import urwid class ActionButton(urwid.Button): def __init__(self, caption, callback): super(ActionButton, self).__init__("") urwid.connect_signal(self, 'click', callback) self._w = urwid.AttrMap(urwid.SelectableIcon(caption, 1), None, focus_map='reversed') class Place(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, name, choices): super(Place, self).__init__( ActionButton([u" > go to ", name], self.enter_place)) self.heading = urwid.Text([u"\nLocation: ", name, "\n"]) self.choices = choices # create links back to ourself for child in choices: getattr(child, 'choices', []).insert(0, self) def enter_place(self, button): game.update_place(self) class Thing(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, name): super(Thing, self).__init__( ActionButton([u" * take ", name], self.take_thing)) = name def take_thing(self, button): self._w = urwid.Text(u" - %s (taken)" % game.take_thing(self) def exit_program(button): raise urwid.ExitMainLoop() map_top = Place(u'porch', [ Place(u'kitchen', [ Place(u'refrigerator', []), Place(u'cupboard', [ Thing(u'jug'), ]), ]), Place(u'garden', [ Place(u'tree', [ Thing(u'lemon'), Thing(u'bird'), ]), ]), Place(u'street', [ Place(u'store', [ Thing(u'sugar'), ]), Place(u'lake', [ Place(u'beach', []), ]), ]), ]) class AdventureGame(object): def __init__(self): self.log = urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([]) = urwid.ListBox(self.log) self.inventory = set() self.update_place(map_top) def update_place(self, place): if self.log: # disable interaction with previous place self.log[-1] = urwid.WidgetDisable(self.log[-1]) self.log.append(urwid.Pile([place.heading] + place.choices)) = len(self.log) - 1 = place def take_thing(self, thing): self.inventory.add( if self.inventory >= set([u'sugar', u'lemon', u'jug']): response = urwid.Text(u'You can make lemonade!\n') done = ActionButton(u' - Joy', exit_program) self.log[:] = [response, done] else: self.update_place( game = AdventureGame() urwid.MainLoop(, palette=[('reversed', 'standout', '')]).run()