# Generated from: # https://github.com/zopefoundation/meta/tree/master/config/c-code [meta] template = "c-code" commit-id = "15807bd13de45b79c7da560a377fe3f22cbc4338" [python] with-appveyor = true with-windows = false with-pypy = true with-future-python = false with-legacy-python = true with-docs = true with-sphinx-doctests = true [tox] use-flake8 = true additional-envlist = [ "py27-watch, py37-watch", ] testenv-setenv = [ "ZOPE_INTERFACE_STRICT_IRO=1", "watch: ZOPE_WATCH_CHECKERS = 1", ] [coverage] fail-under = 99.5 [manifest] additional-rules = [ "include *.sh", "recursive-include docs *.bat", "recursive-include src *.zcml", ] [check-manifest] additional-ignores = [ "docs/_build/html/_sources/api/*", ] [flake8] additional-config = [ "# F401 imported but unused", "per-file-ignores =", " src/zope/security/__init__.py: F401", ] [github-actions] additional-config = [ "- [\"2.7\", \"py27-watch\"]", "- [\"3.7\", \"py37-watch\"]", ] [appveyor] global-env-vars = [ "# Currently the builds use @mgedmin's Appveyor account. The PyPI token belongs", "# to zope.wheelbuilder, which is managed by @mgedmin and @dataflake.", "TWINE_USERNAME: __token__", "TWINE_PASSWORD:", " secure: aoZC/+rvJKg8B5GMGIxd1YDPcIbo2kSsckCbQ6o8fhIRqSyuhX1iLm21hgDEkq2ePuyQ7+cWnNvXGactxjzA4iUS5GCOuF/E6YTvS3nGcuoQuH607wn2hngzz1p4Z+5ClFPx27vZiRAFgBoTbIo8XODHC9qFYluZ68eiwxFOiCuXK9ONEjMn8LjoaNSPJYyJO3Wr8W5oLeYG+wGcNGuYVXEk5/LSDg5n17ujpL7qsVTdVNjTwgmtnv191n2ip1Sgh1O5Xm9eG7VDZSxr/xNMpw==", "ZOPE_INTERFACE_STRICT_IRO: 1", ]