Run tests ========= Run tests with tox ------------------ The `tox project `_ can be used to build a virtual environment with all runtime and test dependencies and run tests against different Python versions (2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3). For example, to run tests with Python 2.7, just type:: tox -e py27 To run tests against other Python versions: * ``py26``: Python 2.6 * ``py27``: Python 2.7 * ``py32``: Python 3.2 * ``py33``: Python 3.3 Test Dependencies ----------------- On Python older than 3.3, unit tests require the `mock `_ module. Python 2.6 requires also `unittest2 `_. Run tests on UNIX ----------------- Run the following commands from the directory of the Trollius project. To run tests:: make test To run coverage (``coverage`` package is required):: make coverage Run tests on Windows -------------------- Run the following commands from the directory of the Trollius project. You can run the tests as follows:: C:\Python27\python.exe And coverage as follows:: C:\Python27\python.exe --coverage