""" Automatically package and test a Python project against configurable Python2 and Python3 based virtual environments. Environments are setup by using virtualenv. Configuration is generally done through an INI-style "tox.ini" file. """ from __future__ import with_statement import tox import py import os import sys import subprocess from tox._verlib import NormalizedVersion, IrrationalVersionError from tox.venv import VirtualEnv from tox.config import parseconfig from tox.result import ResultLog from subprocess import STDOUT def now(): return py.std.time.time() def prepare(args): config = parseconfig(args) if config.option.help: show_help(config) raise SystemExit(0) elif config.option.helpini: show_help_ini(config) raise SystemExit(0) return config def main(args=None): try: config = prepare(args) retcode = Session(config).runcommand() raise SystemExit(retcode) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit(2) def show_help(config): tw = py.io.TerminalWriter() tw.write(config._parser._format_help()) tw.line() tw.line("Environment variables", bold=True) tw.line("TOXENV: comma separated list of environments " "(overridable by '-e')") tw.line("TOX_TESTENV_PASSENV: space-separated list of extra " "environment variables to be passed into test command " "environments") def show_help_ini(config): tw = py.io.TerminalWriter() tw.sep("-", "per-testenv attributes") for env_attr in config._testenv_attr: tw.line("%-15s %-8s default: %s" % (env_attr.name, "<" + env_attr.type + ">", env_attr.default), bold=True) tw.line(env_attr.help) tw.line() class Action(object): def __init__(self, session, venv, msg, args): self.venv = venv self.msg = msg self.activity = msg.split(" ", 1)[0] self.session = session self.report = session.report self.args = args self.id = venv and venv.envconfig.envname or "tox" self._popenlist = [] if self.venv: self.venvname = self.venv.name else: self.venvname = "GLOB" if msg == "runtests": cat = "test" else: cat = "setup" envlog = session.resultlog.get_envlog(self.venvname) self.commandlog = envlog.get_commandlog(cat) def __enter__(self): self.report.logaction_start(self) def __exit__(self, *args): self.report.logaction_finish(self) def setactivity(self, name, msg): self.activity = name self.report.verbosity0("%s %s: %s" % (self.venvname, name, msg), bold=True) def info(self, name, msg): self.report.verbosity1("%s %s: %s" % (self.venvname, name, msg), bold=True) def _initlogpath(self, actionid): if self.venv: logdir = self.venv.envconfig.envlogdir else: logdir = self.session.config.logdir try: l = logdir.listdir("%s-*" % actionid) except py.error.ENOENT: logdir.ensure(dir=1) l = [] num = len(l) path = logdir.join("%s-%s.log" % (actionid, num)) f = path.open('w') f.flush() return f def popen(self, args, cwd=None, env=None, redirect=True, returnout=False, ignore_ret=False): stdout = outpath = None resultjson = self.session.config.option.resultjson if resultjson or redirect: fout = self._initlogpath(self.id) fout.write("actionid: %s\nmsg: %s\ncmdargs: %r\nenv: %s\n\n" % ( self.id, self.msg, args, env)) fout.flush() self.popen_outpath = outpath = py.path.local(fout.name) fin = outpath.open() fin.read() # read the header, so it won't be written to stdout stdout = fout elif returnout: stdout = subprocess.PIPE if cwd is None: # XXX cwd = self.session.config.cwd cwd = py.path.local() try: popen = self._popen(args, cwd, env=env, stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT) except OSError as e: self.report.error("invocation failed (errno %d), args: %s, cwd: %s" % (e.errno, args, cwd)) raise popen.outpath = outpath popen.args = [str(x) for x in args] popen.cwd = cwd popen.action = self self._popenlist.append(popen) try: self.report.logpopen(popen, env=env) try: if resultjson and not redirect: assert popen.stderr is None # prevent deadlock out = None last_time = now() while 1: fin_pos = fin.tell() # we have to read one byte at a time, otherwise there # might be no output for a long time with slow tests data = fin.read(1) if data: sys.stdout.write(data) if '\n' in data or (now() - last_time) > 1: # we flush on newlines or after 1 second to # provide quick enough feedback to the user # when printing a dot per test sys.stdout.flush() last_time = now() elif popen.poll() is not None: if popen.stdout is not None: popen.stdout.close() break else: py.std.time.sleep(0.1) fin.seek(fin_pos) fin.close() else: out, err = popen.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.report.keyboard_interrupt() popen.wait() raise KeyboardInterrupt() ret = popen.wait() finally: self._popenlist.remove(popen) if ret and not ignore_ret: invoked = " ".join(map(str, popen.args)) if outpath: self.report.error("invocation failed (exit code %d), logfile: %s" % (ret, outpath)) out = outpath.read() self.report.error(out) if hasattr(self, "commandlog"): self.commandlog.add_command(popen.args, out, ret) raise tox.exception.InvocationError( "%s (see %s)" % (invoked, outpath), ret) else: raise tox.exception.InvocationError("%r" % (invoked, ), ret) if not out and outpath: out = outpath.read() if hasattr(self, "commandlog"): self.commandlog.add_command(popen.args, out, ret) return out def _rewriteargs(self, cwd, args): newargs = [] for arg in args: if sys.platform != "win32" and isinstance(arg, py.path.local): arg = cwd.bestrelpath(arg) newargs.append(str(arg)) # subprocess does not always take kindly to .py scripts # so adding the interpreter here. if sys.platform == "win32": ext = os.path.splitext(str(newargs[0]))[1].lower() if ext == '.py' and self.venv: newargs = [str(self.envconfig.envpython)] + newargs return newargs def _popen(self, args, cwd, stdout, stderr, env=None): args = self._rewriteargs(cwd, args) if env is None: env = os.environ.copy() return self.session.popen(args, shell=False, cwd=str(cwd), universal_newlines=True, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env) class Reporter(object): actionchar = "-" def __init__(self, session): self.tw = py.io.TerminalWriter() self.session = session self._reportedlines = [] # self.cumulated_time = 0.0 def logpopen(self, popen, env): """ log information about the action.popen() created process. """ cmd = " ".join(map(str, popen.args)) if popen.outpath: self.verbosity1(" %s$ %s >%s" % (popen.cwd, cmd, popen.outpath,)) else: self.verbosity1(" %s$ %s " % (popen.cwd, cmd)) def logaction_start(self, action): msg = action.msg + " " + " ".join(map(str, action.args)) self.verbosity2("%s start: %s" % (action.venvname, msg), bold=True) assert not hasattr(action, "_starttime") action._starttime = now() def logaction_finish(self, action): duration = now() - action._starttime # self.cumulated_time += duration self.verbosity2("%s finish: %s after %.2f seconds" % ( action.venvname, action.msg, duration), bold=True) delattr(action, '_starttime') def startsummary(self): self.tw.sep("_", "summary") def info(self, msg): if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 2: self.logline(msg) def using(self, msg): if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 1: self.logline("using %s" % (msg,), bold=True) def keyboard_interrupt(self): self.error("KEYBOARDINTERRUPT") # def venv_installproject(self, venv, pkg): # self.logline("installing to %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, pkg)) def keyvalue(self, name, value): if name.endswith(":"): name += " " self.tw.write(name, bold=True) self.tw.write(value) self.tw.line() def line(self, msg, **opts): self.logline(msg, **opts) def good(self, msg): self.logline(msg, green=True) def warning(self, msg): self.logline("WARNING:" + msg, red=True) def error(self, msg): self.logline("ERROR: " + msg, red=True) def skip(self, msg): self.logline("SKIPPED:" + msg, yellow=True) def logline(self, msg, **opts): self._reportedlines.append(msg) self.tw.line("%s" % msg, **opts) def verbosity0(self, msg, **opts): if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 0: self.logline("%s" % msg, **opts) def verbosity1(self, msg, **opts): if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 1: self.logline("%s" % msg, **opts) def verbosity2(self, msg, **opts): if self.session.config.option.verbosity >= 2: self.logline("%s" % msg, **opts) # def log(self, msg): # py.builtin.print_(msg, file=sys.stderr) class Session: """ (unstable API). the session object that ties together configuration, reporting, venv creation, testing. """ def __init__(self, config, popen=subprocess.Popen, Report=Reporter): self.config = config self.popen = popen self.resultlog = ResultLog() self.report = Report(self) self.make_emptydir(config.logdir) config.logdir.ensure(dir=1) # self.report.using("logdir %s" %(self.config.logdir,)) self.report.using("tox.ini: %s" % (self.config.toxinipath,)) self._spec2pkg = {} self._name2venv = {} try: self.venvlist = [ self.getvenv(x) for x in self.config.envlist ] except LookupError: raise SystemExit(1) self._actions = [] def _makevenv(self, name): envconfig = self.config.envconfigs.get(name, None) if envconfig is None: self.report.error("unknown environment %r" % name) raise LookupError(name) venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig=envconfig, session=self) self._name2venv[name] = venv return venv def getvenv(self, name): """ return a VirtualEnv controler object for the 'name' env. """ try: return self._name2venv[name] except KeyError: return self._makevenv(name) def newaction(self, venv, msg, *args): action = Action(self, venv, msg, args) self._actions.append(action) return action def runcommand(self): self.report.using("tox-%s from %s" % (tox.__version__, tox.__file__)) if self.config.minversion: minversion = NormalizedVersion(self.config.minversion) toxversion = NormalizedVersion(tox.__version__) if toxversion < minversion: self.report.error( "tox version is %s, required is at least %s" % ( toxversion, minversion)) raise SystemExit(1) if self.config.option.showconfig: self.showconfig() elif self.config.option.listenvs: self.showenvs() else: return self.subcommand_test() def _copyfiles(self, srcdir, pathlist, destdir): for relpath in pathlist: src = srcdir.join(relpath) if not src.check(): self.report.error("missing source file: %s" % (src,)) raise SystemExit(1) target = destdir.join(relpath) target.dirpath().ensure(dir=1) src.copy(target) def _makesdist(self): setup = self.config.setupdir.join("setup.py") if not setup.check(): raise tox.exception.MissingFile(setup) action = self.newaction(None, "packaging") with action: action.setactivity("sdist-make", setup) self.make_emptydir(self.config.distdir) action.popen([sys.executable, setup, "sdist", "--formats=zip", "--dist-dir", self.config.distdir, ], cwd=self.config.setupdir) try: return self.config.distdir.listdir()[0] except py.error.ENOENT: # check if empty or comment only data = [] with open(str(setup)) as fp: for line in fp: if line and line[0] == '#': continue data.append(line) if not ''.join(data).strip(): self.report.error( 'setup.py is empty' ) raise SystemExit(1) self.report.error( 'No dist directory found. Please check setup.py, e.g with:\n' ' python setup.py sdist' ) raise SystemExit(1) def make_emptydir(self, path): if path.check(): self.report.info(" removing %s" % path) py.std.shutil.rmtree(str(path), ignore_errors=True) path.ensure(dir=1) def setupenv(self, venv): if not venv.matching_platform(): venv.status = "platform mismatch" return # we simply omit non-matching platforms action = self.newaction(venv, "getenv", venv.envconfig.envdir) with action: venv.status = 0 envlog = self.resultlog.get_envlog(venv.name) try: status = venv.update(action=action) except tox.exception.InvocationError: status = sys.exc_info()[1] if status: commandlog = envlog.get_commandlog("setup") commandlog.add_command(["setup virtualenv"], str(status), 1) venv.status = status self.report.error(str(status)) return False commandpath = venv.getcommandpath("python") envlog.set_python_info(commandpath) return True def finishvenv(self, venv): action = self.newaction(venv, "finishvenv") with action: venv.finish() return True def developpkg(self, venv, setupdir): action = self.newaction(venv, "developpkg", setupdir) with action: try: venv.developpkg(setupdir, action) return True except tox.exception.InvocationError: venv.status = sys.exc_info()[1] return False def installpkg(self, venv, path): """Install package in the specified virtual environment. :param :class:`tox.config.VenvConfig`: Destination environment :param str path: Path to the distribution package. :return: True if package installed otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ self.resultlog.set_header(installpkg=py.path.local(path)) action = self.newaction(venv, "installpkg", path) with action: try: venv.installpkg(path, action) return True except tox.exception.InvocationError: venv.status = sys.exc_info()[1] return False def get_installpkg_path(self): """ :return: Path to the distribution :rtype: py.path.local """ if not self.config.option.sdistonly and (self.config.sdistsrc or self.config.option.installpkg): path = self.config.option.installpkg if not path: path = self.config.sdistsrc path = self._resolve_pkg(path) self.report.info("using package %r, skipping 'sdist' activity " % str(path)) else: try: path = self._makesdist() except tox.exception.InvocationError: v = sys.exc_info()[1] self.report.error("FAIL could not package project - v = %r" % v) return sdistfile = self.config.distshare.join(path.basename) if sdistfile != path: self.report.info("copying new sdistfile to %r" % str(sdistfile)) try: sdistfile.dirpath().ensure(dir=1) except py.error.Error: self.report.warning("could not copy distfile to %s" % sdistfile.dirpath()) else: path.copy(sdistfile) return path def subcommand_test(self): if self.config.skipsdist: self.report.info("skipping sdist step") path = None else: path = self.get_installpkg_path() if not path: return 2 if self.config.option.sdistonly: return for venv in self.venvlist: if self.setupenv(venv): if venv.envconfig.usedevelop: self.developpkg(venv, self.config.setupdir) elif self.config.skipsdist or venv.envconfig.skip_install: self.finishvenv(venv) else: self.installpkg(venv, path) # write out version dependency information action = self.newaction(venv, "envreport") with action: pip = venv.getcommandpath("pip") output = venv._pcall([str(pip), "freeze"], cwd=self.config.toxinidir, action=action) # the output contains a mime-header, skip it output = output.split("\n\n")[-1] packages = output.strip().split("\n") action.setactivity("installed", ",".join(packages)) envlog = self.resultlog.get_envlog(venv.name) envlog.set_installed(packages) self.runtestenv(venv) retcode = self._summary() return retcode def runtestenv(self, venv, redirect=False): if not self.config.option.notest: if venv.status: return venv.test(redirect=redirect) else: venv.status = "skipped tests" def _summary(self): self.report.startsummary() retcode = 0 for venv in self.venvlist: status = venv.status if isinstance(status, tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound): msg = " %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, str(status)) if self.config.option.skip_missing_interpreters: self.report.skip(msg) else: retcode = 1 self.report.error(msg) elif status == "platform mismatch": msg = " %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, str(status)) self.report.skip(msg) elif status and status == "ignored failed command": msg = " %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, str(status)) self.report.good(msg) elif status and status != "skipped tests": msg = " %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, str(status)) self.report.error(msg) retcode = 1 else: if not status: status = "commands succeeded" self.report.good(" %s: %s" % (venv.envconfig.envname, status)) if not retcode: self.report.good(" congratulations :)") path = self.config.option.resultjson if path: path = py.path.local(path) path.write(self.resultlog.dumps_json()) self.report.line("wrote json report at: %s" % path) return retcode def showconfig(self): self.info_versions() self.report.keyvalue("config-file:", self.config.option.configfile) self.report.keyvalue("toxinipath: ", self.config.toxinipath) self.report.keyvalue("toxinidir: ", self.config.toxinidir) self.report.keyvalue("toxworkdir: ", self.config.toxworkdir) self.report.keyvalue("setupdir: ", self.config.setupdir) self.report.keyvalue("distshare: ", self.config.distshare) self.report.keyvalue("skipsdist: ", self.config.skipsdist) self.report.tw.line() for envconfig in self.config.envconfigs.values(): self.report.line("[testenv:%s]" % envconfig.envname, bold=True) for attr in self.config._parser._testenv_attr: self.report.line(" %-15s = %s" % (attr.name, getattr(envconfig, attr.name))) def showenvs(self): for env in self.config.envlist: self.report.line("%s" % env) def info_versions(self): versions = ['tox-%s' % tox.__version__] try: version = py.process.cmdexec("virtualenv --version") except py.process.cmdexec.Error: versions.append("virtualenv-1.9.1 (vendored)") else: versions.append("virtualenv-%s" % version.strip()) self.report.keyvalue("tool-versions:", " ".join(versions)) def _resolve_pkg(self, pkgspec): try: return self._spec2pkg[pkgspec] except KeyError: self._spec2pkg[pkgspec] = x = self._resolvepkg(pkgspec) return x def _resolvepkg(self, pkgspec): if not os.path.isabs(str(pkgspec)): return pkgspec p = py.path.local(pkgspec) if p.check(): return p if not p.dirpath().check(dir=1): raise tox.exception.MissingDirectory(p.dirpath()) self.report.info("determining %s" % p) candidates = p.dirpath().listdir(p.basename) if len(candidates) == 0: raise tox.exception.MissingDependency(pkgspec) if len(candidates) > 1: items = [] for x in candidates: ver = getversion(x.basename) if ver is not None: items.append((ver, x)) else: self.report.warning("could not determine version of: %s" % str(x)) items.sort() if not items: raise tox.exception.MissingDependency(pkgspec) return items[-1][1] else: return candidates[0] _rex_getversion = py.std.re.compile("[\w_\-\+\.]+-(.*)(\.zip|\.tar.gz)") def getversion(basename): m = _rex_getversion.match(basename) if m is None: return None version = m.group(1) try: return NormalizedVersion(version) except IrrationalVersionError: return None