require 'rubygems' require 'socket' begin require 'bundler/setup' rescue LoadError end require 'rack' require 'rack/content_length' require 'rack/rewindable_input' require 'stringio' require 'optparse' options = { :processes => 1, :threads => 1, :master => false, :logging => true, :static => true, :config => nil, :cachehack => false } opts = do |opts| opts.on("-p", "--processes=nproc", Integer, '') { |p| options[:processes] = p } opts.on("-t", "--threads=nthreads", Integer, '') { |t| options[:threads] = t } opts.on("-M", "--master", '') { options[:master] = true } opts.on("-L", "--no-logging", '') { options[:logging] = false } opts.on("-S", "--no-static", '') { options[:static] = false } opts.on("-C", "--cache-hack", '') { options[:cachehack] = true } opts.parse! ARGV end if ARGV[0] options[:config] = ARGV[0] end def human_round(float) (float * (10 ** 2)).round / (10 ** 2).to_f end $requests = 0 $workers = $mywid = 0 module Rack class RailsCachingHack def initialize app @app = app end def stripuri(uri) uri = uri.split('/') uri.slice!(1) val = uri.join('/') end def call env env['PATH_INFO'] = stripuri(env['PATH_INFO']) if env['PATH_INFO'] env['REQUEST_URI'] = stripuri(env['REQUEST_URI']) if env['REQUEST_URI'] env['REQUEST_URI'] = '/' if env['REQUEST_URI'] == '' env end end module Handler class Unbit def, options={}) server = UNIXServer.for_fd(0) can_spawn = true if options[:master] $0 = 'uRack master' $workers[0] = ulog("master process enabled (pid: #{$workers[0]})") $workers[1] = Process.fork if $workers[1].to_i > 0 ulog("spawned worker 1 (pid: #{$workers[1]})") elsif $workers[1].to_i == 0 $0 = "uRack worker 1" $mywid = 1 can_spawn = false end else $0 = 'uRack worker 1' $workers[0] = nil $workers[1] = $mywid = 1 ulog("spawned worker 1 (pid: #{$workers[1]})") end if options[:processes] > 1 and can_spawn for p in 2..options[:processes] $workers[p] = Process.fork if $workers[p].to_i == 0 $0 = "uRack worker #{p}" $mywid = p break elsif $workers[p].to_i > 0 ulog("spawned worker #{p} (pid: #{$workers[p]})") end end end # am i the master ? if options[:master] and == $workers[0] while 1 i_am_a_child = false pid = Process.waitpid for wid in 1..options[:processes] if $workers[wid] == pid ulog("worker #{wid} died ! (pid: #{pid})") $workers[wid] = Process.fork if $workers[wid].to_i == 0 $0 = "uRack worker #{wid}" i_am_a_child = true $mywid = wid break elsif $workers[wid].to_i > 0 ulog("respawned worker #{wid} (pid: #{$workers[wid]})") end end end break if i_am_a_child end end if options[:threads] > 2 for t in 2..options[:threads] wt = do ulog("spawning thread #{t} on worker #{$mywid}") while client = server.accept serve client, app, options end end end end while client = server.accept serve client, app, options end end def self.serve(client, app, options) speed = head, sender = client.recvfrom(4) unless head client.close return end mod1, size, mod2 = head.unpack('CvC') if size == 0 or size.nil? client.close return end vars, sender = client.recvfrom(size) if vars.length != size client.close return end env = i = 0 while i < size kl = vars[i, 2].unpack('v')[0] i = i + 2 key = vars[i, kl] i = i + kl vl = vars[i, 2].unpack('v')[0] i = i + 2 value = vars[i, vl] i = i + vl env[key] = value end env.delete "HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH" env.delete "HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE" env["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "" if env["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "/" env["QUERY_STRING"] ||= "" env["HTTP_VERSION"] ||= env["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] env["REQUEST_PATH"] ||= "/" env.delete "PATH_INFO" if env["PATH_INFO"] == "" env.delete "CONTENT_TYPE" if env["CONTENT_TYPE"] == "" env.delete "CONTENT_LENGTH" if env["CONTENT_LENGTH"] == "" if env["CONTENT_LENGTH"].to_i > 4096 rack_input ='Rack_unbit_Input') rack_input.chmod(0000) rack_input.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if rack_input.respond_to?(:set_encoding) rack_input.binmode rack_input.unlink remains = env["CONTENT_LENGTH"].to_i while remains > 0 if remains >= 4096 buf, sender = client.recvfrom(4096) else buf, sender = client.recvfrom(remains) end if buf.length == 0 break end rack_input.write( buf ) remains -= buf.length end elsif env["CONTENT_LENGTH"].to_i > 0 rack_input =["CONTENT_LENGTH"].to_i)[0]) else rack_input ='') end rack_input.rewind env.update({"rack.version" => [1,1], "rack.input" => rack_input, "rack.errors" => $stderr, "rack.multithread" => false, "rack.multiprocess" => true, "rack.run_once" => false, "rack.url_scheme" => ["yes", "on", "1"].include?(env["HTTPS"]) ? "https" : "http" }) app = disconnected = false begin status, headers, body = begin send_headers client, env["HTTP_VERSION"] ,status, headers send_body client, body ensure body.close if body.respond_to? :close end rescue Errno::EPIPE, Errno::ECONNRESET disconnected = true ensure rack_input.close client.close end $requests = $requests+1 ulog("req: #{$requests} ip: #{env['REMOTE_ADDR']} pid: #{} as: #{human_round(syscall(356).to_f/1024/1024)} MB => #{env['REQUEST_METHOD']} #{env['REQUEST_URI']} in #{} secs [#{status}]#{' DISCONNECTED !!!' if disconnected}") if options[:logging] end def self.send_headers(client, protocol, status, headers) client.print "#{protocol} #{status} #{Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[status]}\r\n" headers.each { |k, vs| vs.split("\n").each { |v| client.print "#{k}: #{v}\r\n" } } client.print "\r\n" client.flush end def self.send_body(client, body) body.each { |part| client.print part client.flush } end end end end def ulog(message) $stderr.puts "[#{}] uRack: #{message}" end ulog("starting at #{Dir.getwd}") limit_as = human_round(Process.getrlimit(Process::RLIMIT_AS)[1].to_f/1024/1024) ulog("your process address space limit is #{limit_as} MB") server = Rack::Handler.get('Unbit') starttime = app = nil if options[:config] cfgfile =[:config]) if cfgfile[/^#\\(.*)/] opts.parse! $1.split(/\s+/) end app = eval " {( " + cfgfile + "\n )}.to_app", nil, options[:config] else # falling back to rails if Dir.getwd =~ /\/public\/?$/ require '../config/environment' else require 'config/environment' end app = { if options[:cachehack] use Rack::RailsCachingHack end if options[:static] use Rails::Rack::Static end if ActionController.const_defined?(:Dispatcher) && (ActionController::Dispatcher.instance_methods.include?(:call) || ActionController::Dispatcher.instance_methods.include?("call")) run else require 'thin' run => ENV['RAILS_ENV']) end } end ulog("your app is ready (in #{} seconds)."), options)