Hacking on :mod:`zope.proxy` ============================ Getting the Code ################ The main repository for :mod:`zope.proxy` is in the Zope Foundation Github repository: https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.proxy You can get a read-only checkout from there: .. code-block:: sh $ git clone https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.proxy.git or fork it and get a writeable checkout of your fork: .. code-block:: sh $ git clone git@github.com/jrandom/zope.proxy.git The project also mirrors the trunk from the Github repository as a Bazaar branch on Launchpad: https://code.launchpad.net/zope.proxy You can branch the trunk from there using Bazaar: .. code-block:: sh $ bzr branch lp:zope.proxy Working in a ``virtualenv`` ########################### Installing ---------- If you use the ``virtualenv`` package to create lightweight Python development environments, you can run the tests using nothing more than the ``python`` binary in a virtualenv. First, create a scratch environment: .. code-block:: sh $ /path/to/virtualenv --no-site-packages /tmp/hack-zope.proxy Next, get this package registered as a "development egg" in the environment: .. code-block:: sh $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/python setup.py develop Running the tests ----------------- Then, you canrun the tests using the build-in ``setuptools`` testrunner: .. code-block:: sh $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/python setup.py test -q ................................................................................................................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 147 tests in 0.010s OK If you have the :mod:`nose` package installed in the virtualenv, you can use its testrunner too: .. code-block:: sh $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/easy_install nose ... $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/nosetests ..................................................................................................................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 149 tests in 0.107s OK If you have the :mod:`coverage` pacakge installed in the virtualenv, you can see how well the tests cover the code: .. code-block:: sh $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/easy_install nose coverage ... $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/nosetests --with coverage ..................................................................................................................................................... Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing ----------------------------------------------------- zope.proxy 271 0 100% zope.proxy._compat 2 0 100% zope.proxy.decorator 18 0 100% zope.proxy.interfaces 10 0 100% ----------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 301 0 100% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 149 tests in 0.148s OK Building the documentation -------------------------- :mod:`zope.proxy` uses the nifty :mod:`Sphinx` documentation system for building its docs. Using the same virtualenv you set up to run the tests, you can build the docs: .. code-block:: sh $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/easy_install Sphinx ... $ cd docs $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/sphinx-build \ -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html ... build succeeded. You can also test the code snippets in the documentation: .. code-block:: sh $ /tmp/hack-zope.proxy/bin/sphinx-build \ -b doctest -d _build/doctrees . _build/doctest ... running tests... Document: api ------------- 1 items passed all tests: 23 tests in default 23 tests in 1 items. 23 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. Document: narr -------------- 1 items passed all tests: 37 tests in default 37 tests in 1 items. 37 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. Doctest summary =============== 60 tests 0 failures in tests 0 failures in setup code 0 failures in cleanup code build succeeded. Using :mod:`zc.buildout` ######################## Setting up the buildout ----------------------- :mod:`zope.proxy` ships with its own :file:`buildout.cfg` file and :file:`bootstrap.py` for setting up a development buildout: .. code-block:: sh $ /path/to/python2.6 bootstrap.py ... Generated script '.../bin/buildout' $ bin/buildout Develop: '/home/jrandom/projects/Zope/BTK/event/.' ... Generated script '.../bin/test'. Running the tests ----------------- You can now run the tests: .. code-block:: sh $ bin/test --all Running zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests tests: Set up zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds. Ran 147 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.000 seconds. Tearing down left over layers: Tear down zope.testing.testrunner.layer.UnitTests in 0.000 seconds. Using :mod:`tox` ################ Running Tests on Multiple Python Versions ----------------------------------------- `tox `_ is a Python-based test automation tool designed to run tests against multiple Python versions. It creates a ``virtualenv`` for each configured version, installs the current package and configured dependencies into each ``virtualenv``, and then runs the configured commands. :mod:`zope.proxy` configures the following :mod:`tox` environments via its ``tox.ini`` file: - The ``py26``, ``py27``, ``py33``, ``py34``, and ``pypy`` environments builds a ``virtualenv`` with ``pypy``, installs :mod:`zope.proxy` and dependencies, and runs the tests via ``python setup.py test -q``. - The ``coverage`` environment builds a ``virtualenv`` with ``python2.6``, installs :mod:`zope.proxy`, installs :mod:`nose` and :mod:`coverage`, and runs ``nosetests`` with statement coverage. - The ``docs`` environment builds a virtualenv with ``python2.6``, installs :mod:`zope.proxy`, installs ``Sphinx`` and dependencies, and then builds the docs and exercises the doctest snippets. This example requires that you have a working ``python2.6`` on your path, as well as installing ``tox``: .. code-block:: sh $ tox -e py26 GLOB sdist-make: .../zope.proxy/setup.py py26 sdist-reinst: .../zope.proxy/.tox/dist/zope.proxy-4.0.2dev.zip py26 runtests: commands[0] ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 147 tests in 0.000s OK ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ py26: commands succeeded congratulations :) Running ``tox`` with no arguments runs all the configured environments, including building the docs and testing their snippets: .. code-block:: sh $ tox GLOB sdist-make: .../zope.proxy/setup.py py26 sdist-reinst: .../zope.proxy/.tox/dist/zope.proxy-4.0.2dev.zip py26 runtests: commands[0] ... Doctest summary =============== 60 tests 0 failures in tests 0 failures in setup code 0 failures in cleanup code build succeeded. ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ py26: commands succeeded py27: commands succeeded py32: commands succeeded pypy: commands succeeded coverage: commands succeeded docs: commands succeeded congratulations :) Contributing to :mod:`zope.proxy` ################################# Submitting a Bug Report ----------------------- :mod:`zope.proxy` tracks its bugs on Github: https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.proxy/issues Please submit bug reports and feature requests there. Sharing Your Changes -------------------- .. note:: Please ensure that all tests are passing before you submit your code. If possible, your submission should include new tests for new features or bug fixes, although it is possible that you may have tested your new code by updating existing tests. If have made a change you would like to share, the best route is to fork the Githb repository, check out your fork, make your changes on a branch in your fork, and push it. You can then submit a pull request from your branch: https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.proxy/pulls If you branched the code from Launchpad using Bazaar, you have another option: you can "push" your branch to Launchpad: .. code-block:: sh $ bzr push lp:~jrandom/zope.proxy/cool_feature After pushing your branch, you can link it to a bug report on Github, or request that the maintainers merge your branch using the Launchpad "merge request" feature.