import py import tox import pytest import os import sys import tox.config from tox.venv import * # noqa from tox.interpreters import NoInterpreterInfo # def test_global_virtualenv(capfd): # v = VirtualEnv() # l = v.list() # assert l # out, err = capfd.readouterr() # assert not out # assert not err # def test_getdigest(tmpdir): assert getdigest(tmpdir) == "0" * 32 def test_getsupportedinterpreter(monkeypatch, newconfig, mocksession): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:python] basepython=%s """ % sys.executable) venv = VirtualEnv(config.envconfigs['python'], session=mocksession) interp = venv.getsupportedinterpreter() # realpath needed for debian symlinks assert py.path.local(interp).realpath() == py.path.local(sys.executable).realpath() monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'platform', "win32") monkeypatch.setattr(venv.envconfig, 'basepython', 'jython') py.test.raises(tox.exception.UnsupportedInterpreter, venv.getsupportedinterpreter) monkeypatch.undo() monkeypatch.setattr(venv.envconfig, "envname", "py1") monkeypatch.setattr(venv.envconfig, 'basepython', 'notexistingpython') py.test.raises(tox.exception.InterpreterNotFound, venv.getsupportedinterpreter) monkeypatch.undo() # check that we properly report when no version_info is present info = NoInterpreterInfo( info.executable = "something" monkeypatch.setattr(config.interpreters, "get_info", lambda *args, **kw: info) pytest.raises(tox.exception.InvocationError, venv.getsupportedinterpreter) def test_create(monkeypatch, mocksession, newconfig): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:py123] """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['py123'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) assert venv.path == envconfig.envdir assert not venv.path.check() action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) >= 1 args = l[0].args assert "virtualenv" == str(args[2]) if sys.platform != "win32": # realpath is needed for stuff like the debian symlinks assert py.path.local(sys.executable).realpath() == py.path.local(args[0]).realpath() # assert Envconfig.toxworkdir in args assert venv.getcommandpath("easy_install", cwd=py.path.local()) interp = venv._getliveconfig().python assert interp == venv.envconfig.python_info.executable assert venv.path_config.check(exists=False) @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform == 'win32'") def test_commandpath_venv_precendence(tmpdir, monkeypatch, mocksession, newconfig): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:py123] """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['py123'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) tmpdir.ensure("easy_install") monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", str(tmpdir), prepend=os.pathsep) envconfig.envbindir.ensure("easy_install") p = venv.getcommandpath("easy_install") assert py.path.local(p).relto(envconfig.envbindir), p def test_create_sitepackages(monkeypatch, mocksession, newconfig): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:site] sitepackages=True [testenv:nosite] sitepackages=False """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['site'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) >= 1 args = l[0].args assert "--system-site-packages" in map(str, args) mocksession._clearmocks() envconfig = config.envconfigs['nosite'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) >= 1 args = l[0].args assert "--system-site-packages" not in map(str, args) assert "--no-site-packages" not in map(str, args) def test_install_deps_wildcard(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [tox] distshare = {toxworkdir}/distshare [testenv:py123] deps= {distshare}/dep1-* """) venv = mocksession.getenv("py123") action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 distshare = venv.session.config.distshare distshare.ensure("") distshare.ensure("") tox_testenv_install_deps(action=action, venv=venv) assert len(l) == 2 args = l[-1].args assert l[-1].cwd == venv.envconfig.config.toxinidir assert "pip" in str(args[0]) assert args[1] == "install" # arg = "--download-cache=" + str(venv.envconfig.downloadcache) # assert arg in args[2:] args = [arg for arg in args if str(arg).endswith("")] assert len(args) == 1 @pytest.mark.parametrize("envdc", [True, False]) def test_install_downloadcache(newmocksession, monkeypatch, tmpdir, envdc): if envdc: monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE", tmpdir) else: monkeypatch.delenv("PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE", raising=False) mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv:py123] deps= dep1 dep2 """) venv = mocksession.getenv("py123") action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 tox_testenv_install_deps(action=action, venv=venv) assert len(l) == 2 args = l[-1].args assert l[-1].cwd == venv.envconfig.config.toxinidir assert "pip" in str(args[0]) assert args[1] == "install" assert "dep1" in args assert "dep2" in args deps = list(filter(None, [x[1] for x in venv._getliveconfig().deps])) assert deps == ['dep1', 'dep2'] def test_install_deps_indexserver(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [tox] indexserver = abc = ABC abc2 = ABC [testenv:py123] deps= dep1 :abc:dep2 :abc2:dep3 """) venv = mocksession.getenv('py123') action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 l[:] = [] tox_testenv_install_deps(action=action, venv=venv) # two different index servers, two calls assert len(l) == 3 args = " ".join(l[0].args) assert "-i " not in args assert "dep1" in args args = " ".join(l[1].args) assert "-i ABC" in args assert "dep2" in args args = " ".join(l[2].args) assert "-i ABC" in args assert "dep3" in args def test_install_deps_pre(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv] pip_pre=true deps= dep1 """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 l[:] = [] tox_testenv_install_deps(action=action, venv=venv) assert len(l) == 1 args = " ".join(l[0].args) assert "--pre " in args assert "dep1" in args def test_installpkg_indexserver(newmocksession, tmpdir): mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [tox] indexserver = default = ABC """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') l = mocksession._pcalls p = tmpdir.ensure("distfile.tar.gz") mocksession.installpkg(venv, p) # two different index servers, two calls assert len(l) == 1 args = " ".join(l[0].args) assert "-i ABC" in args def test_install_recreate(newmocksession, tmpdir): pkg = tmpdir.ensure("package.tar.gz") mocksession = newmocksession(['--recreate'], """ [testenv] deps=xyz """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action) mocksession.installpkg(venv, pkg)"verbosity0", "*create*") venv.update(action)"verbosity0", "*recreate*") def test_test_hashseed_is_in_output(newmocksession): original_make_hashseed = tox.config.make_hashseed tox.config.make_hashseed = lambda: '123456789' try: mocksession = newmocksession([], ''' [testenv] ''') finally: tox.config.make_hashseed = original_make_hashseed venv = mocksession.getenv('python') action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action) venv.test()"verbosity0", "python runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='123456789'") def test_test_runtests_action_command_is_in_output(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession([], ''' [testenv] commands = echo foo bar ''') venv = mocksession.getenv('python') action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action) venv.test()"verbosity0", "*runtests*commands?0? | echo foo bar") def test_install_error(newmocksession, monkeypatch): mocksession = newmocksession(['--recreate'], """ [testenv] deps=xyz commands= qwelkqw """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.test()"error", "*not find*qwelkqw*") assert venv.status == "commands failed" def test_install_command_not_installed(newmocksession, monkeypatch): mocksession = newmocksession(['--recreate'], """ [testenv] commands= py.test """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.test()"warning", "*test command found but not*") assert venv.status == 0 def test_install_command_whitelisted(newmocksession, monkeypatch): mocksession = newmocksession(['--recreate'], """ [testenv] whitelist_externals = py.test xy* commands= py.test xyz """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.test()"warning", "*test command found but not*", invert=True) assert venv.status == "commands failed" @pytest.mark.skipif("not sys.platform.startswith('linux')") def test_install_command_not_installed_bash(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession(['--recreate'], """ [testenv] commands= bash """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.test()"warning", "*test command found but not*") def test_install_python3(tmpdir, newmocksession): if not py.path.local.sysfind('python3.3'): pytest.skip("needs python3.3") mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv:py123] basepython=python3.3 deps= dep1 dep2 """) venv = mocksession.getenv('py123') action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") tox_testenv_create(action=action, venv=venv) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 args = l[0].args assert str(args[2]) == 'virtualenv' l[:] = [] action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "hello") venv._install(["hello"], action=action) assert len(l) == 1 args = l[0].args assert 'pip' in str(args[0]) for x in args: assert "--download-cache" not in args, args class TestCreationConfig: def test_basic(self, newconfig, mocksession, tmpdir): config = newconfig([], "") envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) cconfig = venv._getliveconfig() assert cconfig.matches(cconfig) path = tmpdir.join("configdump") cconfig.writeconfig(path) newconfig = CreationConfig.readconfig(path) assert newconfig.matches(cconfig) assert cconfig.matches(newconfig) def test_matchingdependencies(self, newconfig, mocksession): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv] deps=abc """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) cconfig = venv._getliveconfig() config = newconfig([], """ [testenv] deps=xyz """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) otherconfig = venv._getliveconfig() assert not cconfig.matches(otherconfig) def test_matchingdependencies_file(self, newconfig, mocksession): config = newconfig([], """ [tox] distshare={toxworkdir}/distshare [testenv] deps=abc {distshare}/ """) xyz = config.distshare.join("") xyz.ensure() envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) cconfig = venv._getliveconfig() assert cconfig.matches(cconfig) xyz.write("hello") newconfig = venv._getliveconfig() assert not cconfig.matches(newconfig) def test_matchingdependencies_latest(self, newconfig, mocksession): config = newconfig([], """ [tox] distshare={toxworkdir}/distshare [testenv] deps={distshare}/xyz-* """) config.distshare.ensure("") xyz2 = config.distshare.ensure("") envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) cconfig = venv._getliveconfig() md5, path = cconfig.deps[0] assert path == xyz2 assert md5 == path.computehash() def test_python_recreation(self, tmpdir, newconfig, mocksession): pkg = tmpdir.ensure("package.tar.gz") config = newconfig([], "") envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) cconfig = venv._getliveconfig() action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action) assert not venv.path_config.check() mocksession.installpkg(venv, pkg) assert venv.path_config.check() assert mocksession._pcalls args1 = map(str, mocksession._pcalls[0].args) assert 'virtualenv' in " ".join(args1)"*", "*create*") # modify config and check that recreation happens mocksession._clearmocks() action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action)"*", "*reusing*") mocksession._clearmocks() action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") cconfig.python = py.path.local("balla") cconfig.writeconfig(venv.path_config) venv.update(action)"verbosity0", "*recreate*") def test_dep_recreation(self, newconfig, mocksession): config = newconfig([], "") envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action) cconfig = venv._getliveconfig() cconfig.deps[:] = [("1" * 32, "")] cconfig.writeconfig(venv.path_config) mocksession._clearmocks() action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action)"*", "*recreate*") def test_develop_recreation(self, newconfig, mocksession): config = newconfig([], "") envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] venv = VirtualEnv(envconfig, session=mocksession) action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action) cconfig = venv._getliveconfig() cconfig.usedevelop = True cconfig.writeconfig(venv.path_config) mocksession._clearmocks() action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "update") venv.update(action)"verbosity0", "*recreate*") class TestVenvTest: def test_envbinddir_path(self, newmocksession, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV", "1") mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv:python] commands=abc """) venv = mocksession.getenv("python") action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv") monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", "xyz") l = [] monkeypatch.setattr("py.path.local.sysfind", classmethod( lambda *args, **kwargs: l.append(kwargs) or 0 / 0)) with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): venv._install(list('123'), action=action) assert l.pop()["paths"] == [venv.envconfig.envbindir] with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): venv.test(action) assert l.pop()["paths"] == [venv.envconfig.envbindir] with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError): venv.run_install_command(['qwe'], action=action) assert l.pop()["paths"] == [venv.envconfig.envbindir] monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV", "1") monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV", "1") monkeypatch.setenv("__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__", "1") py.test.raises(ZeroDivisionError, "venv.run_install_command(['qwe'], action=action)") assert 'PIP_RESPECT_VIRTUALENV' not in os.environ assert 'PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV' not in os.environ assert '__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__' not in os.environ def test_env_variables_added_to_pcall(tmpdir, mocksession, newconfig, monkeypatch): pkg = tmpdir.ensure("package.tar.gz") monkeypatch.setenv("X123", "123") monkeypatch.setenv("YY", "456") config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:python] commands=python -V passenv = x123 setenv = ENV_VAR = value """) mocksession._clearmocks() venv = VirtualEnv(config.envconfigs['python'], session=mocksession) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() mocksession.installpkg(venv, pkg) venv.test() l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 2 for x in l: env = x.env assert env is not None assert 'ENV_VAR' in env assert env['ENV_VAR'] == 'value' assert env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] == str(venv.path) assert env['X123'] == "123" # all env variables are passed for installation assert l[0].env["YY"] == "456" assert "YY" not in l[1].env assert set(["ENV_VAR", "VIRTUAL_ENV", "PYTHONHASHSEED", "X123", "PATH"])\ .issubset(l[1].env) # for e in os.environ: # assert e in env def test_installpkg_no_upgrade(tmpdir, newmocksession): pkg = tmpdir.ensure("package.tar.gz") mocksession = newmocksession([], "") venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.just_created = True venv.envconfig.envdir.ensure(dir=1) mocksession.installpkg(venv, pkg) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 assert '-U' not in l[0].args def test_installpkg_upgrade(newmocksession, tmpdir): pkg = tmpdir.ensure("package.tar.gz") mocksession = newmocksession([], "") venv = mocksession.getenv('python') assert not hasattr(venv, 'just_created') mocksession.installpkg(venv, pkg) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 index = l[0].args.index(str(pkg)) assert index >= 0 assert '-U' in l[0].args[:index] assert '--no-deps' in l[0].args[:index] def test_run_install_command(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession([], "") venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.just_created = True venv.envconfig.envdir.ensure(dir=1) action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "hello") venv.run_install_command(packages=["whatever"], action=action) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 assert 'pip' in l[0].args[0] assert 'install' in l[0].args env = l[0].env assert env is not None def test_run_custom_install_command(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv] install_command=easy_install {opts} {packages} """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.just_created = True venv.envconfig.envdir.ensure(dir=1) action = mocksession.newaction(venv, "hello") venv.run_install_command(packages=["whatever"], action=action) l = mocksession._pcalls assert len(l) == 1 assert 'easy_install' in l[0].args[0] assert l[0].args[1:] == ['whatever'] def test_command_relative_issue26(newmocksession, tmpdir, monkeypatch): mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv] """) x = tmpdir.ensure("x") venv = mocksession.getenv("python") x2 = venv.getcommandpath("./x", cwd=tmpdir) assert x == x2"warning", "*test command found but not*") x3 = venv.getcommandpath("/bin/bash", cwd=tmpdir) assert x3 == "/bin/bash""warning", "*test command found but not*") monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", str(tmpdir)) x4 = venv.getcommandpath("x", cwd=tmpdir) assert x4.endswith(os.sep + 'x')"warning", "*test command found but not*") def test_ignore_outcome_failing_cmd(newmocksession): mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv] commands=testenv_fail ignore_outcome=True """) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.test() assert venv.status == "ignored failed command""warning", "*command failed but result from " "testenv is ignored*") def test_tox_testenv_create(newmocksession): l = [] class Plugin: @hookimpl def tox_testenv_create(self, action, venv): l.append(1) @hookimpl def tox_testenv_install_deps(self, action, venv): l.append(2) mocksession = newmocksession([], """ [testenv] commands=testenv_fail ignore_outcome=True """, plugins=[Plugin()]) venv = mocksession.getenv('python') venv.update(action=mocksession.newaction(venv, "getenv")) assert l == [1, 2]