############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """This module tests the regular persistent Translation Domain. """ import os import unittest import zope.component from zope.i18nmessageid import MessageFactory from zope.i18n.gettextmessagecatalog import GettextMessageCatalog from zope.i18n.interfaces import ITranslationDomain from zope.i18n.tests.test_itranslationdomain import Environment from zope.i18n.tests.test_itranslationdomain import TestITranslationDomain from zope.i18n.translationdomain import TranslationDomain testdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) en_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'en-default.mo') de_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'de-default.mo') class TestGlobalTranslationDomain(TestITranslationDomain, unittest.TestCase): def _getTranslationDomain(self): domain = TranslationDomain('default') en_catalog = GettextMessageCatalog('en', 'default', en_file) de_catalog = GettextMessageCatalog('de', 'default', de_file) domain.addCatalog(en_catalog) domain.addCatalog(de_catalog) return domain def testNoTargetLanguage(self): # Having a fallback would interfere with this test self._domain.setLanguageFallbacks([]) TestITranslationDomain.testNoTargetLanguage(self) def testSimpleNoTranslate(self): translate = self._domain.translate eq = self.assertEqual # Unset fallback translation languages self._domain.setLanguageFallbacks([]) # Test that a translation in an unsupported language returns the # default, if there is no fallback language eq(translate('short_greeting', target_language='es'), 'short_greeting') eq(translate('short_greeting', target_language='es', default='short_greeting'), 'short_greeting') # Same test, but use the context argument instead of target_language context = Environment() eq(translate('short_greeting', context=context), 'short_greeting') eq(translate('short_greeting', context=context, default='short_greeting'), 'short_greeting') def testEmptyStringTranslate(self): translate = self._domain.translate self.assertEqual(translate("", target_language='en'), "") self.assertEqual(translate("", target_language='foo'), "") def testStringTranslate(self): self.assertEqual( self._domain.translate("short_greeting", target_language='en'), "Hello!") def testMessageIDTranslate(self): factory = MessageFactory('default') translate = self._domain.translate msgid = factory("short_greeting", 'default') self.assertEqual(translate(msgid, target_language='en'), "Hello!") # MessageID attributes override arguments msgid = factory('43-not-there', 'this ${that} the other', mapping={'that': 'THAT'}) self.assertEqual( translate(msgid, target_language='en', default="default", mapping={"that": "that"}), "this THAT the other") def testMessageIDRecursiveTranslate(self): factory = MessageFactory('default') translate = self._domain.translate msgid_sub1 = factory("44-not-there", '${blue}', mapping={'blue': 'BLUE'}) msgid_sub2 = factory("45-not-there", '${yellow}', mapping={'yellow': 'YELLOW'}) mapping = {'color1': msgid_sub1, 'color2': msgid_sub2} msgid = factory("46-not-there", 'Color: ${color1}/${color2}', mapping=mapping) self.assertEqual( translate(msgid, target_language='en', default="default"), "Color: BLUE/YELLOW") # The recursive translation must not change the mappings self.assertEqual(msgid.mapping, {'color1': msgid_sub1, 'color2': msgid_sub2}) # A circular reference should not lead to crashes msgid1 = factory("47-not-there", 'Message 1 and $msg2', mapping={}) msgid2 = factory("48-not-there", 'Message 2 and $msg1', mapping={}) msgid1.mapping['msg2'] = msgid2 msgid2.mapping['msg1'] = msgid1 self.assertRaises(ValueError, translate, msgid1, None, None, 'en', "default") # Recursive translations also work if the original message id wasn't a # message id but a Unicode with a directly passed mapping self.assertEqual( "Color: BLUE/YELLOW", translate("Color: ${color1}/${color2}", mapping=mapping, target_language='en')) # If we have mapping with a message id from a different # domain, make sure we use that domain, not ours. If the # message domain is not registered yet, we should return a # default translation. alt_factory = MessageFactory('alt') msgid_sub = alt_factory("special", default="oohhh") mapping = {'message': msgid_sub} msgid = factory("46-not-there", 'Message: ${message}', mapping=mapping) # test we get a default with no domain registered self.assertEqual( translate(msgid, target_language='en', default="default"), "Message: oohhh") # provide the domain domain = TranslationDomain('alt') path = testdir en_catalog = GettextMessageCatalog('en', 'alt', os.path.join(path, 'en-alt.mo')) domain.addCatalog(en_catalog) # test that we get the right translation zope.component.provideUtility(domain, ITranslationDomain, 'alt') self.assertEqual( translate(msgid, target_language='en', default="default"), "Message: Wow") def testMessageIDTranslateForDifferentDomain(self): domain = TranslationDomain('alt') path = testdir en_catalog = GettextMessageCatalog('en', 'alt', os.path.join(path, 'en-alt.mo')) domain.addCatalog(en_catalog) zope.component.provideUtility(domain, ITranslationDomain, 'alt') factory = MessageFactory('alt') msgid = factory("special", 'default') self.assertEqual( self._domain.translate(msgid, target_language='en'), "Wow") def testSimpleFallbackTranslation(self): translate = self._domain.translate eq = self.assertEqual # Test that a translation in an unsupported language returns a # translation in the fallback language (by default, English) eq(translate('short_greeting', target_language='es'), "Hello!") # Same test, but use the context argument instead of target_language context = Environment() eq(translate('short_greeting', context=context), "Hello!") def testInterpolationWithoutTranslation(self): translate = self._domain.translate self.assertEqual( translate('42-not-there', target_language="en", default="this ${that} the other", mapping={"that": "THAT"}), "this THAT the other") def test_getCatalogInfos(self): cats = self._domain.getCatalogsInfo() self.assertEqual( cats, {'en': [en_file], 'de': [de_file]}) def test_releoadCatalogs(self): # It uses the keys we pass # so this does nothing self._domain.reloadCatalogs(()) # The catalogNames, somewhat confusingly, are # the paths to the files. self._domain.reloadCatalogs((en_file, de_file)) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): self._domain.reloadCatalogs(('dne',)) def test_character_sets(self): """Test two character sets for the same language. Serbian can be written in Latin or Cyrillic, where Latin is currently most used. Interestingly, every Latin character can actually be mapped to one Cyrillic character, and the other way around, so you could write a script to turn one po-file into the other. But most practical is to have two locales with names sr@Latn and sr@Cyrl. These are then two character sets for the same language. So they should end up together under the same language in a translation domain. The best way for an integrator to choose which one to use, is to add an environment variable 'zope_i18n_allowed_languages' and let this contain either sr@Latn or sr@Cyrl. See https://github.com/collective/plone.app.locales/issues/326 """ standard_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'sr-default.mo') latin_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'sr@Latn-default.mo') cyrillic_file = os.path.join(testdir, 'sr@Cyrl-default.mo') standard_catalog = GettextMessageCatalog('sr', 'char', standard_file) latin_catalog = GettextMessageCatalog('sr@Latn', 'char', latin_file) cyrillic_catalog = GettextMessageCatalog( 'sr@Cyrl', 'char', cyrillic_file ) # Test the standard file. domain = TranslationDomain('char') domain.addCatalog(standard_catalog) self.assertEqual( domain.translate('short_greeting', target_language='sr'), "Hello in Serbian Standard!", ) # Test the Latin file. domain = TranslationDomain('char') domain.addCatalog(latin_catalog) self.assertEqual( domain.translate('short_greeting', target_language='sr'), "Hello in Serbian Latin!", ) # Note that sr@Latn is not recognizes as language id. self.assertEqual( domain.translate('short_greeting', target_language='sr@Latn'), "short_greeting", ) # Test the Cyrillic file. domain = TranslationDomain('char') domain.addCatalog(cyrillic_catalog) self.assertEqual( domain.translate('short_greeting', target_language='sr'), "Hello in српски!", ) # When I have all three locales, this is the order that # os.listdir gives them in: domain = TranslationDomain('char') domain.addCatalog(latin_catalog) domain.addCatalog(cyrillic_catalog) domain.addCatalog(standard_catalog) # The Latin one is first, so it wins. self.assertEqual( domain.translate('short_greeting', target_language='sr'), "Hello in Serbian Latin!", )