_name(element[1:]): raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'Invalid variable name "%s"' % element[1:]) compiledpath.append(element[1:]) else: match = namespace_re.match(element) if match: if currentpath: compiledpath.append(tuple(currentpath)) currentpath = [] namespace, functionname = match.groups() if not _valid_name(namespace): raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'Invalid namespace name "%s"' % namespace) try: compiledpath.append( self._engine.getFunctionNamespace(namespace)) except KeyError: raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'Unknown namespace "%s"' % namespace) currentpath.append(functionname) else: currentpath.append(element) if currentpath: compiledpath.append(tuple(currentpath)) first = compiledpath[0] if callable(first): # check for initial function raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'Namespace function specified in first subpath element') elif isinstance(first, six.string_types): # check for initial ? raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'Dynamic name specified in first subpath element') base = first[0] if base and not _valid_name(base): raise engine.getCompilerError()( 'Invalid variable name "%s"' % base) self._base = base compiledpath[0] = first[1:] self._compiled_path = tuple(compiledpath) def _eval(self, econtext, isinstance=isinstance): vars = econtext.vars compiled_path = self._compiled_path base = self._base if base == 'CONTEXTS' or not base: # Special base name ob = econtext.contexts else: try: ob = vars[base] except KeyError: ob = self.ALLOWED_BUILTINS.get(base, _marker) if ob is _marker: raise if isinstance(ob, DeferWrapper): ob = ob() for element in compiled_path: if isinstance(element, tuple): ob = self._traverser(ob, element, econtext) elif isinstance(element, six.string_types): val = vars[element] # If the value isn't a string, assume it's a sequence # of path names. if isinstance(val, six.string_types): val = (val,) ob = self._traverser(ob, val, econtext) elif callable(element): ob = element(ob) # TODO: Once we have n-ary adapters, use them. if ITALESFunctionNamespace.providedBy(ob): ob.setEngine(econtext) else: raise ValueError(repr(element)) return ob @implementer(ITALESExpression) class PathExpr(object): """ One or more :class:`subpath expressions `, separated by ``|``. """ # _default_type_names contains the expression type names this # class is usually registered for. _default_type_names = ( 'standard', 'path', 'exists', 'nocall', ) SUBEXPR_FACTORY = SubPathExpr def __init__(self, name, expr, engine, traverser=simpleTraverse): self._s = expr self._name = name self._hybrid = False paths = expr.split('|') self._subexprs = [] add = self._subexprs.append for i, path in enumerate(paths): path = path.lstrip() if _parse_expr(path): # This part is the start of another expression type, # so glue it back together and compile it. add(engine.compile('|'.join(paths[i:]).lstrip())) self._hybrid = True break add(self.SUBEXPR_FACTORY(path, traverser, engine)._eval) def _exists(self, econtext): for expr in self._subexprs: try: expr(econtext) except Undefs: pass else: return 1 return 0 def _eval(self, econtext): for expr in self._subexprs[:-1]: # Try all but the last subexpression, skipping undefined ones. try: ob = expr(econtext) except Undefs: pass else: break else: # On the last subexpression allow exceptions through, and # don't autocall if the expression was not a subpath. ob = self._subexprs[-1](econtext) if self._hybrid: return ob if self._name == 'nocall': return ob # Call the object if it is callable. Note that checking for # callable() isn't safe because the object might be security # proxied (and security proxies report themselves callable, no # matter what the underlying object is). We therefore check # for the __call__ attribute, but not with hasattr as that # eats babies, err, exceptions. In addition to that, we # support calling old style classes which don't have a # __call__. if getattr(ob, '__call__', _marker) is not _marker: return ob() return ob() if PY2 and isinstance(ob, types.ClassType) else ob def __call__(self, econtext): if self._name == 'exists': return self._exists(econtext) return self._eval(econtext) def __str__(self): return '%s expression (%s)' % (self._name, repr(self._s)) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self._name, repr(self._s)) _interp = re.compile( r'\$(%(n)s)|\${(%(n)s(?:/[^}|]*)*(?:\|\s*%(n)s(?:/[^}|]*)*)*)}' % {'n': NAME_RE}) @implementer(ITALESExpression) class StringExpr(object): """ An expression that produces a string. Sub-sequences of the string that begin with ``$`` are interpreted as path expressions to evaluate. """ def __init__(self, name, expr, engine): self._s = expr if '%' in expr: expr = expr.replace('%', '%%') self._vars = vars = [] if '$' in expr: # Use whatever expr type is registered as "path". path_type = engine.getTypes()['path'] parts = [] for exp in expr.split('$$'): if parts: parts.append('$') m = _interp.search(exp) while m is not None: parts.append(exp[:m.start()]) parts.append('%s') vars.append(path_type( 'path', m.group(1) or m.group(2), engine)) exp = exp[m.end():] m = _interp.search(exp) if '$' in exp: raise engine.getCompilerError()( '$ must be doubled or followed by a simple path') parts.append(exp) expr = ''.join(parts) self._expr = expr def __call__(self, econtext): vvals = [] for var in self._vars: v = var(econtext) vvals.append(v) return self._expr % tuple(vvals) def __str__(self): return 'string expression (%s)' % repr(self._s) def __repr__(self): return '' % repr(self._s) @implementer(ITALESExpression) class NotExpr(object): """ An expression that negates the boolean value of its sub-expression. """ def __init__(self, name, expr, engine): self._s = expr = expr.lstrip() self._c = engine.compile(expr) def __call__(self, econtext): return int(not econtext.evaluateBoolean(self._c)) def __repr__(self): return '' % repr(self._s) class DeferWrapper(object): def __init__(self, expr, econtext): self._expr = expr self._econtext = econtext def __str__(self): return str(self()) def __call__(self): return self._expr(self._econtext) @implementer(ITALESExpression) class DeferExpr(object): """ An expression that will defer evaluation of the sub-expression until necessary, preserving the execution context it was created with. This is useful in ``tal:define`` expressions::
""" def __init__(self, name, expr, compiler): self._s = expr = expr.lstrip() self._c = compiler.compile(expr) def __call__(self, econtext): return DeferWrapper(self._c, econtext) def __repr__(self): return '' % repr(self._s) class LazyWrapper(DeferWrapper): """Wrapper for lazy: expression """ _result = _marker def __init__(self, expr, econtext): DeferWrapper.__init__(self, expr, econtext) def __call__(self): r = self._result if r is _marker: self._result = r = self._expr(self._econtext) return r class LazyExpr(DeferExpr): """ An expression that will defer evaluation of its sub-expression until the first time it is necessary. This is like :class:`DeferExpr`, but caches the result of evaluating the expression. """ def __call__(self, econtext): return LazyWrapper(self._c, econtext) def __repr__(self): return 'lazy:%s' % repr(self._s) class SimpleModuleImporter(object): """Minimal module importer with no security.""" def __getitem__(self, module): mod = self._get_toplevel_module(module) path = module.split('.') for name in path[1:]: mod = getattr(mod, name) return mod def _get_toplevel_module(self, module): # This can be overridden to add security proxies. return __import__(module)