############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Interpreter for a pre-compiled TAL program. $Id$ """ import cgi import sys from zope.i18nmessageid import Message from zope.tal.taldefs import quote, TAL_VERSION, METALError from zope.tal.taldefs import isCurrentVersion from zope.tal.taldefs import getProgramVersion, getProgramMode from zope.tal.translationcontext import TranslationContext from zope.tal.alttalgenerator import AltTALGenerator # Avoid constructing this tuple over and over I18nMessageTypes = (Message,) TypesToTranslate = I18nMessageTypes + (str, unicode) BOOLEAN_HTML_ATTRS = frozenset([ # List of Boolean attributes in HTML that should be rendered in # minimized form (e.g. rather than ) # From http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#guidelines (C.10) # TODO: The problem with this is that this is not valid XML and # can't be parsed back! "compact", "nowrap", "ismap", "declare", "noshade", "checked", "disabled", "readonly", "multiple", "selected", "noresize", "defer" ]) _nulljoin = ''.join _spacejoin = ' '.join def normalize(text): # Now we need to normalize the whitespace in implicit message ids and # implicit $name substitution values by stripping leading and trailing # whitespace, and folding all internal whitespace to a single space. return _spacejoin(text.split()) class MacroStackItem(object): def __init__(self, macroName, slots, definingName, extending, entering, i18nContext): self.macroName = macroName self.slots = slots self.definingName = definingName self.extending = extending self.entering = entering self.i18nContext = i18nContext class TALInterpreter(object): """TAL interpreter. Some notes on source annotations. They are HTML/XML comments added to the output whenever sourceFile is changed by a setSourceFile bytecode. Source annotations are disabled by default, but you can turn them on by passing a sourceAnnotations argument to the constructor. You can change the format of the annotations by overriding formatSourceAnnotation in a subclass. The output of the annotation is delayed until some actual text is output for two reasons: 1. setPosition bytecode follows setSourceFile, and we need position information to output the line number. 2. Comments are not allowed in XML documents before the declaration. For performance reasons (TODO: premature optimization?) instead of checking the value of _pending_source_annotation on every write to the output stream, the _stream_write attribute is changed to point to _annotated_stream_write method whenever _pending_source_annotation is set to True, and to _stream.write when it is False. The following invariant always holds: if self._pending_source_annotation: assert self._stream_write is self._annotated_stream_write else: assert self._stream_write is self.stream.write """ def __init__(self, program, macros, engine, stream=None, debug=0, wrap=60, metal=1, tal=1, showtal=-1, strictinsert=1, stackLimit=100, i18nInterpolate=1, sourceAnnotations=0, altgenclass=AltTALGenerator): """Create a TAL interpreter. Optional arguments: stream -- output stream (defaults to sys.stdout). debug -- enable debugging output to sys.stderr (off by default). wrap -- try to wrap attributes on opening tags to this number of column (default: 60). metal -- enable METAL macro processing (on by default). tal -- enable TAL processing (on by default). showtal -- do not strip away TAL directives. A special value of -1 (which is the default setting) enables showtal when TAL processing is disabled, and disables showtal when TAL processing is enabled. Note that you must use 0, 1, or -1; true boolean values are not supported (TODO: why?). strictinsert -- enable TAL processing and stricter HTML/XML checking on text produced by structure inserts (on by default). Note that Zope turns this value off by default. stackLimit -- set macro nesting limit (default: 100). i18nInterpolate -- enable i18n translations (default: on). sourceAnnotations -- enable source annotations with HTML comments (default: off). """ self.program = program self.engine = engine # Execution engine (aka context) self.Default = engine.getDefault() self._pending_source_annotation = False self._currentTag = "" self._stream_stack = [stream or sys.stdout] self.popStream() self.debug = debug self.wrap = wrap self.metal = metal self.tal = tal if tal: self.dispatch = self.bytecode_handlers_tal else: self.dispatch = self.bytecode_handlers assert showtal in (-1, 0, 1) if showtal == -1: showtal = (not tal) self.showtal = showtal self.strictinsert = strictinsert self.stackLimit = stackLimit self.html = 0 self.endsep = "/>" self.endlen = len(self.endsep) # macroStack entries are MacroStackItem instances; # the entries are mutated while on the stack self.macroStack = [] # `inUseDirective` is set iff we're handling either a # metal:use-macro or a metal:extend-macro self.inUseDirective = False self.position = None, None # (lineno, offset) self.col = 0 self.level = 0 self.scopeLevel = 0 self.sourceFile = None self.i18nStack = [] self.i18nInterpolate = i18nInterpolate self.i18nContext = TranslationContext() self.sourceAnnotations = sourceAnnotations self.altgenclass = altgenclass def StringIO(self): # Third-party products wishing to provide a full Unicode-aware # StringIO can do so by monkey-patching this method. return FasterStringIO() def saveState(self): return (self.position, self.col, self.stream, self._stream_stack, self.scopeLevel, self.level, self.i18nContext) def restoreState(self, state): (self.position, self.col, self.stream, self._stream_stack, scopeLevel, level, i18n) = state if self._pending_source_annotation: self._stream_write = self._annotated_stream_write else: self._stream_write = self.stream.write assert self.level == level while self.scopeLevel > scopeLevel: self.engine.endScope() self.scopeLevel = self.scopeLevel - 1 self.engine.setPosition(self.position) self.i18nContext = i18n def restoreOutputState(self, state): (dummy, self.col, self.stream, self._stream_stack, scopeLevel, level, i18n) = state if self._pending_source_annotation: self._stream_write = self._annotated_stream_write else: self._stream_write = self.stream.write assert self.level == level assert self.scopeLevel == scopeLevel def pushMacro(self, macroName, slots, definingName, extending): if len(self.macroStack) >= self.stackLimit: raise METALError("macro nesting limit (%d) exceeded " "by %s" % (self.stackLimit, `macroName`)) self.macroStack.append( MacroStackItem(macroName, slots, definingName, extending, True, self.i18nContext)) def popMacro(self): return self.macroStack.pop() def __call__(self): assert self.level == 0 assert self.scopeLevel == 0 assert self.i18nContext.parent is None self.interpret(self.program) assert self.level == 0 assert self.scopeLevel == 0 assert self.i18nContext.parent is None if self.col > 0: self._stream_write("\n") self.col = 0 def pushStream(self, newstream): self._stream_stack.append(self.stream) self.stream = newstream if self._pending_source_annotation: self._stream_write = self._annotated_stream_write else: self._stream_write = self.stream.write def popStream(self): self.stream = self._stream_stack.pop() if self._pending_source_annotation: self._stream_write = self._annotated_stream_write else: self._stream_write = self.stream.write def _annotated_stream_write(self, s): idx = s.find('= 0 or s.isspace(): # Do not preprend comments in front of the declaration. end_of_doctype = s.find('?>', idx) if end_of_doctype > idx: self.stream.write(s[:end_of_doctype+2]) s = s[end_of_doctype+2:] # continue else: self.stream.write(s) return self._pending_source_annotation = False self._stream_write = self.stream.write self._stream_write(self.formatSourceAnnotation()) self._stream_write(s) def formatSourceAnnotation(self): lineno = self.position[0] if lineno is None: location = self.sourceFile else: location = '%s (line %s)' % (self.sourceFile, lineno) sep = '=' * 78 return '' % (sep, location, sep) def stream_write(self, s, len=len): self._stream_write(s) i = s.rfind('\n') if i < 0: self.col = self.col + len(s) else: self.col = len(s) - (i + 1) bytecode_handlers = {} def interpret(self, program): oldlevel = self.level self.level = oldlevel + 1 handlers = self.dispatch try: if self.debug: for (opcode, args) in program: s = "%sdo_%s(%s)\n" % (" "*self.level, opcode, repr(args)) if len(s) > 80: s = s[:76] + "...\n" sys.stderr.write(s) handlers[opcode](self, args) else: for (opcode, args) in program: handlers[opcode](self, args) finally: self.level = oldlevel def do_version(self, version): assert version == TAL_VERSION bytecode_handlers["version"] = do_version def do_mode(self, mode): assert mode in ("html", "xml") self.html = (mode == "html") if self.html: self.endsep = " />" else: self.endsep = "/>" self.endlen = len(self.endsep) bytecode_handlers["mode"] = do_mode def do_setSourceFile(self, source_file): self.sourceFile = source_file self.engine.setSourceFile(source_file) if self.sourceAnnotations: self._pending_source_annotation = True self._stream_write = self._annotated_stream_write bytecode_handlers["setSourceFile"] = do_setSourceFile def do_setPosition(self, position): self.position = position self.engine.setPosition(position) bytecode_handlers["setPosition"] = do_setPosition def do_startEndTag(self, stuff): self.do_startTag(stuff, self.endsep, self.endlen) bytecode_handlers["startEndTag"] = do_startEndTag def do_startTag(self, (name, attrList), end=">", endlen=1, _len=len): # The bytecode generator does not cause calls to this method # for start tags with no attributes; those are optimized down # to rawtext events. Hence, there is no special "fast path" # for that case. self._currentTag = name L = ["<", name] append = L.append col = self.col + _len(name) + 1 wrap = self.wrap align = col + 1 if align >= wrap/2: align = 4 # Avoid a narrow column far to the right attrAction = self.dispatch[""] try: for item in attrList: if _len(item) == 2: rendered = item[1:] else: # item[2] is the 'action' field: if item[2] in ('metal', 'tal', 'xmlns', 'i18n'): if not self.showtal: continue rendered = self.attrAction(item) else: rendered = attrAction(self, item) if not rendered: continue for s in rendered: slen = _len(s) if (wrap and col >= align and col + 1 + slen > wrap): append("\n") append(" "*align) col = align + slen else: append(" ") col = col + 1 + slen append(s) append(end) col = col + endlen finally: self._stream_write(_nulljoin(L)) self.col = col bytecode_handlers["startTag"] = do_startTag def attrAction(self, item): name, value, action = item[:3] if action == 'insert': return () macs = self.macroStack if action == 'metal' and self.metal and macs: # Drop all METAL attributes at a use-depth beyond the first # use-macro and its extensions if len(macs) > 1: for macro in macs[1:]: if not macro.extending: return () if not macs[-1].entering: return () macs[-1].entering = False # Convert or drop depth-one METAL attributes. i = name.rfind(":") + 1 prefix, suffix = name[:i], name[i:] if suffix == "define-macro": # Convert define-macro as we enter depth one. useName = macs[0].macroName defName = macs[0].definingName res = [] if defName: res.append('%sdefine-macro=%s' % (prefix, quote(defName))) if useName: res.append('%suse-macro=%s' % (prefix, quote(useName))) return res elif suffix == "define-slot": name = prefix + "fill-slot" elif suffix == "fill-slot": pass else: return () if value is None: value = name else: value = "%s=%s" % (name, quote(value)) return [value] def attrAction_tal(self, item): name, value, action = item[:3] ok = 1 expr, xlat, msgid = item[3:] if self.html and name.lower() in BOOLEAN_HTML_ATTRS: evalue = self.engine.evaluateBoolean(item[3]) if evalue is self.Default: if action == 'insert': # Cancelled insert ok = 0 elif evalue: value = None else: ok = 0 elif expr is not None: evalue = self.engine.evaluateText(item[3]) if evalue is self.Default: if action == 'insert': # Cancelled insert ok = 0 else: if evalue is None: ok = 0 value = evalue if ok: if xlat: translated = self.translate(msgid or value, value) if translated is not None: value = translated elif isinstance(value, I18nMessageTypes): translated = self.translate(value) if translated is not None: value = translated if value is None: value = name return ["%s=%s" % (name, quote(value))] else: return () bytecode_handlers[""] = attrAction def no_tag(self, start, program): state = self.saveState() self.stream = stream = self.StringIO() self._stream_write = stream.write self.interpret(start) self.restoreOutputState(state) self.interpret(program) def do_optTag(self, (name, cexpr, tag_ns, isend, start, program), omit=0): if tag_ns and not self.showtal: return self.no_tag(start, program) self.interpret(start) if not isend: self.interpret(program) s = '' % name self._stream_write(s) self.col = self.col + len(s) def do_optTag_tal(self, stuff): cexpr = stuff[1] if cexpr is not None and (cexpr == '' or self.engine.evaluateBoolean(cexpr)): self.no_tag(stuff[-2], stuff[-1]) else: self.do_optTag(stuff) bytecode_handlers["optTag"] = do_optTag def do_rawtextBeginScope(self, (s, col, position, closeprev, dict)): self._stream_write(s) self.col = col self.do_setPosition(position) if closeprev: engine = self.engine engine.endScope() engine.beginScope() else: self.engine.beginScope() self.scopeLevel = self.scopeLevel + 1 def do_rawtextBeginScope_tal(self, (s, col, position, closeprev, dict)): self._stream_write(s) self.col = col engine = self.engine self.position = position engine.setPosition(position) if closeprev: engine.endScope() engine.beginScope() else: engine.beginScope() self.scopeLevel = self.scopeLevel + 1 engine.setLocal("attrs", dict) bytecode_handlers["rawtextBeginScope"] = do_rawtextBeginScope def do_beginScope(self, dict): self.engine.beginScope() self.scopeLevel = self.scopeLevel + 1 def do_beginScope_tal(self, dict): engine = self.engine engine.beginScope() engine.setLocal("attrs", dict) self.scopeLevel = self.scopeLevel + 1 bytecode_handlers["beginScope"] = do_beginScope def do_endScope(self, notused=None): self.engine.endScope() self.scopeLevel = self.scopeLevel - 1 bytecode_handlers["endScope"] = do_endScope def do_setLocal(self, notused): pass def do_setLocal_tal(self, (name, expr)): self.engine.setLocal(name, self.engine.evaluateValue(expr)) bytecode_handlers["setLocal"] = do_setLocal def do_setGlobal_tal(self, (name, expr)): self.engine.setGlobal(name, self.engine.evaluateValue(expr)) bytecode_handlers["setGlobal"] = do_setLocal def do_beginI18nContext(self, settings): get = settings.get self.i18nContext = TranslationContext(self.i18nContext, domain=get("domain"), source=get("source"), target=get("target")) bytecode_handlers["beginI18nContext"] = do_beginI18nContext def do_endI18nContext(self, notused=None): self.i18nContext = self.i18nContext.parent assert self.i18nContext is not None bytecode_handlers["endI18nContext"] = do_endI18nContext def do_insertText(self, stuff): self.interpret(stuff[1]) bytecode_handlers["insertText"] = do_insertText bytecode_handlers["insertI18nText"] = do_insertText def _writeText(self, text): # '&' must be done first! s = text.replace( "&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") self._stream_write(s) i = s.rfind('\n') if i < 0: self.col += len(s) else: self.col = len(s) - (i + 1) def do_insertText_tal(self, stuff): text = self.engine.evaluateText(stuff[0]) if text is None: return if text is self.Default: self.interpret(stuff[1]) return if isinstance(text, I18nMessageTypes): # Translate this now. text = self.translate(text) self._writeText(text) def do_insertI18nText_tal(self, stuff): # TODO: Code duplication is BAD, we need to fix it later text = self.engine.evaluateText(stuff[0]) if text is not None: if text is self.Default: self.interpret(stuff[1]) else: if isinstance(text, TypesToTranslate): text = self.translate(text) self._writeText(text) def do_i18nVariable(self, stuff): varname, program, expression, structure = stuff if expression is None: # The value is implicitly the contents of this tag, so we have to # evaluate the mini-program to get the value of the variable. state = self.saveState() try: tmpstream = self.StringIO() self.pushStream(tmpstream) try: self.interpret(program) finally: self.popStream() if self.html and self._currentTag == "pre": value = tmpstream.getvalue() else: value = normalize(tmpstream.getvalue()) finally: self.restoreState(state) else: # TODO: Seems like this branch not used anymore, we # need to remove it # Evaluate the value to be associated with the variable in the # i18n interpolation dictionary. if structure: value = self.engine.evaluateStructure(expression) else: value = self.engine.evaluate(expression) # evaluate() does not do any I18n, so we do it here. if isinstance(value, I18nMessageTypes): # Translate this now. value = self.translate(value) if not structure: value = cgi.escape(unicode(value)) # Either the i18n:name tag is nested inside an i18n:translate in which # case the last item on the stack has the i18n dictionary and string # representation, or the i18n:name and i18n:translate attributes are # in the same tag, in which case the i18nStack will be empty. In that # case we can just output the ${name} to the stream i18ndict, srepr = self.i18nStack[-1] i18ndict[varname] = value placeholder = '${%s}' % varname srepr.append(placeholder) self._stream_write(placeholder) bytecode_handlers['i18nVariable'] = do_i18nVariable def do_insertTranslation(self, stuff): i18ndict = {} srepr = [] obj = None self.i18nStack.append((i18ndict, srepr)) msgid = stuff[0] # We need to evaluate the content of the tag because that will give us # several useful pieces of information. First, the contents will # include an implicit message id, if no explicit one was given. # Second, it will evaluate any i18nVariable definitions in the body of # the translation (necessary for $varname substitutions). # # Use a temporary stream to capture the interpretation of the # subnodes, which should /not/ go to the output stream. currentTag = self._currentTag tmpstream = self.StringIO() self.pushStream(tmpstream) try: self.interpret(stuff[1]) finally: self.popStream() # We only care about the evaluated contents if we need an implicit # message id. All other useful information will be in the i18ndict on # the top of the i18nStack. default = tmpstream.getvalue() if not msgid: if self.html and currentTag == "pre": msgid = default else: msgid = normalize(default) self.i18nStack.pop() # See if there is was an i18n:data for msgid if len(stuff) > 2: obj = self.engine.evaluate(stuff[2]) xlated_msgid = self.translate(msgid, default, i18ndict, obj) # TODO: I can't decide whether we want to cgi escape the translated # string or not. OTOH not doing this could introduce a cross-site # scripting vector by allowing translators to sneak JavaScript into # translations. OTOH, for implicit interpolation values, we don't # want to escape stuff like ${name} <= "Timmy". assert xlated_msgid is not None self._stream_write(xlated_msgid) bytecode_handlers['insertTranslation'] = do_insertTranslation def do_insertStructure(self, stuff): self.interpret(stuff[2]) bytecode_handlers["insertStructure"] = do_insertStructure bytecode_handlers["insertI18nStructure"] = do_insertStructure def do_insertStructure_tal(self, (expr, repldict, block)): structure = self.engine.evaluateStructure(expr) if structure is None: return if structure is self.Default: self.interpret(block) return if isinstance(structure, I18nMessageTypes): text = self.translate(structure) else: text = unicode(structure) if not (repldict or self.strictinsert): # Take a shortcut, no error checking self.stream_write(text) return if self.html: self.insertHTMLStructure(text, repldict) else: self.insertXMLStructure(text, repldict) def do_insertI18nStructure_tal(self, (expr, repldict, block)): # TODO: Code duplication is BAD, we need to fix it later structure = self.engine.evaluateStructure(expr) if structure is not None: if structure is self.Default: self.interpret(block) else: if not isinstance(structure, TypesToTranslate): structure = unicode(structure) text = self.translate(structure) if not (repldict or self.strictinsert): # Take a shortcut, no error checking self.stream_write(text) elif self.html: self.insertHTMLStructure(text, repldict) else: self.insertXMLStructure(text, repldict) def insertHTMLStructure(self, text, repldict): from zope.tal.htmltalparser import HTMLTALParser gen = self.altgenclass(repldict, self.engine, 0) p = HTMLTALParser(gen) # Raises an exception if text is invalid p.parseString(text) program, macros = p.getCode() self.interpret(program) def insertXMLStructure(self, text, repldict): from zope.tal.talparser import TALParser gen = self.altgenclass(repldict, self.engine, 0) p = TALParser(gen) gen.enable(0) p.parseFragment('') gen.enable(1) p.parseFragment(text) # Raises an exception if text is invalid gen.enable(0) p.parseFragment('', 1) program, macros = gen.getCode() self.interpret(program) def do_evaluateCode(self, stuff): lang, program = stuff # Use a temporary stream to capture the interpretation of the # subnodes, which should /not/ go to the output stream. tmpstream = self.StringIO() self.pushStream(tmpstream) try: self.interpret(program) finally: self.popStream() code = tmpstream.getvalue() output = self.engine.evaluateCode(lang, code) self._stream_write(output) bytecode_handlers["evaluateCode"] = do_evaluateCode def do_loop(self, (name, expr, block)): self.interpret(block) def do_loop_tal(self, (name, expr, block)): iterator = self.engine.setRepeat(name, expr) while iterator.next(): self.interpret(block) bytecode_handlers["loop"] = do_loop def translate(self, msgid, default=None, i18ndict=None, obj=None, domain=None): if default is None: default = getattr(msgid, 'default', unicode(msgid)) if i18ndict is None: i18ndict = {} if domain is None: domain = getattr(msgid, 'domain', self.i18nContext.domain) if obj: i18ndict.update(obj) if not self.i18nInterpolate: return msgid # TODO: We need to pass in one of context or target_language return self.engine.translate(msgid, self.i18nContext.domain, i18ndict, default=default) def do_rawtextColumn(self, (s, col)): self._stream_write(s) self.col = col bytecode_handlers["rawtextColumn"] = do_rawtextColumn def do_rawtextOffset(self, (s, offset)): self._stream_write(s) self.col = self.col + offset bytecode_handlers["rawtextOffset"] = do_rawtextOffset def do_condition(self, (condition, block)): if not self.tal or self.engine.evaluateBoolean(condition): self.interpret(block) bytecode_handlers["condition"] = do_condition def do_defineMacro(self, (macroName, macro)): wasInUse = self.inUseDirective self.inUseDirective = False self.interpret(macro) self.inUseDirective = wasInUse bytecode_handlers["defineMacro"] = do_defineMacro def do_useMacro(self, (macroName, macroExpr, compiledSlots, block), definingName=None, extending=False): if not self.metal: self.interpret(block) return macro = self.engine.evaluateMacro(macroExpr) if macro is self.Default: macro = block else: if not isCurrentVersion(macro): raise METALError("macro %s has incompatible version %s" % (`macroName`, `getProgramVersion(macro)`), self.position) mode = getProgramMode(macro) if mode != (self.html and "html" or "xml"): raise METALError("macro %s has incompatible mode %s" % (`macroName`, `mode`), self.position) self.pushMacro(macroName, compiledSlots, definingName, extending) # We want 'macroname' name to be always available as a variable outer = self.engine.getValue('macroname') self.engine.setLocal('macroname', macroName.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]) prev_source = self.sourceFile wasInUse = self.inUseDirective self.inUseDirective = True self.interpret(macro) self.inUseDirective = wasInUse if self.sourceFile != prev_source: self.engine.setSourceFile(prev_source) self.sourceFile = prev_source self.popMacro() # Push the outer macroname again. self.engine.setLocal('macroname', outer) bytecode_handlers["useMacro"] = do_useMacro def do_extendMacro(self, (macroName, macroExpr, compiledSlots, block, definingName)): # extendMacro results from a combination of define-macro and # use-macro. definingName has the value of the # metal:define-macro attribute. extending = self.metal and self.inUseDirective self.do_useMacro((macroName, macroExpr, compiledSlots, block), definingName, extending) bytecode_handlers["extendMacro"] = do_extendMacro def do_fillSlot(self, (slotName, block)): # This is only executed if the enclosing 'use-macro' evaluates # to 'default'. self.interpret(block) bytecode_handlers["fillSlot"] = do_fillSlot def do_defineSlot(self, (slotName, block)): if not self.metal: self.interpret(block) return macs = self.macroStack if macs: len_macs = len(macs) # Measure the extension depth of this use-macro depth = 1 while depth < len_macs: if macs[-depth].extending: depth += 1 else: break # Search for a slot filler from the most specific to the # most general macro. The most general is at the top of # the stack. slot = None i = len_macs - 1 while i >= (len_macs - depth): slot = macs[i].slots.get(slotName) if slot is not None: break i -= 1 if slot is not None: # Found a slot filler. Temporarily chop the macro # stack starting at the macro that filled the slot and # render the slot filler. chopped = macs[i:] del macs[i:] try: self.interpret(slot) finally: # Restore the stack entries. for mac in chopped: mac.entering = False # Not entering macs.extend(chopped) return # Falling out of the 'if' allows the macro to be interpreted. self.interpret(block) bytecode_handlers["defineSlot"] = do_defineSlot def do_onError(self, (block, handler)): self.interpret(block) def do_onError_tal(self, (block, handler)): state = self.saveState() self.stream = stream = self.StringIO() self._stream_write = stream.write try: self.interpret(block) # TODO: this should not catch ZODB.POSException.ConflictError. # The ITALExpressionEngine interface should provide a way of # getting the set of exception types that should not be # handled. except: exc = sys.exc_info()[1] self.restoreState(state) engine = self.engine engine.beginScope() error = engine.createErrorInfo(exc, self.position) engine.setLocal('error', error) try: self.interpret(handler) finally: engine.endScope() else: self.restoreOutputState(state) self.stream_write(stream.getvalue()) bytecode_handlers["onError"] = do_onError bytecode_handlers_tal = bytecode_handlers.copy() bytecode_handlers_tal["rawtextBeginScope"] = do_rawtextBeginScope_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["beginScope"] = do_beginScope_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["setLocal"] = do_setLocal_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["setGlobal"] = do_setGlobal_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["insertStructure"] = do_insertStructure_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["insertI18nStructure"] = do_insertI18nStructure_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["insertText"] = do_insertText_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["insertI18nText"] = do_insertI18nText_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["loop"] = do_loop_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["onError"] = do_onError_tal bytecode_handlers_tal[""] = attrAction_tal bytecode_handlers_tal["optTag"] = do_optTag_tal class FasterStringIO: """ implement only what we need """ def __init__(self): self.buflist = [] def getvalue(self): return u''.join(self.buflist) def write(self, s): self.buflist.append(s)