############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Interface that describes the 'macros' attribute of a PageTemplate. """ from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute class IPageTemplate(Interface): """Objects that can render page templates """ def __call__(*args, **kw): """Render a page template The argument handling is specific to particular implementations. Normally, however, positional arguments are bound to the top-level `args` variable and keyword arguments are bound to the top-level `options` variable. """ def pt_edit(source, content_type): """Set the source and content type """ def pt_errors(namespace): """Return a sequence of strings that describe errors in the template. The errors may occur when the template is compiled or rendered. `namespace` is the set of names passed to the TALES expression evaluator, similar to what's returned by pt_getContext(). This can be used to let a template author know what went wrong when an attempt was made to render the template. """ def read(): """Get the template source """ macros = Attribute("An object that implements the __getitem__ " "protocol, containing page template macros.") class IPageTemplateSubclassing(IPageTemplate): """Behavior that may be overridden or used by subclasses """ def pt_getContext(**kw): """Compute a dictionary of top-level template names Responsible for returning the set of top-level names supported in path expressions """ def pt_getEngine(): """Returns the TALES expression evaluator. """ def pt_getEngineContext(namespace): """Return an execution context from the expression engine.""" def __call__(*args, **kw): """Render a page template This is sometimes overridden to provide additional argument binding. """ def pt_source_file(): """return some text describing where a bit of ZPT code came from. This could be a file path, a object path, etc. """ def _cook(): """Compile the source Results are saved in the variables: _v_errors, _v_warnings, _v_program, and _v_macros, and the flag _v_cooked is set. """ def _cook_check(): """Compiles the source if necessary Subclasses might override this to influence the decision about whether compilation is necessary. """ content_type = Attribute("The content-type of the generated output") expand = Attribute( "Flag indicating whether the read method should expand macros") class IPageTemplateEngine(Interface): """Template engine implementation. The engine must provide a ``cook`` method to return a cooked template program from a source input. """ def cook(source_file, text, engine, content_type): """Parse text and return prepared template program and macros. Note that while ``source_file`` is provided to name the source of the input ``text``, it should not be relied on to be an actual filename (it may be an application-specific, virtual path). The return type is a tuple ``(program, macros)``. """ class IPageTemplateProgram(Interface): """Cooked template program.""" def __call__( context, macros, debug=0, wrap=60, metal=1, tal=1, showtal=-1, strictinsert=1, stackLimit=100, i18nInterpolate=1, sourceAnnotations=0): """Render template in the provided template ``context``. Optional arguments: debug -- enable debugging output to sys.stderr (off by default). wrap -- try to wrap attributes on opening tags to this number of column (default: 60). metal -- enable METAL macro processing (on by default). tal -- enable TAL processing (on by default). showtal -- do not strip away TAL directives. A special value of -1 (which is the default setting) enables showtal when TAL processing is disabled, and disables showtal when TAL processing is enabled. Note that you must use 0, 1, or -1; true boolean values are not supported (for historical reasons). strictinsert -- enable TAL processing and stricter HTML/XML checking on text produced by structure inserts (on by default). Note that Zope turns this value off by default. stackLimit -- set macro nesting limit (default: 100). i18nInterpolate -- enable i18n translations (default: on). sourceAnnotations -- enable source annotations with HTML comments (default: off). """