# encoding: utf-8 """ Example application for integrating serving a Urwid application remotely. Run this application with:: twistd -ny twisted_serve_ssh.tac Then in another terminal run:: ssh -p 6022 user@localhost (The password is 'pw' without the quotes.) Note: To use this in real life, you must use some real checker. """ from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse import urwid from twisted_serve_ssh import UrwidMind, UrwidUi, create_application class HelloUi(UrwidUi): def create_urwid_toplevel(self): txt = urwid.Edit('Hello World?\n ') txt2 = urwid.Edit('Hello World?\n ') fill = urwid.Filler(urwid.Pile([txt, txt2]), 'top') return fill class HelloMind(UrwidMind): ui_factory = HelloUi cred_checkers = [InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(user='pw')] application = create_application('TXUrwid Demo', HelloMind, 6022) # vim: ft=python