from __future__ import annotations import unittest import urwid from urwid import text_layout class CalcBreaksTest: def cbtest(self, width, exp): result = text_layout.default_layout.calculate_text_segments( self.text.encode('iso8859-1'), width, self.mode ) assert len(result) == len(exp), repr((result, exp)) for l,e in zip(result, exp): end = l[-1][-1] assert end == e, repr((result,exp)) def test(self): for width, exp in self.cbtest( width, exp ) class CalcBreaksCharTest(CalcBreaksTest, unittest.TestCase): mode = 'any' text = "abfghsdjf askhtrvs\naltjhgsdf ljahtshgf" # tests do = [ ( 100, [18,38] ), ( 6, [6, 12, 18, 25, 31, 37, 38] ), ( 10, [10, 18, 29, 38] ), ] class CalcBreaksDBCharTest(CalcBreaksTest, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): urwid.set_encoding("euc-jp") mode = 'any' text = "abfgh\xA1\xA1j\xA1\xA1xskhtrvs\naltjhgsdf\xA1\xA1jahtshgf" # tests do = [ ( 10, [10, 18, 28, 38] ), ( 6, [5, 11, 17, 18, 25, 31, 37, 38] ), ( 100, [18, 38]), ] class CalcBreaksWordTest(CalcBreaksTest, unittest.TestCase): mode = 'space' text = "hello world\nout there. blah" # tests do = [ ( 10, [5, 11, 22, 27] ), ( 5, [5, 11, 17, 22, 27] ), ( 100, [11, 27] ), ] class CalcBreaksWordTest2(CalcBreaksTest, unittest.TestCase): mode = 'space' text = "A simple set of words, really...." do = [ ( 10, [8, 15, 22, 33]), ( 17, [15, 33]), ( 13, [12, 22, 33]), ] class CalcBreaksDBWordTest(CalcBreaksTest, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): urwid.set_encoding("euc-jp") mode = 'space' text = "hel\xA1\xA1 world\nout-\xA1\xA1tre blah" # tests do = [ ( 10, [5, 11, 21, 26] ), ( 5, [5, 11, 16, 21, 26] ), ( 100, [11, 26] ), ] class CalcBreaksUTF8Test(CalcBreaksTest, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): urwid.set_encoding("utf-8") mode = 'space' text = '\xe6\x9b\xbf\xe6\xb4\xbc\xe6\xb8\x8e\xe6\xba\x8f\xe6\xbd\xba' do = [ (4, [6, 12, 15] ), (10, [15] ), (5, [6, 12, 15] ), ] class CalcBreaksCantDisplayTest(unittest.TestCase): def test(self): urwid.set_encoding("euc-jp") self.assertRaises(text_layout.CanNotDisplayText, text_layout.default_layout.calculate_text_segments, b'\xA1\xA1', 1, 'space' ) urwid.set_encoding("utf-8") self.assertRaises(text_layout.CanNotDisplayText, text_layout.default_layout.calculate_text_segments, b'\xe9\xa2\x96', 1, 'space' ) class SubsegTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): urwid.set_encoding("euc-jp") def st(self, seg, text, start, end, exp): text = text.encode('iso8859-1') s = urwid.LayoutSegment(seg) result = s.subseg( text, start, end ) assert result == exp, f"Expected {exp!r}, got {result!r}" def test1_padding(self): (10, None), "", 0, 8, [(8, None)] ) (10, None), "", 2, 10, [(8, None)] ) (10, 0), "", 3, 7, [(4, 0)] ) (10, 0), "", 0, 20, [(10, 0)] ) def test2_text(self): (10, 0, b"1234567890"), "", 0, 8, [(8,0,b"12345678")] ) (10, 0, b"1234567890"), "", 2, 10, [(8,0,b"34567890")] ) (10, 0, b"12\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA190"), "", 2, 8, [(6, 0, b"\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA1")] ) (10, 0, b"12\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA190"), "", 3, 8, [(5, 0, b" 56\xA1\xA1")] ) (10, 0, b"12\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA190"), "", 2, 7, [(5, 0, b"\xA1\xA156 ")] ) (10, 0, b"12\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA190"), "", 3, 7, [(4, 0, b" 56 ")] ) (10, 0, b"12\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA190"), "", 0, 20, [(10, 0, b"12\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA190")] ) def test3_range(self): t = "1234567890" (10, 0, 10), t, 0, 8, [(8, 0, 8)] ) (10, 0, 10), t, 2, 10, [(8, 2, 10)] ) (6, 2, 8), t, 1, 6, [(5, 3, 8)] ) (6, 2, 8), t, 0, 5, [(5, 2, 7)] ) (6, 2, 8), t, 1, 5, [(4, 3, 7)] ) t = "12\xA1\xA156\xA1\xA190" (10, 0, 10), t, 0, 8, [(8, 0, 8)] ) (10, 0, 10), t, 2, 10, [(8, 2, 10)] ) (6, 2, 8), t, 1, 6, [(1, 3), (4, 4, 8)] ) (6, 2, 8), t, 0, 5, [(4, 2, 6), (1, 6)] ) (6, 2, 8), t, 1, 5, [(1, 3), (2, 4, 6), (1, 6)] ) class CalcTranslateTest: def setUp(self): urwid.set_encoding("utf-8") def test1_left(self): result = urwid.default_layout.layout( self.text, self.width, 'left', self.mode) assert result == self.result_left, result def test2_right(self): result = urwid.default_layout.layout( self.text, self.width, 'right', self.mode) assert result == self.result_right, result def test3_center(self): result = urwid.default_layout.layout( self.text, self.width, 'center', self.mode) assert result == self.result_center, result class CalcTranslateCharTest(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = "It's out of control!\nYou've got to" mode = 'any' width = 15 result_left = [ [(15, 0, 15)], [(5, 15, 20), (0, 20)], [(13, 21, 34), (0, 34)]] result_right = [ [(15, 0, 15)], [(10, None), (5, 15, 20), (0,20)], [(2, None), (13, 21, 34), (0,34)]] result_center = [ [(15, 0, 15)], [(5, None), (5, 15, 20), (0,20)], [(1, None), (13, 21, 34), (0,34)]] class CalcTranslateWordTest(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = "It's out of control!\nYou've got to" mode = 'space' width = 14 result_left = [ [(11, 0, 11), (0, 11)], [(8, 12, 20), (0, 20)], [(13, 21, 34), (0, 34)]] result_right = [ [(3, None), (11, 0, 11), (0, 11)], [(6, None), (8, 12, 20), (0, 20)], [(1, None), (13, 21, 34), (0, 34)]] result_center = [ [(2, None), (11, 0, 11), (0, 11)], [(3, None), (8, 12, 20), (0, 20)], [(1, None), (13, 21, 34), (0, 34)]] class CalcTranslateWordTest2(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = "It's out of control!\nYou've got to " mode = 'space' width = 14 result_left = [ [(11, 0, 11), (0, 11)], [(8, 12, 20), (0, 20)], [(14, 21, 35), (0, 35)]] result_right = [ [(3, None), (11, 0, 11), (0, 11)], [(6, None), (8, 12, 20), (0, 20)], [(14, 21, 35), (0, 35)]] result_center = [ [(2, None), (11, 0, 11), (0, 11)], [(3, None), (8, 12, 20), (0, 20)], [(14, 21, 35), (0, 35)]] class CalcTranslateWordTest3(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): urwid.set_encoding('utf-8') text = b'\xe6\x9b\xbf\xe6\xb4\xbc\n\xe6\xb8\x8e\xe6\xba\x8f\xe6\xbd\xba' width = 10 mode = 'space' result_left = [ [(4, 0, 6), (0, 6)], [(6, 7, 16), (0, 16)]] result_right = [ [(6, None), (4, 0, 6), (0, 6)], [(4, None), (6, 7, 16), (0, 16)]] result_center = [ [(3, None), (4, 0, 6), (0, 6)], [(2, None), (6, 7, 16), (0, 16)]] class CalcTranslateWordTest4(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = ' Die Gedank' width = 3 mode = 'space' result_left = [ [(0, 0)], [(3, 1, 4), (0, 4)], [(3, 5, 8)], [(3, 8, 11), (0, 11)]] result_right = [ [(3, None), (0, 0)], [(3, 1, 4), (0, 4)], [(3, 5, 8)], [(3, 8, 11), (0, 11)]] result_center = [ [(2, None), (0, 0)], [(3, 1, 4), (0, 4)], [(3, 5, 8)], [(3, 8, 11), (0, 11)]] class CalcTranslateWordTest5(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = ' Word.' width = 3 mode = 'space' result_left = [[(3, 0, 3)], [(3, 3, 6), (0, 6)]] result_right = [[(3, 0, 3)], [(3, 3, 6), (0, 6)]] result_center = [[(3, 0, 3)], [(3, 3, 6), (0, 6)]] class CalcTranslateClipTest(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = "It's out of control!\nYou've got to\n\nturn it off!!!" mode = 'clip' width = 14 result_left = [ [(20, 0, 20), (0, 20)], [(13, 21, 34), (0, 34)], [(0, 35)], [(14, 36, 50), (0, 50)]] result_right = [ [(-6, None), (20, 0, 20), (0, 20)], [(1, None), (13, 21, 34), (0, 34)], [(14, None), (0, 35)], [(14, 36, 50), (0, 50)]] result_center = [ [(-3, None), (20, 0, 20), (0, 20)], [(1, None), (13, 21, 34), (0, 34)], [(7, None), (0, 35)], [(14, 36, 50), (0, 50)]] class CalcTranslateClipTest2(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = "Hello!\nto\nWorld!" mode = 'clip' width = 5 # line width (of first and last lines) minus one result_left = [ [(6, 0, 6), (0, 6)], [(2, 7, 9), (0, 9)], [(6, 10, 16), (0, 16)]] result_right = [ [(-1, None), (6, 0, 6), (0, 6)], [(3, None), (2, 7, 9), (0, 9)], [(-1, None), (6, 10, 16), (0, 16)]] result_center = [ [(6, 0, 6), (0, 6)], [(2, None), (2, 7, 9), (0, 9)], [(6, 10, 16), (0, 16)]] class CalcTranslateCantDisplayTest(CalcTranslateTest, unittest.TestCase): text = b'Hello\xe9\xa2\x96' mode = 'space' width = 1 result_left = [[]] result_right = [[]] result_center = [[]] class CalcPosTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.text = "A" * 27 self.trans = [ [(2,None),(7,0,7),(0,7)], [(13,8,21),(0,21)], [(3,None),(5,22,27),(0,27)]] self.mytests = [(1,0, 0), (2,0, 0), (11,0, 7), (-3,1, 8), (-2,1, 8), (1,1, 9), (31,1, 21), (1,2, 22), (11,2, 27) ] def tests(self): for x,y, expected in self.mytests: got = text_layout.calc_pos( self.text, self.trans, x, y ) assert got == expected, f"{x, y!r} got:{got!r} expected:{expected!r}" class Pos2CoordsTest(unittest.TestCase): pos_list = [5, 9, 20, 26] text = "1234567890" * 3 mytests = [ ( [[(15,0,15)], [(15,15,30),(0,30)]], [(5,0),(9,0),(5,1),(11,1)] ), ( [[(9,0,9)], [(12,9,21)], [(9,21,30),(0,30)]], [(5,0),(0,1),(11,1),(5,2)] ), ( [[(2,None), (15,0,15)], [(2,None), (15,15,30),(0,30)]], [(7,0),(11,0),(7,1),(13,1)] ), ( [[(3, 6, 9),(0,9)], [(5, 20, 25),(0,25)]], [(0,0),(3,0),(0,1),(5,1)] ), ( [[(10, 0, 10),(0,10)]], [(5,0),(9,0),(10,0),(10,0)] ), ] def test(self): for t, answer in self.mytests: for pos,a in zip(self.pos_list,answer) : r = text_layout.calc_coords( self.text, t, pos) assert r==a, f"{t!r} got: {r!r} expected: {a!r}"