#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys from setuptools import setup VERSION = '0.9.7' DESCRIPTION = "Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes" LONG_DESCRIPTION = """ Extended attributes extend the basic attributes of files and directories in the file system. They are stored as name:data pairs associated with file system objects (files, directories, symlinks, etc). Extended attributes are currently only available on Darwin 8.0+ (Mac OS X 10.4) and Linux 2.6+. Experimental support is included for Solaris and FreeBSD. """ CLASSIFIERS = list(filter(bool, map(str.strip, """ Environment :: Console Intended Audience :: Developers License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Natural Language :: English Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 2 Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules """.splitlines()))) setup( name="xattr", version=VERSION, description=DESCRIPTION, long_description=LONG_DESCRIPTION, classifiers=CLASSIFIERS, author="Bob Ippolito", author_email="bob@redivi.com", url="http://github.com/xattr/xattr", license="MIT License", packages=['xattr'], ext_package='xattr', platforms=['MacOS X', 'Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'Solaris'], entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ "xattr = xattr.tool:main", ], }, install_requires=["cffi>=1.0.0"], setup_requires=["cffi>=1.0.0"], cffi_modules=["xattr/lib_build.py:ffi"], test_suite="xattr.tests.all_tests_suite", zip_safe=False, )