import sys import setuptools from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand class Tox(TestCommand): def finalize_options(self): TestCommand.finalize_options(self) self.test_args = ["-v", "-epy"] self.test_suite = True def run_tests(self): #import here, cause outside the eggs aren't loaded import tox tox.cmdline(self.test_args) def has_environment_marker_support(): """ Tests that setuptools has support for PEP-426 environment marker support. The first known release to support it is 0.7 (and the earliest on PyPI seems to be 0.7.2 so we're using that), see: References: * * """ import pkg_resources try: return pkg_resources.parse_version(setuptools.__version__) >= pkg_resources.parse_version('0.7.2') except Exception as exc: sys.stderr.write("Could not test setuptool's version: %s\n" % exc) return False def main(): version = sys.version_info[:2] install_requires = ['virtualenv>=1.11.2', 'py>=1.4.17', 'pluggy>=0.3.0,<0.4.0'] extras_require = {} if has_environment_marker_support(): extras_require[':python_version=="2.6"'] = ['argparse'] else: if version < (2, 7): install_requires += ['argparse'] setuptools.setup( name='tox', description='virtualenv-based automation of test activities', long_description=open("README.rst").read(), url='', version='2.4.0.dev1', license='', platforms=['unix', 'linux', 'osx', 'cygwin', 'win32'], author='holger krekel', author_email='', packages=['tox'], entry_points={'console_scripts': 'tox=tox:cmdline\ntox-quickstart=tox._quickstart:main'}, # we use a public tox version to test, see tox.ini's testenv # "deps" definition for the required dependencies tests_require=['tox'], cmdclass={"test": Tox}, install_requires=install_requires, extras_require=extras_require, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Testing', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries', 'Topic :: Utilities', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3'], ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()