import sys from textwrap import dedent import py import pytest import tox import tox._config from tox._config import * # noqa from tox._config import _split_env class TestVenvConfig: def test_config_parsing_minimal(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:py1] """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 assert config.toxworkdir.realpath() == tmpdir.join(".tox").realpath() assert config.envconfigs['py1'].basepython == sys.executable assert config.envconfigs['py1'].deps == [] def test_config_parsing_multienv(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig([], """ [tox] toxworkdir = %s indexserver = xyz = xyz_repo [testenv:py1] deps=hello [testenv:py2] deps= world1 :xyz:http://hello/world """ % (tmpdir, )) assert config.toxworkdir == tmpdir assert len(config.envconfigs) == 2 assert config.envconfigs['py1'].envdir == tmpdir.join("py1") dep = config.envconfigs['py1'].deps[0] assert == "hello" assert dep.indexserver is None assert config.envconfigs['py2'].envdir == tmpdir.join("py2") dep1, dep2 = config.envconfigs['py2'].deps assert == "world1" assert == "http://hello/world" assert == "xyz" assert dep2.indexserver.url == "xyz_repo" def test_envdir_set_manually(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:devenv] envdir = devenv """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['devenv'] assert envconfig.envdir == tmpdir.join('devenv') def test_envdir_set_manually_with_substitutions(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig([], """ [testenv:devenv] envdir = {toxworkdir}/foobar """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['devenv'] assert envconfig.envdir == config.toxworkdir.join('foobar') def test_force_dep_version(self, initproj): """ Make sure we can override dependencies configured in tox.ini when using the command line option --force-dep. """ initproj("example123-0.5", filedefs={ 'tox.ini': ''' [tox] [testenv] deps= dep1==1.0 dep2>=2.0 dep3 dep4==4.0 ''' }) config = parseconfig( ['--force-dep=dep1==1.5', '--force-dep=dep2==2.1', '--force-dep=dep3==3.0']) assert config.option.force_dep== [ 'dep1==1.5', 'dep2==2.1', 'dep3==3.0'] assert [str(x) for x in config.envconfigs['python'].deps] == [ 'dep1==1.5', 'dep2==2.1', 'dep3==3.0', 'dep4==4.0', ] def test_is_same_dep(self): """ Ensure correct parseini._is_same_dep is working with a few samples. """ assert parseini._is_same_dep('pkg_hello-world3==1.0', 'pkg_hello-world3') assert parseini._is_same_dep('pkg_hello-world3==1.0', 'pkg_hello-world3>=2.0') assert parseini._is_same_dep('pkg_hello-world3==1.0', 'pkg_hello-world3>2.0') assert parseini._is_same_dep('pkg_hello-world3==1.0', 'pkg_hello-world3<2.0') assert parseini._is_same_dep('pkg_hello-world3==1.0', 'pkg_hello-world3<=2.0') assert not parseini._is_same_dep('pkg_hello-world3==1.0', 'otherpkg>=2.0') class TestConfigPackage: def test_defaults(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig([], "") assert config.setupdir.realpath() == tmpdir.realpath() assert config.toxworkdir.realpath() == tmpdir.join(".tox").realpath() envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.args_are_paths assert not envconfig.recreate assert not envconfig.pip_pre def test_defaults_distshare(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig([], "") assert config.distshare == config.homedir.join(".tox", "distshare") def test_defaults_changed_dir(self, tmpdir, newconfig): tmpdir.mkdir("abc").chdir() config = newconfig([], "") assert config.setupdir.realpath() == tmpdir.realpath() assert config.toxworkdir.realpath() == tmpdir.join(".tox").realpath() def test_project_paths(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [tox] toxworkdir=%s """ % tmpdir) assert config.toxworkdir == tmpdir class TestParseconfig: def test_search_parents(self, tmpdir): b = tmpdir.mkdir("a").mkdir("b") toxinipath = tmpdir.ensure("tox.ini") old = b.chdir() try: config = parseconfig([]) finally: old.chdir() assert config.toxinipath == toxinipath def test_get_homedir(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(py.path.local, "_gethomedir", classmethod(lambda x: {}[1])) assert not get_homedir() monkeypatch.setattr(py.path.local, "_gethomedir", classmethod(lambda x: 0/0)) assert not get_homedir() monkeypatch.setattr(py.path.local, "_gethomedir", classmethod(lambda x: "123")) assert get_homedir() == "123" class TestGetcontextname: def test_blank(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(os, "environ", {}) assert getcontextname() is None def test_jenkins(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(os, "environ", {"JENKINS_URL": "xyz"}) assert getcontextname() == "jenkins" def test_hudson_legacy(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(os, "environ", {"HUDSON_URL": "xyz"}) assert getcontextname() == "jenkins" class TestIniParser: def test_getdefault_single(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key=value """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) x = reader.getdefault("section", "key") assert x == "value" assert not reader.getdefault("section", "hello") x = reader.getdefault("section", "hello", "world") assert x == "world" def test_missing_substitution(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [mydefault] key2={xyz} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg, fallbacksections=['mydefault']) assert reader is not None py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, 'reader.getdefault("mydefault", "key2")') def test_getdefault_fallback_sections(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [mydefault] key2=value2 [section] key=value """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg, fallbacksections=['mydefault']) x = reader.getdefault("section", "key2") assert x == "value2" x = reader.getdefault("section", "key3") assert not x x = reader.getdefault("section", "key3", "world") assert x == "world" def test_getdefault_substitution(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [mydefault] key2={value2} [section] key={value} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg, fallbacksections=['mydefault']) reader.addsubstitutions(value="newvalue", value2="newvalue2") x = reader.getdefault("section", "key2") assert x == "newvalue2" x = reader.getdefault("section", "key3") assert not x x = reader.getdefault("section", "key3", "{value2}") assert x == "newvalue2" def test_getlist(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key2= item1 {item2} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions(item1="not", item2="grr") x = reader.getlist("section", "key2") assert x == ['item1', 'grr'] def test_getdict(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key2= key1=item1 key2={item2} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions(item1="not", item2="grr") x = reader.getdict("section", "key2") assert 'key1' in x assert 'key2' in x assert x['key1'] == 'item1' assert x['key2'] == 'grr' def test_getdefault_environment_substitution(self, monkeypatch, newconfig): monkeypatch.setenv("KEY1", "hello") config = newconfig(""" [section] key1={env:KEY1} key2={env:KEY2} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) x = reader.getdefault("section", "key1") assert x == "hello" py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, 'reader.getdefault("section", "key2")') def test_getdefault_environment_substitution_with_default(self, monkeypatch, newconfig): monkeypatch.setenv("KEY1", "hello") config = newconfig(""" [section] key1={env:KEY1:DEFAULT_VALUE} key2={env:KEY2:DEFAULT_VALUE} key3={env:KEY3:} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) x = reader.getdefault("section", "key1") assert x == "hello" x = reader.getdefault("section", "key2") assert x == "DEFAULT_VALUE" x = reader.getdefault("section", "key3") assert x == "" def test_getdefault_other_section_substitution(self, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key = rue [testenv] key = t{[section]key} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) x = reader.getdefault("testenv", "key") assert x == "true" def test_command_substitution_from_other_section(self, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key = whatever [testenv] commands = echo {[section]key} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) x = reader.getargvlist("testenv", "commands") assert x == [["echo", "whatever"]] def test_argvlist(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key2= cmd1 {item1} {item2} cmd2 {item2} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions(item1="with space", item2="grr") #py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, # "reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1')") assert reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1') == [] x = reader.getargvlist("section", "key2") assert x == [["cmd1", "with", "space", "grr"], ["cmd2", "grr"]] def test_argvlist_windows_escaping(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] comm = py.test {posargs} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions([r"hello\this"]) argv = reader.getargv("section", "comm") assert argv == ["py.test", "hello\\this"] def test_argvlist_multiline(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key2= cmd1 {item1} \ # a comment {item2} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions(item1="with space", item2="grr") #py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, # "reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1')") assert reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1') == [] x = reader.getargvlist("section", "key2") assert x == [["cmd1", "with", "space", "grr"]] def test_argvlist_quoting_in_command(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key1= cmd1 'with space' \ # a comment 'after the comment' """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) x = reader.getargvlist("section", "key1") assert x == [["cmd1", "with space", "after the comment"]] def test_argvlist_positional_substitution(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key2= cmd1 [] cmd2 {posargs:{item2} \ other} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) posargs = ['hello', 'world'] reader.addsubstitutions(posargs, item2="value2") #py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, # "reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1')") assert reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1') == [] argvlist = reader.getargvlist("section", "key2") assert argvlist[0] == ["cmd1"] + posargs assert argvlist[1] == ["cmd2"] + posargs reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions([], item2="value2") #py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, # "reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1')") assert reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1') == [] argvlist = reader.getargvlist("section", "key2") assert argvlist[0] == ["cmd1"] assert argvlist[1] == ["cmd2", "value2", "other"] def test_argvlist_quoted_posargs(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key2= cmd1 --foo-args='{posargs}' cmd2 -f '{posargs}' cmd3 -f {posargs} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions(["foo", "bar"]) assert reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1') == [] x = reader.getargvlist("section", "key2") assert x == [["cmd1", "--foo-args=foo bar"], ["cmd2", "-f", "foo bar"], ["cmd3", "-f", "foo", "bar"]] def test_argvlist_posargs_with_quotes(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key2= cmd1 -f {posargs} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions(["foo", "'bar", "baz'"]) assert reader.getargvlist('section', 'key1') == [] x = reader.getargvlist("section", "key2") assert x == [["cmd1", "-f", "foo", "bar baz"]] def test_positional_arguments_are_only_replaced_when_standing_alone(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key= cmd0 [] cmd1 -m '[abc]' cmd2 -m '\'something\'' [] cmd3 something[]else """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) posargs = ['hello', 'world'] reader.addsubstitutions(posargs) argvlist = reader.getargvlist('section', 'key') assert argvlist[0] == ['cmd0'] + posargs assert argvlist[1] == ['cmd1', '-m', '[abc]'] assert argvlist[2] == ['cmd2', '-m', "something"] + posargs assert argvlist[3] == ['cmd3', 'something[]else'] def test_substitution_with_multiple_words(self, newconfig): inisource = """ [section] key = py.test -n5 --junitxml={envlogdir}/junit-{envname}.xml [] """ config = newconfig(inisource) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) posargs = ['hello', 'world'] reader.addsubstitutions(posargs, envlogdir='ENV_LOG_DIR', envname='ENV_NAME') expected = ['py.test', '-n5', '--junitxml=ENV_LOG_DIR/junit-ENV_NAME.xml', 'hello', 'world'] assert reader.getargvlist('section', 'key')[0] == expected def test_getargv(self, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key=some command "with quoting" """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) expected = ['some', 'command', 'with quoting'] assert reader.getargv('section', 'key') == expected def test_getpath(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] path1={HELLO} """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) reader.addsubstitutions(toxinidir=tmpdir, HELLO="mypath") x = reader.getpath("section", "path1", tmpdir) assert x == tmpdir.join("mypath") def test_getbool(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [section] key1=True key2=False key1a=true key2a=falsE key5=yes """) reader = IniReader(config._cfg) assert reader.getbool("section", "key1") == True assert reader.getbool("section", "key1a") == True assert reader.getbool("section", "key2") == False assert reader.getbool("section", "key2a") == False py.test.raises(KeyError, 'reader.getbool("section", "key3")') py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, 'reader.getbool("section", "key5")') class TestConfigTestEnv: def test_commentchars_issue33(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] # hello deps = http://abc#123 commands= python -c "x ; y" """) envconfig = config.envconfigs["python"] assert envconfig.deps[0].name == "http://abc#123" assert envconfig.commands[0] == ["python", "-c", "x ; y"] def test_defaults(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] commands= xyz --abc """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.commands == [["xyz", "--abc"]] assert envconfig.changedir == config.setupdir assert envconfig.distribute == False assert envconfig.sitepackages == False assert envconfig.develop == False assert envconfig.envlogdir == envconfig.envdir.join("log") assert list(envconfig.setenv.keys()) == ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] hashseed = envconfig.setenv['PYTHONHASHSEED'] assert isinstance(hashseed, str) # The following line checks that hashseed parses to an integer. int_hashseed = int(hashseed) # hashseed is random by default, so we can't assert a specific value. assert int_hashseed > 0 def test_sitepackages_switch(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(["--sitepackages"], "") envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.sitepackages == True def test_installpkg_tops_develop(self, newconfig): config = newconfig(["--installpkg=abc"], """ [testenv] usedevelop = True """) assert not config.envconfigs["python"].develop def test_specific_command_overrides(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] commands=xyz [testenv:py] commands=abc """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 envconfig = config.envconfigs['py'] assert envconfig.commands == [["abc"]] def test_whitelist_externals(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] whitelist_externals = xyz commands=xyz [testenv:x] [testenv:py] whitelist_externals = xyz2 commands=abc """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 2 envconfig = config.envconfigs['py'] assert envconfig.commands == [["abc"]] assert envconfig.whitelist_externals == ["xyz2"] envconfig = config.envconfigs['x'] assert envconfig.whitelist_externals == ["xyz"] def test_changedir(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] changedir=xyz """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.changedir.basename == "xyz" assert envconfig.changedir == config.toxinidir.join("xyz") def test_envbindir(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] basepython=python """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.envpython == envconfig.envbindir.join("python") @pytest.mark.parametrize("bp", ["jython", "pypy", "pypy3"]) def test_envbindir_jython(self, tmpdir, newconfig, bp): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] basepython=%s """ % bp) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] # on win32 and linux virtualenv uses "bin" for pypy/jython assert envconfig.envbindir.basename == "bin" if bp == "jython": assert envconfig.envpython == envconfig.envbindir.join(bp) def test_setenv_overrides(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] setenv = PYTHONPATH = something ANOTHER_VAL=else """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert 'PYTHONPATH' in envconfig.setenv assert 'ANOTHER_VAL' in envconfig.setenv assert envconfig.setenv['PYTHONPATH'] == 'something' assert envconfig.setenv['ANOTHER_VAL'] == 'else' def test_changedir_override(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] changedir=xyz [testenv:python] changedir=abc basepython=python2.6 """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 1 envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.changedir.basename == "abc" assert envconfig.changedir == config.setupdir.join("abc") def test_install_command_setting(self, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] install_command=some_install {packages} """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.install_command == [ 'some_install', '{packages}'] def test_install_command_must_contain_packages(self, newconfig): py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, newconfig, """ [testenv] install_command=pip install """) def test_install_command_substitutions(self, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] install_command=some_install --arg={toxinidir}/foo \ {envname} {opts} {packages} """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.install_command == [ 'some_install', '--arg=%s/foo' % config.toxinidir, 'python', '{opts}', '{packages}'] def test_pip_pre(self, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv] pip_pre=true """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.pip_pre def test_pip_pre_cmdline_override(self, newconfig): config = newconfig( ['--pre'], """ [testenv] pip_pre=false """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.pip_pre def test_downloadcache(self, newconfig, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.delenv("PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE", raising=False) config = newconfig(""" [testenv] downloadcache=thecache """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.downloadcache.basename == 'thecache' def test_downloadcache_env_override(self, newconfig, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE", 'fromenv') config = newconfig(""" [testenv] downloadcache=somepath """) envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert envconfig.downloadcache.basename == "fromenv" def test_downloadcache_only_if_in_config(self, newconfig, tmpdir, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setenv("PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE", tmpdir) config = newconfig('') envconfig = config.envconfigs['python'] assert not envconfig.downloadcache def test_simple(tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv:py26] basepython=python2.6 [testenv:py27] basepython=python2.7 """) assert len(config.envconfigs) == 2 assert "py26" in config.envconfigs assert "py27" in config.envconfigs def test_substitution_error(tmpdir, newconfig): py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, newconfig, """ [testenv:py24] basepython={xyz} """) def test_substitution_defaults(tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [testenv:py24] commands = {toxinidir} {toxworkdir} {envdir} {envbindir} {envtmpdir} {envpython} {homedir} {distshare} {envlogdir} """) conf = config.envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0][0] == config.toxinidir assert argv[1][0] == config.toxworkdir assert argv[2][0] == conf.envdir assert argv[3][0] == conf.envbindir assert argv[4][0] == conf.envtmpdir assert argv[5][0] == conf.envpython assert argv[6][0] == str(config.homedir) assert argv[7][0] == config.homedir.join(".tox", "distshare") assert argv[8][0] == conf.envlogdir def test_substitution_positional(self, newconfig): inisource = """ [testenv:py24] commands = cmd1 [hello] \ world cmd1 {posargs:hello} \ world """ conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "[hello]", "world"] assert argv[1] == ["cmd1", "hello", "world"] conf = newconfig(['brave', 'new'], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "[hello]", "world"] assert argv[1] == ["cmd1", "brave", "new", "world"] def test_posargs_backslashed_or_quoted(self, tmpdir, newconfig): inisource = """ [testenv:py24] commands = echo "\{posargs\}" = {posargs} echo "posargs = " "{posargs}" """ conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ['echo', '\\{posargs\\}', '='] assert argv[1] == ['echo', 'posargs = ', ""] conf = newconfig(['dog', 'cat'], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ['echo', '\\{posargs\\}', '=', 'dog', 'cat'] assert argv[1] == ['echo', 'posargs = ', 'dog cat'] def test_rewrite_posargs(self, tmpdir, newconfig): inisource = """ [testenv:py24] args_are_paths = True changedir = tests commands = cmd1 {posargs:hello} """ conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "hello"] conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "tests/hello"] tmpdir.ensure("tests", "hello") conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "hello"] def test_rewrite_simple_posargs(self, tmpdir, newconfig): inisource = """ [testenv:py24] args_are_paths = True changedir = tests commands = cmd1 {posargs} """ conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1"] conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "tests/hello"] tmpdir.ensure("tests", "hello") conf = newconfig(["tests/hello"], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0] == ["cmd1", "hello"] def test_take_dependencies_from_other_testenv(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [testenv] deps= pytest pytest-cov [testenv:py24] deps= {[testenv]deps} fun """ conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['py24'] packages = [ for dep in conf.deps] assert packages == ['pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'fun'] def test_take_dependencies_from_other_section(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [testing:pytest] deps= pytest pytest-cov [testing:mock] deps= mock [testenv] deps= {[testing:pytest]deps} {[testing:mock]deps} fun """ conf = newconfig([], inisource) env = conf.envconfigs['python'] packages = [ for dep in env.deps] assert packages == ['pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'mock', 'fun'] def test_multilevel_substitution(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [testing:pytest] deps= pytest pytest-cov [testing:mock] deps= mock [testing] deps= {[testing:pytest]deps} {[testing:mock]deps} [testenv] deps= {[testing]deps} fun """ conf = newconfig([], inisource) env = conf.envconfigs['python'] packages = [ for dep in env.deps] assert packages == ['pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'mock', 'fun'] def test_recursive_substitution_cycle_fails(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [testing:pytest] deps= {[testing:mock]deps} [testing:mock] deps= {[testing:pytest]deps} [testenv] deps= {[testing:pytest]deps} """ py.test.raises(ValueError, newconfig, [], inisource) def test_single_value_from_other_secton(self, newconfig, tmpdir): inisource = """ [common] changedir = testing [testenv] changedir = {[common]changedir} """ conf = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs['python'] assert conf.changedir.basename == 'testing' assert conf.changedir.dirpath().realpath() == tmpdir.realpath() def test_factors(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = a-x,b [testenv] deps= dep-all a: dep-a b: dep-b x: dep-x """ conf = newconfig([], inisource) configs = conf.envconfigs assert [ for dep in configs['a-x'].deps] == \ ["dep-all", "dep-a", "dep-x"] assert [ for dep in configs['b'].deps] == ["dep-all", "dep-b"] def test_factor_ops(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = {a,b}-{x,y} [testenv] deps= a,b: dep-a-or-b a-x: dep-a-and-x {a,b}-y: dep-ab-and-y """ configs = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs get_deps = lambda env: [ for dep in configs[env].deps] assert get_deps("a-x") == ["dep-a-or-b", "dep-a-and-x"] assert get_deps("a-y") == ["dep-a-or-b", "dep-ab-and-y"] assert get_deps("b-x") == ["dep-a-or-b"] assert get_deps("b-y") == ["dep-a-or-b", "dep-ab-and-y"] def test_default_factors(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = py{26,27,33,34}-dep [testenv] deps= dep: dep """ conf = newconfig([], inisource) configs = conf.envconfigs for name, config in configs.items(): assert config.basepython == 'python%s.%s' % (name[2], name[3]) @pytest.mark.issue188 def test_factors_in_boolean(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = py{27,33} [testenv] recreate = py27: True """ configs = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs assert configs["py27"].recreate assert not configs["py33"].recreate @pytest.mark.issue190 def test_factors_in_setenv(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = py27,py26 [testenv] setenv = py27: X = 1 """ configs = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs assert configs["py27"].setenv["X"] == "1" assert "X" not in configs["py26"].setenv @pytest.mark.issue191 def test_factor_use_not_checked(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = py27-{a,b} [testenv] deps = b: test """ configs = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs assert set(configs.keys()) == set(['py27-a', 'py27-b']) @pytest.mark.issue198 def test_factors_groups_touch(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = {a,b}{-x,} [testenv] deps= a,b,x,y: dep """ configs = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs assert set(configs.keys()) == set(['a', 'a-x', 'b', 'b-x']) def test_period_in_factor(self, newconfig): inisource=""" [tox] envlist = py27-{django1.6,django1.7} [testenv] deps = django1.6: Django==1.6 django1.7: Django==1.7 """ configs = newconfig([], inisource).envconfigs assert sorted(configs) == ["py27-django1.6", "py27-django1.7"] assert [ for d in configs["py27-django1.6"].deps] \ == ["Django==1.6"] class TestGlobalOptions: def test_notest(self, newconfig): config = newconfig([], "") assert not config.option.notest config = newconfig(["--notest"], "") assert config.option.notest def test_verbosity(self, newconfig): config = newconfig([], "") assert config.option.verbosity == 0 config = newconfig(["-v"], "") assert config.option.verbosity == 1 config = newconfig(["-vv"], "") assert config.option.verbosity == 2 def test_substitution_jenkins_default(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch, newconfig): monkeypatch.setenv("HUDSON_URL", "xyz") config = newconfig(""" [testenv:py24] commands = {distshare} """) conf = config.envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands expect_path = config.toxworkdir.join("distshare") assert argv[0][0] == expect_path def test_substitution_jenkins_context(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch, newconfig): monkeypatch.setenv("HUDSON_URL", "xyz") monkeypatch.setenv("WORKSPACE", tmpdir) config = newconfig(""" [tox:jenkins] distshare = {env:WORKSPACE}/hello [testenv:py24] commands = {distshare} """) conf = config.envconfigs['py24'] argv = conf.commands assert argv[0][0] == config.distshare assert config.distshare == tmpdir.join("hello") def test_sdist_specification(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [tox] sdistsrc = {distshare}/ """) assert config.sdistsrc == config.distshare.join("") config = newconfig([], "") assert not config.sdistsrc def test_env_selection(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): inisource = """ [tox] envlist = py26 [testenv:py26] basepython=python2.6 [testenv:py31] basepython=python3.1 [testenv:py27] basepython=python2.7 """ #py.test.raises(tox.exception.ConfigError, # "newconfig(['-exyz'], inisource)") config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.envlist == ["py26"] config = newconfig(["-epy31"], inisource) assert config.envlist == ["py31"] monkeypatch.setenv("TOXENV", "py31,py26") config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.envlist == ["py31", "py26"] monkeypatch.setenv("TOXENV", "ALL") config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.envlist == ['py26', 'py27', 'py31'] config = newconfig(["-eALL"], inisource) assert config.envlist == ['py26', 'py27', 'py31'] def test_py_venv(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): config = newconfig(["-epy"], "") env = config.envconfigs['py'] assert str(env.basepython) == sys.executable def test_default_environments(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): envs = "py26,py27,py31,py32,py33,py34,jython,pypy,pypy3" inisource = """ [tox] envlist = %s """ % envs config = newconfig([], inisource) envlist = envs.split(",") assert config.envlist == envlist for name in config.envlist: env = config.envconfigs[name] if name == "jython": assert env.basepython == "jython" elif name.startswith("pypy"): assert env.basepython == name else: assert name.startswith("py") bp = "python%s.%s" %(name[2], name[3]) assert env.basepython == bp def test_envlist_expansion(self, newconfig): inisource = """ [tox] envlist = py{26,27},docs """ config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.envlist == ["py26", "py27", "docs"] def test_envlist_cross_product(self, newconfig): inisource = """ [tox] envlist = py{26,27}-dep{1,2} """ config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.envlist == \ ["py26-dep1", "py26-dep2", "py27-dep1", "py27-dep2"] def test_minversion(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): inisource = """ [tox] minversion = 3.0 """ config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.minversion == "3.0" def test_skip_missing_interpreters_true(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): inisource = """ [tox] skip_missing_interpreters = True """ config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.option.skip_missing_interpreters def test_skip_missing_interpreters_false(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): inisource = """ [tox] skip_missing_interpreters = False """ config = newconfig([], inisource) assert not config.option.skip_missing_interpreters def test_defaultenv_commandline(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): config = newconfig(["-epy24"], "") env = config.envconfigs['py24'] assert env.basepython == "python2.4" assert not env.commands def test_defaultenv_partial_override(self, tmpdir, newconfig, monkeypatch): inisource = """ [tox] envlist = py24 [testenv:py24] commands= xyz """ config = newconfig([], inisource) env = config.envconfigs['py24'] assert env.basepython == "python2.4" assert env.commands == [['xyz']] class TestHashseedOption: def _get_envconfigs(self, newconfig, args=None, tox_ini=None, make_hashseed=None): if args is None: args = [] if tox_ini is None: tox_ini = """ [testenv] """ if make_hashseed is None: make_hashseed = lambda: '123456789' original_make_hashseed = tox._config.make_hashseed tox._config.make_hashseed = make_hashseed try: config = newconfig(args, tox_ini) finally: tox._config.make_hashseed = original_make_hashseed return config.envconfigs def _get_envconfig(self, newconfig, args=None, tox_ini=None): envconfigs = self._get_envconfigs(newconfig, args=args, tox_ini=tox_ini) return envconfigs["python"] def _check_hashseed(self, envconfig, expected): assert envconfig.setenv == {'PYTHONHASHSEED': expected} def _check_testenv(self, newconfig, expected, args=None, tox_ini=None): envconfig = self._get_envconfig(newconfig, args=args, tox_ini=tox_ini) self._check_hashseed(envconfig, expected) def test_default(self, tmpdir, newconfig): self._check_testenv(newconfig, '123456789') def test_passing_integer(self, tmpdir, newconfig): args = ['--hashseed', '1'] self._check_testenv(newconfig, '1', args=args) def test_passing_string(self, tmpdir, newconfig): args = ['--hashseed', 'random'] self._check_testenv(newconfig, 'random', args=args) def test_passing_empty_string(self, tmpdir, newconfig): args = ['--hashseed', ''] self._check_testenv(newconfig, '', args=args) @pytest.mark.xfail(sys.version_info >= (3,2), reason="at least Debian python 3.2/3.3 have a bug: " "") def test_passing_no_argument(self, tmpdir, newconfig): """Test that passing no arguments to --hashseed is not allowed.""" args = ['--hashseed'] try: self._check_testenv(newconfig, '', args=args) except SystemExit: e = sys.exc_info()[1] assert e.code == 2 return assert False # getting here means we failed the test. def test_setenv(self, tmpdir, newconfig): """Check that setenv takes precedence.""" tox_ini = """ [testenv] setenv = PYTHONHASHSEED = 2 """ self._check_testenv(newconfig, '2', tox_ini=tox_ini) args = ['--hashseed', '1'] self._check_testenv(newconfig, '2', args=args, tox_ini=tox_ini) def test_noset(self, tmpdir, newconfig): args = ['--hashseed', 'noset'] envconfig = self._get_envconfig(newconfig, args=args) assert envconfig.setenv is None def test_noset_with_setenv(self, tmpdir, newconfig): tox_ini = """ [testenv] setenv = PYTHONHASHSEED = 2 """ args = ['--hashseed', 'noset'] self._check_testenv(newconfig, '2', args=args, tox_ini=tox_ini) def test_one_random_hashseed(self, tmpdir, newconfig): """Check that different testenvs use the same random seed.""" tox_ini = """ [testenv:hash1] [testenv:hash2] """ next_seed = [1000] # This function is guaranteed to generate a different value each time. def make_hashseed(): next_seed[0] += 1 return str(next_seed[0]) # Check that make_hashseed() works. assert make_hashseed() == '1001' envconfigs = self._get_envconfigs(newconfig, tox_ini=tox_ini, make_hashseed=make_hashseed) self._check_hashseed(envconfigs["hash1"], '1002') # Check that hash2's value is not '1003', for example. self._check_hashseed(envconfigs["hash2"], '1002') def test_setenv_in_one_testenv(self, tmpdir, newconfig): """Check using setenv in one of multiple testenvs.""" tox_ini = """ [testenv:hash1] setenv = PYTHONHASHSEED = 2 [testenv:hash2] """ envconfigs = self._get_envconfigs(newconfig, tox_ini=tox_ini) self._check_hashseed(envconfigs["hash1"], '2') self._check_hashseed(envconfigs["hash2"], '123456789') class TestIndexServer: def test_indexserver(self, tmpdir, newconfig): config = newconfig(""" [tox] indexserver = name1 = XYZ name2 = ABC """) assert config.indexserver['default'].url == None assert config.indexserver['name1'].url == "XYZ" assert config.indexserver['name2'].url == "ABC" def test_parse_indexserver(self, newconfig): inisource = """ [tox] indexserver = default = name1 = whatever """ config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.indexserver['default'].url == "" assert config.indexserver['name1'].url == "whatever" config = newconfig(['-i','qwe'], inisource) assert config.indexserver['default'].url == "qwe" assert config.indexserver['name1'].url == "whatever" config = newconfig(['-i','name1=abc', '-i','qwe2'], inisource) assert config.indexserver['default'].url == "qwe2" assert config.indexserver['name1'].url == "abc" config = newconfig(["-i", "ALL=xzy"], inisource) assert len(config.indexserver) == 2 assert config.indexserver["default"].url == "xzy" assert config.indexserver["name1"].url == "xzy" def test_multiple_homedir_relative_local_indexservers(self, newconfig): inisource = """ [tox] indexserver = default = file://{homedir}/.pip/downloads/simple local1 = file://{homedir}/.pip/downloads/simple local2 = file://{toxinidir}/downloads/simple pypi = """ config = newconfig([], inisource) expected = "file://%s/.pip/downloads/simple" % config.homedir assert config.indexserver['default'].url == expected assert config.indexserver['local1'].url == \ config.indexserver['default'].url class TestParseEnv: def test_parse_recreate(self, newconfig): inisource = "" config = newconfig([], inisource) assert not config.envconfigs['python'].recreate config = newconfig(['--recreate'], inisource) assert config.envconfigs['python'].recreate config = newconfig(['-r'], inisource) assert config.envconfigs['python'].recreate inisource = """ [testenv:hello] recreate = True """ config = newconfig([], inisource) assert config.envconfigs['hello'].recreate class TestCmdInvocation: def test_help(self, cmd): result ="tox", "-h") assert not result.ret result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*help*", ]) def test_version(self, cmd): result ="tox", "--version") assert not result.ret stdout = result.stdout.str() assert tox.__version__ in stdout assert "imported from" in stdout def test_listenvs(self, cmd, initproj): initproj('listenvs', filedefs={ 'tox.ini': ''' [tox] envlist=py26,py27,py33,pypy,docs [testenv:notincluded] changedir = whatever [testenv:docs] changedir = docs ''', }) result ="tox", "-l") result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(""" *py26* *py27* *py33* *pypy* *docs* """) def test_config_specific_ini(self, tmpdir, cmd): ini = tmpdir.ensure("hello.ini") result ="tox", "-c", ini, "--showconfig") assert not result.ret result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ "*config-file*hello.ini*", ]) def test_no_tox_ini(self, cmd, initproj): initproj("noini-0.5", ) result ="tox") assert result.ret result.stderr.fnmatch_lines([ "*ERROR*tox.ini*not*found*", ]) def test_showconfig_with_force_dep_version(self, cmd, initproj): initproj('force_dep_version', filedefs={ 'tox.ini': ''' [tox] [testenv] deps= dep1==2.3 dep2 ''', }) result ="tox", "--showconfig") assert result.ret == 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ r'*deps=*dep1==2.3, dep2*', ]) # override dep1 specific version, and force version for dep2 result ="tox", "--showconfig", "--force-dep=dep1", "--force-dep=dep2==5.0") assert result.ret == 0 result.stdout.fnmatch_lines([ r'*deps=*dep1, dep2==5.0*', ]) class TestArgumentParser: def test_dash_e_single_1(self): parser = prepare_parse('testpkg') args = parser.parse_args('-e py26'.split()) envlist = _split_env(args.env) assert envlist == ['py26'] def test_dash_e_single_2(self): parser = prepare_parse('testpkg') args = parser.parse_args('-e py26,py33'.split()) envlist = _split_env(args.env) assert envlist == ['py26', 'py33'] def test_dash_e_same(self): parser = prepare_parse('testpkg') args = parser.parse_args('-e py26,py26'.split()) envlist = _split_env(args.env) assert envlist == ['py26', 'py26'] def test_dash_e_combine(self): parser = prepare_parse('testpkg') args = parser.parse_args('-e py26,py25,py33 -e py33,py27'.split()) envlist = _split_env(args.env) assert envlist == ['py26', 'py25', 'py33', 'py33', 'py27'] class TestCommandParser: def test_command_parser_for_word(self): p = CommandParser('word') # import pytest; pytest.set_trace() assert list(p.words()) == ['word'] def test_command_parser_for_posargs(self): p = CommandParser('[]') assert list(p.words()) == ['[]'] def test_command_parser_for_multiple_words(self): p = CommandParser('w1 w2 w3 ') assert list(p.words()) == ['w1', ' ', 'w2', ' ', 'w3'] def test_command_parser_for_substitution_with_spaces(self): p = CommandParser('{sub:something with spaces}') assert list(p.words()) == ['{sub:something with spaces}'] def test_command_parser_with_complex_word_set(self): complex_case = 'word [] [literal] {something} {some:other thing} w{ord} w{or}d w{ord} w{o:rd} w{o:r}d {w:or}d w[]ord {posargs:{a key}}' p = CommandParser(complex_case) parsed = list(p.words()) expected = [ 'word', ' ', '[]', ' ', '[literal]', ' ', '{something}', ' ', '{some:other thing}', ' ', 'w', '{ord}', ' ', 'w', '{or}', 'd', ' ', 'w', '{ord}', ' ', 'w', '{o:rd}', ' ', 'w', '{o:r}', 'd', ' ', '{w:or}', 'd', ' ', 'w[]ord', ' ', '{posargs:{a key}}', ] assert parsed == expected def test_command_with_runs_of_whitespace(self): cmd = "cmd1 {item1}\n {item2}" p = CommandParser(cmd) parsed = list(p.words()) assert parsed == ['cmd1', ' ', '{item1}', '\n ', '{item2}'] def test_command_with_split_line_in_subst_arguments(self): cmd = dedent(""" cmd2 {posargs:{item2} other}""") p = CommandParser(cmd) parsed = list(p.words()) assert parsed == ['cmd2', ' ', '{posargs:{item2}\n other}'] def test_command_parsing_for_issue_10(self): cmd = "nosetests -v -a !deferred --with-doctest []" p = CommandParser(cmd) parsed = list(p.words()) assert parsed == ['nosetests', ' ', '-v', ' ', '-a', ' ', '!deferred', ' ', '--with-doctest', ' ', '[]'] @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.platform != 'win32'") def test_commands_with_backslash(self, newconfig): config = newconfig([r"hello\world"], """ [testenv:py26] commands = some {posargs} """) envconfig = config.envconfigs["py26"] assert envconfig.commands[0] == ["some", r"hello\world"]