############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Tests for XMLParser.py. """ import sys import unittest from zope.tal import xmlparser from zope.tal.tests import utils class EventCollector(xmlparser.XMLParser): def __init__(self): self.events = [] self.append = self.events.append xmlparser.XMLParser.__init__(self) self.parser.ordered_attributes = 1 def get_events(self): # Normalize the list of events so that buffer artefacts don't # separate runs of contiguous characters. L = [] prevtype = None for event in self.events: type = event[0] if type == prevtype == "data": L[-1] = ("data", L[-1][1] + event[1]) else: L.append(event) prevtype = type self.events = L return L # structure markup def StartElementHandler(self, tag, attrs): self.append(("starttag", tag, attrs)) def EndElementHandler(self, tag): self.append(("endtag", tag)) # all other markup def CommentHandler(self, data): self.append(("comment", data)) def handle_charref(self, data): self.append(("charref", data)) def CharacterDataHandler(self, data): self.append(("data", data)) def StartDoctypeDeclHandler(self, rootelem, publicId, systemId, subset): self.append(("doctype", rootelem, systemId, publicId, subset)) def XmlDeclHandler(self, version, encoding, standalone): self.append(("decl", version, encoding, standalone)) def ExternalEntityRefHandler(self, data): self.append(("entityref", data)) def ProcessingInstructionHandler(self, target, data): self.append(("pi", target, data)) class EventCollectorExtra(EventCollector): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): EventCollector.handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs) self.append(("starttag_text", self.get_starttag_text())) class SegmentedFile(object): def __init__(self, parts): self.parts = list(parts) def read(self, nbytes=None): if nbytes is None: # PyPy's expat wants to read everything in one go s = b''.join(self.parts) del self.parts[:] elif self.parts: s = self.parts.pop(0) else: s = b'' return s class XMLParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def _run_check(self, source, events, collector=EventCollector): parser = collector() if isinstance(source, list): parser.parseStream(SegmentedFile(source)) else: parser.parseString(source) self.assertEqual(parser.get_events(), events) def _run_check_extra(self, source, events): self._run_check(source, events, EventCollectorExtra) def _parse_error(self, source): def parse(source=source): parser = xmlparser.XMLParser() parser.parseString(source) self.assertRaises(xmlparser.XMLParseError, parse) def test_processing_instruction_plus(self): self._run_check("", [ ("pi", "processing", "instruction"), ("starttag", "a", []), ("endtag", "a"), ]) def _check_simple_html(self): self._run_check("""\ &entity; sample text """, [ ("decl", "1.0", "iso-8859-1", -1), ("doctype", "html", "foo", "bar", 0), ("starttag", "html", []), # ("entityref", "entity"), ("data", " \n"), ("comment", "comment1a\n-><", [ ("starttag", "a", []), ("starttag", "b", []), ("endtag", "a"), ("endtag", "b"), ]) except: e = sys.exc_info()[1] self.assertEqual(e.lineno, 1, "did not receive correct position information") else: self.fail("expected parse error: bad nesting") def test_attr_syntax(self): output = [ ("starttag", "a", ["b", "v", "c", "v"]), ("endtag", "a"), ] self._run_check("""""", output) self._run_check("""""", output) self._run_check("""""", output) self._run_check("""""", output) def test_attr_values(self): self._run_check("""""", [("starttag", "a", ["b", "xxx xxx", "c", "yyy yyy", "d", " xyz "]), ("endtag", "a"), ]) self._run_check("""""", [ ("starttag", "a", ["b", "", "c", "", "d", ""]), ("endtag", "a"), ]) def test_attr_entity_replacement(self): self._run_check("""""", [ ("starttag", "a", ["b", "&><\"'"]), ("endtag", "a"), ]) def test_attr_funky_names(self): self._run_check("""""", [ ("starttag", "a", ["a.b", "v", "e-f", "v"]), ("endtag", "a"), ]) def test_starttag_end_boundary(self): self._run_check("""""", [ ("starttag", "a", ["b", "<"]), ("endtag", "a"), ]) self._run_check("""""", [ ("starttag", "a", ["b", ">"]), ("endtag", "a"), ]) def test_buffer_artefacts(self): output = [("starttag", "a", ["b", "<"]), ("endtag", "a")] self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) output = [("starttag", "a", ["b", ">"]), ("endtag", "a")] self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) self._run_check([b""], output) def test_starttag_junk_chars(self): self._parse_error("<") self._parse_error("<>") self._parse_error("") self._parse_error("") self._parse_error("") self._parse_error("") self._parse_error("<$") self._parse_error("<$>") self._parse_error("") self._parse_error("'") self._parse_error("\xe4\xf6\xfc\xdf

', output) # Support for the Zope regression test framework: def test_suite(skipxml=utils.skipxml): if skipxml: return unittest.TestSuite() else: return unittest.makeSuite(XMLParserTestCase)