############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """ Testing support code. This module provides some helper/stub objects for setting up interactions. """ import contextlib import re from zope import interface, component from zope.security import interfaces from zope.security.permission import Permission import zope.security.management from zope.security._compat import PYTHON2 as PY2 from zope.security.interfaces import PUBLIC_PERMISSION_NAME from zope.testing import renormalizing _str_prefix = 'b' if PY2 else 'u' rules = [ (re.compile(_str_prefix + "('.*?')"), r"\1"), (re.compile(_str_prefix + '(".*?")'), r"\1"), ] output_checker = renormalizing.RENormalizing(rules) @interface.implementer(interfaces.IPrincipal) class Principal(object): """ A trivial implementation of :class:`zope.security.interfaces.IPrincipal`. """ def __init__(self, id, title=None, description='', groups=None): self.id = id self.title = title or id self.description = description if groups is not None: self.groups = groups interface.directlyProvides(self, interfaces.IGroupAwarePrincipal) @interface.implementer(interfaces.IParticipation) class Participation(object): """ A trivial implementation of :class:`zope.security.interfaces.IParticipation`. """ def __init__(self, principal): self.principal = principal self.interaction = None def addCheckerPublic(): """ Add the CheckerPublic permission as :data:`zope.Public `. """ perm = Permission( PUBLIC_PERMISSION_NAME, 'Public', """Special permission used for resources that are always public The public permission is effectively an optimization, sine it allows security computation to be bypassed. """ ) gsm = component.getGlobalSiteManager() gsm.registerUtility(perm, interfaces.IPermission, perm.id) return perm def create_interaction(principal_id, **kw): """ Create a new interaction for the given principal ID, make it the :func:`current interaction `, and return the :class:`Principal` object. """ principal = Principal(principal_id, **kw) participation = Participation(principal) zope.security.management.newInteraction(participation) return principal @contextlib.contextmanager def interaction(principal_id, **kw): """ A context manager for running an interaction for the given principal ID. """ if zope.security.management.queryInteraction(): # There already is an interaction. Great. Leave it alone. yield else: principal = create_interaction(principal_id, **kw) try: yield principal finally: zope.security.management.endInteraction()