Tulip is the codename for my reference implementation of PEP 3156. PEP 3156: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3156/ *** This requires Python 3.3 or later! *** Copyright/license: Open source, Apache 2.0. Enjoy. Master Mercurial repo: http://code.google.com/p/tulip/ The actual code lives in the 'asyncio' subdirectory. Tests are in the 'tests' subdirectory. To run tests: - make test To run coverage (coverage package is required): - make coverage On Windows, things are a little more complicated. Assume 'P' is your Python binary (for example C:\Python33\python.exe). You must first build the _overlapped.pyd extension and have it placed in the asyncio directory, as follows: C> P setup.py build_ext --inplace Then you can run the tests as follows: C> P runtests.py And coverage as follows: C> P runtests.py --coverage --Guido van Rossum