- Add a MANIFEST.in file 0.2.2: - Restrict kazoo version until bug in 2.1 is resolved 0.2.1: - Remove testtools as an install requirement - Changed attribute name "_child_watches" to "_child_watchers" - Update run_zookeeper.sh 0.2.0: - Ensure commands are always byte strings 0.1.8: - Add basic envi command support 0.1.7: - Changed attribute name "_data_watches" to "_data_watchers" - Unify the exception messaging for no node found 0.1.6: - Correctly handle get_children() with a path that does not exist 0.1.5: - Copy the incoming sequences if provided - Expose the storage properties directly 0.1.4: - Clear the watches in the stop() method - Better lock management - Keep the trailing slash only for sequenced creates - Use a constant to define what root is 0.1.3: - Fix path postfix lost during normalization 0.1.2: - Add the 3.4 classifier 0.1.1: - Use retries and include the common client helpers - Correctly set data when a version is passed - Move _generate_async() (now named dispatch_async()) from client to utils 0.1: - Make multi-client (single-shared) storage possible 0.0.28: - Fix byte string value 0.0.27: - Normalize paths to include a leading slash 0.0.26: - Use a delayed operation object in the fake transaction - Have restart act as one block (not two) 0.0.25: - Add ephemeral znode owner support - Make storage lock argument mandatory - Partial client is for internal use only (denote this) 0.0.24: - Add much more robust transaction support - Handle exists more naturally by using the underlying storage 0.0.23: - Use a specific lock for listener mutations 0.0.22: - Use granular locks for watch dictionary mutation 0.0.21: - Add basic check transaction support - Create all parent paths and child paths in the same lock context - Address concurrent client variable modification - Add link to kazoo readthedocs - Move znode making function to storage - Ensure all paths are normalized before storage interaction - Fix custom version in 'stat' response 0.0.20: - Allow how many spawn workers to be specified 0.0.19: - Add ensure_path_async method - Include makepath on the create_async method - Add restart functionality - Add create makepath support - Add helper ChildrenWatch and DataWatch attributes (mimicking the kazoo client attributes) - Add handler subclass that is aware of what has spawned 0.0.18: - Remove wait method 0.0.17: - Fix children deletion. 0.0.16: - Add a wait function that will block until empty handler queues - Create acl functions (but mark as not implemented). - Create two sets of watchers, data watchers (used for data changes, deletions, set) and children watchers (used for children change notification). - Ensure watch registered for existence checks - Add sequence id support 0.0.15: - Add basic functionality tests 0.0.14: - Add kill command support 0.0.13: - Fix py3.3 README.rst reading errors 0.0.12: - Switch to using a README.rst file 0.0.11: - Add basic command support 0.0.10: - Implement the server_version function 0.0.9: - Fixup async sets to work 0.0.8: - Add get_children_async call 0.0.7: - Add close() to client 0.0.6: - Add more async methods 0.0.5: - Add get_async - When data is set update the 'updated_on' key - Split up fake_client file 0.0.4: - Transaction support + tiny fixups 0.0.3: - Fix python33 failures 0.0.2: - Add locking to fake storage - Add type checking to set function 0.0.1: - Add zookeeper running shell script - Add long description and setup.cfg file - Initial commit