[tox] envlist=py27,py26,py34,py33,pypy,flakes,py26-bare [testenv:X] commands=echo {posargs} [testenv] commands= py.test --timeout=180 {posargs:tests} deps=pytest>=2.3.5 pytest-timeout [testenv:py26-bare] deps = commands = tox -h [testenv:docs] basepython=python changedir=doc deps=sphinx {[testenv]deps} commands= py.test -v check_sphinx.py {posargs} [testenv:flakes] platform=linux deps = pytest-flakes>=0.2 pytest-pep8 commands = py.test --flakes -m flakes tox tests py.test --pep8 -m pep8 tox tests [testenv:dev] # required to make looponfail reload on every source code change usedevelop = True deps = pytest-xdist>=1.11 commands = {posargs:py.test -s -x -f -v} [pytest] rsyncdirs = tests tox addopts = -rsxX # pytest-xdist plugin configuration looponfailroots = tox tests norecursedirs = .hg .tox # pytest-pep8 plugin configuration pep8maxlinelength = 99 # W503 - line break before binary operator # E402 - module level import not at top of file # E731 - do not assign a lambda expression, use a def pep8ignore = *.py W503 E402 E731