############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## """Zope configure directive This file contains the implementation of the Zope configure directive. It is broken out in a separate file to provide an example of a grouping directive. The zope configuration directive is a pure grouping directive. It doesn't compute any actions on it's own. Instead, it allows a package to be specified, affecting the interpretation of relative dotted names and file paths. It also allows an i18n domain to be specified. The information collected is used by subdirectives. To define a grouping directive, we need to do three things: - Define a schema for the parameters passed to the directive - Define a handler class. - Register the class The parameter schema is given by IZopeConfigure. It specifies a package parameter and an i18n_domain parameter. The package parameter is specified as a `~.GlobalObject`. This means it must be given as a dotted name that can be resolved through import. The i18n domain is just a plain (not unicode) string. The handler class has a constructor that takes a context to be adapted and zero or more arguments (depending on the paramter schema). The handler class must implement `zope.configuration.interfaces.IGroupingContext`, which defines hooks ``before`` and ``after``, that are called with no arguments before and after nested directives are processed. If a grouping directive handler creates any actions, or does any computation, this is normally done in either the ``before`` or ``after`` hooks. Grouping handlers are normally decorators. The base class, `zope.configuration.config.GroupingContextDecorator`, is normally used to define grouping directive handlers. It provides: - An implementation of `~.IConfigurationContext`, which grouping directive handlers should normally implement, - A default implementation of `~.IGroupingContext` that provides empty hooks. - Decorator support that uses a ``__getattr__`` method to delegate attribute accesses to adapted contexts, and - A constructor that sets the ``context`` attribute to the adapted context and assigns keyword arguments to attributes. The class `ZopeConfigure` provides handling for the ``configure`` directive. It subclasses `~.GroupingContextDecorator`, and overrides the constructor to set the ``basepath`` attribute if a ``package`` argument is provided. Note that it delegates the job of assigning paramters to attribute to the `~.GroupingContextDecorator` constructor. The last step is to register the directive using the meta configuration directive. If we wanted to register the Zope ``configure`` directive for the ``zope`` namespace, we'd use a meta-configuration directive like: .. code-block:: xml Zope configure The ``configure`` node is normally used as the root node for a configuration file. It can also be used to specify a package or internationalization domain for a group of directives within a file by grouping those directives. We use the ``groupingDirective`` meta-directive to register a grouping directive. The parameters are self explanatory. The textual contents of the directive provide documentation text, excluding parameter documentation, which is provided by the schema. (The Zope ``configuration`` directive is actually registered using a lower-level Python API because it is registered for all namespaces, which isn't supported using the meta-configuration directives.) """ __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' import os from zope.interface import Interface from zope.schema import BytesLine from zope.configuration.config import GroupingContextDecorator from zope.configuration.fields import GlobalObject __all__ = [ 'IZopeConfigure', 'ZopeConfigure', ] class IZopeConfigure(Interface): """The ``zope:configure`` Directive The zope configuration directive is a pure grouping directive. It doesn't compute any actions on it's own. Instead, it allows a package to be specified, affecting the interpretation of relative dotted names and file paths. It also allows an i18n domain to be specified. The information collected is used by subdirectives. It may seem that this directive can only be used once per file, but it can be applied whereever it is convenient. """ package = GlobalObject( title=u"Package", description=( u"The package to be used for evaluating relative imports " u"and file names." ), required=False) i18n_domain = BytesLine( title=u"Internationalization domain", description=( u"This is a name for the software project. It must be a " u"legal file-system name as it will be used to contruct " u"names for directories containing translation data. " u"\n" u"The domain defines a namespace for the message ids " u"used by a project." ), required=False ) class ZopeConfigure(GroupingContextDecorator): __doc__ = __doc__ def __init__(self, context, **kw): super(ZopeConfigure, self).__init__(context, **kw) if 'package' in kw: # if we have a package, we want to also define basepath # so we don't acquire one self.basepath = os.path.dirname(self.package.__file__)