zope.tal Package Readme ======================= Overview -------- The Zope3 Template Attribute Language (TAL) specifies the custom namespace and attributes which are used by the Zope Page Templates renderer to inject dynamic markup into a page. It also includes the Macro Expansion for TAL (METAL) macro language used in page assembly. The dynamic values themselves are specified using a companion language, TALES (see the 'zope.tales' package for more). See: http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/TAL%20Specification%201.4 Getting PyPy ------------ Check out the latest version of PyPy: http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/getting-started.html#svn-check-out-run-the-latest-pypy-as-a-two-liner Also make sure ctypes is available for your Python. Running the tests ----------------- To run the tests: $ python2.4 bootstrap.py $ bin/buildout $ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/pypy-dist:$PYTHONPATH $ bin/test Compiling with PyPy's RPython ----------------------------- To compile the rpython: First, you need to set up PYTHONPATH so it has the required packages on the path: $ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/buildout/src:/path/to/buildout/eggs/zope.interface:/path/to/buildout/eggs/zope.i18nmessageid:$PYTHONPATH Now, run the following command to compile:: $ python /path/to/pypy-dist/pypy/bin/compilemodule.py _talinterpreter -p zope.tal The first argument is name of the RPython sub-package you want to compile, the option `-p` specifies the name of the package where this RPython sub-package is found. The compiled module will be placed in /tmp/usession-XX/_talinterpreter/_talinterpreter.so. To run the tests with the compiled module, you need to move the `.so` file to src/zope/tal and to rename `_talinterpreter`. Alternatilvely, you could run the following command:: $ python /path/to/pypy-dist/pypy/bin/compilemodule.py _talinterpreter -p zope.tal -d /path/to/src/zope/tal where `-d` option specifies the directory where to copy the compiled module. You'd still need to rename the existing `_talinterpreter` sub-package.