#!/usr/bin/python # # Urwid graphics example program # Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Ian Ward # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Urwid web site: http://excess.org/urwid/ """ Urwid example demonstrating use of the BarGraph widget and creating a floating-window appearance. Also shows use of alarms to create timed animation. """ import urwid import math import time UPDATE_INTERVAL = 0.2 def sin100( x ): """ A sin function that returns values between 0 and 100 and repeats after x == 100. """ return 50 + 50 * math.sin( x * math.pi / 50 ) class GraphModel: """ A class responsible for storing the data that will be displayed on the graph, and keeping track of which mode is enabled. """ data_max_value = 100 def __init__(self): data = [ ('Saw', range(0,100,2)*2), ('Square', [0]*30 + [100]*30), ('Sine 1', [sin100(x) for x in range(100)] ), ('Sine 2', [(sin100(x) + sin100(x*2))/2 for x in range(100)] ), ('Sine 3', [(sin100(x) + sin100(x*3))/2 for x in range(100)] ), ] self.modes = [] self.data = {} for m, d in data: self.modes.append(m) self.data[m] = d def get_modes(self): return self.modes def set_mode(self, m): self.current_mode = m def get_data(self, offset, r): """ Return the data in [offset:offset+r], the maximum value for items returned, and the offset at which the data repeats. """ l = [] d = self.data[self.current_mode] while r: offset = offset % len(d) segment = d[offset:offset+r] r -= len(segment) offset += len(segment) l += segment return l, self.data_max_value, len(d) class GraphView(urwid.WidgetWrap): """ A class responsible for providing the application's interface and graph display. """ palette = [ ('body', 'black', 'light gray', 'standout'), ('header', 'white', 'dark red', 'bold'), ('screen edge', 'light blue', 'dark cyan'), ('main shadow', 'dark gray', 'black'), ('line', 'black', 'light gray', 'standout'), ('bg background','light gray', 'black'), ('bg 1', 'black', 'dark blue', 'standout'), ('bg 1 smooth', 'dark blue', 'black'), ('bg 2', 'black', 'dark cyan', 'standout'), ('bg 2 smooth', 'dark cyan', 'black'), ('button normal','light gray', 'dark blue', 'standout'), ('button select','white', 'dark green'), ('line', 'black', 'light gray', 'standout'), ('pg normal', 'white', 'black', 'standout'), ('pg complete', 'white', 'dark magenta'), ('pg smooth', 'dark magenta','black') ] graph_samples_per_bar = 10 graph_num_bars = 5 graph_offset_per_second = 5 def __init__(self, controller): self.controller = controller self.started = True self.start_time = None self.offset = 0 self.last_offset = None urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, self.main_window()) def get_offset_now(self): if self.start_time is None: return 0 if not self.started: return self.offset tdelta = time.time() - self.start_time return int(self.offset + (tdelta*self.graph_offset_per_second)) def update_graph(self, force_update=False): o = self.get_offset_now() if o == self.last_offset and not force_update: return False self.last_offset = o gspb = self.graph_samples_per_bar r = gspb * self.graph_num_bars d, max_value, repeat = self.controller.get_data( o, r ) l = [] for n in range(self.graph_num_bars): value = sum(d[n*gspb:(n+1)*gspb])/gspb # toggle between two bar types if n & 1: l.append([0,value]) else: l.append([value,0]) self.graph.set_data(l,max_value) # also update progress if (o//repeat)&1: # show 100% for first half, 0 for second half if o%repeat > repeat//2: prog = 0 else: prog = 1 else: prog = float(o%repeat) / repeat self.animate_progress.set_completion( prog ) return True def on_animate_button(self, button): """Toggle started state and button text.""" if self.started: # stop animation button.set_label("Start") self.offset = self.get_offset_now() self.started = False self.controller.stop_animation() else: button.set_label("Stop") self.started = True self.start_time = time.time() self.controller.animate_graph() def on_reset_button(self, w): self.offset = 0 self.start_time = time.time() self.update_graph(True) def on_mode_button(self, button, state): """Notify the controller of a new mode setting.""" if state: # The new mode is the label of the button self.controller.set_mode( button.get_label() ) self.last_offset = None def on_mode_change(self, m): """Handle external mode change by updating radio buttons.""" for rb in self.mode_buttons: if rb.get_label() == m: rb.set_state(True, do_callback=False) break self.last_offset = None def on_unicode_checkbox(self, w, state): self.graph = self.bar_graph( state ) self.graph_wrap._w = self.graph self.animate_progress = self.progress_bar( state ) self.animate_progress_wrap._w = self.animate_progress self.update_graph( True ) def main_shadow(self, w): """Wrap a shadow and background around widget w.""" bg = urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.SolidFill(u"\u2592"), 'screen edge') shadow = urwid.AttrWrap(urwid.SolidFill(u" "), 'main shadow') bg = urwid.Overlay( shadow, bg, ('fixed left', 3), ('fixed right', 1), ('fixed top', 2), ('fixed bottom', 1)) w = urwid.Overlay( w, bg, ('fixed left', 2), ('fixed right', 3), ('fixed top', 1), ('fixed bottom', 2)) return w def bar_graph(self, smooth=False): satt = None if smooth: satt = {(1,0): 'bg 1 smooth', (2,0): 'bg 2 smooth'} w = urwid.BarGraph(['bg background','bg 1','bg 2'], satt=satt) return w def button(self, t, fn): w = urwid.Button(t, fn) w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, 'button normal', 'button select') return w def radio_button(self, g, l, fn): w = urwid.RadioButton(g, l, False, on_state_change=fn) w = urwid.AttrWrap(w, 'button normal', 'button select') return w def progress_bar(self, smooth=False): if smooth: return urwid.ProgressBar('pg normal', 'pg complete', 0, 1, 'pg smooth') else: return urwid.ProgressBar('pg normal', 'pg complete', 0, 1) def exit_program(self, w): raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() def graph_controls(self): modes = self.controller.get_modes() # setup mode radio buttons self.mode_buttons = [] group = [] for m in modes: rb = self.radio_button( group, m, self.on_mode_button ) self.mode_buttons.append( rb ) # setup animate button self.animate_button = self.button( "", self.on_animate_button) self.on_animate_button( self.animate_button ) self.offset = 0 self.animate_progress = self.progress_bar() animate_controls = urwid.GridFlow( [ self.animate_button, self.button("Reset", self.on_reset_button), ], 9, 2, 0, 'center') if urwid.get_encoding_mode() == "utf8": unicode_checkbox = urwid.CheckBox( "Enable Unicode Graphics", on_state_change=self.on_unicode_checkbox) else: unicode_checkbox = urwid.Text( "UTF-8 encoding not detected") self.animate_progress_wrap = urwid.WidgetWrap( self.animate_progress) l = [ urwid.Text("Mode",align="center"), ] + self.mode_buttons + [ urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text("Animation",align="center"), animate_controls, self.animate_progress_wrap, urwid.Divider(), urwid.LineBox( unicode_checkbox ), urwid.Divider(), self.button("Quit", self.exit_program ), ] w = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(l)) return w def main_window(self): self.graph = self.bar_graph() self.graph_wrap = urwid.WidgetWrap( self.graph ) vline = urwid.AttrWrap( urwid.SolidFill(u'\u2502'), 'line') c = self.graph_controls() w = urwid.Columns([('weight',2,self.graph_wrap), ('fixed',1,vline), c], dividechars=1, focus_column=2) w = urwid.Padding(w,('fixed left',1),('fixed right',0)) w = urwid.AttrWrap(w,'body') w = urwid.LineBox(w) w = urwid.AttrWrap(w,'line') w = self.main_shadow(w) return w class GraphController: """ A class responsible for setting up the model and view and running the application. """ def __init__(self): self.animate_alarm = None self.model = GraphModel() self.view = GraphView( self ) # use the first mode as the default mode = self.get_modes()[0] self.model.set_mode( mode ) # update the view self.view.on_mode_change( mode ) self.view.update_graph(True) def get_modes(self): """Allow our view access to the list of modes.""" return self.model.get_modes() def set_mode(self, m): """Allow our view to set the mode.""" rval = self.model.set_mode( m ) self.view.update_graph(True) return rval def get_data(self, offset, range): """Provide data to our view for the graph.""" return self.model.get_data( offset, range ) def main(self): self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(self.view, self.view.palette) self.loop.run() def animate_graph(self, loop=None, user_data=None): """update the graph and schedule the next update""" self.view.update_graph() self.animate_alarm = self.loop.set_alarm_in( UPDATE_INTERVAL, self.animate_graph) def stop_animation(self): """stop animating the graph""" if self.animate_alarm: self.loop.remove_alarm(self.animate_alarm) self.animate_alarm = None def main(): GraphController().main() if '__main__'==__name__: main()