========= Changes ========= 4.4 (unreleased) ================ - Nothing changed yet. 4.3 (2022-11-29) ================ - Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11. - Drop support for Python 3.4. 4.2 (2018-10-09) ================ - Add support for Python 3.7. 4.1.0 (2017-08-03) ================== - Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2 and 3.3. - Add a page to the docs on hacking ``zope.location``. - Note additional documentation dependencies. - Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6. - Remove internal ``_compat`` implementation module. 4.0.3 (2014-03-19) ================== - Add Python 3.4 support. - Update ``boostrap.py`` to version 2.2. 4.0.2 (2013-03-11) ================== - Change the behavior of ``LocationProxy``'s ``__setattr__()`` to correctly behave when dealing with the pure Python version of the ``ProxyBase`` class. Also added a test suite that fully tests the pure Python proxy version of the ``LocationProxy`` class. 4.0.1 (2013-02-19) ================== - Add Python 3.3 support. 4.0.0 (2012-06-07) ================== - Remove backward-compatibility imports: - ``zope.copy.clone`` (aliased as ``zope.location.pickling.locationCopy``) - ``zope.copy.CopyPersistent`` (aliased as ``zope.location.pickling.CopyPersistent``). - ``zope.site.interfaces.IPossibleSite`` (aliased as ``zope.location.interfaces.IPossibleSite``). - Add Python 3.2 support. - Make ``zope.component`` dependency optional. Use the ``component`` extra to force its installation (or just require it directly). If ``zope.component`` is not present, this package defines the ``ISite`` interface itself, and omits adapter registrations from its ZCML. - Add support for PyPy. - Add support for continuous integration using ``tox`` and ``jenkins``. - Bring unit test coverage to 100%. - Add Sphinx documentation: moved doctest examples to API reference. - Add 'setup.py docs' alias (installs ``Sphinx`` and dependencies). - Add 'setup.py dev' alias (runs ``setup.py develop`` plus installs ``nose`` and ``coverage``). - Replace deprecated ``zope.component.adapts`` usage with equivalent ``zope.component.adapter`` decorator. - Replace deprecated ``zope.interface.implements`` usage with equivalent ``zope.interface.implementer`` decorator. - Drop support for Python 2.4 and 2.5. 3.9.1 (2011-08-22) ================== - Add zcml extra as well as a test for configure.zcml. 3.9.0 (2009-12-29) ================== - Move LocationCopyHook related tests to zope.copy and remove a test dependency on that package. 3.8.2 (2009-12-23) ================== - Fix a typo in the configure.zcml. 3.8.1 (2009-12-23) ================== - Remove dependency on zope.copy: the LocationCopyHook adapter is registered only if zope.copy is available. - Use the standard Python doctest module instead of zope.testing.doctest, which has been deprecated. 3.8.0 (2009-12-22) ================== - Adjust to testing output caused by new zope.schema. 3.7.1 (2009-11-18) ================== - Move the IPossibleSite and ISite interfaces to zope.component as they are dealing with zope.component's concept of a site, but not with location. 3.7.0 (2009-09-29) ================== - Add getParent() to ILocationInfo and moved the actual implementation here from zope.traversal.api, analogous to getParents(). - Actually remove deprecated PathPersistent class from zope.location.pickling. - Move ITraverser back to zope.traversing where it belongs conceptually. The interface had been moved to zope.location to invert the package interdependency but is no longer used here. 3.6.0 (2009-08-27) ================== - New feature release: deprecate locationCopy, CopyPersistent and PathPersistent from zope.location.pickling. These changes were already part of the 3.5.3 release, which was erroneously numbered as a bugfix relese. - Remove dependency on zope.deferredimport, directly import deprecated modules without using it. 3.5.5 (2009-08-15) ================== - Add zope.deferredimport as a dependency as it's used directly by zope.location.pickling. 3.5.4 (2009-05-17) ================== - Add ``IContained`` interface to ``zope.location.interfaces`` module. This interface was moved from ``zope.container`` (after ``zope.container`` 3.8.2); consumers of ``IContained`` may now depend on zope.location rather than zope.container to reduce dependency cycles. 3.5.3 (2009-02-09) ================== - Use new zope.copy package for implementing location copying. Thus there's changes in the ``zope.locaton.pickling`` module: * The ``locationCopy`` and ``CopyPersistent`` was removed in prefer to their equivalents in zope.copy. Deprecated backward-compatibility imports provided. * The module now provides a ``zope.copy.interfaces.ICopyHook`` adapter for ``ILocation`` objects that replaces the old CopyPersistent functionality of checking for the need to clone objects based on their location. 3.5.2 (2009-02-04) ================== - Split RootPhysicallyLocatable adapter back from LocationPhysicallyLocatable, because the IRoot object may not always provide ILocation and the code for the root object is also simplier. It's basically a copy of the RootPhysicallyLocatable adapter from zope.traversing version 3.5.0 and below with ``getParents`` method added (returns an empty list). 3.5.1 (2009-02-02) ================== - Improve test coverage. - The new ``getParents`` method was extracted from ``zope.traversing`` and added to ILocationInfo interface in the previous release. Custom ILocationInfo implementations should make sure they have this method as well. That method is already used in ``zope.traversing.api.getParents`` function. - Make ``getName`` of LocationPhysicallyLocatable always return empty string for the IRoot object, like RootPhysicallyLocatable from ``zope.traversing`` did. So, now LocationPhysicallyLocatable is fully compatible with RootPhysicallyLocatable, making the latter one obsolete. - Change package mailing list address to zope-dev at zope.org instead of retired zope3-dev at zope.org. 3.5.0 (2009-01-31) ================== - Reverse the dependency between zope.location and zope.traversing. This also causes the dependency to various other packages go away. 3.4.0 (2007-10-02) ================== - Initial release independent of the main Zope tree.