############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Dummy TAL expression engine so that I can test out the TAL implementation. $Id$ """ import re from zope.interface import implements from zope.tal.taldefs import NAME_RE, TALExpressionError, ErrorInfo from zope.tal.interfaces import ITALExpressionCompiler, ITALExpressionEngine from zope.i18n.interfaces import ITranslationDomain # BBB 2005/10/10 -- MessageIDs are to be removed for Zope 3.3 import zope.deprecation zope.deprecation.__show__.off() from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageID, Message zope.deprecation.__show__.on() Default = object() name_match = re.compile(r"(?s)(%s):(.*)\Z" % NAME_RE).match class CompilerError(Exception): pass class DummyEngine(object): position = None source_file = None implements(ITALExpressionCompiler, ITALExpressionEngine) def __init__(self, macros=None): if macros is None: macros = {} self.macros = macros dict = {'nothing': None, 'default': Default} self.locals = self.globals = dict self.stack = [dict] self.translationDomain = DummyTranslationDomain() self.useEngineAttrDicts = False # zope.tal.interfaces.ITALExpressionCompiler def getCompilerError(self): return CompilerError def compile(self, expr): return "$%s$" % expr # zope.tal.interfaces.ITALExpressionEngine def setSourceFile(self, source_file): self.source_file = source_file def setPosition(self, position): self.position = position def beginScope(self): self.stack.append(self.locals) def endScope(self): assert len(self.stack) > 1, "more endScope() than beginScope() calls" self.locals = self.stack.pop() def setLocal(self, name, value): if self.locals is self.stack[-1]: # Unmerge this scope's locals from previous scope of first set self.locals = self.locals.copy() self.locals[name] = value def setGlobal(self, name, value): self.globals[name] = value def getValue(self, name, default=None): value = self.globals.get(name, default) if value is default: value = self.locals.get(name, default) return value def evaluate(self, expression): assert (expression.startswith("$") and expression.endswith("$"), expression) expression = expression[1:-1] m = name_match(expression) if m: type, expr = m.group(1, 2) else: type = "path" expr = expression if type in ("string", "str"): return expr if type in ("path", "var", "global", "local"): return self.evaluatePathOrVar(expr) if type == "not": return not self.evaluate(expr) if type == "exists": return self.locals.has_key(expr) or self.globals.has_key(expr) if type == "python": try: return eval(expr, self.globals, self.locals) except: raise TALExpressionError("evaluation error in %s" % `expr`) if type == "position": # Insert the current source file name, line number, # and column offset. if self.position: lineno, offset = self.position else: lineno, offset = None, None return '%s (%s,%s)' % (self.source_file, lineno, offset) raise TALExpressionError("unrecognized expression: " + `expression`) # implementation; can be overridden def evaluatePathOrVar(self, expr): expr = expr.strip() if self.locals.has_key(expr): return self.locals[expr] elif self.globals.has_key(expr): return self.globals[expr] else: raise TALExpressionError("unknown variable: %s" % `expr`) def evaluateValue(self, expr): return self.evaluate(expr) def evaluateBoolean(self, expr): return self.evaluate(expr) def evaluateText(self, expr): text = self.evaluate(expr) if isinstance(text, (str, unicode, MessageID, Message)): return text if text is not None and text is not Default: text = str(text) return text def evaluateStructure(self, expr): # TODO Should return None or a DOM tree return self.evaluate(expr) # implementation; can be overridden def evaluateSequence(self, expr): # TODO: Should return a sequence return self.evaluate(expr) def evaluateMacro(self, macroName): assert (macroName.startswith("$") and macroName.endswith("$"), macroName) macroName = macroName[1:-1] file, localName = self.findMacroFile(macroName) if not file: # Local macro macro = self.macros[localName] else: # External macro import driver program, macros = driver.compilefile(file) macro = macros.get(localName) if not macro: raise TALExpressionError("macro %s not found in file %s" % (localName, file)) return macro # internal def findMacroFile(self, macroName): if not macroName: raise TALExpressionError("empty macro name") i = macroName.rfind('/') if i < 0: # No slash -- must be a locally defined macro return None, macroName else: # Up to last slash is the filename fileName = macroName[:i] localName = macroName[i+1:] return fileName, localName def setRepeat(self, name, expr): seq = self.evaluateSequence(expr) return Iterator(name, seq, self) def createErrorInfo(self, err, position): return ErrorInfo(err, position) def getDefault(self): return Default def translate(self, msgid, domain=None, mapping=None, default=None): self.translationDomain.domain = domain return self.translationDomain.translate( msgid, mapping, default=default) def evaluateCode(self, lang, code): # We probably implement too much, but I use the dummy engine to test # some of the issues that we will have. # For testing purposes only locals = {} globals = {} if self.useEngineAttrDicts: globals = self.globals.copy() locals = self.locals.copy() assert lang == 'text/server-python' import sys, StringIO # Removing probable comments if code.strip().startswith(''): code = code.strip()[4:-3] # Prepare code. lines = code.split('\n') lines = filter(lambda l: l.strip() != '', lines) code = '\n'.join(lines) # This saves us from all indentation issues :) if code.startswith(' ') or code.startswith('\t'): code = 'if 1 == 1:\n' + code + '\n' tmp = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO() try: exec code in globals, locals finally: result = sys.stdout sys.stdout = tmp # For testing purposes only self.codeLocals = locals self.codeGlobals = globals self.locals.update(locals) self.globals.update(globals) return result.getvalue() class Iterator(object): def __init__(self, name, seq, engine): self.name = name self.seq = seq self.engine = engine self.nextIndex = 0 def next(self): i = self.nextIndex try: item = self.seq[i] except IndexError: return 0 self.nextIndex = i+1 self.engine.setLocal(self.name, item) return 1 class DummyTranslationDomain(object): implements(ITranslationDomain) domain = '' msgids = {} def appendMsgid(self, domain, data): if not self.msgids.has_key(domain): self.msgids[domain] = [] self.msgids[domain].append(data) def getMsgids(self, domain): return self.msgids[domain] def clearMsgids(self): self.msgids = {} def translate(self, msgid, mapping=None, context=None, target_language=None, default=None): domain = self.domain # This is a fake translation service which simply uppercases non # ${name} placeholder text in the message id. # # First, transform a string with ${name} placeholders into a list of # substrings. Then upcase everything but the placeholders, then glue # things back together. # If the domain is a string method, then transform the string # by calling that method. # MessageID attributes override arguments if isinstance(msgid, (MessageID, Message)): domain = msgid.domain mapping = msgid.mapping default = msgid.default if default is None: # Message doesn't substitute itself for default = msgid # missing default # simulate an unknown msgid by returning None if msgid == "don't translate me": text = default elif domain and hasattr('', domain): text = getattr(msgid, domain)() else: domain = 'default' text = msgid.upper() self.appendMsgid(domain, (msgid, mapping)) def repl(m): return unicode(mapping[m.group(m.lastindex).lower()]) cre = re.compile(r'\$(?:([_A-Za-z][-\w]*)|\{([_A-Za-z][-\w]*)\})') return cre.sub(repl, text) class MultipleDomainsDummyEngine(DummyEngine): def translate(self, msgid, domain=None, mapping=None, default=None): if isinstance(msgid, (MessageID, Message)): domain = msgid.domain if domain == 'a_very_explicit_domain_setup_by_template_developer_that_wont_be_taken_into_account_by_the_ZPT_engine': domain = 'lower' self.translationDomain.domain = domain return self.translationDomain.translate( msgid, mapping, default=default)