"""Like source.py, but uses streams.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys from trollius import * from trollius import test_utils ARGS = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="TCP data sink example.") ARGS.add_argument( '--tls', action='store_true', dest='tls', default=False, help='Use TLS') ARGS.add_argument( '--iocp', action='store_true', dest='iocp', default=False, help='Use IOCP event loop (Windows only)') ARGS.add_argument( '--stop', action='store_true', dest='stop', default=False, help='Stop the server by sending it b"stop" as data') ARGS.add_argument( '--host', action='store', dest='host', default='', help='Host name') ARGS.add_argument( '--port', action='store', dest='port', default=1111, type=int, help='Port number') ARGS.add_argument( '--size', action='store', dest='size', default=16*1024, type=int, help='Data size') class Debug: """A clever little class that suppresses repetitive messages.""" overwriting = False label = 'stream1:' def print_(self, *args): if self.overwriting: print(file=sys.stderr) self.overwriting = 0 print(self.label, *args, file=sys.stderr) def oprint(self, *args): self.overwriting += 1 end = '\n' if self.overwriting >= 3: if self.overwriting == 3: print(self.label, '[...]', file=sys.stderr) end = '\r' print(self.label, *args, file=sys.stderr, end=end) sys.stdout.flush() @coroutine def start(loop, args): d = Debug() total = 0 sslctx = None if args.tls: d.print_('using dummy SSLContext') sslctx = test_utils.dummy_ssl_context() r, w = yield From(open_connection(args.host, args.port, ssl=sslctx)) d.print_('r =', r) d.print_('w =', w) if args.stop: w.write(b'stop') w.close() else: size = args.size data = b'x'*size try: while True: total += size d.oprint('writing', size, 'bytes; total', total) w.write(data) f = w.drain() if f: d.print_('pausing') yield From(f) except (ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError) as exc: d.print_('caught', repr(exc)) def main(): global args args = ARGS.parse_args() if args.iocp: from trollius.windows_events import ProactorEventLoop loop = ProactorEventLoop() set_event_loop(loop) else: loop = get_event_loop() try: loop.run_until_complete(start(loop, args)) finally: loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()