############################################################################# # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """ Register class directive. """ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' from types import ModuleType from zope.component.interfaces import IFactory from zope.component.factory import Factory from zope.component.interface import provideInterface from zope.component.zcml import utility from zope.interface import classImplements from zope.schema.interfaces import IField from zope.configuration.exceptions import ConfigurationError from zope.security.checker import Checker from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic from zope.security.checker import defineChecker from zope.security.checker import moduleChecker from zope.security.protectclass import protectLikeUnto from zope.security.protectclass import protectName from zope.security.protectclass import protectSetAttribute from zope.security.interfaces import PUBLIC_PERMISSION_NAME as PublicPermission def dottedName(klass): if klass is None: return 'None' return klass.__module__ + '.' + klass.__name__ class ProtectionDeclarationException(Exception): """Security-protection-specific exceptions.""" pass class ClassDirective(object): def __init__(self, _context, class_): self.__id = dottedName(class_) # this would barf on a module, anyway self.__class = class_ if isinstance(self.__class, ModuleType): #pragma NO COVER raise ConfigurationError('Content class attribute must be a class') self.__context = _context def implements(self, _context, interface): for interface in interface: _context.action( discriminator=( 'ContentDirective', self.__class, object()), callable=classImplements, args=(self.__class, interface), ) _context.action( discriminator=None, callable=provideInterface, args=(interface.__module__ + '.' + interface.getName(), interface) ) def require(self, _context, permission=None, attributes=None, interface=None, like_class=None, set_attributes=None, set_schema=None): """Require a permission to access a specific aspect""" if like_class: self.__mimic(_context, like_class) if not (interface or attributes or set_attributes or set_schema): if like_class: return raise ConfigurationError("Nothing required") if not permission: raise ConfigurationError("No permission specified") if interface: for i in interface: if i: self.__protectByInterface(i, permission) if attributes: self.__protectNames(attributes, permission) if set_attributes: self.__protectSetAttributes(set_attributes, permission) if set_schema: for s in set_schema: self.__protectSetSchema(s, permission) def __mimic(self, _context, class_): """Base security requirements on those of the given class""" _context.action( discriminator=('mimic', self.__class, object()), callable=protectLikeUnto, args=(self.__class, class_), ) def allow(self, _context, attributes=None, interface=None): """Like require, but with permission_id zope.Public""" return self.require(_context, PublicPermission, attributes, interface) def __protectByInterface(self, interface, permission_id): "Set a permission on names in an interface." for n, d in sorted(interface.namesAndDescriptions(1)): self.__protectName(n, permission_id) self.__context.action( discriminator=None, callable=provideInterface, args=(interface.__module__ + '.' + interface.getName(), interface) ) def __protectName(self, name, permission_id): "Set a permission on a particular name." self.__context.action( discriminator=('protectName', self.__class, name), callable=protectName, args=(self.__class, name, permission_id) ) def __protectNames(self, names, permission_id): "Set a permission on a bunch of names." for name in names: self.__protectName(name, permission_id) def __protectSetAttributes(self, names, permission_id): "Set a permission on a bunch of names." for name in names: self.__context.action( discriminator=('protectSetAttribute', self.__class, name), callable=protectSetAttribute, args=(self.__class, name, permission_id) ) def __protectSetSchema(self, schema, permission_id): "Set a permission on a bunch of names." _context = self.__context for name in sorted(schema): field = schema[name] if IField.providedBy(field) and not field.readonly: _context.action( discriminator=('protectSetAttribute', self.__class, name), callable=protectSetAttribute, args=(self.__class, name, permission_id) ) _context.action( discriminator=None, callable=provideInterface, args=(schema.__module__ + '.' + schema.getName(), schema) ) def __call__(self): "Handle empty/simple declaration." return () def factory(self, _context, id=None, title="", description=''): """Register a zmi factory for this class""" id = id or self.__id factoryObj = Factory(self.__class, title, description) # note factories are all in one pile, utilities and content, # so addable names must also act as if they were all in the # same namespace, despite the utilities/content division utility(_context, IFactory, factoryObj, permission=PublicPermission, name=id) def protectModule(module, name, permission): """Set up a module checker to require a permission to access a name If there isn't a checker for the module, create one. """ checker = moduleChecker(module) if checker is None: checker = Checker({}, {}) defineChecker(module, checker) if permission == PublicPermission: # Translate public permission to CheckerPublic permission = CheckerPublic # We know a dictionary get method was used because we set it protections = checker.get_permissions protections[name] = permission def _names(attributes, interfaces): seen = {} for name in attributes: if not name in seen: seen[name] = 1 yield name for interface in interfaces: for name in interface: if not name in seen: seen[name] = 1 yield name def allow(context, attributes=(), interface=()): for name in _names(attributes, interface): context.action( discriminator=('http://namespaces.zope.org/zope:module', context.module, name), callable=protectModule, args=(context.module, name, PublicPermission), ) def require(context, permission, attributes=(), interface=()): for name in _names(attributes, interface): context.action( discriminator=('http://namespaces.zope.org/zope:module', context.module, name), callable=protectModule, args=(context.module, name, permission), )