set -e # Check for merge conflicts if $(git status --porcelain|grep -q '^.U '); then echo "Fix the following conflicts:" git status exit 1 fi # Ensure that yield from is not used if $(git diff|grep -q 'yield from'); then echo "yield from present in changed code!" git diff | grep 'yield from' -B5 -A3 exit 1 fi # Ensure that mock patchs trollius module, not asyncio if $(grep -q 'patch.*asyncio' tests/*.py); then echo "Fix following patch lines in tests/" grep 'patch.*asyncio' tests/*.py exit 1 fi # Python 2.6 compatibility if $(grep -q -E '\{[^0-9].*format' */*.py); then echo "Issues with Python 2.6 compatibility:" grep -E '\{[^0-9].*format' */*.py exit 1 fi if $(grep -q -F 'super()' */*.py); then echo "Issues with Python 2.6 compatibility:" grep -F 'super()' */*.py exit 1 fi echo "Now run ./"