language: python cache: directories: - "$HOME/.cache/pip" - "$HOME/.pyenv" matrix: include: - name: "Ubuntu: 3.6" os: linux python: 3.6 - name: "Ubuntu: 3.5" os: linux python: 3.5 - name: "Ubuntu: 2.7" os: linux python: 2.7 - name: "Ubuntu: PyPy 3.5" os: linux env: PYPY_URL= - name: "Ubuntu: PyPy 2.7" os: linux env: PYPY_URL= # Travis Python images are broken in OSX - see # Will have to rely on pyenv until the issue is fixed. - name: "OSX: 3.7" os: osx language: generic env: PYENV_VERSION=3.7.0 osx_image: xcode_9.4 - name: "OSX: 3.6" os: osx language: generic env: PYENV_VERSION=3.6.5 osx_image: xcode_9.4 - name: "OSX: 2.7" os: osx language: generic env: PYENV_VERSION=2.7.15 osx_image: xcode_9.4 install: - "./.travis/" script: - "./.travis/" deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: Z5m7K1UVq0812nNtR+QAkUE3lxUwhMjM3EDWUOyPmfh0rmOsU2RgQ8oBfT1vatYfY8ExnrG4rRNWmwUqPEIzZmRLmw9zv+ixA3gcVPn6WbbMkwoeIurOPsC9wjgCckDFKYhMda8a92FSL2hVto3JPcRNTZnsKBR35Queray55SM= file: - dist/*.whl - dist/*.tar.gz file_glob: true on: repo: xattr/xattr tags: true skip_cleanup: true