import base64 import datetime import decimal import wsme.tests.protocol try: import simplejson as json except: import json # noqa from import fromjson, tojson, parse from wsme.utils import parse_isodatetime, parse_isotime, parse_isodate from wsme.types import isarray, isdict, isusertype, register_type from wsme.types import UserType, ArrayType, DictType from import expose, validate from wsme.exc import ClientSideError, InvalidInput import six from six import b, u if six.PY3: from urllib.parse import urlencode else: from urllib import urlencode # noqa def prepare_value(value, datatype): if isinstance(datatype, list): return [prepare_value(item, datatype[0]) for item in value] if isinstance(datatype, dict): key_type, value_type = list(datatype.items())[0] return dict(( (prepare_value(item[0], key_type), prepare_value(item[1], value_type)) for item in value.items() )) if datatype in (, datetime.time, datetime.datetime): return value.isoformat() if datatype == decimal.Decimal: return str(value) if datatype == wsme.types.binary: return base64.encodestring(value).decode('ascii') if datatype == wsme.types.bytes: return value.decode('ascii') return value def prepare_result(value, datatype): print(value, datatype) if value is None: return None if datatype == wsme.types.binary: return base64.decodestring(value.encode('ascii')) if isusertype(datatype): datatype = datatype.basetype if isinstance(datatype, list): return [prepare_result(item, datatype[0]) for item in value] if isarray(datatype): return [prepare_result(item, datatype.item_type) for item in value] if isinstance(datatype, dict): return dict(( (prepare_result(item[0], list(datatype.keys())[0]), prepare_result(item[1], list(datatype.values())[0])) for item in value.items() )) if isdict(datatype): return dict(( (prepare_result(item[0], datatype.key_type), prepare_result(item[1], datatype.value_type)) for item in value.items() )) if datatype == return parse_isodate(value) if datatype == datetime.time: return parse_isotime(value) if datatype == datetime.datetime: return parse_isodatetime(value) if hasattr(datatype, '_wsme_attributes'): for attr in datatype._wsme_attributes: if attr.key not in value: continue value[attr.key] = prepare_result(value[attr.key], attr.datatype) return value if datatype == wsme.types.bytes: return value.encode('ascii') if type(value) != datatype: print(type(value), datatype) return datatype(value) return value class CustomInt(UserType): basetype = int name = "custom integer" class Obj(wsme.types.Base): id = int name = wsme.types.text class NestedObj(wsme.types.Base): o = Obj class CRUDResult(object): data = Obj message = wsme.types.text def __init__(self, data=wsme.types.Unset, message=wsme.types.Unset): = data self.message = message class MiniCrud(object): @expose(CRUDResult, method='PUT') @validate(Obj) def create(self, data): print(repr(data)) return CRUDResult(data, u('create')) @expose(CRUDResult, method='GET', ignore_extra_args=True) @validate(Obj) def read(self, ref): print(repr(ref)) if == 1: = u('test') return CRUDResult(ref, u('read')) @expose(CRUDResult, method='POST') @validate(Obj) def update(self, data): print(repr(data)) return CRUDResult(data, u('update')) @expose(CRUDResult, wsme.types.text, body=Obj) def update_with_body(self, msg, data): print(repr(data)) return CRUDResult(data, msg) @expose(CRUDResult, method='DELETE') @validate(Obj) def delete(self, ref): print(repr(ref)) if == 1: = u('test') return CRUDResult(ref, u('delete')) wsme.tests.protocol.WSTestRoot.crud = MiniCrud() class TestRestJson(wsme.tests.protocol.RestOnlyProtocolTestCase): protocol = 'restjson' def call(self, fpath, _rt=None, _accept=None, _no_result_decode=False, body=None, **kw): if body: if isinstance(body, tuple): body, datatype = body else: datatype = type(body) body = prepare_value(body, datatype) content = json.dumps(body) else: for key in kw: if isinstance(kw[key], tuple): value, datatype = kw[key] else: value = kw[key] datatype = type(value) kw[key] = prepare_value(value, datatype) content = json.dumps(kw) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } if _accept is not None: headers["Accept"] = _accept res = '/' + fpath, content, headers=headers, expect_errors=True) print("Received:", res.body) if _no_result_decode: return res r = json.loads(res.text) if res.status_int == 200: if _rt and r: r = prepare_result(r, _rt) return r else: raise wsme.tests.protocol.CallException( r['faultcode'], r['faultstring'], r.get('debuginfo') ) return json.loads(res.text) def test_fromjson(self): assert fromjson(str, None) is None def test_keyargs(self): r ='/argtypes/setint.json?value=2') print(r) assert json.loads(r.text) == 2 nestedarray = 'value[0].inner.aint=54&value[1].inner.aint=55' r ='/argtypes/setnestedarray.json?' + nestedarray) print(r) assert json.loads(r.text) == [ {'inner': {'aint': 54}}, {'inner': {'aint': 55}}] def test_form_urlencoded_args(self): params = { 'value[0].inner.aint': 54, 'value[1].inner.aint': 55 } body = urlencode(params) r = '/argtypes/setnestedarray.json', body, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} ) print(r) assert json.loads(r.text) == [ {'inner': {'aint': 54}}, {'inner': {'aint': 55}}] def test_body_and_params(self): r ='/argtypes/setint.json?value=2', '{"value": 2}', headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, expect_errors=True) print(r) assert r.status_int == 400 assert json.loads(r.text)['faultstring'] == \ "Parameter value was given several times" def test_inline_body(self): params = urlencode({'__body__': '{"value": 4}'}) r ='/argtypes/setint.json?' + params) print(r) assert json.loads(r.text) == 4 def test_empty_body(self): params = urlencode({'__body__': ''}) r ='/returntypes/getint.json?' + params) print(r) assert json.loads(r.text) == 2 def test_invalid_content_type_body(self): r ='/argtypes/setint.json', '{"value": 2}', headers={"Content-Type": "application/invalid"}, expect_errors=True) print(r) assert r.status_int == 415 assert json.loads(r.text)['faultstring'] == \ "Unknown mimetype: application/invalid" def test_invalid_json_body(self): r ='/argtypes/setint.json', '{"value": 2', headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, expect_errors=True) print(r) assert r.status_int == 400 assert json.loads(r.text)['faultstring'] == \ "Request is not in valid JSON format" def test_unknown_arg(self): r ='/returntypes/getint.json', '{"a": 2}', headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, expect_errors=True) print(r) assert r.status_int == 400 assert json.loads(r.text)['faultstring'].startswith( "Unknown argument:" ) r ='/returntypes/getint.json?a=2', expect_errors=True) print(r) assert r.status_int == 400 assert json.loads(r.text)['faultstring'].startswith( "Unknown argument:" ) def test_set_custom_object(self): r = '/argtypes/setcustomobject', '{"value": {"aint": 2, "name": "test"}}', headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) self.assertEqual(r.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(r.json, {'aint': 2, 'name': 'test'}) def test_set_extended_int(self): r = '/argtypes/setextendedint', '{"value": 3}', headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"} ) self.assertEqual(r.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(r.json, 3) def test_unset_attrs(self): class AType(object): attr = int wsme.types.register_type(AType) j = tojson(AType, AType()) assert j == {} def test_array_tojson(self): assert tojson([int], None) is None assert tojson([int], []) == [] assert tojson([str], ['1', '4']) == ['1', '4'] def test_dict_tojson(self): assert tojson({int: str}, None) is None assert tojson({int: str}, {5: '5'}) == {5: '5'} def test_None_tojson(self): for dt in (, datetime.time, datetime.datetime, decimal.Decimal): assert tojson(dt, None) is None def test_None_fromjson(self): for dt in (str, int,, datetime.time, datetime.datetime, decimal.Decimal, [int], {int: int}): assert fromjson(dt, None) is None def test_parse_valid_date(self): j = parse('{"a": "2011-01-01"}', {'a':}, False) assert isinstance(j['a'], def test_invalid_list_fromjson(self): jlist = "invalid" try: parse('{"a": "%s"}' % jlist, {'a': ArrayType(str)}, False) assert False except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, InvalidInput) assert e.fieldname == 'a' assert e.value == jlist assert e.msg == "Value not a valid list: %s" % jlist def test_invalid_dict_fromjson(self): jdict = "invalid" try: parse('{"a": "%s"}' % jdict, {'a': DictType(str, str)}, False) assert False except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, InvalidInput) assert e.fieldname == 'a' assert e.value == jdict assert e.msg == "Value not a valid dict: %s" % jdict def test_invalid_date_fromjson(self): jdate = "2015-01-invalid" try: parse('{"a": "%s"}' % jdate, {'a':}, False) assert False except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, InvalidInput) assert e.fieldname == 'a' assert e.value == jdate assert e.msg == "'%s' is not a legal date value" % jdate def test_parse_valid_date_bodyarg(self): j = parse('"2011-01-01"', {'a':}, True) assert isinstance(j['a'], def test_invalid_date_fromjson_bodyarg(self): jdate = "2015-01-invalid" try: parse('"%s"' % jdate, {'a':}, True) assert False except Exception as e: assert isinstance(e, InvalidInput) assert e.fieldname == 'a' assert e.value == jdate assert e.msg == "'%s' is not a legal date value" % jdate def test_valid_str_to_builtin_fromjson(self): types = six.integer_types + (bool, float) value = '2' for t in types: for ba in True, False: jd = '%s' if ba else '{"a": %s}' i = parse(jd % value, {'a': t}, ba) self.assertEqual( i, {'a': t(value)}, "Parsed value does not correspond for %s: " "%s != {'a': %s}" % ( t, repr(i), repr(t(value)) ) ) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], t) def test_valid_int_fromjson(self): value = 2 for ba in True, False: jd = '%d' if ba else '{"a": %d}' i = parse(jd % value, {'a': int}, ba) self.assertEqual(i, {'a': 2}) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], int) def test_valid_num_to_float_fromjson(self): values = 2, 2.3 for v in values: for ba in True, False: jd = '%f' if ba else '{"a": %f}' i = parse(jd % v, {'a': float}, ba) self.assertEqual(i, {'a': float(v)}) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], float) def test_invalid_str_to_buitin_fromjson(self): types = six.integer_types + (float, bool) value = '2a' for t in types: for ba in True, False: jd = '"%s"' if ba else '{"a": "%s"}' try: parse(jd % value, {'a': t}, ba) assert False, ( "Value '%s' should not parse correctly for %s." % (value, t) ) except ClientSideError as e: self.assertIsInstance(e, InvalidInput) self.assertEqual(e.fieldname, 'a') self.assertEqual(e.value, value) def test_ambiguous_to_bool(self): amb_values = ('', 'randomstring', '2', '-32', 'not true') for value in amb_values: for ba in True, False: jd = '"%s"' if ba else '{"a": "%s"}' try: parse(jd % value, {'a': bool}, ba) assert False, ( "Value '%s' should not parse correctly for %s." % (value, bool) ) except ClientSideError as e: self.assertIsInstance(e, InvalidInput) self.assertEqual(e.fieldname, 'a') self.assertEqual(e.value, value) def test_true_strings_to_bool(self): true_values = ('true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on', '1') for value in true_values: for ba in True, False: jd = '"%s"' if ba else '{"a": "%s"}' i = parse(jd % value, {'a': bool}, ba) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], bool) self.assertTrue(i['a']) def test_false_strings_to_bool(self): false_values = ('false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', '0') for value in false_values: for ba in True, False: jd = '"%s"' if ba else '{"a": "%s"}' i = parse(jd % value, {'a': bool}, ba) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], bool) self.assertFalse(i['a']) def test_true_ints_to_bool(self): true_values = (1, 5, -3) for value in true_values: for ba in True, False: jd = '%d' if ba else '{"a": %d}' i = parse(jd % value, {'a': bool}, ba) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], bool) self.assertTrue(i['a']) def test_false_ints_to_bool(self): value = 0 for ba in True, False: jd = '%d' if ba else '{"a": %d}' i = parse(jd % value, {'a': bool}, ba) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], bool) self.assertFalse(i['a']) def test_valid_simple_custom_type_fromjson(self): value = 2 for ba in True, False: jd = '"%d"' if ba else '{"a": "%d"}' i = parse(jd % value, {'a': CustomInt()}, ba) self.assertEqual(i, {'a': 2}) self.assertIsInstance(i['a'], int) def test_invalid_simple_custom_type_fromjson(self): value = '2b' for ba in True, False: jd = '"%s"' if ba else '{"a": "%s"}' try: i = parse(jd % value, {'a': CustomInt()}, ba) self.assertEqual(i, {'a': 2}) except ClientSideError as e: self.assertIsInstance(e, InvalidInput) self.assertEqual(e.fieldname, 'a') self.assertEqual(e.value, value) self.assertEqual( e.msg, "invalid literal for int() with base 10: '%s'" % value ) def test_parse_unexpected_attribute(self): o = { "id": "1", "name": "test", "other": "unknown", "other2": "still unknown", } for ba in True, False: jd = o if ba else {"o": o} try: parse(json.dumps(jd), {'o': Obj}, ba) raise AssertionError("Object should not parse correcty.") except wsme.exc.UnknownAttribute as e: self.assertEqual(e.attributes, set(['other', 'other2'])) def test_parse_unexpected_nested_attribute(self): no = { "o": { "id": "1", "name": "test", "other": "unknown", }, } for ba in False, True: jd = no if ba else {"no": no} try: parse(json.dumps(jd), {'no': NestedObj}, ba) except wsme.exc.UnknownAttribute as e: self.assertEqual(e.attributes, set(['other'])) self.assertEqual(e.fieldname, "no.o") def test_nest_result(self): self.root.protocols[0].nest_result = True r ='/returntypes/getint.json') print(r) assert json.loads(r.text) == {"result": 2} def test_encode_sample_value(self): class MyType(object): aint = int astr = str register_type(MyType) v = MyType() v.aint = 4 v.astr = 's' r =, v, True) print(r) assert r[0] == ('javascript') assert r[1] == json.dumps({'aint': 4, 'astr': 's'}, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=True) def test_bytes_tojson(self): assert tojson(wsme.types.bytes, None) is None assert tojson(wsme.types.bytes, b('ascii')) == u('ascii') def test_encode_sample_params(self): r = [('a', int, 2)], True ) assert r[0] == 'javascript', r[0] assert r[1] == '''{ "a": 2 }''', r[1] def test_encode_sample_result(self): r = int, 2, True ) assert r[0] == 'javascript', r[0] assert r[1] == '''2''' def test_PUT(self): data = {"id": 1, "name": u("test")} content = json.dumps(dict(data=data)) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } res = '/crud', content, headers=headers, expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) result = json.loads(res.text) print(result) assert result['data']['id'] == 1 assert result['data']['name'] == u("test") assert result['message'] == "create" def test_GET(self): headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', } res = '/crud?', headers=headers, expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) result = json.loads(res.text) print(result) assert result['data']['id'] == 1 assert result['data']['name'] == u("test") def test_GET_complex_accept(self): headers = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' } res = '/crud?', headers=headers, expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) result = json.loads(res.text) print(result) assert result['data']['id'] == 1 assert result['data']['name'] == u("test") def test_GET_complex_choose_xml(self): headers = { 'Accept': 'text/html,text/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' } res = '/crud?', headers=headers, expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) assert res.content_type == 'text/xml' def test_GET_complex_accept_no_match(self): headers = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xml;q=0.9' } res = '/crud?', headers=headers, status=406) print("Received:", res.body) assert res.body == b("Unacceptable Accept type: " "text/html, application/xml;q=0.9 not in " "['application/json', 'text/javascript', " "'application/javascript', 'text/xml']") def test_GET_bad_simple_accept(self): headers = { 'Accept': 'text/plain', } res = '/crud?', headers=headers, status=406) print("Received:", res.body) assert res.body == b("Unacceptable Accept type: text/plain not in " "['application/json', 'text/javascript', " "'application/javascript', 'text/xml']") def test_POST(self): headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } res = '/crud', json.dumps(dict(data=dict(id=1, name=u('test')))), headers=headers, expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) result = json.loads(res.text) print(result) assert result['data']['id'] == 1 assert result['data']['name'] == u("test") assert result['message'] == "update" def test_POST_bad_content_type(self): headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', } res = '/crud', json.dumps(dict(data=dict(id=1, name=u('test')))), headers=headers, status=415) print("Received:", res.body) assert res.body == b("Unacceptable Content-Type: text/plain not in " "['application/json', 'text/javascript', " "'application/javascript', 'text/xml']") def test_DELETE(self): res = '/crud.json?', expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) result = json.loads(res.text) print(result) assert result['data']['id'] == 1 assert result['data']['name'] == u("test") assert result['message'] == "delete" def test_extra_arguments(self): headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', } res = '/crud?', headers=headers, expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) result = json.loads(res.text) print(result) assert result['data']['id'] == 1 assert result['data']['name'] == u("test") assert result['message'] == "read" def test_unexpected_extra_arg(self): headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } data = {"id": 1, "name": "test"} content = json.dumps({"data": data, "other": "unexpected"}) res = '/crud', content, headers=headers, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400) def test_unexpected_extra_attribute(self): """Expect a failure if we send an unexpected object attribute.""" headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } data = {"id": 1, "name": "test", "other": "unexpected"} content = json.dumps({"data": data}) res = '/crud', content, headers=headers, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400) def test_body_arg(self): headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } res = '/crud/update_with_body?msg=hello', json.dumps(dict(id=1, name=u('test'))), headers=headers, expect_errors=False) print("Received:", res.body) result = json.loads(res.text) print(result) assert result['data']['id'] == 1 assert result['data']['name'] == u("test") assert result['message'] == "hello"