# Generated from: # https://github.com/zopefoundation/meta/tree/master/config/c-code environment: # Currently the builds use @mgedmin's Appveyor account. The PyPI token belongs # to zope.wheelbuilder, which is managed by @mgedmin and @dataflake. global: TWINE_USERNAME: __token__ TWINE_PASSWORD: secure: aoZC/+rvJKg8B5GMGIxd1bg9UDShk28EhfPQFKI9zy7kzygdgj0XuaK619sLe3s4B08bIJaIUAThxEvWq13IvdLb5Oyk8B9qubd+NnDiNuw8WCGy4owYnbl+61fUVVKJIf1ETQyGDooYrEuBo798/+ycQbilTpmncAHZb2KyZkmA210fcWr7OhwmlRtC4IiW7GPCaxU6qhzLlP5pnS2Tl+yy/qx2DiW2fKWqUqynrb1ZMsk6ygN4qV72glTY6wV0eYboAGlghrws1x5+Z10Yug== matrix: - python: 27 - python: 27-x64 - python: 35 - python: 35-x64 - python: 36 - python: 36-x64 - python: 37 - python: 37-x64 - python: 38 - python: 38-x64 - python: 39 - python: 39-x64 - python: 310 - python: 310-x64 # `multibuild` cannot install non-final versions as they are not on # ftp.python.org, so we skip Python 3.11 until its final release: - python: 311 - python: 311-x64 install: - "SET PYTHONVERSION=%PYTHON%" - "SET PATH=C:\\Python%PYTHON%;c:\\Python%PYTHON%\\scripts;%PATH%" - ps: | $env:PYTHON = "C:\\Python${env:PYTHON}" if (-not (Test-Path $env:PYTHON)) { curl -o install_python.ps1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matthew-brett/multibuild/11a389d78892cf90addac8f69433d5e22bfa422a/install_python.ps1 .\install_python.ps1 } - ps: if (-not (Test-Path $env:PYTHON)) { throw "No $env:PYTHON" } - echo "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64 > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat" - python -m pip install -U pip - pip install -U setuptools wheel - pip install -U -e .[test] matrix: fast_finish: true build_script: - python -W ignore setup.py -q bdist_wheel test_script: - zope-testrunner --test-path=src artifacts: - path: 'dist\*.whl' name: wheel deploy_script: - ps: if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq $TRUE) { pip install twine; twine upload --skip-existing dist\*.whl } deploy: on